Ways to Communicate, Have Fun, and Make Friends

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 8 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The One Thing That Will Make Everyone Like You
Video: The One Thing That Will Make Everyone Like You


If you have the right mindset, making friends is not difficult. Almost everyone likes fun, friendly, and funny people, so it's important to show people these qualities in your personality. Just have a little strategy, soon you will have many friends!


Part 1 of 3: Let your personality shine

  1. You just be yourself. Don't be afraid to express your opinion. Don't act like someone else. If someone is insulting, just ignore them. People who hate you are just a minority compared to those who love you for who you are. Please show off your strengths.
    • If you are shy and reserved, show your mysterious side to everyone. Be friendly and open to everyone, but don't "gut the skin". If anyone wants to know what you think, they'll try to get closer to you to find out.
    • If you are into sports, use your skills to boost your confidence. Only do not be arrogant. People who excel at sport but remain modest are charismatic. You should learn them. Don't act like a real athlete and make fun of "bookworms" because of your lack of confidence.
    • If you are a mind-active person, focus on getting closer. One of the worst things smart people can do is make others feel uncomfortable because they're not as smart as they are. Try to connect with them, and know that they may be looking for reasons to not trust you if they are jealous. Only talk about "super" matters with people of your own level.

  2. Begin to develop social skills. Not everyone is born with good communication skills, but certainly everyone can learn it. With the right practice and exposure, you can soon make the difference in confidence and impressions left for people.
    • Please be patient. Talking to strangers is never easy, but the more you practice, the more comfortable you will feel. Just slowly then the stories will open. Communicate with people and stories will naturally come.
    • Eye contact. This is important, because eye contact can convey a lot of connotations, and when you avoid making eye contact with other people, they may assume you are lying or not enthusiastic. Psychologists have shown that eye contact is a great social skill that can help us build good relationships.
    • Know to forgive. There will inevitably be times when your friends make mistakes. Do not keep in mind their mistakes. Forgive your friend if they apologize.
    • Sincerely. Pay attention to the little things. Be on time as scheduled. If you are a team member, come early and stay a little late (even if you don't have anything to say at that time).
      • Protect your friends. If one of them gets into a fight, try to discourage and calm your friend. Don't let other people say stupid and bad things about your friend without reacting.
      • Do not speak badly behind others. This action may lead to the "stick he hit his back": at some point it will turn back to harm you. Do not let the reputation of being gossip. You should only talk about other people things that you can comfortably say in front of them.

  3. Optimistic. Even if you feel really down, remember that you always have a reason to smile. An optimistic spirit will make people want to be with you more. However, you should also be careful. When to a point, optimism can be frustrating. Don't too optimistic.
    • Focus on the good rather than the bad. Everything has a good side and a bad side. Take a look at the glass half full. Breaking up with someone is an opportunity to meet new people; Failure is an opportunity for you to learn something; Errors in communication will give you experience to do better next time.
    • Believe that everything will be fine. Some people believe in Karma, some believe that being gentle will meet good. Anyway, just believe that your manners will pay off.
    • Focus on what you can change and don't try to change other things. It can be hard to make someone fall in love with you or think you're funny, but you can change the way you communicate with them. Don't try to move the whole mountain; Please do what you can do.

  4. Love yourself. It can be difficult to love others if you don't love yourself. Practice raising your self-esteem and go on a "self-discovery" journey.
    • Make a to-do list for the week and cross out all completed tasks. By the end of the week, you will have a wonderful feeling for everything you have achieved.
    • Find a reason to laugh. Review your favorite comedy videos; Talk to a funny friend to laugh together. Whatever you choose, don't forget to laugh, because laughter will make you happier. If you make a mistake in front of others, make a joke about it; wit not only helps you to cure your embarrassment, but also makes people love you more.
    • Open. Be open to all. If you ignore certain people, you will find that communicating with others will also become more difficult, and over time you may lose your attention.
    • Treat yourself well. Life sometimes has bumpy roads that make your legs tired. Stop for a moment and realize what little joys mean.Don't be afraid to pamper yourself.
    • Do not torture yourself when you make a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes, and mistakes will teach us new lessons. Don't get angry or frustrated when you make a mistake; See it as an opportunity to learn and you will do better next time.

Part 2 of 3: Get everyone's sympathy

  1. Pay attention to your appearance. Dress well. While appearance doesn't guarantee that you will be loved by everyone, it is also a plus. Be sure to use the right body language. Be unique and be yourself.
    • Take a bath, keep your body fragrant and remember to brush your teeth. Bath once a day. Wash your hair every two days. Use a cool deodorant or a hint of perfume if you're a girl. Brush your teeth twice a day and floss at least once.
    • Smile whenever possible! An encouraging smile will let others know that you care about what they are saying. A smile is also a sign that you are happy, and that everyone wants to be with happy people.
    • Pay attention to your body language. Gestures such as arms crossed, legs, rolling eyes, and sighing are all signs of boredom, frustration, and frustration. Make sure to communicate what you mean to everyone with your body language.
  2. Start small if you are shy. For example, every time you go to school, work, or go to a party, greet someone and have a private conversation with them. Focus on easy communication activities before moving on to more difficult tasks. Small successes will motivate you.
    • Cheerfully say "hello" to those who seem quiet. Share something about yourself, like where you are going or why you are there. Just be friendly. Avoid talking about the weather — as one Tom Waits song says, "Strangers only talk about the weather." Ask questions and get to know them if you don't know what to say.
    • Listen more than talk. Instead of just nodding, smiling, and rubbing your hands on your cheeks from time to time, try to feel what the other person says and follow them. Speak your mind - but don't finish the other person's part. Remember that the conversation has to be a two-way activity.
    • Do not ask for perfection in everyone, especially yourself. For example, if you forgot to give your name in the self-introduction (which doesn't normally happen), just make a joke about the situation. Everyone is sometimes negligent; Whether you will be lovable or clumsy depends on how you react to the situation.
    • Share your cool / crazy ideas. The thoughts in your mind can open doors to a friendship. You will never know if what you say will make people think deeply, laugh or laugh or look at you in a different light. After all, an idea is just an idea.
  3. Make friends with different groups of people. Favorite people may not be the best, but they know how to connect with others and make people comfortable. It is never too late to realize that being liked is important.
    • Talk to older people who are probably members of your family. If you show respect, your older people will also respect you. They won't make fun of you, make you feel inferior, or make fun of you. Finding your place when chatting with elders can help you feel more comfortable when it's time to talk to people your age.
    • Make friends with younger friends if you are in high school. Playing with children a year or two younger than you can help build confidence, and that can help when you interact with friends your age. The neighbor's 10-year-old is easy to talk to and helps boost your confidence.
    • Organize events with friends. Depending on your age, organize an activity with your friends and let them invite more people. Maybe it's a football match, a pool party or after-hours leisure time. Try to invite new people to join!
  4. Be nice to everyone. Always praise others, but don't overdo it. If you're shy, take a deep breath and take the risk - you'll never know what might happen. If you are a shy person on the outside but a little crazy on the inside, show it up from time to time. Tie your hair up really high and dance or spin around. People will laugh when they find out what is interesting about you and like to be around you.
    • Don't be too defensive on your own affairs. For example, don't shout, "Why are you so prejudiced?" or "Why do you have such aversion to women?" When it comes to situations that have happened in the past, you may react too sensitively. Try to believe the best in everyone and don't think badly of anyone.
      • If you start arguing with someone about trivial things like shoes, it's better to give up. Try to recognize which controversy is not worth it. If you are defending a friend against another's teasing then this is understandable.
    • Do not speak harsh words or offend others. Avoid sensitive topics such as politics, religion and gender, as people are easily provoked when talking about these topics. If you are asked for your opinion, speak your mind, but understand that others may have different views.
    • Respect people, no matter what they think or say. We are all human beings and all deserve respect. If you treat others well, they will treat you as well. Do not attack others just to appear imposing or careless. You run the risk of alienating people and looking like you don't know what you're talking about.
  5. Find people with similar interests. Get up, walk, and join a group of classmates who share your interests, whether at school lunches or at a party. These environments will make it easier for you to meet and make friends. And it doesn't matter if you guys don't have much in common, as long as everyone feels happy and comfortable.
    • If someone criticizes you or disagrees with what you do, they are not your friends. Friends must protect and care about what makes you happy (so it wouldn't be great if they ask you to smoke), but more than that, they need to be supportive of what you do.
    • Join the clubs and other extracurricular programs that interest you. If you like to draw, join a painting club. If you want to argue, you can join the discussion group. Don't worry about what people say or think about you. As long as you are confident in what you do, if someone makes fun of you, that person is a fool.
    • Don't worry about the group you join. You don't have to see yourself the way others see you. If you want to be a member of the skateboarding group, just start playing it and don't mind when someone says it's not for you.

Part 3 of 3: Show wittyness

  1. Awaken your inner humor. For many people, humor is about drawing attention to something unusual or unexpected. But how would you do it? First of all, you must believe that you know what is fun. Remember a time when your wit made people laugh and knew you could go on.
    • Find things that make you laugh, as they will most likely make other people laugh. Write down funny events that happened to you or funny stories you have ever heard. Then you will get used to the happy atmosphere around.
    • Find out what causes humor. People who know funny stories always know what is fun. When someone says or does something funny ask yourself, Why is it fun? Learn about humor.
    • Stay with funny people. Maybe it's your friends or the actors on TV.Whoever they are, get closer to them, and their humor will spread to you.
  2. Don't be afraid to make fun of yourself. Humorous people are also self-ironic. Watch the monologue comedy performances: In fact, they just tell jokes about what they do or what happened to them. If you can tell a joke about yourself (confidently), people will see confidence in you.
    • Learn to spontaneously. Self-pity is a cheerful self-mockery, and because you don't seem afraid of making mistakes, people won't be afraid of you criticizing them. Here are good examples of self-sarcastic statements. Remember these are social humor; With your friends, you can use more relaxed jokes to tell about your jokes.
      • "I went to the psychiatrist, he told me," You're crazy. "I told me I wanted to hear another opinion. He said," Okay, you're ugly! "
      • "I feel sorry for people who do not drink or take drugs, because when they get very sick they go to the hospital and die, they will not know the cause."
      • "When I was born, I was so ugly that my mother was slapped by a doctor."
  3. Know that different situations have different elements of laugh. There are many types of comedy; And to know about it, you'll have to understand what makes people laugh. Here are some types of humor.
    • Estimation is contrary to reality. When people were waiting for something but something completely different happened, it was an interesting surprise: "The other day I saw a scuffle, but then suddenly realized it was a ball game".
    • Play on words. Play on words makes things sound a little different from what we would expect: “You know what gets bigger, smaller? Crab".
    • Conversation. One word or a quick reaction becomes a humorous joke: A friend of yours says, "It's strange that we only have hair on our heads and in private places?" Your friend must not wait for an answer. Say, "That's what you think."
  4. Practice, practice and practice. Humor is an art, not a science. It is not a textbook for you to read through the task. So it's important to keep going, learning to express humor with lots of trial and error.
    • Read jokes and watch comedy. You can easily find a list of funny books and movies on the internet, or ask your friends for suggestions.
    • Practice joking on your own. If you have never joked before, just practice slowly. You do not want to constantly bombard your friends with jokes. Try saying a joke from time to time and remember which situations work. If not, ask yourself what you need to do to make people really funny.
    • Stand up when you fall. Humorous people also sometimes say insignificant jokes. Often times, you can turn the situation around to turn into self-sarcasm. However, that also doesn't mean it's not funny. So don't be afraid to fail. Fortunately, few people remember your jokes unless you're really funny!


  • People are often ignorant of other people's confusion. When interacting with people, keep in mind that they may be uncomfortable talking because of insecurity. The best thing you can do is be confident. Your confidence will help you feel the other's shyness in communication.
  • Honest. A lie will keep people from making friends because they will no longer trust you.
  • Seek other people's respect instead of getting their approval. People are often attracted to people who value themselves. If you are looking for the satisfaction of others, it also means that you are implying that "This person's opinion of me is very important because it represents my worth". You have to judge yourself and don't seek anyone else's judgment of you.
  • Start slowly. Start talking with open-ended questions like, "What happened?" and let the other person take the initiative in the conversation. Prove their initial response to see if they want to continue talking.
  • Avoid prejudice, even in terms of age. A 20-year-old isn't impossible to be friends with a 70-year-old. Don't limit your possibilities.
  • Don't try to say something just to be smart or funny. Most people prefer to be friends with sincere people rather than boastful people. Make sure your wit comes naturally and doesn't force it.
  • Socialize with other people and you will attract more people. People often take shortcuts, and if they don't have time to get to know you, they will see other people who love you and come to the conclusion, "If other people like you, I like you too." This is called the crowd effect)
  • Be with the people you want to be like.
  • Don't forget your other friends! Please introduce everyone to each other. This way you will have a lot of topics to talk about and your friends can also make friends.
  • Get a job. You will be able to get out and get more activities, and if you get a job, you'll meet more people with similar experiences.
  • Everyone loves attention. Be considerate of people, and often they will respond enthusiastically. This also doesn't take much effort.
  • A great way to start a conversation with a stranger is to ask for advice. Everyone wants to show off a little, and maybe they'll be happy to help you.


  • Don't act too crazy or talk wildly about strange things that have nothing to do with the conversation. You should stay calm and talk at a normal pace.