How to lose 45 kg

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
45 𝙆𝙂 𝙞𝙣 6 𝘿𝙖𝙮𝙨 ✧ 𝙥𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝙨𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙞𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙡
Video: 45 𝙆𝙂 𝙞𝙣 6 𝘿𝙖𝙮𝙨 ✧ 𝙥𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝙨𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙞𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙡


If you need to lose 45 kg, which means your weight and BMI is over the limit, you are more likely to be obese or at risk of obesity. When you are overweight, you are at increased risk of certain diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart disease.So, to reduce your risk of some of these diseases or limit their effects and make you healthier, the best solution is to lose weight. But to be able to lose so much weight, this is really a difficult and time-consuming process. With a properly prepared diet and exercise, you can reduce your weight to the medical allowance as well as your own target level.


Part 1 of 5: Planning to Lose a lot of Weight

  1. Talk to your doctor or registered dietitian. Talk with your doctor to make sure that this weight loss program is safe and right for you.
    • In addition to consulting your doctor, you should also talk to a registered dietitian. A dietitian and a weight loss professional will be able to guide and teach safe and healthy weight loss.
    • If you need to lose about 45kg, then you could also develop chronic diseases linked to being overweight or obese. Therefore, it is imperative that you talk to your doctor about appropriate weight loss methods.

  2. Set goals. Losing 45 kg is a big goal and you must follow a weight loss program for a long time. Setting realistic goals is a very important step, especially if you want to lose that much weight.
    • In general, for safety you should only lose about 0.5-1 kg / week. Thus, to lose about 45 kg, you could take a year or more.
    • Losing weight too quickly can be unsafe and unhealthy. Also, losing weight at such a rate often cannot be consistently achieved over the long term and even run the risk of gaining weight again.
    • While setting long-term weight loss goals is fine, it's even better to set small goals with every step of your weight loss to give you more motivation to follow your weight loss journey. For example: aim to lose 4.5kg in 4-6 weeks or lose 11kg for the first 3 months.

  3. Eliminate unhealthy foods in the home. This is probably the most effective change you can make right away to start your weight loss journey. The more foods that appeal to you in your home, the more likely you are to give up and eat unhealthy foods. Make your home a healthy environment to support weight loss.
    • Discard all sweet foods (such as cupcakes or ice cream), chips, cookies and sugary drinks (like soda or juice).
    • You can also donate bagged food to your local charity grocery store instead of throwing it in the trash.
    • The expression "out of sight from the heart" can be used very precisely in this case. If you do not have these foods in your home, you will gradually lose interest in eating and will gradually adapt to a healthy eating plan.
  4. Meal plan. To start losing your 45 kg plan, you need to rethink your meal plan. Taking a few hours to make a weekly meal plan can help you give yourself a framework to follow.
    • Consult with a registered dietitian to ensure that the meal plan is safe with your personal medical history.
    • Begin the weight loss process with a plan or meal plan for a week. Include all breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and drinks without sugar.
    • If you are following a calorie-specific diet, you must include calories for each meal and snack to ensure that your diet is consistent with the specified calorie intake.
    • After a few weeks, you may not need to focus too heavily on your meal plan - especially if you have established healthy, gentle eating habits.
    • If you get bored with your meal, review and change your meal plan. Do not give up because of boredom. New healthy recipes to help you get bored and keep your plan going.

Part 2 of 5: Eating for Weight Loss

  1. Reduce calories. In order to lose weight, you must reduce the amount of calories you take in. A moderate calorie diet will help you achieve your weight loss goals.
    • In general, losing about 500 calories / day results in a loss of about 0.5-1 kg / week. This is a safe and healthy weight loss.
    • Losing too many calories, or consuming less than 1,200 calories / day is not good, unsafe, inappropriate and bad for the body. If the diet is too low in calories, then you are putting yourself at risk of nutrient deficiencies since it is difficult for your body to consume all the nutrients it needs in the absence of calories. In addition, such a diet would not be sustained for long.
    • If you want to calculate calories to lose, you can enter your height, weight, and activity level in an online calorie calculator to calculate the right calories for weight loss.
    • You can also talk to a registered dietitian for advice on how many calories to lose to lose weight yet are suitable for your body.
  2. Eat lean protein with every meal. Eating foods high in lean protein is also essential for weight loss. Protein helps keep you satisfied and promotes weight loss.
    • Eat lean protein foods at every meal and snack so your body has enough nutrients to meet the minimum daily requirements.
    • In general, women should consume about 46 g of protein per day and men should consume 56 g of protein per day.
    • Some lean protein foods include: poultry, lean beef, eggs, pork, seafood, tofu, legumes, and low-fat dairy products.
    • Reducing foods high in high-fat protein, as these foods are high in calories, can slow weight loss. Certain foods like fatty beef, sausages, bacon, high-fat dairy, or poultry should only be eaten occasionally.
  3. The fruit or vegetable must take up more of the meal. Fruits and vegetables will help support weight loss because they are low in calories, so you can eat more to stay full longer.
    • Eat a variety of fruits daily or weekly. It is best to eat about 1-2 servings of fruit / day. A serving of fruit is about 1/2 cup cut fruit, a small piece of fruit, or 1/4 cup dried fruit.
    • You should also eat a variety of vegetables daily or weekly. Try to eat at least 3-5 servings of vegetables / day. One serving of vegetables is about 1 cup or 2 cups of green vegetables.
    • Some starchy vegetables like carrots, peas, or potatoes are also great for losing weight. Although these vegetables and fruits contain many calories, they are still allowed to eat while losing weight.
  4. Choose 100% whole grains. Better to eat only 100% whole grains. Whole grains are often loaded with fiber, vitamins and other nutrients.
    • Some whole grains include: quinoa, oats, 100% whole wheat bread or pasta and brown rice.
    • A serving of whole grains is 28 grams or 1/2 cup. You should eat about 1-2 servings of cereal / day.
    • Reduce your grain intake while you are losing weight. Due to being part of a healthy diet, whole grains contain more calories and fewer nutrients than lean protein, fruits and vegetables.
  5. Eat healthy snacks. You will probably feel more hungry while trying to cut down on calorie intake and increase exercise, at which point snacking can help control hunger while continuing to support your weight loss. friend.
    • Snacks should be eaten when appropriate. For example, two main meals spaced more than five hours apart, or you need to replenish your energy before or after a workout.
    • Snacks are also strictly regulated. If you are not hungry or close to a meal, then do not eat snacks. Consuming extra calories when not needed can slow or hinder weight loss. Be smart when snacking.
    • When you are losing weight, it is better to eat only snacks that have about 100-200 calories. Some healthy snacks for weight loss include: Greek yogurt, boiled eggs, carrots and hummus, or 1/2 cup of Japanese soybeans.
    • Change your favorite snack foods into healthy snacks. If you feel like you can't give up the habit of snacking, switch high-calorie foods for healthy foods. For example, instead of biscuits after dinner, drink 1/2 cup of pineapple juice to reduce your cravings for sweetness.
  6. Diet in moderation. Although the diet requires you to follow a long weight loss program, you should indulge yourself once in a while. However, you should completely stay away from certain foods that stimulate you to overeat and drink too much.
    • Make a plan to treat yourself to a meal from time to time. You can treat yourself to anything, for example, going out for dinner or a small sweet meal. Write down your treat in your meal plan, to show how much you have been rewarded or compensated for after the hard days of working on the plan. You can consider one of two options: either jog on the treadmill for 10 minutes or cut your meals less throughout the day.
    • Must be honest. Give yourself a treat every now and then, not every day.
  7. Drink enough water. Being hydrated is also effective in supporting weight loss because when you become dehydrated, you may feel hungry and tired, stimulating appetite. However, you should not drink water that contains extra calories, as these can slow or hinder weight loss.
    • Try to drink at least 2 L of unsweetened water a day. This is based on experience, but you may need more water.
    • Some unsweetened drinks you can drink while losing weight include: water, flavored water, tea and coffee, or calorie-free sports drinks.

Part 3 of 5: Exercise for Weight Loss

  1. Consult a personal trainer. Consult with a trainer to start an exercise program. A fitness professional will guide you through exercises to help you lose weight and keep the weight loss process eternal.
    • Talk to your trainer about your weight loss goals as well as your diet to ask him to assist you in reaching your goals. Alternatively, you can ask a trainer to find out what exercise is right for you. If excess weight is causing joint pain, a trainer can instruct or show you pain-relieving exercises.
    • You can also get free advice or a promotion if you sign up for a membership card at the gym.
    • Alternatively, you can also change coaches after a few sets of exercises or until you understand the exercise. It is not necessary to have a long-term coach.
  2. Combine exercise to increase heart rate. Aerobic exercise is great for burning calories. Aerobic aerobic exercise not only helps support your weight loss, but also has many beneficial effects such as energy boost and physical improvement.
    • Many experts recommend that you combine 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise each week. However, the more exercise you exercise, the greater the calories burned and the more aiding the weight loss process.
    • If the excess weight is too great, you should start exercising slowly. It doesn't matter if you can't exercise 150 minutes a week. You can just train for 10 minutes a day for the first time.
    • Some exercises that increase heart rate include: brisk walking, cycling, elliptical aerobics, swimming, or water aerobics.
  3. Incorporate exercise. Fitness exercise is another form of exercise to help you lose weight. There should be about 1-2 days of muscle-strengthening exercise each week.
    • Physical exercise can help tone muscles, as muscle building helps burn more calories than body fat.
    • In addition, physical exercise can help improve your firmer physique.
    • You can do some strength training exercises such as: weight training, yoga, or exercise with resistance bands / tubes.
  4. Find your favorite exercise. This is important because if you like, you can stick with for longer and exercise more often.
    • Try out different favorite exercises. This way, you can figure out which exercises are suitable for you to practice for longer.
    • Creativity in exercise. You can try some activities like hiking, dancing lessons, kayaking or joining a sports team, which are very engaging and enjoyable exercise methods.
    • Change exercise habits. After a period of practice, the exercises become familiar and boring, so over time you should change your practice habits to keep them fresh and more attractive.
    • Find a partner to exercise together for more motivation. If someone else exercises with, help you persistently exercise more.

Part 4 of 5: Motivating

  1. Practice journaling. There are many studies that have shown that journaling while trying to lose weight increases the likelihood you will reach your goals and keep your body weight off in the long run.
    • In your food diary, you should also write down your feelings, any frustration, fluctuations or reasons that hinder weight loss. This is also a great way to motivate yourself. Writing down a few positive mantras to cheer you up or tracking your success can also help you stay consistent with your plan.
    • Buy a food journal, or download a journaling app, or look for an online food journaling website so you can check it out on a regular basis. If you do not like it, you also do not need to write a diary every day, you can even write a few times a week.
    • Take notes about your meals, your progress, your measurements, and how you feel during weight loss.
  2. Find a support group. To lose weight you need support, especially if you need to lose a lot of weight. To achieve your goal of losing 45 kg definitely takes a lot of time, and losing weight will be a very long journey so it can be helpful to have someone around to encourage and cheer you on.
    • Find a friend or family member and talk about your weight loss goals. Ask a friend or family member for encouragement and support until you reach your goal.
    • Alternatively, you can also find live or online support groups. Having someone to talk about how to lose weight and trying to lose weight together will create more motivation for you.
  3. Track your weight loss progress. The more weight you lose, the more motivated you will be to continue with your weight loss plan. But the only way to know if you are making progress is to regularly monitor your body weight.
    • Weigh once or twice a week. Make sure you weigh yourself at the same time of the week and you'd better weigh it in the morning when you haven't eaten.
    • Remember that clothes and shoes are also relatively heavy. Therefore, for the most accurate results, you should wear nothing or just underwear when weighing. If you are wearing clothes, be sure to wear the same clothes when weighing for the most accurate measurement.
    • Measure body measurements. You can use a tape measure to measure your waist, thighs, arms, and neck. If you lose weight and exercise regularly, your body shape will also change.

Part 5 of 5: Overcoming Weight Loss Stops

  1. List the reasons that are hindering the weight loss process. It is okay to stop losing weight from time to time when you are trying to lose a lot of weight because the more weight you lose, the more your body will need to adjust. No change in your weight may happen over a few days or weeks.
    • Watch for stopping weight loss. This is important because if you are unable to continue losing weight, you need to reevaluate and make changes to your diet, exercise program, and other lifestyle to ensure you can continue the process. scales.
    • If you stick to your diet and exercise program but your body stops losing weight, you should still not stress. Trust yourself and move on with your plan. Remember, the state of stopping weight loss is one thing normal nothing surprising. Do not give up or change to a new fad diet. Stick to your plan.
  2. Review your food journal. Journaling not only helps you stick to your weight loss program, but can also aid in weight loss, thanks to a food diary you can also re-evaluate your weight loss progress or discover the cause of the process. weight loss.
    • Keep track of extra snacks or snacks. While you may not reward yourself or add extra snacks every day, even a few times a week can slow or stop weight loss.
    • See serving records. Gradual increases in diets may also cause weight loss to stop.
    • While losing weight, make sure you eat enough. Cutting too many calories or portion sizes can also slow weight loss. A diet that is too low in calories and nutrients will not support weight loss, and even have the opposite effect, immediately hindering weight loss.
  3. Change your habits. If the weight loss is saturated, or stop losing weight, try changing your exercise routine by doing a few more exercises to help restart your weight loss process again.
    • Try different heart-rate training programs like HIIT or circuit training (a series of exercises, continuous rotation between exercises, using tools or weights) to burn more calories. You can also increase or start building muscle-building exercises to help boost your basal metabolism.


  • Get into the habit of brushing your teeth between two meals. If your mouth feels fresh, you will be less likely to be tempted to eat something.
  • Although exercise will aid weight loss, exercise alone will not help with weight loss. Note, to lose weight, diet will contribute 70%, and exercise 30%.
  • Everyone who diets will make mistakes, so don't give up. Don't just forgo a day or a week of unhealthy eating. If you make a mistake, learn from it and go back to your healthy eating plan.
  • It may be more helpful to inform friends and family about your weight loss goals. This way, your friends and family members can support and stop eating unhealthy foods.
  • Whenever possible, cook your own meals at home. While eating out can be fun, it's very rare to find a restaurant with a healthy diet. If you must eat out, you can reduce the calories from sauces and sauces and avoid fried foods.
  • Control cravings by drinking plenty of fluids and some other sugar-free drinks between meals. Chewing gum can also help keep your mouth busy and make it feel like you're hunting.