How to lose 7 kg in 3 weeks

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 14 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Honestly How I lost 7 kg in 3 Weeks With my Diet | Diet to lose Fat & Weight Fast
Video: Honestly How I lost 7 kg in 3 Weeks With my Diet | Diet to lose Fat & Weight Fast


The 3-week plan to lose 7 kg in 3 weeks requires serious effort and cut calories, but don't worry - it's a viable plan! However, this is not a really healthy goal, as losing weight too quickly is unsustainable, and every pound you lose is just water and muscle weight (not fat). Losing 0.5 - 1 kg per week is a healthier, more lasting option - and it still requires you to eat 1,000 fewer calories per day. Regardless of your weight loss goals, tracking your food intake, burning calories and making a few lifestyle changes will help you get in a healthier shape!


Method 1 of 3: Eat fewer calories

  1. Add your favorite vegetables to each meal. Vegetables are relatively low in calories, and loaded with vitamins, antioxidants and fiber that are good for you and help fill your stomach. Try to eat about 2-3 cups of vegetables per day. You can visit for 1 cup worth of raw and cooked vegetables. Try to choose a variety of colorful vegetables to get a variety of nutrients
    • Start your meals with veggies before moving on to more calorie foods like protein and carbohydrates. This will make you feel fuller with fewer calories.

  2. Eat lean protein to build lean muscle. Increased lean muscle mass can help you burn more calories throughout the day. Lean protein sources include fish, poultry, legumes, and egg whites. Lean protein should be 15% - 20% of your daily calorie intake.
    • Some red meats are also lean meats because the fat has been removed. You can buy it at the supermarket.
    • Sources of plant protein for muscle growth are tofu, soy sauce (tempeh) and wheat gluten (seitan). You can also add protein powder to smoothies or drinks to ensure you get enough protein in your diet if you are a vegetarian.

  3. Reduce your carbohydrate intake and choose high-fiber whole grains. Switch refined white carbs (like white bread and white rice) to whole-grain varieties (like brown rice or whole-wheat bread). Whole grain carbohydrates also contain fiber, which keeps you fuller for longer.
    • Recommended carbohydrate intake is 300 g per day for a 2,000 calorie diet (45% - 65% of total calorie intake). But to lose weight faster, you need to reduce it to 50 - 150 g per day.
    • For the following weeks, replace sandwiches with lettuce rolls, replace pasta with pumpkin noodles to reduce your carbohydrate intake.

  4. Choose monounsaturated fats like coconut oil and olive oil. Over the next 3 weeks, you'll feel full when you eat fewer calories, so don't shy away from fat! Fat signals the brain that you are full, in addition it contains omega-3 fatty acids that help the body burn fat. However, you need to choose healthy fats. Instead of using butter and lard when cooking, choose coconut oil or olive oil.
    • Other healthy fats like avocado, olive oil, flax seeds, chia seeds, nuts, and nut butters all contain omega-3 fatty acids.
    • Because fat is high in calories, you need to limit the amount of nut oil or butter to 2 tablespoons per day (about 2 servings).
  5. Only snack on an empty stomach and choose whole foods. Snacks help you maintain a high level of energy and metabolism for the next 3 weeks. If you are not sure if you are really hungry, try drinking 8 ounces of water and wait 5 minutes to see if you feel better. Choose fresh fruits and nuts over sugary snacks, trans fat chips or high-carb crackers. Try to limit junk food to less than 100 calories, which equates to:
    • 1 serving of fruit (one large apple, one banana or 2 small oranges)
    • 15-19 whole almonds
    • 13-14 whole-grain cashews
    • 10 pecans (halves)
    • 28 pistachios
  6. Stay hydrated with drinks that are low in calories. Eliminate soda, energy drinks, and pureed beverages. Stick to water, tea and black coffee (don't add milk, cream or sugar to avoid empty calories.
    • Alcohol also contains calories! If you drink alcohol, choose low-calorie options such as light beer, iced wine or wine. And remember to drink in moderation - that is 1 cup a day for women and 2 cups for men.
    • Coffee has been shown to boost metabolism, so feel free to drink black coffee in the morning or before exercising to boost your energy levels. Just remember not to drink more than 4 cups per day (400mg caffeine) to avoid anxiety, insomnia and digestive problems.
  7. Reduce your sodium intake for the next 3 weeks. Sodium causes the body to store water, making you appear swollen and unable to remove excess water weight. Therefore, you should avoid adding salt to food for the next 3 weeks and stay away from hidden sources of sodium. Use other spices like chili, turmeric and garlic to season your dish.
    • Frozen foods (even if they are labeled “healthy”), snacks, soups and spices are high in sodium. You should only eat about 1.5 g of sodium per day, and be sure to check the nutrition label!
  8. Allow yourself to eat your favorite treat up to once a week at controlled serving sizes. You may think you have to abstain from desserts altogether to lose 7 kg in 3 weeks, but this will only result in cravings (and more likely to eat sweets). You can wisely indulge yourself up to once a week by eating small amounts of low-calorie sweets.
    • Eat a piece of dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa) once a week (maximum) for a healthy intake of antioxidants and minerals.
    • Satisfy your sweet cravings with frozen fruits (like blueberries or bananas) instead of cakes, crackers, or pies. You can even make banana ice cream, a much healthier snack than regular ice cream. Plus, you get even more fiber!

Method 2 of 3: Burn more calories

  1. Set aside at least 45 - 60 minutes for these exercise aerobic, 5 or 6 days per week. Jog, bike or brisk walk to burn extra calories each day. Although calorie intake is more important than burned, exercise will boost metabolic processes to maintain a calorie-burning regime.
    • Alternate low intensity (fat burning) and high intensity exercises. For example, do run on Monday, long distance run on Tuesday, do high intensity aerobic exercise on Wednesday, etc.
    • Use high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to burn more calories in less time. For example, when running, spend 60 seconds sprint every 3 -5 minutes.
  2. Do weights 3 times a week to build lean muscle mass. Weightlifting exercises will help you build lean muscle, speed up your metabolism. Finally, after three weeks, all your lean muscles will help you stay fit and feel good.
    • Choose light weights and do more reps if you don't want to gain muscle mass (add muscle mass).
    • Practice the arms and legs alternately each day. For example, work out your lower body on a Monday, work your upper body and core muscles on Tuesday, and rest Wednesday before working your lower body again on Thursday.
    • You can also strengthen your lower body and upper body on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (rest on Tuesday and Thursday).

  3. Incorporate movement into your daily routine for the next 3 weeks. Bike or walk to work. If you cannot walk the full distance, you can park your car further and walk to the destination. Incorporate 15 minutes of cycling or 30 minutes of walking in the morning and at night. Don't count this activity for at least 45 minutes a day for the next 3 weeks.
    • Take the stairs instead of taking the elevator or escalator.
    • Stand while working on the computer instead of sitting.
    • Practice crunching while watching TV or waiting for dinner.

  4. Give yourself 1 or 2 days off. Since you plan to lose more than 2 kg per week, you should only allow yourself to take a day or two off a week and still have to be active for 15-30 minutes on your days off (such as walking, swimming, yoga, pilates, stretches and / or moderate intensity aerobic exercises).
    • Go outdoor hiking (choose a steep hill if possible) or do a 30-minute yoga session online.

  5. Work out with friends or sign up for an exercise class to make training more enjoyable. Find a gym or fitness center to find classes open over the next 3 weeks. Try boot camp, barre, power yoga, aerobic or muscle pump classes. You can invite a friend to join an exercise class to urge each other and get more excited.
    • Classes usually last from 30 minutes to 1 hour (depending on the intensity of the exercise and the gym). Many classes incorporate both strength training and cardio exercises, so you can include them as a daily workout goal.

Method 3 of 3: Lifestyle changes

  1. Persuade family and / or roommate to join a weight loss plan. It will be difficult to cut calories if the people living in the same house do not have the same weight loss goals as you. Encouraging your family to eat healthy and be active will help you be successful.
    • If your housemates are not involved, set some boundaries (such as not keeping health food in the house) and set your own menu without depending on them.
  2. Use the food journal app to keep track of your daily calorie intake. Journaling and food diaries are an effective way to know exactly how many calories you've eaten. It will help you stay accountable and reduce your tendency to eat unconsciously in the coming weeks. Use a mobile app or always carry a small notebook with you so you can keep a note of anything you load anywhere.
    • My Fitness Pal's “Free Calorie Counter” is another good app you can try.
    • Shopwell is a free app that helps you make better choices by making a grocery list for your weight loss goals and toned body.
  3. Pay attention to food for the next 3 weeks. Attention when you eat will help you slow down, so you will feel fuller and not overeat. Take your time, chew your food thoroughly, paying attention to the texture and flavor on your tongue.
    • Eliminate any distractions when you sit at the table; turn off your phone, television, computer and / or radio.
    • Put the chopsticks down after about 3 servings and take a sip of water to slow down and slow digestion.
  4. Don't cut back on calories to ensure you get enough nutrients. Eating fewer calories also means you will consume less nutrients, so don't go overboard. For the next 3 weeks, you should eat no less than 1,200 calories per day (for women) and 1,500 calories (for men) to stay healthy.
    • Cutting too much caolo can lead to malnutrition. This can also make you feel deprived, and this can lead to restlessness and an easier way to overeat next time.
  5. Measure serving size for the next 3 weeks. Eating smaller portions is essential during weight loss. Whether it's cooking at home or going to a restaurant, you need to pay attention to how much food you actually eat. When eating out, ask the restaurant to put in a box with half a serving to take home (or take it out). Calculate serving sizes by hand as follows:
    • Cooked vegetables, dry cereals, chopped or whole fruits: 1 fist = 1 cup (16 tablespoons)
    • Cheese: 1 index finger = 43 g
    • Noodles, rice, oatmeal: 1 palm = ½ cup (8 tablespoons)
    • Protein: 1 palm = 85 g
    • Fat: 1 thumb = 1 tablespoon
  6. Fasting is interrupted for several days a week. This type of fasting can help you eat fewer calories, lose fat and - as an added bonus - lower your cholesterol. Spend 8 hours of intermittent fasting for 1-4 days per week.
    • For example, you would only eat between 10am and 6pm or 11pm to 7pm. Notice how you feel during and after the fast and adjust the time and frequency of the fast to suit your schedule.
    • Note that skipping meals can cause your body to go hungry, causing it to retain fat and burn fewer calories. So, when fasting is interrupted, you should eat 4-5 small meals during the fast.
  7. Drink plenty of fluids to prevent edema and dehydration. Increasing the amount of water you drink during exercise is essential to hydration. Dehydration causes your body to accumulate water, so even if it sounds paradoxical, you should drink more water to store less water. Water will help flush excess salt from the body and reduce edema.
    • Drink an amount of water (in ounces) that is about half your body weight (in pounds). For example, if you weigh 200 pounds (91 kg), you need to drink 100 ounces (3 liters) of water per day.
  8. Try to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Lack of sleep can adversely affect metabolism and stress hormones, causing the body to retain more calories. In addition, if you lack sleep, you tend to crave fattier and sweeter foods. If you have trouble falling asleep, try to relax before bed by:
    • Listen to soothing music without words
    • Avoid using your phone or watching TV 1 hour before bed
    • Drink a soothing tea (like lavender, chamomile, or ginger)
    • Practice deep breathing


  • Drink 8 ounces of water before meals to fill empty stomachs.
  • Note that most of the weight you lose in 3 weeks will be water weight. You need to stick to a reduced calorie diet to maintain weight loss results for a longer time.
  • Don't expect steady weight loss every week. People usually lose weight rapidly in the first 2 weeks, after which the body will settle into a state of calm - weight training and high-intensity exercise can help you get through a period of calm.
  • Talk to a nutritionist to help them reduce your calorie intake in a healthy way.
  • Hire a personal trainer to help keep you motivated and determined in your exercise.


  • Consult with your doctor before starting a new diet or fitness program.
  • Stop exercising if you experience pain, shortness of breath, or dizziness.