Ways to make hair thicker

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 17 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
13 Proven Ways To Get Thicker Hair In 30 Days
Video: 13 Proven Ways To Get Thicker Hair In 30 Days


  • Wash your hair less often. Daily washing leaves the scalp time to create natural oils that coat the hair and keep it healthy. You should only wash it up to three times a week, and you can use dry shampoo to clean your hair between shampoos.
  • Pat your hair dry. Instead of squeezing and rubbing hard on your hair, use a soft cloth to gently press and pat it dry.
  • Use a thin comb instead of a hair brush. Brushing your hair with a brush can cause hair loss, especially when it is wet. Use a thin comb to gently remove tangled hair.
  • Stop treating your hair with heat. Hair styling tools like hair dryers, straighteners, and curlers are all harmful to the hair. Use sparingly or at best not. If you absolutely need to straighten or curl your hair, try a non-heat straightening method, or use a hair curler for curly hair.

  • Leave your hair naturally. Bleaching, highlighting and dyeing can cause hair loss or make it dry and brittle. Hair relaxers and curlers are also extremely harmful to the hair. Adopt your natural hair color to help keep your hair growing and healthy.
  • Trim your hair regularly. Hair trimming helps remove dull and damaged ends, adding vitality and volume to the hair. Short cut hair and layered cut hair appear thicker than long and untrimmed hair. advertisement
  • Method 2 of 3: Making lifestyle changes to make hair grow thicker

    1. Eat a nutritious diet. If your diet lacks essential nutrients, it will show up through the thickness of your hair and hair texture. Thick and fluffy hair is thanks to a healthy diet packed with vitamins and minerals that help keep hair strong.
      • Eat plenty of protein. Protein helps thicken and shiny hair. Make sure you eat a healthy diet by eating plenty of fish, lean meat, nuts, and eggs.
      • Supplement with omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids help hair growth. Sardines, walnuts, avocados and squash seeds are all foods high in fatty acids.
      • Eat spinach and other leafy green vegetables to get enough vitamin C.
      • Take vitamins. Special prenatal vitamins have ingredients that help thicken hair.

    2. Protect hair from harmful environment. Do everyday activities that you did not expect can make hair brittle and thin. You can take the following measures to prevent your hair from being affected by external factors:
      • Avoid the sun. Direct sunlight can damage hair in the same way as skin damage. If you need to stay in the sun for a long time, you need to start getting into the habit of wearing a hat or scarf to protect your hair.
      • Protect hair from polluted air. Do you have to walk next to heavy traffic every morning? Exhaust fumes from motorcycles, cars and buses can dry hair. Consider wearing a hat when on the road with traffic.
      • No contact with chlorine. Chlorine in swimming pools is a common cause of dry and damaged hair, causing your hair to gradually thin. Please wear a swimming cap when swimming. When you are not wearing a hat, be sure to wash the chlorine thoroughly as soon as you leave the pool.
    3. Relieve stress. Stress from work, family problems and other factors can damage your health and manifest with hair loss. Being aware of this will help you find ways to deal with problems that can make your hair thinner.
      • If possible, remove stress from your life or deal with healthy methods like meditation, exercise, and adequate sleep.
      • Hair loss itself can be stressful. You can reduce anxiety by adopting measures to make your hair grow thicker, such as using natural products, not treating your hair with chemicals, and adopting a nutritious diet.

    Method 3 of 3: Therapies for thick hair

    1. Try a hair thickener. Cosmetic stores sell a variety of serums, lotions and other products that work to thicken hair. You need to determine which product is right for you.
      • Hair growth stimulating shampoos - used as an alternative to regular shampoos - are believed to contain hair growth promoters.
      • Products like Rogaine that can be applied to the head over and over again, promise new hair will appear afterward.
    2. Hair extensions or curls. One way to give your hair a flattering look can be as simple as going to the salon and paying for it! Hair extensions, curls, and hair clips are all natural and effective options for thicker looking hair without having to wait long.
    3. Learn hair transplant therapy. Hair transplant is the surgery to transplant each hair follicle into thin or bald hair. This therapy is often expensive, but it can be very effective. Find out and talk to your doctor to determine if a hair transplant method is right for you. advertisement


    • Do not use heat like hair straighteners, curling irons and hair dryers, as they damage the hair.
    • Massage your hair (not using your fingernails) with your fingertips in a circular motion for 10-15 minutes a day.
    • Take care of your hair with natural therapies, as chemicals actually weaken hair and lose it. Furthermore chemicals can be hazardous to health.
    • Never wash your hair every day, as this will dry out your hair. You can wash every other day.
    • Do not style your hair while it is still wet because it can damage the hair, cut the roots and prevent it from growing.
    • If you want to make your hair look thicker quickly, you can ruffle or curl it to make it look bouncier.