How to lose weight in the neck area

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Double Chin | How To Get Rid Of A Double Chin | Double Chin Exercises
Video: Double Chin | How To Get Rid Of A Double Chin | Double Chin Exercises


The fatty neck fat, sometimes called a "turkey neck", is located just below the skin of the neck area. The best way to get rid of it is to combine common ways of losing weight with weight loss exercises.Because there is no way to improve a fixed area of ​​the body (gain or lose weight in a particular area), the usual ways to lose weight and exercise are the best way to lose weight. around the neck. It is a process that takes a long time. However, maintaining a healthy diet and regular exercise can help you reduce the amount of fat and excess skin around the neck.


Part 1 of 3: Changing Diet

  1. Reduce your daily calorie intake. No matter where you want to lose fat, you will need to reduce your overall weight. Cutting back on daily calories will help you do just that.
    • Reduce your daily calorie intake to about 500 calories. This will help you lose 0.5 to 1 kg of weight per week.
    • Cutting too many calories can lead to slow weight loss and nutrient deficiencies because you don't eat the right amount of nutrients for your body every day.
    • Keep a food diary or use a food diary app to help you count the calories you are eating each day. Then subtract 500 calories to find the amount of foods you need to eat to help you lose weight.

  2. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are low in calories and lots of fiber, vitamins and minerals. Eating half of a regular meal and eating more fruit or vegetables can easily help you reduce your daily calorie intake.
    • The recommended amount of food is usually between 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. When you eat these foods at each meal and snack, you will eat the recommended amount.
    • One serving of fruit is about 1/2 cup (cut) or 1 small piece. One serving of vegetables is 1 or 2 cups of salad.

  3. Switch to healthier carbohydrates. Whole grains (grains that contain bran, germ and endosperm) are high in fiber and other essential nutrients. When you choose to eat whole grain foods, aim for the ones that use 100% whole grains.
    • Choose whole grains like: 100% whole wheat for pasta or bread, brown rice, whole-grain oats, quinoa or barley.
    • Refined carbohydrates (foods made with white flour or overprocessed) have very few nutrients.
    • The fiber also slows down digestion, makes you feel full for a long time and gives your body longer time to absorb nutrients.

  4. Eat the fat-free protein. Fat-free protein is essential for dieting, but even more so with a slimming diet.
    • Fat-free protein has been shown to stay satisfied longer when compared to other nutrients like carbohydrates.
    • Eat 85-115 grams of protein for each meal or snack. This portion size is similar to the size of an adult fist or a deck of cards.
    • Foods to try: low-fat dairy, seafood, low-fat beef, poultry, eggs, legumes and tofu.
  5. Drink a lot of water. Water is very important in keeping your body's functions working properly. Furthermore, skin that is hydrated is less likely to sag or appear wrinkled.
    • Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. Some people may need up to 13 drinks daily. This will depend on the weight, gender and activity level of each person.
    • Water also reduces appetite. Thirst and dehydration can feel like hunger and cause you to eat more than you should.
    • It's best to drink water and other unsweetened drinks instead of soft drinks like sugar-free juices and carbonated soft drinks. Soft drinks often contain excess calories.
    • Avoid fluids that dehydrate you. Includes all kinds of caffeine items, such as coffee and energy drinks, and alcoholic beverages.

Part 2 of 3: Incorporating Physical Activity

  1. Do heart-healthy exercises. Aerobic exercise or exercises that are good for the heart will help burn calories and aid in fat loss.
    • The CDC recommends that adults do 150 minutes of cardio exercises per week. You can do 30 minutes of cardio exercises 5 days a week to achieve this goal.
    • Try a variety of exercises like: walking, brisk walking / jogging, cycling, using the treadmill, swimming or jumping.
    • Plus helping with weight loss or keeping a healthy weight, heart-healthy exercises have been shown to help control diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol.
  2. Strength training 2 days. In addition to cardiovascular support, you should add a few more days to strength or resistance training.
    • The CDC Disease Control Center recommends 2 days of strength training for at least 20 minutes per session. It also encourages a variety of exercises to develop different muscle groups (legs, chest, axes, arms, etc.).
    • There are many activities that can be counted as strength training including: lifting weights, using weight lifters, yoga and pilates.
  3. Avoid neck thickening exercises. There are many exercises that are advertised as neck slimming. However, for the most part they have the opposite effect.
    • Although you might think that exercising the muscles around the neck can help with fat loss, these exercises will actually help increase the muscles around the neck. Bigger muscles make your neck thicker, not smaller.
    • In general, when you lose weight, you will notice a decrease in the fat around your neck.

Part 3 of 3: Consider Skincare Products

  1. Always wear sunscreen. In addition to eating and exercising, using sunscreen can help reduce wrinkles, and stretch marks.
    • If your skin has been affected by sun that wrinkles and age your skin, this can make your appearance look worse when excess fat is already around your neck.
    • Men and women recommend the lowest sunscreen at 15 SPF all year. You will need a cream with a higher SPF if you have to stand in direct sunlight for long periods of time.
  2. Use a cream with retinol / Vitamin A. There are many retinoid anti-wrinkle creams available over the counter as well as over the counter. Certain creams will help skin look younger and reduce wrinkles.
    • Using a combination of sunscreen, moisturizer, diet and exercise, these creams can help reduce wrinkled and sagging skin around the neck.
    • The ways and creams used in skin care facilities are considered the gold standard and usually give the best results.
  3. Consider plastic surgery. If you've tried dieting, exercising and using lotion, you may want to weigh more aggressively to get rid of excess skin and fat around the neck.
    • There are many different treatment options including: liposuction, botox injection, laser irradiation and neck lift.
    • Check with a dermatologist for what is best for your body and your budget (some treatments can be very expensive).


  • Always consult your doctor before dieting or exercising. They will likely tell you if weight loss and exercise is right for you.
  • Removing or reducing fat and excess skin around the neck can be very troublesome. This requires a suitable combination of diet, exercise and skin care.