How to tell a guy how you feel

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Tell a Guy You Like Him (Matthew Hussey)
Video: How to Tell a Guy You Like Him (Matthew Hussey)


Whether you have feelings for your best friend or like a guy in class, confessing your feelings to them is not easy. Luckily, you don't have to be straightforward for him to ask you out. You can use a variety of strategies to allude to him how interested you are. Use body language, find excuses to spend time with him, and suggest the right topic to start the conversation with.


Method 1 of 2: Flirting with body language

  1. Make lots of eye contact. Whenever you talk, you should make eye contact with him. This shows your full attention to him. When someone says something funny, look at him while smiling. Making eye contact will make them think that you both enjoy the story.
    • Don't stare at him from across the room. This action can be a bit odd. Instead, smile and turn away if your eyes accidentally meet.

  2. Laugh when they're joking. Don't laugh at everything he says, but only laugh when he's obviously trying to joke. Remember to smile naturally so that you don't feel like you're pretending. If the guy is trying to make a joke but the story is not really funny, you should still smile to let him see that you enjoy hearing him.
    • You should not laugh at offensive jokes. Trust your judgment rather than try to please him.

  3. Sit near him. When the opportunity arises, pull the chair close to him or move closer while sitting on the bench. Try to enter into their "personal area", about 45cm away. Don't go any closer to this limit unless you find him interested. Notice if he leans towards you as he talks or seems to move away.

  4. Naturally touch him while talking or laughing. Whenever the two of you are chatting, find a chance to touch him. If they say something funny, put your hand on their arm briefly while you are smiling. Don't put your hand on for too long because they may not want you to hold onto them.
    • Try taking a short breath as if you have just remembered something, and holding his arm or shoulder while you are telling it.
    • Avoid touching their feet unless you are best friends. This is a much more intimate act that can feel strong if you don't get to know each other yet.

=== Make time for him ===

  1. Be present in his extracurricular activities. If they play sports or join a band, go to their show or show. Remember to hang around for a while, then come greet them so they know you've arrived. Showing his support for what he is pursuing will convey the message that you care.
    • Point to events he told you to hear or to you two know together. Don't show up in places you find out by reading all of his comments on Facebook.
  2. Lend him books or movies. If there is a book or movie that you like very much, ask him if he has read it or not. If not, lend it to him and say you want to know what he thinks about it. This shows you are thinking of him, and it will be the story for the two to start the next time you meet.
    • If it's a movie, you can invite him to watch the movie with you. This is a very natural way to know if he wants to spend a lot of time with you.
  3. Bring him food and water. Notice if he is particularly fond of snacks or drinks. Maybe he drinks some sort of soda every afternoon, or he eats chips regularly. If you know you're going to see him, you should buy two slots - one for them and one for you. That shows you are always thinking about them, but not just to buy them another way.
  4. Ask him to teach you something. If he likes to play video games but you have never played it before, ask if you could come over and let him teach you how to play. If he plays golf, say you want to learn how to play. That request will make him feel proud and will also give you the opportunity to get closer to him.
    • If he says no but doesn't have a good reason, it could be a sign that he hasn't reciprocated your feelings.

Method 2 of 2: Talk to him

  1. Talk about their concerns. If he likes sports, video games, movies, or books, talk about them. Show that you are also interested in what makes him who he is now. If you do not know anything about these topics, you should take the time to learn. You don't have to be an expert, just have enough research to speak.
    • Read the highlights of the club's recent game he likes, then ask if he has read it.
    • Check out the upcoming video games and ask if he's planning to buy.
    • Don't lie and pretend you know a lot about these things. Keep your attitude honest and say something like "I don't know much, but it looks good."
  2. Inquire about the aforementioned issues. Show interest in what he says. Whenever you meet, ask about things you discussed in the last meeting. If he said that he was going to take a math exam earlier, ask about his results. If he ever said the dog was sick then ask "Ah, how is the dog today?"
  3. Praise him. Don't always compliment when you two meet, but instead give praise in the right situations. If he comes out with a new shirt, or seems to be dressed better than usual, praise him for being handsome. If he has a favorite T-shirt he wears often, just say something as simple as "Nice shirt".
    • You don't have to always compliment your looks. Tell him he has a great musical talent, that he is a talented artist.
  4. Asking for advice. Showing trust and respect for his opinion is a good way to hint at your feelings. Please consult for small things like "What movie should I watch this weekend?" Or ask more serious matters like "How should I deal with this friend?" Remember to continue the story next time you meet and tell him how it all went.
  5. Send text or email to show you miss him. Find a funny photo and send it to him saying, "It reminds me of you". Not only do you show you miss him when you are apart, but you also show that you think he's a funny person.
    • Not necessarily sending funny messages. Choose a good article and send him a link, saying "It reminds me of our talk yesterday."
  6. Frankly you like him. If everything fails, don't be afraid to tell the truth. Maybe he doesn't realize what you mean, or maybe he's too shy. Try saying something as simple as, "Ah, you really like me, can I go out sometime?"
    • If he refuses, you say okay. Say something like "That was a joke!", Then laugh and talk about other topics.