Ways to Make a Fever

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 13 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get a Fever With Onions Overnight
Video: How to Get a Fever With Onions Overnight


Fever is one of the body's natural defense responses. Elevated body temperature can destroy invading viruses and bacteria, and even help regulate the body's metabolism and hormones. Self-inflicting fever at home can be dangerous, so you must exercise extreme caution if you plan to do it. You can also consider hyperthermia without actually causing a fever, as it offers many of the same health benefits without risk. If your body temperature rises to 40.6 ° C, you run the risk of heat stroke and damaging important proteins.


Method 1 of 3: Infuse fever with medical help

  1. Talk to your doctor. If you decide to cause a fever, the first thing you should do is talk to a healthcare professional. Make an appointment with your doctor and ask about this. Your doctor will advise you on the benefits and potential risks of causing a fever and recommend options. Some medicines can sometimes cause a fever, but this is often considered an almost allergic reaction.
    • Vaccines such as diphtheria or tetanus vaccines can cause a fever.
    • The drug works by either boosting metabolism or activating an immune response. Fever medicine can also cause other symptoms.
    • Doctors who choose this option may use Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG), a TB vaccine.
    • If your doctor advises you not to cause a fever, listen to your doctor's advice. Do not try to cause a fever contrary to your doctor's advice.

  2. Use the therapeutic steam bath or the heating chamber. Find an alternative medical or alternative medicine center that uses heat therapy. These facilities are usually equipped with infrared saunas, also known as heat chambers. You will follow the instructions given by the center when using your device to cause a fever. Usually, you will be instructed to warm up the inside of your body before using the device. You can drink ginger tea or take ginger tablets and cayenne pepper.
    • Before stepping into the device, you will undress and apply the herb mixture to your skin, which usually contains ginger.
    • Wrap a towel and step into the sauna. A standard session usually takes 60 minutes, but if you do not experience any adverse reactions, the session can take up to 2-3 hours.
    • You will need to drink water during the entire treatment, especially over the long term.
    • If you do not sweat within the first 10 minutes or experience a bad reaction, the session will end soon.
    • After a successful session, you will be given a warm bath or cool water to close the pores.

  3. Reduce fever medication. While the controversy over the potential benefits of fevers continues, some doctors recommend that people limit their intake of fever-reducing medications, such as aspirin. By limiting your antipyretic medication, you can help keep a moderate fever going naturally, which in turn triggers your body's immune response.
    • Endogenous pyrogen hormone will travel to the brain and stimulate hyperthermia.
    • The muscles can also contract quickly due to irritation and heat generation. Nerves can constrict peripheral blood vessels, leading to reduced heat release into the environment.
    • Body tissues can break down to generate heat.
    • The cold feeling can stimulate you to add layers of warm clothes or drink hot water and increase your body temperature.

Method 2 of 3: Increase your body temperature at home

  1. Prepare a Schlenz bath at home. Also known as a "hot tub", a centuries-old method works by stimulating the body's immune response. You can bathe in the Schlenz Center, but the bath procedure is simple and can be done at home. Before entering the bath, drink 1-2 cups of hot herbal tea such as ginger tea, lemon balm, peppermint, elderberry, or royal chamomile.If your heart is unwell, add a few drops of Crataegisan to tea to reduce the potential risks associated with hot showers.
    • Fill the tub with hot water. Maintain the water temperature between 36-37 ° C.
    • Soak your entire body in the bath. If your whole body isn't submerged, bend your knees so that the water covers your head. Make sure your mouth and nose are still above the water so you can breathe easily.
    • Do not let the water cool down while bathing. Add hot water if necessary to maintain it hot. You should let the water reach 38 ° C each time you add water.
    • Soak in the bath for about 30 minutes. Ask someone to help you get out of the tub if you feel exhausted or dizzy when you step out.
  2. Try other forms of bath therapy. In addition to the Schlenz bath method there are other hot showers that you can use to cause a fever. A method considered anti-cancer effect requires immersion in water as hot as it can tolerate without discomfort. Remember not to burn yourself. Add 1 kg of Epsom salt to water. Soak in the bath tub as deep as possible. Soak for 20-25 minutes, replenish with hot water as needed to maintain a stable heat source. Sipping ginger tea to warm up the body from the inside while soaking in hot water to warm the body from the outside.
    • Be careful when getting out of the tub. If you feel dizzy, ask someone to help you.
    • Let your body dry naturally instead of using a towel to dry it.
    • Spread a plastic sheet over the bed to keep the sheets from getting wet. Lie down and cover as many blankets as possible.
    • Lying like that from 3-8 hours. You will sweat a lot and should stay in bed until the fever is gone.
    • Usually the fever will go away after 6 to 8 hours.
    • You can repeat this process once a week for 6-8 weeks.
  3. Practice g-tummo meditation. A form of meditation associated with Tibetan monks has been cited as a way to increase body temperature and possibly cause fever. Scientific research has shown that g-tummo meditation can help raise body temperature to the level of mild or moderate fever. An increase in body temperature was observed during the Forceful Breath period of meditation, and the length of time to maintain the temperature seems to depend on the neurocognitive factor in meditation (meditation). thought).
    • Find a coach and ask them to guide you through your practice.
    • The Forceful Breath technique can be practiced at home to help regulate your body temperature.
    • The bottle breathing technique is basically breathing in clean air, then exhaling about 85% of that air. This breathing creates a vase-like appearance in the lower abdomen.
    • This breathing technique can be combined with visualization techniques, such as visualizing flames rising up your spine.
  4. Exercise to increase your body temperature. Exercises and vigorous physical activity will increase your body temperature. Intense exercise on a hot day or wearing layers of clothes will make it harder for the body to cool down and radiate heat. Your body temperature will probably rise a few degrees, so be careful when exercising to avoid a number of heat-related conditions, including heat cramps and heat exhaustion.
    • Some athletes, such as wrestlers, often wear layers of clothing, even wear plastic bags and do cardio exercises like running or lifting weights. They also use the sauna in these clothes to increase body temperature and reduce water weight, while also purifying the body.
    • Remember to drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration.
    • Watch for symptoms of heat-related illness such as dizziness, nausea, irregular heartbeat, and vision problems.
    • If you have any of the above symptoms, stop exercising immediately, while cooling your body and resting.

Method 3 of 3: Eat hyperthermia

  1. Eat brown rice. Eating brown rice at every meal, or at least every dinner, is also a good way to increase your body temperature for a few days. As a complex carbohydrate, brown rice poses a digestive challenge. The body will have to work harder during digestion and will heat up from the inside. Note that several other whole grains like quinoa and buckwheat are just as effective.
  2. Eat icecream. A serving of ice cream per day can gradually increase your body temperature over the course of a few weeks. The sudden cold will force the body to heat up to prevent hypothermia. In addition, foods containing fats, proteins and carbohydrates will also increase the body temperature during digestion.
    • Fat moves very slowly through the digestive system, forcing the body to heat up from working harder.
  3. Eat cayenne pepper. Add ¼ teaspoon (1.25 g) of cayenne pepper powder to your food daily. If you can't stand the hot hotness of chili in one go, you can spread it out to eat a little each meal. Cayenne peppers contain an exceptionally hot compound called capsaicin. This compound causes the initial burning sensation when eating cayenne peppers, but this is not the cause of changes in body temperature.
    • The body's digestive process when processing capsaicin is the cause of the increase in body temperature.
    • While not sure, jalapeno and habanero peppers can have a similar effect.
  4. Consume more coconut oil. Coconut oil is a medium chain fat (MCT) that helps to increase body temperature and metabolism. Medium-chain fats are known to be effective in boosting metabolism and assisting with weight loss. Instead of being stored as fat, it is converted into energy, which in turn increases body temperature. This can help people with hypothyroidism. Furthermore, coconut oil also has antiviral properties and can help stabilize blood sugar in people with diabetes.
  5. Eat more peanuts. Peanuts are rich in protein and fatty acids. Peanuts are also rich in niacin, a B vitamin responsible for respiration and metabolism at a cellular level. When taken in the body, niacin can increase body temperature. Peanuts also have antioxidant properties and can improve the function of the circulatory system.
  6. Add ginger to your diet. Eating a thumb-sized piece of fresh ginger can cause a rapid spike in body temperature. If you don't like to eat ginger, you can make a tea by boiling a piece of ginger in water for 5-10 minutes. Ginger has the effect of enhancing digestive activities, thereby helping to increase body temperature.
    • Other tubers may also help. If you don't like ginger, try carrots, beets or sweet potatoes.


  • Even if you plan to use home remedies, you should always talk to your doctor before causing a fever, especially if you have pre-existing health problems affecting your heart, digestive system or immune system.