How to Lose 9kg in 2 Weeks

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 1 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Losing 9kg in 2 short weeks is no easy task. Quite a lot of people choose to have surgery or to take weight loss pills to lose weight quickly; But besides, the method of changing diet and lifestyle also helps to achieve equally effective but much healthier. Keep in mind, however, that it is not uncommon to lose a lot of weight in such a short time and you should consult with your doctor about this plan before starting.


Part 1 of 3: Changing your diet

  1. Switch to drinking purified water only. Water works to purify the body, remove toxins, help you easily lose weight. In addition, water contains no calories, making it a better choice than sugary drinks. In fact, if you can limit yourself to only drinking water, the extra pounds could be lost even more. If you want something flavored, choose a sugar-free tea.
    • This needs to be strictly observed 24/7, except before you are going to be exercising or doing beauty treatments. Before exercising, you can try yourself a cup of black coffee (or a little extra skim milk). Caffeine will make your spirit more excited, help you exercise harder.
    • In addition to helping you feel full, drinking water also increases your metabolism. Recent studies show that drinking 2 glasses of cold water can increase your metabolism by 40% in just 15-20 minutes. Participants in water weight loss studies reported losing up to 7kg in 3 months, mainly from drinking water alone.

  2. Eliminate junk food from your diet. Removed completely. Maybe someone after following a standard weight loss regime will be tempted by snacks 1-2 times without much influence. However, for a draconian short-term (like yours) weight loss goal, junk food must be completely eliminated.
    • Stay away from foods high in fat as well as high in sugar.Say no to all foods that are breaded, fried, topped with chocolate, or topped with sugar.
    • Carefully read ingredient labels. Even seemingly healthy things like yogurt or oat cakes can be full of sugar.

  3. Get rid of starch. All dishes from pasta to cookies are full of carbohydrates, or sugar camouflage in it. These little enemies will mess with insulin, increase body fat, and eventually cause you to gain weight. To limit this, cut back on processed carbs - including white rice, bread, potatoes, along with cookies, cakes, donuts, chips, pretzels, and ice cream.
    • In general, you need to get rid of carbs from your diet. Let's face it: Losing 9kg in 2 weeks is a daunting challenge. In order to follow the ketosis diet, where fat, not glycogen is the preferred substance (because it has been consumed), you will have to completely adhere to eating little or no food. starch. Besides saying no to carbs, you'll have to break up starchy vegetables (like potatoes, squash, carrots), all grains (including oats and brown rice) and sugary fruits like bananas, oranges and apples.
    • What's more? Hunger will make you more likely to be tempted to return to your old eating habits. Therefore, it is important to keep eating healthy foods on a regular basis (not to fill up hungry). When you are full, you will make more alert decisions.

  4. Eat foods with "negative calories". Whether or not negative calorie foods are negative is controversial. In theory, there are certain foods that will cost you more energy to digest than the amount of energy the food itself provides. Even if you don't burn a lot of calories to eat these foods, at least you won't get as many calories from them.
    • For vegetables, eat plenty of asparagus, beets, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, garlic, green beans, lettuce, onion, radish, spinach, salad lettuce, and Japanese melon.
    • For fruits, prefer blueberries, melons, cranberries, grapefruit, cantaloupe, lemons, oranges, mangoes, papaya, raspberries, strawberries, tomatoes, tangerines, and watermelon.
  5. Choose lean proteins and eat plenty of vegetables. Instead of beef and pork, opt for lean meats like chicken or fish. Eating fish is especially good because the fatty acids in fish provide the body with beneficial fats and help to limit the need to consume other fatty or fatty foods.
    • For green vegetables, eat comfortably. Breakfast, lunch and dinner - eat as much as possible. Green vegetables are nutritious, low in calories and sugar (except for potatoes) and help you feel full. Eating green vegetables is the shortest way to lose weight.
  6. Consider the interim diet cautiously. The truth is, in the short term, this kind of diet will work. If you are looking for a way to quickly squeeze weight without regard to how you can gain weight again, a temporary diet may be the option in this case. Just keep in mind that this diet is unhealthy and has no long-term effects.
    • One of the most popular temporary diets today is juices. Another candidate is the Master Cleanse diet - both diets based on drinks. These methods provide quick results, but are difficult to adhere to and long term maintenance is not a wise choice either. If you are a bit reckless, you can give it a try, but remember to be wary of their advice.

Part 2 of 3: Changing your diet

  1. Make sure to eat enough. While you may feel like skipping breakfast or skipping a day, you should fight for yourself not to do so. Prolonged fasting can cause muscle loss and other health problems, on the other hand it can also make it harder to lose weight. When the human body is not getting enough nutrients, it automatically begins to conserve energy by burning them at a slower rate. You may find yourself losing a lot of weight after the first few days, but about two weeks later it is possible that the lost weight will return to you.
    • There will be exceptions if you are on an intermittent highly disciplined diet plan. It's a way of not eating anything for 8-24 hours and then consuming a planned amount of calories (which usually means you will eat more). This method may be effective, but remember that you should only follow with your expert's consent. If done incorrectly, you may even increase your body's tendency to store fat.
  2. Don't eat after a specific time of the day. Many people succeed with a timed plan. They decide not to eat after a certain time, usually around 7 to 8 pm. Limiting eating at night is the most painful thing for most people, when the TV is on, and friends are still sipping as usual. It is very difficult to control, but you will find it completely worth it.
    • Adjust for yourself. Follow this rule only for five or six days a week. Give yourself some time out with friends - but that doesn't mean you are completely comfortable. Tasting a glass of red wine and a few small pieces - don't eat the entire menu.
  3. Calculate your calories. The notion that calorie intake is the bottom line has become obsolete. The reality is that everyone's body is different, and not all calories are consumed equal. What's more, calorie counting is tedious. In other words, even if it is good, these are just general guidelines. For the purposes of this diet, calculate the number of calories you need for a day. If you really do get the results, great treat yourself to a piece of dark chocolate or add half a chicken breast. Don't go overboard, always let you have cravings.
    • All you need to do is balance calories burned with calorie intake. In other words, the more you exercise, the more you can eat. Usually, weight loss occurs when more calories are burned than you take in. Average (yes, again medium), a person needs to burn 3,500 more calories than a person needs to lose 450 grams. To lose 9 kg in 2 weeks, you need to lose 675 grams per day. This means that you need to burn 5,000 more calories than you consume per day. Yes, a very, very high order.
  4. Take control of your portion sizes. It's not just about what to eat, but also about how much you get. Even the healthiest foods need to be eaten in moderation. Start by using small and non-continuous dishes. Follow the serving sizes on the food product label and look for information you're not sure about.
    • Snacking makes controlling your diet ineffective. To avoid eating a whole bag of chestnuts when initially planning to eat a few, calculate how much you plan to eat first. So, when you are hungry, no matter how much you eat it is the portion you intend to eat and that's it. You can precisely control the amount of food you eat.
  5. Consider "cheating" for a bit. The intermittent method of dieting and calorie rotation is becoming more and more popular. For these methods, a bit more calories are a good thing because it will help the body avoid low regulation (when the body stops burning calories). After a week of strict dieting, you might consider relaxing a little for the fun of eating - it can help keep your diet on track.
    • If your diet is long enough, you can spend an entire day eating. Eat whatever you want. However, on this fourteen-day diet, it's best to limit yourself to an hour or two. So take 60 minutes this week to get down the street and enjoy the food. But then, get back on your route.
  6. Eat more often. Make sure you read the word "often" - eat "more often", not eat "more." Think of it this way: if you only have 5 pieces of celery to eat in a day (just examples), you won't eat it all for breakfast. Instead, you will break that celery down to keep from going hungry. Likewise, you eat very little during these 2 weeks. So eat less, but eat less often. It is a way to keep your stomach from feeling hungry.
    • Many healthy diets favor snacking for positive reasons such as boosting your metabolism and avoiding stuffing later. Break down your meals so you can eat a little more calories at a time. After two weeks, your body will thank you for this diet.

Part 3 of 3: Lifestyle changes

  1. Cooking starts. The only way to really control nutrients and calories entering your body is to cook by yourself. Although restaurants these days tend to include healthy foods in their menus, you never know what they put in their salad dressings or what oils they use. It is best to cook your own meals and take control of every food you eat.
    • With your own cooking, you can use healthy oils like olive oil, add less butter, less sugar, and less salt (a culprit of bloating) than portion control. What's more? It also saves you money.
  2. Record your eating and exercise. If this were a permanent lifestyle change, then taking notes would be impossible. But you only have to write in 14 days so it is entirely possible. Taking notes helps you see where you have problems, where you have improved, and keep track of your progress - a wonderful feeling. That is proof that you have done very well with this goal.
    • You can easily take notes with just paper and an old pen, like writing a food diary, or you can also download an existing weight loss app. These apps help you calculate calories, carbs, fat, protein and even exercise calculation.
  3. Obey strictly. It sounds obvious, but one of the most important things you can do to ensure a successful weight loss goal is to stick to your original goal. This is especially important for a short-term weight loss regimen like this. You can't afford to lose sight of your diet or exercise one day. Once you have decided on this approach, you must commit to going through.
    • This goal becomes easier if you can tell others about your plan, or have someone else work on it with you. They will hold you accountable to your plan, can eat and exercise with you, and possibly complain with you.
  4. Set aside an average of a few hours of exercise per day. The best way to burn calories is through exercise. If your body has adapted to moderate physical activity, you may be able to increase your exercise intensity by mixing moderate and intense activities during the day. If you are new to physical activity, you should only focus on strength training. In addition, you still need to make sure you rest regularly and always stay hydrated.
    • Vigorous activity burns between 400 and 600 calories per hour, including: jogging, cycling, swimming, aerobics, basketball, and weightlifting or gardening.
    • Moderate activities burn between 200 and 400 calories per hour, including: hiking, light gardening, dancing, golf, slow cycling, and slow walking. Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise at a frequency of 2 or 3 times a week.
  5. Make use of every opportunity to practice. While watching your favorite shows, do a few push ups while waiting for an ad. While cleaning the dishes, you can take advantage of a little bounce. Do a Lunge right in the hallway. It sounds silly, but "small to big", these small movements will help increase muscle and make your waist thinner.
    • Even if your schedule sounds ridiculous, find ways to "hit two targets with one arrow". Take your dog for a long walk around the neighborhood, park your car away from the mall entrance, actively clean your house, or wash the car yourself. Life in general is always full of opportunities for you to practice.
  6. Sleeping enough. The human body cannot function properly without sleep. Sleep gives the body the opportunity to rest, restore balanced operating conditions and thus make it easier for the body to burn calories and lose weight. To lose weight quickly in a short amount of time, you should be sure to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night.
    • Sleep not only provides comfort, it also helps regulate hormones and prevent hunger. So sleep not only helps burn calories but also keeps you away from food, even when you wake up.


  • Always imagine how beautiful you will look to motivate you to practice.
  • You can download mobile apps that help you keep track of your water intake, exercise, and food intake. This will help you focus on your weight loss goals and figure out where in your diet and how much exercise you can improve.
  • Stick or hang up pictures of the celebrities or models with the body you've longed for on boxes, fridges, and even snack containers. This way, whenever you want to reach for a bag of chips, the image of a slim body reminds you of your weight loss goal, you will take down the bag of chips, and take a glass of water. instead.
  • Talk to your doctor or personal trainer for advice on how to lose a lot of weight in such a short period of time. There are many weight loss supplements on the market today, and a weight loss professional can tell you if those supplements work for you, or a method. Is there any treatment that really works?
  • Cardio (method of increasing the heart rate) is a great form of exercise. Jog or dance for a few hours a day will do wonders for you.
  • To get tangible results, you need to train with high intensity. This may seem difficult at first, but once you start doing it, it won't be too bad.
  • Take pictures of your progress. It doesn't seem like a big change when you look in the mirror, but if you look at the pictures, you will notice the difference.
  • Absolutely do not go hungry because this will weaken your body and as soon as you eat again, you will gain weight! So stick to a healthy diet. You need to eat to lose weight.
  • Tell someone about your plan. You may ask them to join you and / or follow up on the plan with you. This may sound silly, but saving face will be your motivation to stick to this plan.
  • When you crave something sugary, drink a bottle of water and go for a walk. If the cravings haven't cleared yet, chew on a piece of gum and think about when you reach your ideal weight!


  • Doctors generally recommend losing an average of 450 to 900g of weight per week on average. Before you go into a super fast weight loss routine, you must consult with your health care professional to know if the plan has any health effects or potential risks.