Ways to Impress her on Whatsapp

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 7 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Quick Tips - How to Impress a Girl on WhatsApp in Hindi | Beginner guide for Chatting in WhatsApp
Video: 10 Quick Tips - How to Impress a Girl on WhatsApp in Hindi | Beginner guide for Chatting in WhatsApp


Always be sincere, confident and polite, and whoever girl you text on WhatsApp will fall in love with you. An impressive profile picture or smart status line will help you make a good first impression, but good talk is the deciding factor. Ask her questions and show that you care about her and want to get to know her, and talk about topics she likes. Relax, be yourself, and remember that the best way to impress someone is to not exert yourself.


Method 1 of 4: Create an impressive profile

  1. Choose a beautiful profile picture. A beautiful avatar (or DP according to Whatsapp language) is the first step to conquering a girl on Whatsapp.Choose your best selfie, like a picture of you doing something interesting or you're somewhere beautiful.
    • For example, if you like to play the guitar, choose a picture of you strumming as a DP. If you're still wondering, choose a simple photo that you're laughing at.
    • If you don't want to post a photo of yourself, choose a picture of your favorite cartoon character, athlete, or work of art.

  2. Write an interesting status. Whatsapp has statuses that you can choose from, like "Low battery," but you should have a unique status. Status will show a lot about you, so think twice. It could be the lyrics of your favorite song, a quote from a movie or series you are addicted to, or you could write a few words about your day.
    • If you know a song or movie you both love, using a quote will help you open up the conversation.

  3. Use multiple text formats in your messages and status. Your Whatsapp profile usually only includes simple information, unlike Facebook, only your profile picture, status, whether you're online or not, and contact information. However, you can add some cool stuff, like special text formats.
    • You can format the text in your status or message to bold, italic, or strikethrough using special characters around the letters you want to change. Capitalize before and after the word you want to bold, like * this *. Use an underscore with the word you want _ngaled_, and the tilde around the word you want ~ strikethrough ~.
    • You can also fix your privacy and keep others from knowing if you're online, but chances are she won't contact you again.

Method 2 of 4: Start talking to her

  1. See her other online accounts for her interests. Today, social media talk a lot about a person. Browse the web profiles of the girl you want to impress to learn a little bit about what she likes and dislikes. Knowing her interests will make it easier for you to talk to her.
    • For example, you could say, "Did you notice I like to fold origami paper- when can I teach you how to fold a crane?"
  2. Don't think too much about texting her. Starting a conversation can be stressful, but try to relax and don't think too much. The first time you two talk, say hello and ask a question to initiate the conversation.
    • Remember, if she hasn't responded to you right away, she might be busy with something. Even if she never texts back, this isn't the worst thing in the world.
  3. Start by asking her how she is. The first time the two of you talked, starting with sentences like "Hey, how are you?" You can also ask her what she's up to or how she's going on the day.
    • Chances are she will reply back if you initiate a conversation with questions.
  4. Talk about your mutual interests. You can start a conversation by talking about your day. Talk about what she knows, like what you both went through.
    • For example, if you two are in the same school, you could say something about the class, like "I don't know what you're like, but I think the math is long."

Method 3 of 4: Have an interesting conversation

  1. Talk naturally and confidently. The best way to impress someone is to not try too hard. Be yourself - she will immediately guess if you're pretending. It's inevitable to be nervous or restless, but don't worry too much and talk to her normally.
  2. Praise her. If you really want to impress her, give her a compliment, showing that you are interested in her. Instead of saying casual flirting, compliment her on what's special about her.
    • For example, if you just met her in the morning, you could say, "I love the way you did your hair today," or "Your statement in history class was so interesting and profound - you really are One of the smartest people I know! "
  3. Ask about her instead of talking about herself. Nobody likes to talk to someone who is always talking about himself. Impress her by showing that you really want to know her better. Of course you can tell her about yourself, especially when it comes to your conversation, but don't just talk about yourself.
    • You can ask about her hobbies or favorite places, ask if she has siblings or what song or band she admires.
    • Try to respond to her answers instead of constantly asking questions as if you were questioning. For example, if she says that she likes the sea, you might reply, "Me too, but I just like the sea. I don't suit the lake."
  4. Start talking about things in depth. Starting to talk about insightful things will show her that you really want to get to know and know who she is. After a few less in-depth gossip, find topics she really cares about.
    • You could ask her about her goals in life, her passions or her dreams, for example, "What are the three things you want to achieve in life?" Ask about what she's always looking for or wants someone to have, a childhood memory, or what's most important in her world.
  5. Don't bomb her with too many messages. Please be patient and give her time to respond before sending another message. Also, most people prefer a long message over multiple messages with only a few words even though they convey the same content.
    • Don't send too many memes to her. Sending a funny gif related to your conversation is one thing, but don't spam her with irrelevant things.

Method 4 of 4: Always take good care of her

  1. Always ask if she is free before starting a conversation. Show her that you care about what she is doing and let her know that even while you're talking, you don't want to disturb her. Don't text her while she's at work, hanging out with you, or something busy.
    • Before texting, check her status to see if she's busy or not.
  2. Show that you really care about her and want to get to know her. If you like her a lot and want to impress, you don't have to pretend you like talking to her. Honesty will take over any girl's heart, and it's easier to talk to her when you really want to get to know her.
    • You can show your sincerity by asking her insightful questions, praising her honestly, or responding to her answers properly.
    • For example, if she tells you that the mountain of exercises is stressing her, don't change the topic or talk about yourself. Instead, reply: "Then it's not alright! Well, don't you text me anymore to study? Or you can help me to study, how do you feel?"
  3. Let her vent if she's having a bad day. When you ask her how she is and she says she's not okay, ask her why. Tell her that you are open to talking and listening to what is upsetting her.
    • She will appreciate the fact that you are always listening and that you can even impress with helpful advice.
  4. Avoid sending or asking her for sensitive pictures of her or making video calls. Even if you think you are complimenting her, you are just making her feel disrespected and nothing is worse than that. Always be polite, courteous, and sincere, girls usually like guys like that.
    • If the two of you know each other in real life or are very close online, you can ask her if she wants to video chat or not. Don't do anything bad, talk to her as usual.