Ways to lose weight naturally

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 18 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
6 NATURAL WEIGHT LOSS TIPS | healthy + sustainable
Video: 6 NATURAL WEIGHT LOSS TIPS | healthy + sustainable


Natural weight loss is a safe and healthy method. In general, you only need to make small changes to your diet, exercise habits and lifestyle. Besides, when making small lifestyle changes (usually to lose weight naturally), it will be easier to maintain these habits in the long run. By combining these factors, you can naturally lose weight in a safe and healthy way. However, talk to your doctor if you want to lose weight or need support.


Part 1 of 4: Practicing scientific eating habits

  1. Meal plan. When you want to make changes to your diet and want to eat healthier, planning your meals can help.
    • List breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack options for the entire week. Take extra notes if you need to set aside a day for meal preparation to save time.
    • For breakfast, you can eat ½ of a grapefruit with a bowl of oats, or prepare scrambled eggs with sautéed vegetables and low-fat cheese.
    • During lunch, you can enjoy a large salad with lettuce, spinach, beets, carrots, a handful of walnuts, ½ avocado and beans (black beans or chickpeas). Don't forget to add a little balsamic vinegar to your salads.
    • Your dinner will include grilled salmon (with some cumin and lemon), a serving of brown rice and grilled zucchini.
    • If you need a snack, add protein and some fruits or vegetables. Try preparing a hard-boiled egg and an apple or Greek yogurt with raspberries and flaxseed powder.

    Advice: If you plan to eat, you will reduce cravings for high-calorie dishes or snacks.

  2. Calculate the serving size. Calorie counting, restricting certain food groups, or cutting starches or fats are not always simple, easy to apply, or natural methods. In contrast, eating right and calculating portion sizes is a simple and natural way to start losing weight.
    • When you calculate and control portion sizes, calories are cut naturally and effectively in weight loss.
    • Buy a food scale, cup or measuring spoon to help you control your eating. You can also check to see how much food your home bowl, cup, or box holds.
    • If you use ways to feel full for a long time, measuring your portion sizes will not make you feel hungry several times a day.

  3. Eat a balanced diet. Choosing the right foods will help you in losing weight and keeping in shape in the long run.
    • A well-balanced diet means you will get the full amount of nutrients needed to keep your body functioning.
    • You need to digest the right portion of each food and food group to meet your daily nutritional needs. Serving calculations can help you control this requirement.
    • In addition to providing enough food from each food group, choose a diverse food supplement from each food group. For example, each vegetable has different groups of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
    • Replace your favorite fast foods, sweets and carbonated drinks with healthy foods. For example, you can replace candies with fruits and berries, replace carbonated water with fresh fruit juice or tea, replace cream with yogurt or cottage cheese, etc.

  4. Add 10-25 grams of protein with each meal. Protein is an excellent source of nutrients in your diet. Since protein contributes to a feeling of fullness, it will help with weight loss.
    • Each meal with 10-25 grams of protein will help you control calories.
    • Choose lower-fat meats to aid in weight loss. Choose fish, lean beef, poultry, eggs, low-fat dairy products, and a variety of nuts and seeds.
    • Providing a serving of protein at each meal and snack will help you meet your daily minimum nutritional requirements.
  5. Include at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables. This food group provides many of the nutrients you need but very few calories.
    • Even though fruits and vegetables are low in calories, it's still important to calculate portion sizes. The serving of fruit you will need will be 1 small piece or ½ cup of chopped fruit; for vegetables, you will need 1 or 2 cup of green leafy salad.
    • Since you need to provide your body with a large amount of fruits and vegetables each day, adding 1 or 2 servings to each meal and snack will help you easily accomplish your goals.
  6. Choose whole grains. The quintile also has many different types of food. Choosing 100% whole grains will increase the amount of fiber, protein and other essential nutrients in your diet.
    • Whole grains contain germ, endosperm and bran. Some typical grains include brown rice, whole wheat, millet, quinoa and whole oats.
    • One serving of cereal is equivalent to 30 grams or ½ cup. Whole grains are better off making up half of all the grains you eat.
    • Maintain 1-3 servings of whole grains per day to aid weight loss.
  7. Pamper yourself in moderation. Don't obsess about counting calories and punish yourself by never eating sweets or greasy foods. Instead, you will reduce the amount of unhealthy foods and not eat as often as before.
    • Losing weight naturally means you are not dieting at all or cutting back on it completely. You can still pamper yourself by eating your favorites in moderation, such as once a week or twice a week or just a few times per month.
    • If you have enjoyed a meal high in greasy or sugar (such as dining out, or eating fast food), choose low-fat or low-sugar foods for the next few days or work harder.
  8. Drink water. You will get many weight loss benefits when you stay hydrated. Besides, drinking enough water also keeps the body healthy.
    • Drinking 8-13 glasses of water a day will aid weight loss and make you feel more active.
    • Always choose unsweetened, caffeinated beverages, such as water, naturally flavored water, and decaffeinated tea or coffee.
    • Avoid sugary drinks (like carbonated soft drinks or sports drinks), caffeinated drinks (like energy drinks or shot alcohol), and canned fruit juices.

Part 2 of 4: Building healthy habits

  1. Gradual change. Changing everything for a while will overwhelm your body and make it difficult to sustain the changes you make. Losing weight naturally and staying in shape requires a total lifestyle change.
    • You should start with small changes, like adding 15 minutes of exercise to your daily schedule or replacing butter with olive oil when preparing food.
    • Change your mindset about food so you can stop eating as a relief (like eating when you're bored, bored or angry, etc.). Think of food as what you put in your stomach to feed your body, so you'll need the best you can and that means you will eat healthier.
  2. Set realistic goals. After you've decided to lose weight, set some realistic and workable goals that you can work hard to achieve.
    • Setting goals helps you take action, and by taking action, you will begin to see weight loss results.
    • Normally, with a natural weight loss plan, you can lose about 0.5-1kg per week.

    Advice: Take notes on your completed goals so you can see your progress.

  3. Exercise regularly. Regular exercise can help you lose weight and improve your health.
    • Aim for 150 minutes of cardio per week and 2 more days of resistance training.
    • Also, increase your activity level during daily activities. Even walking to the supermarket, or taking a 15-minute break while at work, walking is beneficial for weight loss and your health.
    • Exercise contributes to mood improvement due to the body's production of endorphins, helping you feel happier, healthier and more confident about yourself, and also helps regulate your eating habits.
    • Choose an exercise style you like; thus, you will be more excited instead of scared. Some forms of movement include yoga, taking a dance class, and jogging in a lush area of ​​the city. Don't take this as a punishment; instead, you should think about the benefits to your body and health!
    • Find "teammates". You'll feel happier and make it easier to maintain the routine of having a companion cheering and talking with you.
  4. Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep affects your mental and physical health, and will make it difficult for you to lose weight and keep it off.
    • In addition, the body of people with sleep deprivation often produces more ghrelin. This is a hormone that makes you feel more hungry the next day.
    • Adults should try to get 8 hours of sleep each night (teenagers will need more sleep).
    • Turn off all electronic devices like computers, iPods, cell phones, etc. at least 30 minutes before going to bed. The light from these devices can affect your circadian rhythms, slow down your circadian clock and make it difficult for you to regulate your sleep habits.

Part 3 of 4: Avoid common weight loss mistakes

  1. Avoid rapid weight loss regimen. Currently on the market there are thousands of diets and weight loss plans that promise to give you a slim body in a short time. However, these methods can be unsafe, unhealthy, and difficult to maintain for long.
    • Natural weight loss is better for your health and you will maintain weight loss results in the long run.
    • Remember, there is no magic weight loss regimen that will help you lose excess weight and keep the results after you've stopped dieting. A healthy, practical weight loss regime requires you to make changes in your lifestyle and be harder.
    • This is not to say that you cannot glean some great things from some weight loss program. However, many programs emphasize the importance of a healthy diet and exercise, but do not provide practical and long-term lifestyle changes.
  2. Limit diet foods. Studies show that when you have a craving for snacking, eating foods that are fat-free, sugar-free or labeled "diet" can cause you to eat more.
    • “Diet” foods are not meant to be low in calories. Furthermore, when foods are defatted or sugared, manufacturers often have to use ingredients that have passed through multiple stages of processing.
    • Eat regular foods in small portions and don't forget to control portion sizes. That means that instead of eating a single ice cream without fat, without sugar, you will eat ½ cup of delicious ice cream. This way, you will feel more satisfied.
  3. Pay attention when eating. People who lose focus while eating (such as reading books, watching TV or surfing the web) report less satisfaction with their meals than people who focus on food. Paying attention when you eat will help you stay focused and will probably eat less.
    • Be sure to chew and swallow the food thoroughly before adding any more food to your mouth. Eat slowly and leisurely.
    • Focus on how food is being put into your mouth: What is the temperature? How is the structure? Is it salty? Is it sweet? Is it spicy?
    • When you feel satisfied (still not full), stop eating. Serving calculation and control is a great way to help you know where to stop.

Part 4 of 4: When to need medical treatment

  1. Talk to your doctor before starting any new diet or exercise plan. You shouldn't make changes too quickly to avoid damaging your health. This is extremely important when exercising, as forcing yourself to change quickly can cause trauma. Your doctor will visit to make sure you are ready for weight loss.
    • Your doctor can help you lose weight in the healthiest way.
  2. Talk to your doctor if your weight hasn't decreased after you've applied the changes. Your doctor can determine the cause of your weight loss, as well as the right amount of weight you should lose. In addition, your doctor will find out if you have an underlying medical condition that prevents you from losing weight, or if you need additional changes.
    • In some cases, your doctor will advise you to see a psychotherapist to find out why you are having trouble losing weight.
  3. Ask your doctor if medications are causing you to gain weight. Unfortunately, some medications have side effects that lead to weight gain. Your doctor will provide information about the risks and benefits of the medicine you are taking. From there, they give you advice to avoid gaining weight while taking the drug. Maybe your doctor may also prescribe an alternative to your current one.

    Warning: Do not voluntarily stop using drugs without your doctor's permission.

  4. Talk to your doctor to create a suitable diet and exercise plan. It may be difficult to find the right plan, but a doctor is available to help you fix the problem. They can come up with a few plans for you and tell you what form of exercise is safe for you.
    • Perhaps your doctor wants you to see a registered dietitian to come up with an appropriate eating plan. A registered dietitian will combine your goals, meal schedules, and favorite foods so you can apply the plan comfortably.
  5. Consider taking weight loss pills if your doctor prescribes them for you. If your weight affects your health, your doctor will recommend medication to control your weight. Likewise, you may experience a medical condition that may slow down weight loss, such as hypothyroidism or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which requires treatment. Your doctor will help you understand the risks and benefits of your medications. advertisement


  • To be successful with a natural weight loss regimen, you need to keep a positive attitude and determination because you are making changes in your lifestyle to stay in shape for a lifetime.
  • Patience is key to achieving your weight loss goal.