Ways to Help Brighten Skin

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 3 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
You Can Whiten Your Skin In Less Than 10 Minutes!
Video: You Can Whiten Your Skin In Less Than 10 Minutes!


A lot of people work hard to achieve healthier and brighter skin. Learning the right skin care methods and doing it every day will keep your skin bright and full of vitality, while many scientifically proven skin lightening products are also widely available. on the market. If you want more choices, then you can explore the countless methods of folk tradition. However, they are not yet scientifically validated, so you should use them with caution.


Method 1 of 3: Daily Skin Care

  1. Apply sunscreen every day. The effects of the sun can wreak havoc on your skin, from freckles and brown spots to sunburns and skin cancer. If you want bright white skin, you should take proper care of your skin by using a sunscreen with a high SPF.
    • When your skin is exposed to too much sun with UVA and UVB rays, your body produces melanin, which can darken the skin. Therefore, the first important thing you can do to have fair skin is to apply sunscreen every day you go out, even when it's not too hot or sunny.
    • You can also protect your skin by wearing light, long-sleeved clothing, and wearing a hat and sunglasses whenever you are in the sun for long periods of time.

  2. Wash your face regularly and exfoliate your dead skin cells. Skincare also includes following a strict daily routine, i.e. you should wash your face, exfoliate dead skin cells, and properly condition your skin.
    • Wash your face about 2 times a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. This routine will help remove dirt and grease, and it is an important step in having a clean and healthy complexion.
    • Moisturize with products suitable for your skin type. If you have oily or acne prone skin, choose a mild moisturizer, while those with extremely dry skin should choose a heavier moisturizer.

  3. Exfoliate your skin a few times a week. This process is important because it will help get rid of dead and dark skin cells, as well as reveal new and brighter skin below. You can exfoliate with products containing tiny particles, or by gently rubbing your face with a clean washcloth.

  4. Drink plenty of water and eat a healthy diet. Drinking plenty of water and eating properly not only magically brightens your skin, but this habit simultaneously will Helps to rejuvenate the skin.
    • When the skin is rejuvenated, the old skin pigment layer will quickly fade, making room for new and vibrant skin, making your skin look brighter and healthier. Drinking plenty of water will speed up this process, so drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day.
    • Healthy diets also help you maintain fresh and vibrant skin by providing your skin with essential vitamins and nutrients. Try to eat as much fresh fruits and vegetables as possible (especially foods rich in vitamins A, C and E), and stay away from processed foods that are high in calories.
    • You should also consider taking a vitamin supplement that contains ingredients like grape seed extract (which may provide antioxidant benefits) and flaxseed or fish oil. Both of these ingredients contain Omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for hair, skin, and nails.
  5. To give up smoking. Everyone knows that tobacco is very harmful to health, but not everyone is aware of how dangerous it can affect the skin. Cigarette smoking contributes to premature aging, which causes wrinkles. It also prevents blood from circulating to your face, making it pale and appear pale. advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Applying Tested Products and Appropriate Skin Care Practices

  1. Try a lightening cream. There are many creams to brighten your skin that are available over the counter. They are both effective in reducing the amount of melanin (this is the pigment that causes darkening, pigmentation, and tanning) on ​​your skin.
    • Look for products that contain effective skin-lightening ingredients, such as kojic acid, glycolic acid, alpha hydroxy acids, vitamin C or arbutin.
    • The above products are safe to use, but make sure you follow the directions on the label and stop using if your skin reacts negatively to the product.
    • Never use skin whitening creams containing the active ingredient mercury. Creams containing this active ingredient are generally banned from sale in the US, but they are still current in some parts of the world.
  2. Consider retinoids (Vitamin A). Creams containing retinoids are common names for vitamin A derivatives. They are very effective at helping brighten skin through exfoliating and speeding up the production of new cells.
    • Creams with retinoid ingredients not only brighten the skin and slowly turn white, but they also have a miraculous effect in relaxing wrinkles, making the skin more vibrant, and making the skin brighter and younger. Creams with a higher concentration of retinoids also help clear away acne.
    • In the beginning, retinoid creams can cause your skin to become dry, red and easily scaly. However, the symptoms above will slowly disappear once your skin has acclimated to the product. Retinoids also make your skin more sensitive to sunlight. Therefore, you should only apply them at night and remember to always wear sunscreen throughout the day.
    • Retinoids are only available with prescription. Therefore, you should see a dermatologist if you are really interested in this treatment. However, another less potent version like retinoid creams, such as retinol, is also common in many beauty products sold in drugstores.
  3. Chemical peels. Chemical masks will be very effective in helping to brighten skin as desired. They work by stripping off the outermost layer of skin because this is the highly pigmented discolored skin layer; instead, revealing lighter and fresher skin below.
    • With this chemical peel, an acid (such as alpha hydroxy acid) seeps into the skin in 5 to 10 minutes. The mask may make you tingling, slightly aching, or a burning sensation. And your skin may look red or slightly swollen a few days later.
    • You are encouraged to peel off your chemical mask for about 2 to 4 weeks separately. During this time, it is important to avoid the sun and be careful with sunscreen as your skin is very sensitive.
  4. Try microdermabrasion. This skin abrasion method will be the perfect choice for those with sensitive skin with acidic masks and creams. Basically, they will help exfoliate dead skin cells or "polish" the skin, remove dark and dull skin layers, and bring out brighter skin.
    • During the treatment, a small straw with a rotating diamond crystal is located at the tip will gently travel across the face. This small tube is used to suck dead skin cells out.
    • The course of treatment will take about 15 to 20 minutes. Meanwhile, to see tangible results, you need to go through 6 to 12 treatments.
    • Some people will experience a slightly reddened and dry skin after treatment. In general, however, skin abrasion technology has fewer side effects than some other methods.

Method 3 of 3: Using Unproven Home Care Methods

  1. Lemon juice. The citric acid found in lemon juice is considered a natural bleaching agent that can be helpful in brightening skin if applied carefully. However, it is especially important that you avoid going out in the sun while the lemon juice is still on your face, as this will lead to a chemical reaction of the overly sensitive skin. Sun exposure, also known as "phytophotodermatitis." To use lemons safely:
    • Squeeze a lemon in half and dilute the juice with water. Soak a cotton ball in this solution and smooth it over your face, or anywhere you want to have fair skin. Leave the lemon juice on your face for 15 to 20 minutes. Do not go outside during this time, as the juice will make your skin too sensitive to sunlight.
    • After you're done, wash your face thoroughly. Then, apply some moisturizer because the lemon juice can dry out the skin. Repeat this process 2 to 3 times a week (or more) for best results.
  2. Try turmeric. Turmeric is known as a characteristic spice of the Indians and has also been used as a method to help brighten skin through many centuries. Although their effectiveness has not been studied, turmeric is still thought to inhibit the production of melanin, which in turn helps prevent sunburn.
    • Mix turmeric powder with olive oil and chickpea meal so that they create a paste. Gently apply this mixture to the skin in a circular motion. This step will help exfoliate the skin's dead cells.
    • Leave the turmeric mixture on your skin for 15 to 20 minutes, and then rinse it off with water. Turmeric extract can make your skin light yellow, but it will disappear quickly.
    • Repeat this skin care treatment about 1 to 2 times a week for best results. Besides, you can also use turmeric to cook Indian food!
  3. Raw potatoes. Raw potatoes are believed to have mild bleaching properties, thanks to their high vitamin C content. Vitamin C, which often acts as a brightening skin ingredient, can be found in many over-the-counter skin creams. To use:
    • Simply cut the potato in half, then gently rub the flesh on the skin you want to lighten. Once done, let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing it off.
    • You should repeat this process several times a week for a noticeable effect. Instead of potatoes, you can use tomatoes or cucumbers as these two foods are also rich in vitamin C.
  4. Aloe plant. Aloe vera has soothing properties, which help to reduce redness and fade discolored skin. It also acts as a moisturizer to rejuvenate the skin.
    • To use this plant, break off the aloe vera leaves from the stem and gently rub the gel-like sap over your skin.
    • Aloe vera is usually very mild, so you don't need to wash it off. However, you can wash it over your face if it makes your skin look a little sticky.
  5. Coconut water. Some people believe that coconut water is a miracle water that not only helps skin to be brighter, but also helps skin look softer and smoother.
    • To apply, simply dip a cotton ball in coconut water and smooth it over the entire face. Coconut water is very natural and gentle on the skin, so it is not necessary to rinse your face again.
    • You can also drink coconut water to increase the water level in the body, while increasing the absorption of essential minerals.
  6. Papaya. According to some dermatologists, papaya is often used to help smooth and brighten skin, or to improve skin that lacks vitality. Not only is it rich in vitamins A, E, and C, but papaya also contains alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) - a common ingredient in skin aging prevention formulas. While eating papaya also offers many general health benefits, if you want to take advantage of papaya in your skin care, try:
    • Cut the ripe papaya in half, then remove all the seeds. Mix papaya with 1/2 cup of water until it becomes a paste. Put this mixture in a small container and refrigerate. Apply to skin 3 times a week for desired results.
  7. Consider using hydroquinone. Hydroquinone is considered to be a fairly effective skin bleaching cream, often used to help lighten the entire skin area, or to fade sunburned or mole areas. Although hydroquinones are approved by the US Food and Drug Administration as a brightening agent in the US, they are generally banned from circulation in large parts of Europe and Asia on the grounds of several studies. Research has shown that this substance was once a potential carcinogen. It can also cause permanent skin discoloration. Therefore, you should use this product with care.
    • Talk to your doctor or dermatologist about this treatment. Concentrations up to 2% are commonly found over the counter, while higher concentrations (up to 4%) require a prescription from a doctor.


  • If your skin has pimples, don't rub the lemon on your face, otherwise you will feel a burning sensation and start to heat up. If your face is suddenly hot, rinse it off with cold water.
  • Be careful in choosing skin bleaching products as some can contain harmful chemicals.
  • Mix honey with lemon juice, and gently massage the mixture onto your skin for 3 to 5 minutes.
  • Washing your face before bed and drinking plenty of water is always recommended if you want fair skin.
  • Do not wash your face with soap as this will damage and dry skin. Make sure you buy the correct cleanser from the pharmacy.
  • Your face usually changes skin after about 2 to 3 months. So if you are patient, please wait! New skin will begin to form to replace the old one, and skin tone will return to normal.
  • Mix lemon juice with fresh milk to make your skin look brighter for 4 months.
  • Regular use of organic papaya soap, specifically Likas Papaya Soap, will help whiten your skin over time. Rub the soap foam onto the skin for 3 minutes. It can dry out the skin. If this happens, you should apply some lotion after showering.
  • You can also take a tablespoon of honey and smooth it all over your face. Leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Exfoliation once a week will help remove dead skin cells and bring brighter skin. Mix two tablespoons of oatmeal with two tablespoons of brown sugar and 1/4 cup of fresh milk. Then, stir until they thicken. Gently rub this mixture on your face, then rinse and moisturize it.
  • Invest in a good, quality exfoliator. If not, you can make your own homemade exfoliant using honey, lemon, and sugar. This mixture is edible… and they work miraculously!
  • Regularly use natural lotions to lather on your face, like Aveeno lotion that contains natural colloidal oatmeal. You should rub oatmeal or lemon on your skin for about 3 days 2 weeks.


  • Whitening creams can cause damage to the skin if left on for too long. Therefore, use caution and ensure that you have read all instructions printed on the product label.
  • Caution should be exercised with products containing hydroquinone, as they could be a carcinogen as a side effect.
  • Do not use skin whitening creams unless they have been prescribed by a qualified doctor. These creams often contain many harmful ingredients, and some of them can cause cancer in the future.
  • In the process of using any cosmetics, if you feel itchy or uncomfortable, stop immediately. Always give priority to high quality skincare products.