How to reduce deep wrinkles on the face

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
Remove wrinkles on the face overnight| Dr Dray
Video: Remove wrinkles on the face overnight| Dr Dray


Although it is not possible to completely remove wrinkles, especially deep wrinkles, you can certainly reduce their appearance. By maintaining a healthy lifestyle and using effective wrinkle treatments, you can significantly reduce the appearance and formation of deep facial wrinkles.


Part 1 of 3: Applying the right skincare routine

  1. Apply sunscreen. Sunlight is the number 1 cause of wrinkles. You should wear broad spectrum (blocking UVA and UVB rays) sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. Do not wear sunscreen with an SPF over 50.
    • Use sunscreen even on sunny days. Tanned skin does not mean you are protected from the sun. Therefore, it is important to apply sunscreen under any weather conditions.
    • Wearing sunscreen not only helps prevent wrinkles, but also reduces the risk of skin cancer.
    • Reapply sunscreen at least every 2 hours.

  2. Wash your face everyday. Doctors recommend washing your face 2 times a day and no more. Washing your face too much will strip the skin of natural oils and moisture, deepen wrinkles and even cause new wrinkles to form.
    • Even if your skin is oily, you shouldn't wash your face more than 2 times a day, as this can irritate your skin and cause acne to grow more.
    • People over 40 can wash their face every night with a cleanser and wash their face with cool water in the morning.

  3. Use Toner after washing your face. Applying Toner after cleansing helps balance skin's pH and helps skin look healthier. Be careful not to use toners containing alcohol to avoid drying out the skin.
  4. Use a high-quality moisturizer that specializes in wrinkles. Many moisturizers contain ingredients that focus on preventing and preventing wrinkles. Apply moisturizer twice daily: once in the morning and once in the evening, after cleansing.
    • There's little evidence that day and night creams are any different. However, some ingredients in lotion may be inactivated by sunlight. For example, the ingredient retinol - a highly effective anti-wrinkle agent - can be countered by sunlight.

  5. Use eye cream. The skin around the eyes is different from the rest of the face. Skin around the eyes is thinner, more sensitive, prone to wrinkles and sunken. So, in addition to facial moisturizers, you should use a special eye cream.
    • Look for eye creams that contain collagen, vitamin C, peptides and / or retinol.

Part 2 of 3: Choosing the right wrinkle treatment product

  1. Treat wrinkles with retinoids. Some health care experts believe that retinoids are the best way to reduce wrinkles and signs of aging. Initially, retinoids can cause skin redness and peeling, but once the peeling process stops, wrinkles will gradually diminish. You can buy creams with retinoids prescribed by your doctor.
    • Many skin care brands sell creams that contain retinol - the less irritating form of retinoids prescribed. You can buy products with retinol without a prescription. Retinol creams are of diverse quality, so you need to know which product to look for.
    • The effectiveness of retinol will decrease when exposed to light and air, so you need to buy products with airtight and light shielding packaging. You can find products in single dose soft capsules, opaque glass bottles with airtight nozzle or aluminum jars.
  2. Use skin care products containing idebenone. Idebenone is a powerful antioxidant. Recent research shows that when used topically for 6 weeks, idebenone has the ability to reduce wrinkles by up to 29%.
  3. Use skin care products containing alpha-hydroxy acid. Alpha-hydroxy acid does not irritate skin like retinoids, but it is not as effective. These skincare products only partially reduce wrinkles.
  4. Use skin care products that contain antioxidants. Skincare products containing vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E and beta-carotene may help partially improve wrinkles.
  5. Try a peeling mask. There are many types of peels available in both prescription and over-the-counter. Note that the deeper the mask is, the more likely it is to irritate the skin. Exfoliating masks can also cause scarring and skin discoloration.
  6. A glycolic acid mask is a gentle product and can help reduce the depth of wrinkles.
    • Masks containing salicylic acid and trichloroacetic acid work more deeply than glycolic acid masks, so they help remove wrinkles better.
  7. Consider laser resurfacing. Lasers can stimulate collagen production, making the skin appear smoother. If the wrinkles are particularly deep and other methods of reducing wrinkles are not working, you can ask your doctor about this method.
  8. Consult your doctor. If you have tried everything that was not able to reduce or remove wrinkles, you should see your doctor or dermatologist.Your doctor can help you choose the right method of wrinkle removal, such as medications, wrinkle removal procedures, or prescription creams. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Lifestyle changes

  1. Avoid the sun. Many studies have identified sunlight as the leading cause of wrinkles. One study even found that exposure to sunlight affected wrinkles more than genetics. So it's best to stay in the shade.
    • If you must be out in the sun, cover up by wearing sunglasses, a hat, and a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30.
    • Especially avoid going out in the sun between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. because this is the period when UV rays are most intense.
  2. No smoking. If you smoke, here's yet another reason to consider quitting: many studies confirm that cigarette smoke causes skin to age. Tobacco smoke releases an enzyme that breaks down collagen and elastin - two key ingredients for skin rejuvenation.
  3. Avoid alcoholic beverages. Excessive alcohol consumption can damage blood vessels under the skin. Not only that, but alcohol also harms the liver and creates wrinkles.
  4. Drink enough water. When the body is dehydrated, wrinkles will look deeper. Supplementing with enough water helps skin to become healthy. If you are unsure of how much water to drink, you can multiply your body weight (in kg) by 3. It is the amount of water to replenish (in ml).
    • For example, a woman weighing 70 kg needs to drink 2,100 ml of water per day.
    • If you exercise or live in a hot climate (if you sweat a lot), you need to increase your water intake.
    • You can depend on your urine status to determine if you are drinking enough fluids. Bright yellow or strong smelling urine is a sign that you are not drinking enough water.
  5. Eat foods that are anti-inflammatory and healthy. Some doctors believe that inflammation is linked to poor skin health (including wrinkles) and diseases like cancer and heart disease. Eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, nuts, whole grains, and lean protein.
    • Avoid foods that contain a lot of sugar, especially foods that have been processed.
  6. Get enough antioxidants. Antioxidants like vitamins E, C, A and B vitamins are needed for healthy skin. To ensure you get enough of these vitamins, you should eat 5-7 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables each day.
    • Some suggestions for you: tomatoes, citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, and carrots.
    • In addition to foods rich in vitamin C, you can use vitamin C topically to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. The most effective topical form of vitamin C is L-ascorbic acid. You can find facial creams with this ingredient.
  7. Get enough vitamin K. Some studies show that vitamin K improves skin elasticity. You can get more vitamin K by eating green leafy vegetables like kale, spinach (spinach) and broccoli.
  8. Get enough sleep. When you lack sleep, your body produces an excess of cortisol, which breaks down skin cells. Conversely, when you get enough sleep, the body produces more growth hormone HGH, which makes the skin look thicker and more elastic.
    • The average adult needs 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Teenagers need 8.5-9.5 hours of sleep per night.
    • You should try to sleep on your back. Lying on your side causes wrinkles to form on the cheeks and chin; still lying face down will cause wrinkles to form on the forehead.
  9. Reduce stress. Cortisol breaks down skin cells and causes the formation of wrinkles, the main stress hormone. In addition, physical stress can also lead to deep facial wrinkles: wrinkles around the mouth and forehead, between the eyebrows. You can try stress relief techniques like:
    • Meditate for a few minutes a day. Sit upright in a chair or cross your legs on the floor. Close your eyes and think about something positive, like "I feel so peaceful" or "Forget your fear, love more." Place a hand on your stomach to remind yourself to inhale deeply.
    • Practice deep breathing. Sit upright, eyes closed, and hands on stomach. Slowly inhale through your nose, at the same time imagine blowing a balloon in your stomach. Slowly exhale through your mouth and pay attention to how you feel as you exhale.
    • Pamper yourself. You can light a few candles and soak in a hot tub with a few drops of lavender essential oil to help relieve stress. Or you can take a walk and watch the surroundings for your mind to relax; watch a short film about animals or whatever makes you feel good.


  • Use makeup to reduce wrinkles: moisturizing; apply silicone primers before applying foundation; add a powder coating; Finally, using natural products to complete the make-up, eyeliner and matte lipstick do not penetrate the wrinkles around the lips.
  • Many people believe that silk or satin pillowcases can help reduce and prevent wrinkles. However, there is hardly any scientific evidence to support this.
  • If you can only do one thing to prevent wrinkles, apply sunscreen.
  • Weight gain can also help fill and soften wrinkles for a more youthful look. This is especially true for women over 40 years old. However, you do not have to gain weight, you should only consider it if you are trying to lose weight.


  • Be careful when choosing a sunscreen because some contain potentially harmful ingredients. Avoid sunscreens containing retinyl palmitate, oxybenzone and nanoparticles such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.
  • Note that while it's good for the skin, staying out of the sun can reduce the absorption of vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential for strong bones and improves mood. Good sources of vitamin D include fish, fish liver oil, egg yolks, milk and fortified cereals with vitamin D. Alternatively, you can take vitamin D supplements.
  • Many websites instruct to use home remedies like lemon juice and vitamin C-rich fruit juice on the face. However, this is often more damaging as it will dry out the skin and make it more susceptible to sun exposure.