Ways to lose hip fat

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 17 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
LOSE HIP FAT in 2 Weeks | 10 minute Home Workout
Video: LOSE HIP FAT in 2 Weeks | 10 minute Home Workout


The hips and thighs are the most likely to accumulate excess fat, especially in women. Although you may only want to "lose concentrated fat" for this particular area, but this is an impossible goal. Only losing body weight can help the upper body slim. Losing weight and losing body fat helps you burn fat accumulated in the hips and other areas.If you want to lose hip fat, combine your diet with strength and cardiovascular exercise.


Method 1 of 2: Reduce calorie intake to reduce excess fat

  1. Keep a food diary for a week. Eat your usual diet for a week. Taking notes will give you a basis to make changes to your diet.
    • A food diary will help you see what you've eaten, and also provide information so you know what to change to lose weight.
    • Record portions, snacks, high-calorie drinks or foods high in fat that you normally eat. Bookmark or make a list of those foods so that you can easily plan your diet.
    • Continue to keep a food diary even after you've started to lose weight. Research shows that people who follow a food diary can successfully lose weight in the long run.

  2. Reduce 500 calories in the daily diet. By reducing your portion sizes, you will force your body to convert stored fat (including hip fat) into energy.
    • To lose weight and lose extra hips and body fat, you need to cut back on calories. Reducing your calorie intake will help you lose weight.
    • Losing 500 calories per day will help you lose about 0.5-1 kg per week. Nutrition experts say this is a safe and healthy way to lose weight.
    • Use a food journal to keep track of which foods to get rid of to lose 500 calories.

  3. Develop the right diet. This will help control the number of calories in each meal you eat and help with weight loss.
    • To develop the right portion of your diet, use a food scale or measuring equipment in the kitchen.
    • It is best to measure the portion size of each meal so that you can control the amount of food well. Eye estimation can cause you to over-eat and lose control of your calorie intake.
    • Measure out the following serving sizes: 90-120 g (or about the size of a deck of cards) protein food, 30 g or half a cup of nuts, 1 cup of vegetables or 2 cups of green vegetables, and a half cup of chopped fruit or 1 piece of fruit.
    • Each meal should have 1 serving of protein and 2 servings of a fruit or vegetable. You should also eat about 2-3 servings of whole grains per day.

  4. Choose foods low in calories. One thing to keep in mind when losing weight is that in addition to controlling calories and portion sizes, choose foods that are low in calories.
    • Choosing low-calorie foods with the right portion sizes is the best way to lose weight.
    • Choose foods that are low in calories and high in fat-free protein such as: poultry, eggs, low-fat dairy products, pork, seafood, legumes and tofu.
    • Also, choose 100% whole grains without seasoning and sauces. Whole grains are very nutritious because they are high in fiber and other nutrients. However, you should be careful to choose products that do not contain spices or sauces to reduce calories.
    • Most fruits and vegetables are low in calories. However, if you choose to buy canned or frozen products, make sure you check them out. Do not choose the type with added spices, sauces or sugar.
  5. Limit drinks with calories. Many times these drinks are the cause of increasing calories in the diet. Therefore, if you want to lose weight then stop taking these products.
    • Many soft drinks are high in calories. Limiting or stopping these drinks is the best way to help you lose weight.
    • Limit the following drinks: regular carbonated drinks, whole milk, juices and fruit cocktails, alcoholic beverages, sweetened teas or coffee, sports drinks, energy drinks and chocolate milk.
    • Although there are some calorie-free beverages, you should limit them as they contain artificial sweeteners and other additives. Limit beverages such as: carbonated drinks, energy drinks and sports drinks for dieters.
    • Choose healthy drinks like: water, flavored water, decaffeinated coffee and tea. You should drink at least 8 glasses of water per day or up to 13 glasses depending on the needs of the body.
  6. Cut back on unnecessary snacks. Snacks are also a threat to weight loss. If you keep eating snacks throughout the day, your weight loss plan will fail.
    • Nutritionists often recommend limiting calories from snacks throughout the day. If you want to lose weight, eat only 150-calorie snacks per meal.
    • You may only need to eat 1-2 snacks at most per day, depending on your lifestyle and activity level.
    • Suggestions for low-calorie snacks are: 30 g of nuts, 1 box of low-fat Greek yogurt, half a cup of cottage cheese or 90 grams of beef jerky.

Method 2 of 2: Exercise to lose hip fat

  1. Do high-intensity cardio exercises 4-5 days per week. High intensity exercise (HIIT) is a combination of high and moderate intensity cardio activities, helping to burn calories and fat.
    • Fitness experts often recommend HIIT if you want to lose fat. Although not focused on the hips, this exercise will still help you burn body fat.
    • HIIT exercises are usually short and have a combination of very high intensity with medium intensity. HIIT will be more effective when combined with cardio and other strength training exercises.
  2. You should exercise for at least 30 minutes and 5 days per week. Hip fat cannot be reduced without a full body fat burning exercise. Only with exercises that help slim body and strength training, you will not be able to lose fat in the areas you want. You should incorporate more cardio exercises to get the results you want.
    • Health experts recommend 150 minutes per week to do moderate intensity exercises. These exercises include walking, cycling, swimming and dancing.
    • If you want to lose fat from your hips faster, plan to exercise 5-6 days a week and 1 hour or 300 minutes a week per day.
    • Incorporate cardio exercises to help tone and slim the thighs. Activities like jogging, treadmill training or cycling are great for burning calories and strengthening legs.
  3. Do Squats. This is a popular exercise for the hips, thighs, and abdomen. Your thighs will be thinner and firmer with this exercise.
    • Start with legs hip-width apart. Put your hands in front of your chest.
    • Place your focus on your heels and lower yourself down like you are in a chair. Push your butt back and lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the ground.
    • Stop when your thighs are parallel to the ground. Then lift the body back to the original position. Repeat 10 to 20 times or more as needed.
  4. Do the Lunges. In this exercise, you will step one foot forward and bend your knees. This is an effective exercise to tone the hips and thighs.
    • Extend your feet shoulder-width apart and rest your hands on your hips.
    • Step one foot forward with a moderate distance. Toes are directed forward. Slowly and smoothly lower the back knee and bend the front knee at the same time.
    • Lower yourself until your front thigh is nearly parallel to the ground. The front knee should be in line with the ankle (the knee should not extend in front of the ankle).
    • Use your front thigh to push yourself up and back to starting position. If necessary, switch legs and repeat.
  5. Do a hip lift. This is a specialized exercise for the thighs and buttocks. This exercise will help slim your outer thighs and hips.
    • Lie on your side and let your feet overlap. Rest your head on your arms close to the floor. The other hand is on the hip.
    • Keeping legs straight, feet stretched out and lifting one leg up towards the ceiling, then lower legs back down to starting position. Switch sides then do the same number of times as with the other leg.
  6. Do more bridging exercises. This exercise is for the back of your legs, but it also helps to slim your thighs and hips.
    • Lie on your back on the floor. Bend your knees at a 90 degree angle. The hands were on the floor.
    • Put your strength into your buttocks and slowly raise your hips high until your body becomes a straight line lower from knee to head.
    • Hold for a few seconds before slowly lowering your back to the floor to return to the starting position.
    • Repeat 10 to 20 times or more as needed. You can also increase the difficulty of the exercise by lifting one leg and keeping your hips balanced for a minute. Repeat with the other leg.
  7. Do more Plies. This is a Squat-like move that is very common in ballet, it will help slim your thighs, buttocks, and hips.
    • Spread your legs shoulder width apart. Toes point out at an angle of 45 degrees. Place your arms in front of your chest or place your hands on your hips.
    • Lower yourself while keeping your head, torso, and butt down vertically from top to bottom.
    • When you lower your knees, your knees will bow outward. You will need to lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
    • Slowly use your inner thighs and butt to lift your body back to the starting position. Repeat as many times as needed.