How to be good at math

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 17 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get Better at Math
Video: How to Get Better at Math


Many feel that they are innately not good at math and have no hope of developing in this area. That thought is simply not correct. Research shows that to be good at math, diligence plays an equally important, if not more important role than natural talent. You can become good at math with your dedication to study. Practice every day until you understand math concepts. If needed, you can ask someone for help. A tutor, teacher or anyone who is good at math can help you perfect your skills. You should also develop a positive, positive attitude toward math. Many people have a very stubborn attitude about this subject, and tend to say "Now I'm not good at math, so forever." You should understand that this is not true. Most people can get better at math just by being more diligent.


Part 1 of 3: Practice math

  1. Study in an environment where there are no distractions. If your maths are not that good, then you need to make sure the study environment is free of distractions to increase concentration. Before you sit down, find a place with no outside distractions.
    • It is a place where there is not much noise or people passing by. You can find a quiet coffee shop, or sit at a table in your bedroom.
    • Minimize distractions in front of you. Disconnect from the internet and put away the phone.
    • If you like listening to music while studying, you should choose music without lyrics. Music with lyrics or loud music can distract you.

  2. Set aside time to practice every day. There's nothing really that can be called the secret to being good at math. All lies in the determination. If you want to improve your math scores, diligence is key. You will have to practice every day until you understand the concepts behind mathematics.
    • Keep up with school schedule. Find a good time of the day to learn math. You probably usually have time in the early evening, if so then you plan to study math between 6-7pm after dinner.
    • Should not study continuously for many hours. You will be stressed out when studying for too long, so study only about an hour each night.

  3. Learn how to reason and how to solve a problem. Mathematics is sequential. Many feel that it is imperative to memorize many definitions and formulas, or draw out an explanation route in mind before writing a pen. This way doesn't work. Instead, you must understand the origin of those definitions. If you understand the reason and how an equation works, it will be easier to remember it.
    • The theory in mathematics seems complicated, but you will understand with a little more effort. Do not hesitate to ask during math hours. Why is Pythagorean theorem? On the logical level, how does a quadratic function work?
    • Understanding the concept behind will be more effective than simple memorization. If you understand a problem deeply, remembering will no longer be difficult. You will have many means of checking the result if you understand the meaning of an equation.
  4. Slow down step by step. When doing math, you need to know how to find the results. Instead of planning a solution in advance, you simply need to solve the equation step by step. Don't think ahead of it, because working through it slowly will help you figure out how to solve it.
    • If you need to do the division first, just focus on that. If the next is addition, then focus on addition only.
    • After solving the problem, you can review the entire solving process. Try to understand the principle and the way of the method.
  5. Carefully review the wrong solution. You can learn a lot from your mistakes. If you find that you made a mistake, you should review the whole process. Where did you go wrong and how was it wrong? Try to review the problem and find a way to solve the correct result.
    • When doing math, it is very important to write down the solution. Use a pen to write down the details of each step that applies to a problem. This way, when errors occur, you can review the problem solving process and spot them more easily.
  6. Check your answers. Review your process after solving an equation. Make sure you have correctly all data and use the correct solution. Checking the results received to see if they are correct will increase your chances of success. This will also help you build a habit of checking answers, and improve your score in exams.
    • Checking your answers also helps you better understand the mathematical theories behind it.

Part 2 of 3: Getting help

  1. Have someone else check on your work. If you know someone who is good at math you should ask them to look at your solution. You can ask a parent, tutor or friend, relative who is good at math.
    • If the problem is too difficult for you, you should choose someone patient enough and willing to explain thoroughly. Your cousins ​​may be very good at math, but they get angry easily and be judgmental. They may yell at you because you don't understand something. If so, then you should ask your sister because she is always calm.
    • Don't be afraid to ask for help. To get better at math, it can take a lot of time, and along the way everyone needs help.
  2. Try online enrollment. If you want to study math outside of school then try to enroll online. Universities like Kaplan offer a wide variety of online courses, and many colleges also have online classes for distance students.
    • Some schools also provide learning resources for a course, such as PowerPoint lectures and recording sessions, and for free download.
    • Consider taking a course at your local university without taking a score test. If you are having financial trouble then this method gives you knowledge at no cost.
  3. Visit the math resource center if your school has one. If you are in school your school may have a math resource center. In the US, many universities have centers where students can learn more math in a one-on-one way. You should check if a school has such a math center. If so, this is a very good resource.
    • If they don't have a math center, they may have a joint academic resource center to help you learn a variety of subjects.
    • You should also ask if the professor offers review sessions. If you are struggling with a subject, a review session with your teacher can help you understand better.
  4. Try to help others. Sometimes explaining a concept to others can help you understand it better. If you are going to take the algebra test and have a friend who is struggling with it, offer to help. You can also call for a study group. If someone is not understanding something that you are beginning to understand, help them.
    • When helping you learn, you need to explain the problem as clearly as possible. In addition to explaining the explanation, you need to explain why you did it.
    • If you are starting to feel comfortable with your math skills, you can tutor to less educated people. Teaching math to others will also help improve your subject matter skills.
  5. Ask your teacher for help. Most teachers are very enthusiastic to encourage students to learn. If you want to be better at math, you shouldn't hesitate to ask them for help. They may pay more attention to you and help you solve problems after class.
    • Don't feel bad about having to ask others for help. There are many others who are struggling with math, and the teacher has experience helping such students. Teachers want to invest their energy to see you succeed.
    • Be straightforward when asking for help, and explain it in detail. Don't say "I don't understand at all". Instead you should say, "I understand from the beginning to the third chapter, but this polynomial is really hard to understand."
  6. Hire a tutor. If you feel that the teacher's attention is not enough, consider hiring a tutor. The tutor can tutor you several times a week and work with you to solve difficult problems. A good tutor can help you enjoy math more, and thus will give you a comprehensive understanding of math.
    • If there is a learning disability that affects your ability to learn math, such as dyslexia, you should find a tutor who can work with a student with a disability. Your disability-related organizations can find you a tutor. Your doctor can also recommend a suitable tutor for you.

Part 3 of 3: Cultivating the right way of thinking

  1. Have an optimistic attitude about math. Many people sabotage their ability to learn math by believing they cannot pass. If you have difficulty with math in high school, college or at any point in your study path, you will probably think that you are not good at math and simply never can be. An optimistic attitude can help motivate you and feel compelled to work on your math skills.
    • A pessimistic attitude only makes it easy to get frustrated. If you think that you are bad at math, when you solve a problem incorrectly, you will find that the hypothesis is even more confirmed. You often tell yourself, "I know I'm not good at this. What's the point?".
    • Approach with the right attitude. If you're bad at math right now, don't think "I'm bad at math". Instead, tell yourself, "I haven't studied math well enough, so I have to keep going. Just try and I can definitely be good at math."
  2. Get rid of the idea that you're bad at math. Many people assume that they are born not good at math. This thinking prevents people from investing in improving math. The argument that many natural people are good at math is a myth. Research shows that anyone can learn math with little effort.
    • It is true that some people are naturally gifted with math. It gives them an initial advantage and they progress faster at the elementary level. However, most studies show that diligence can enhance math skills no less than natural talent. In fact, studying hard can bring more results than inherent talent, in the long run.
    • There are a number of illnesses that affect a person's ability to learn, for example math difficulty that affects a person's math skills negatively. However, even if you have a learning disability, you can still improve your math skills with proper practice and treatment. Shouldn't be demoralized. You simply are not bad at math. You just need to practice.
  3. Take a serious attitude toward math. Another reason people have trouble with math is that they don't take it seriously. They feel that bad math is normal, just have fun. Although you shouldn't feel bad about yourself for not being good at math, take it seriously.
    • Good math solver is beneficial for reasoning, and thinking math can reduce stress in everyday life.
    • Cherish mathematics instead of underestimating it. Good math is very helpful for you.
  4. Stay motivated to learn. Practice is really the only way to improve math skills in the long run. There's no magic trick that can help you get good at math overnight. You just need to stay motivated, never stop learning, and ask others to help you when you need it. With an investment of time and effort, you can become a math master. advertisement


  • Don't be afraid to ask questions when you don't understand something. Others need to ask if they don't understand.
  • Don't put off studying until the last minute if you're going to take the test. Each school day a little.
  • No rush to learn math. You need to spend a lot of time on difficult problems.