How to pretend possessed by a demon

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 16 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The myth of demonic possession | Hassaan Tohid | TEDxUAlberta
Video: The myth of demonic possession | Hassaan Tohid | TEDxUAlberta


Whether you want to play a demon-possessed character at a Halloween costume party or just want to tease your friends or family, you can learn to act pretty easily by following some personality and behavior guidelines. en following. Combining some behavioral changes with a few convincing makeup tips, soon you will have the same demonic-like appearance without difficulty.


Method 1 of 3: Expressing personality change

  1. Be self-contained, quiet, and wary. One of the signs that a person is possessed by a demon is a sudden change in personality. A happy and sociable everyday person suddenly becomes quiet and closed, accompanied by a negative and cold attitude. Be quiet and only speak up when asked to talk.
    • Respond in a flat, emotionless voice, and be wary when someone questions your behavior.
    • You can mimic people's words in a sarcastic tone when they talk to you, repeat what they say in a strange tone, and abruptly walk away.

  2. Be indifferent to all the hobbies you normally enjoy. Always act lethargic and not interested in anything. When asked by someone or when a friend speaks to you, respond with a sullen voice "I don't care" and look away with a blank look.
  3. Create unexpected outbursts with words. Spoke out angry words while having a casual conversation or during a peaceful dinner. Sudden backlash to random harmless things. Make it appear as though you have no control over your speech or behavior.
    • Show disorientation and bewilderment after an outbreak. This state of affairs had to happen as quickly as it had started, making everyone around them in awe and confusion.
    • Speak loudly, his voice sharp and his speed faster than usual in an outburst.
    • Pretend to be twitching a bit like a cramp.

  4. Keep an empty and exhausted face. Walking in a state of unconsciousness, almost sleepwalking. Show exhaustion and complete loss of energy, as if you have just experienced sleep deprivation or lack of food.
    • When someone stops you and tries to get your attention, squint your eyes slightly and stare silently at them before returning with a blank, blank expression.
    • Don't exaggerate. You have to act weary, even depressed. If you act too much, you will look very fake.

  5. Keep suspicious books and pictures everywhere. Display strange symbolic images and paranormal objects in places that everyone will see. Have everyone see you repainting a symbol on a piece of paper until the nib rips the paper. Let's act mysterious.
    • Do this a little - once or twice is enough. If your room is suddenly filled with things like crystal stones, tarot cards and other mystical objects then this doesn't seem very real.
    • This scene will instill in the heads of your loved ones and friends next to you that it seems as if something bad is happening to you, but not to the point of revealing your tough joke.
  6. Take action that causes spikes in public. Sit on a chair across from the wall and laugh like crazy. Deliberately let everyone see you whispering to yourself in a dark corner. Swaying back and forth while whispering something. Suddenly hush those nearby as you pass by them.
    • This scene shouldn't be overstated to look real either. Start with a single scene, then gradually increase the frequency and intensity of the bizarre.
    • You should also avoid going too far while acting these scenes, as it can get you in trouble while at school or at work. Remember, your joke is just for fun.

Method 2 of 3: Dress up to look like a demon

  1. Apply light-colored concealer to face, neck, and lips. Choose a cream that is a few tones lighter than your natural skin tone. You can also apply a little bit of cream or white powder (cosmetics usually sold at Haloween stores) over the concealer to make it even whiter.
    • For even, lifelike white skin, you can apply the cream to your chest, hands, and other exposed skin.
    • Apply a thin layer of transparent powder over the skin that has just been applied with white cream to make the cosmetic layer stick and fade away.
  2. Apply brown, gray, or purple matte eyeshadow below your eyes. Use a brush to brush brown and purple eyeshadow underneath your eyes to create sunken eyes. Add a bit of gray below to give some depth to the eye sockets.
    • To look even more impressive, you can apply the eyeshadow to the corner of the eye and the eyelids.
    • In addition to the purple, brown, and gray colors, you can dab a very small amount of black eyeshadow on the inner corner of the eye for an extremely dramatic look.
  3. Create volume on the cheeks. Brush the brown or gray matte eyeshadow below the cheekbones in a straight line. This will make your face appear emaciated. Remember to spread the chalk evenly.
    • The goal here is to look sick but not let people find out that you are wearing makeup.
    • The build-up will start from the hairline at the top of the cheekbones down the cheekbones and stop while being about 2.5 cm from the mouth on each side.
  4. Use red cosmetics for the eyes, cheeks, and nose. Apply pink, hazel or red lipstick or eyeshadow to your eyelids, inside the eye corners, and under your eyes. Add a bit of red on top of the nose. Use the red lip liner pencil to paint red the hem of the lower eyelid (the inner contour of the lower lids, above the lashes) to look sick and tired.
    • Evenly spread the red cosmetics on the face so that it looks natural. Do not make it clear that you are dressed up.
    • After applying the lip liner to the lower lash line of your eyes, you can use the tip of a cotton swab to gently smear it off a bit. The red color will come out and look more natural.
  5. Create contours and depth to the face. Use a small cross-head brush to apply matte brown (or gray) eyeshadow to fine lines and wrinkles on the face. Focus on the two wrinkles that run from the sides of your nose down the corners of your mouth and those that run down the corners of your mouth as you grimace.
    • Don't forget to highlight the wrinkles that appear between the brow lines when you frown, even the wrinkles on your forehead when you raise your eyebrows as high as possible.
    • The lines and depth of facial wrinkles will make you appear dull, tired and scowled.
    • Paint so that the cosmetics are not too dark or too obvious.
  6. Draw veins of blood on the cheeks and forehead. Use a small diagonal brush and blue or green eyeshadow to draw the blurred blood vessels on the cheeks and forehead. For a more creepy look, shake your hands while drawing veins.
    • If you want the color to stand out, you can moisten the brush before applying the eyeshadow box.
    • Using a gel liner or blue / green cream eyeshadow are also good choices for drawing blood vessels.
  7. Cover the face with a thin, translucent or white powder. This powder will help the newly drawn "blood vessels" look under the skin. The powder will also help the other cosmetic layers stick and not shine.
    • Use a large blush or a blush brush to cover it evenly and thinly.
  8. Dress up for dry and chapped lips. Pucker your lips, use eyeshadow or eyeliner on your lips to create wrinkles. Dab a little pink / red / chestnut eyeshadow on the inner corner of your lips. This will make your lips appear dry and bleeding.
  9. Makes hair sticky and greasy. Spray hair / hairspray and / or gel on your hair and divide your hair into sections with your hands to create tangled and droopy hair. The longer and more tangled the hair, the better.
    • If you can withstand this hair for a few days without washing it, the image will be even more impressive.
  10. Black your fingernails and fingertips for a dirty look. Dab black eyeshadow below the fingernails and around the edges of the nail, sweep down the fingers so that the "dirt" is most attached to the nail and fades down the fingers.
    • Paint a little reddish-brown liquid lipstick around the cuticles on some of your fingernails to appear bleeding.

Method 3 of 3: Manifestation of physical disorders

  1. Wake up and scream. Regular nightmares are also a sign of being possessed by a demon, so pretend to have nightmares from time to time. While screaming unconsciously while struggling to create a messy and sweaty look when someone comes running to see how you are doing. His eyes widened and he showed a panicked expression.
    • When asked what you dreamed about, sit up and shake your head vigorously as if you couldn't verbalize what you saw.
    • The best time to perform this scene is from midnight to around 2am. During this time, everyone in the family has not slept soundly, so it is easier to wake up and will be more anxious.
  2. Practice yoga, forging strength and endurance. People who are possessed by demons portrayed in movies often have the ability to twist their bodies. It is not uncommon for people to display supernatural powers. You can increase strength and endurance through yoga, stretching exercises, and weight training.
    • Into a twisted position after "having a nightmare". Her face still looks cold.
    • To prevent injury, be sure to discreetly stretch your muscles before twisting.
    • Simply twist the body. You do not have to do too much to make the bystanders scared enough.
  3. Act like a hypnosis and last for a long time without blinking. When others try to talk or wake you up, be quiet, keep your body rigid, your eyes fixed. Don't wake up when you're "hypnotized" even if people try to shake you. Pretend to lose consciousness.
    • When you wake up, act as if you don't know what happened. Stubbornly argued with anyone who wanted to talk about this.
    • Show signs of memory loss and loss of sense of time
  4. Practice rolling your irises so that only the whites are visible. Face forward, eyes up, and looking as far away as possible - head doesn't budge. Raise your eyes as high as you can, then lower your eyelids slightly to cover the remaining blackness in your eyes.
    • Remember not to completely close your eyes when doing this. You can practice getting it right in front of the camera on your phone. Filming and photographing again.
    • Some people think it's easier to close your eyes first. You can close your eyes, look up at the ceiling (eyes still closed), then open your eyes while still looking up.
  5. Practice extreme grimaces and painful expressions. Exorcists say that those possessed by demons often make a terrible and frightening grimace. Their expressions showed pain. Sit in front of the mirror and practice expressive like that.
    • Once you have selected a few expressions on your face, please do it after having a "nightmare" and the bizarre incident you just acted.
    • If possible, use props to support your expressions and movements.
    • A classic scene from the movie Demons is well known, so it would be pretty hilarious if you used some thick bean soup in a scene.
  6. Learn a new language or Latin phrase. In horror movies, demon possessions often speak Latin, but any foreign language confuses your friends and family if you suddenly let out a strange voice. If you don't have time to learn a new language, you just need to learn a few Latin phrases.
    • A phrase that possessed by demons often use in horror movies is "Legio mihi nomen est, quia multi sumus" which means "I am the Army, because we are very crowded." Even when speaking in their native language, this sentence is probably enough to make people feel cold.
    • Be careful when speaking a foreign language if your loved ones know it. You do not want your sister to tell everyone that your Latin pronunciation is bad and grammar is wrong.
    • Another option is to mutter a few incoherent sentences. If you choose to do this, try to pretend you're speaking a foreign language by interrupting your voice occasionally and changing the voice over certain words.
  7. Practice creepy voice. In movies, the voice of a demon entering a possessed person is often very low, slightly husky, and sinister. Try speaking different types of voices to see what weird and scary noises you can make. Look for some instructional videos online to expand your vocal range - pay special attention to reaching deeper tones.
    • Record your creepy voice with your phone, then use an app to make your voice deeper, more intimidating, and play it out late at night or when other people are around.
    • Incorporate some other sounds like wheezing, hissing, roaring and screaming. Use these sounds between sentences or words.


  • People may think that you have a mental illness, such as depression (loss of interest in things, a seemingly empty interior), or a disability like autism (which can manifest in behavior. rocking or repeating words or phrases). You may be taken to a doctor for a mental health check.
  • Anyone with a clear mind can stop acting after a while. So to be honest, if you don't have the conventional judgment capacity to get out of the role, it's your fault.