How to lose 5 pounds in 10 days

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 16 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Lose 5 LBS Fast (TRY THIS FIRST!)
Video: How to Lose 5 LBS Fast (TRY THIS FIRST!)


Losing five pounds in ten days is not a simple matter. However, there are tips, exercises, or some changes to help you lose weight faster. Always be careful with any weight loss regimen and consult your doctor before attempting any diet or exercise.


Method 1 of 3: Follow the diet

  1. Don't eat carbohydrates. To lose weight fast, you should eliminate the sugars found in most carbohydrates. Simple or bad carbohydrates include foods like bread, pasta and potatoes. All carbohydrates are converted to glucose, which provides energy for the body. In one weight loss study, people who didn't eat carbohydrates were more likely to lose weight than those on a low-fat diet.
    • Getting rid of carbohydrates will suppress appetite and lower blood sugar.
    • Complex carbohydrates, also known as good carbohydrates, are found in whole wheat flour, vegetables, fruits, and beans. You do not need to completely eliminate them from your diet, but only in moderation.

  2. Eliminate junk food. Snacks will interfere with your weight loss plan. Keep away from all junk food and do not store in the house. You need to let go of their temptation, that is, don't keep junk food in the kitchen or refrigerator. Avoid going out to eat because restaurants always have this type of food. Some junk foods to avoid include:
    • Sugar-sweetened drink means any drink that contains a sugar ingredient. The most common is soda. However, some fruit juices also have sugar.
    • Pizza
    • White bread and pasta
    • Butter or margarine
    • Cakes, cookies
    • French fries
    • Cream
    • Processed meat and cheese
    • Caffeinated beverages have a lot of energy
    • Most fast food
    • Most of the food has been processed
    • Foods high in sugar

  3. Eliminate sugar from your diet. The American Heart Association recommends that an adult woman eat only 6 teaspoons (about 100 calories) of sugar per day. Even to lose weight fast, you need to cut back on these sugars.
    • Not eating junk food doesn't mean you've eliminated all of your sugar intake. Sugar is found in many foods such as bread, spices and sauces. Always check the nutritional information for the sugar content of a food.

  4. Increase protein intake. Increasing protein intake may be the key to weight loss. Protein helps with weight loss but maintains muscle mass and burns calories faster. Consider doubling or tripling your recommended daily intake of protein to lose weight.
    • The amount of this protein depends on your gender and height. For example, a 165cm tall woman should eat about 90 grams of protein per day.
    • The average amount of protein consumed to maintain weight for the average adult is 0.8 grams / kg of body weight. To calculate your individual protein needs, multiply your body weight (in kg) by 0.8. This formula gives results in grams.
    • Healthy protein is found in yogurt, fresh cheese, eggs, steak, ground beef, chicken breast, yellowfin tuna, halibut, salmon, anchovies, navy beans, flax seeds, peanut butter.
  5. Drink more water. Research shows that drinking half a liter of water before each meal will help you lose weight. It makes you feel fuller and keeps you hydrated.
    • You should drink 8 cups (250 ml each) of water per day to stay hydrated. However, you need to drink more if you are exercising more. Drink enough so that the urine is light in color.
  6. Limit salt intake. Research shows that reducing sodium in your diet can lead to rapid weight loss.
    • Avoid salty foods to reduce salt. Many carbonated drinks are also high in salt. Always check the nutritional information for the salt content of a food.
    • Reducing salt intake can also lower blood pressure.
    • Doctors recommend a salt intake of about 1,500-2,300 mg per day.
    • Processed foods often contain a lot of salt. If you can't cook on your own, check the nutrition facts. The amount of sodium in the foods you eat may be higher than you think.
  7. 500 calories reduced compared to need. Want to lose weight you need to calculate the number of calories burned per day and eat less than that value from 300-500 calories. However, you should not reduce calories too much. The average woman should eat no less than 1500 calories per day and men are 1700. You should be wary! Don't starve your body because you will be sick and feel sluggish.
    • To calculate the number of calories you burn per day, consider the number of calories you burn at rest and how many calories you burn during exercise.
    • There are a number of helpful tutorials online for you to know how many calories each specific exercise will burn.
    • There are even online programs to solve the problem for you. Try searching the internet for "calorie count" or "calorie determination".
    • The amount of calories you need to consume depends on your weight loss goals, age, gender, firmness and height. If you are a woman 165 cm tall and weighing 68 kg, with only light exercise, then you should eat about 1,100-1,500 calories to lose 0.5-1 kg per week.
  8. Eat often with many small meals. Eat less with healthier foods each meal, and eat more often. This will make you feel more energetic. This way of eating helps you not feel hungry to avoid cravings too much later. There are several diets you can try, but always try to eat a limited amount of calories each day. Consider a diet like the following:
    • Breakfast - 1 cup 250ml of fruit juice, 1 cup 250ml yogurt.
    • Eat 1 cup 120 ml of Cheddar cheese (90 calories) or 3 tablespoons of humus sauce (90 calories).
    • Lunch - A large bowl of lettuce, tomato and some low-calorie broth. 1 cup 250ml of fruit or vegetable juice.
    • Eat 3 tablespoons of dried berries (75 calories) or 2 kiwis (90 calories).
    • Dinner - 150g chicken breast, 1 cup 250ml broccoli smoothie, 1 cup 250ml fruit juice.
    • Eat 1 cup of unsalted nuts or 1 cup of raw vegetables.
    • Try to eat every three hours to keep your metabolism moving.
  9. Pay attention to nutritional information. Understand how many calories you consume each day from food, including drinks and snacks. You can add calories and other nutritional information by reading the label on the product. Labels on foods contain lots of useful information.
    • Recommended serving size
    • Calories and calories from fat
    • Percentage of Nutrients (and Percentage of Daily Values)
    • Note - this section lists recommended daily values ​​of nutrients.

Method 2 of 3: Exercise

  1. Focus on cardio. Cardio exercises make the heart beat faster, helping to burn fat and lose weight. Focus on these exercises to lose weight faster. Follow the cardio regimen below every day for quick weight loss.
    • Cross arms jumps - You should do this exercise in between the movements below. To jump with your arms and legs crossed, stand with your feet hip-width apart, your arms at your side. Dance spread legs wide and crossed arms over head. Then, hop with your legs together and cross your feet in front of the other, while crossing your arms in front of your hips. Do this for 30 seconds to 1 minute, changing positions for each jump.
    • One leg balance - Balance your body on one leg with the other leg bent so that your foot is slightly above the ground in front of you. Place your hands on your hips and lower into a squat, keeping your feet off the ground. Maintain the squat position throughout the exercise. Do 10 reps on each leg.
    • Crawl - Lower yourself into push-ups. Step foot forward, bring knee to elbow and with opposite hand forward. Switch sides and repeat. Always hold the stoop and crawl for 30 seconds, then reverse the movement.
    • Wall slide - With your back facing the wall, lie on your left hip and rest your head on your left hand. Place your right hand on the floor for balance. Place your right heel on the wall behind you, sliding your foot up to the wall as high as possible. Lower slowly. Do this 10 times, then switch sides.
    • The first step turns to push-ups - Place feet hip-width apart, hands on hips. Take the right step forward and lower. Lean forward and lean on your lap, hands on the floor, on right foot. Step your feet backwards so you are in a pushup position. After counting to ten, push yourself up and switch back to the forward strike position. Switch legs and repeat 10 times.
    • Pendulum - Balance on your right leg and bend your left leg back. Place your right hand on your hips and lower back to squat on your right leg. Raise your left arm above your head and lean back slightly as you straighten your left leg forward. Hold for 10 seconds. Switch legs and repeat 10 times.
  2. Walk more. To reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and lose weight, try to take 10,000 steps a day. You can track your steps with a step counter. To achieve this number of steps you should do the following:
    • Walk to work if possible. If this is not possible, you should get off the bus one stop earlier or park at the end of the parking lot.
    • Use the stairs. Avoid taking the elevator.
    • Every working hour should spend 2-3 minutes walking back and forth.
  3. Efforts. You will easily perform the movements of the above exercises. However, it takes more effort to feel the heat in the muscles. Not only do it through the gentle steps, but force the muscles to exercise when exercising. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Keep healthy habits

  1. Make a lifestyle plan for 10 days to 2 weeks. If possible, spend months on lifestyle changes. Short-term efforts to lose weight alone may not maintain the weight. You cannot change your diet and exercise habits for 10 days and then go back to old habits.
  2. See a doctor if you have any health concerns. Losing weight fast requires careful attention to your health, otherwise you could get sick, malnourished and exhausted. It can even cause lasting harm if you go on with weight loss without any knowledge.
  3. Start taking a multivitamin. You plan on making quick changes to your body, so be sure to stay healthy. Taking a multivitamin can improve your diet.
  4. Find a friend to lose weight with in 10 days. Research shows that people can more successfully lose weight and maintain results if they practice with them. Consider working with a friend, co-worker, spouse or family member.
  5. Don't starve yourself. You must eat! You need to be healthy and energetic, so you should burn fat in a healthy way. Don't think that you can burn off the stage by completely refusing to eat. Make sure to eat a healthy diet and maintain a steady calorie intake.
  6. Make life always busy. There will be many factors that will tempt you to give up the plan, eat more or practice less. Maintain a busy life throughout the day to avoid these temptations. If possible, break your schedule into several times a day at times when you know you'll be tempted (for example around lunch or dinner time).
  7. Follow the plan! Losing 5 pounds in 10 days will be very difficult. It changes very quickly and it will make you feel different. Stick to your goals and make an effort to maintain that habit. In the end you will have to thank yourself! advertisement