Ways to Make Bed

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 6 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Ways to Make Your Bed!
Video: 5 Ways to Make Your Bed!


  • Move blankets, sheets, and all pillows away (preferably not on the floor).
  • You can leave sheets of sheets (sheets with four elastic corners).
  • Bed sheets. If the bed is not covered, you will need to do this. Wrap the rubber ends around the four corners of the mattress.
    • Remember that the mattress has to fit the four corners of the mattress - you may need to lift the mattress a little to do it.
    • Make sure the bed sheet surface is flat, free of wrinkles or creases.

  • Cover the bed sheet on top. The next step is to get the covers on top of the sheets. Remember that the edge of the large-contoured throttle should be above the head of the bed and in line with the edge of the mattress.
    • If the bed sheet has a pattern, the patterned side should be facing down (so you can see it when you fold the sheet).
    • Make sure the sheets are laid neatly on the mattress, and the fabric covering the sides of the bed should be equal.
  • Folded hospital-style bedside. The term "hospital-style bedside" refers to a method of folding the head of a bed so tightly underneath the mattress. This is the hardest part of making your bed, but it also helps to keep your bed tidy.
    • To fold the corner of a hospital bed, tuck one head of the sheet under the mattress at the end of the bed. Do not just stuff them sloppily, remember to spread them flat, not to be wrinkled.
    • Grab a piece of sheet about 40 cm from one side of the mattress at the end of the bed. Lift the gas and fold it over the top of the mattress so that the fold forms a 45-degree angle to the mattress.
    • Keeping the folded gas on the top of the mattress, tuck the excess gas under the mattress. Tuck it as neatly as possible.
    • Now you will release the gas folding on the mattress. If you like loose sheets, you can stop here. But if you prefer tighter, you can tuck the edge of the gas drop down into the mattress, along the edge of the bed so that it is flat.
    • Repeat on the opposite side of the bed. You can read the article on how to fold corners of a hospital bed for details and see the illustrations.

  • Cover the blanket on top. Once the cover sheet has been fixed, you can lay the blanket on top.
    • Remember to keep the blanket neatly on the bed, the edge of the blanket covering the side of the bed should be equal.
    • The edge of the bed sheet should be 15 cm lower than the edge of the bed sheet.
  • Fold the edge of the sheet and blanket at the head of the bed. Hold the edge of the bed sheet that folds back neatly over the blanket. Notice if you see a pattern on the underside of the sheets?
    • If you are using a thin blanket, you can fold both the blanket and the bed sheet together, so you won't see the border of the sheet. The duck blanket is a bit thick, so it cannot be folded.
    • If you like, you can tuck the folding edge of the blanket and bed sheet under the mattress to make the bed look neat and sharp. That's how people do it in the military!

  • Bulging pillows. Take pillows and inflate them before placing them on bed. Inflate the pillow by holding the sides of the pillow against each other and then releasing - like playing a harp!
    • Flatten your pillowcase and place each one on top of your bed to fill the space between the folded blanket edge and the headboard.
    • If you have more than two pillows (a large double bed), you can place them on top of the other two.
  • Swipe again. Now the bed-cleaning mission is over!
    • Finish by placing decorative mattresses or pillows (if any) on top of the bed, against the pillows.
    • If you have an extra blanket you want to decorate in bed (or in case it's cold!), Fold it in half neatly and spread it on the bottom half of the bed well.
  • Part 2 of 2: Creating good habits

    1. make the bed every morning. The habit of making the bed every morning is simple but helpful.
      • Just 2 minutes of cleaning the bed every morning, your room will look tidy and more relaxed. Imagine how pleasant it feels to crawl between sheets and blankets every night!
      • It sounds unbelievable, but making your bed every morning can really make you feel happier!
    2. Wash the bed sheets every 1-2 weeks. Many people wonder how often to wash the sheets. And here is the answer: every 1-2 weeks.
      • While it's best to wash your sheets every 1-2 weeks, you can delay to about a month. But if there is a slight unpleasant smell in the bedroom, you know why.
      • Blankets or any other surface that comes into direct contact with the body should be washed every three months.
    3. Learn how to cage a blanket and duck feathers easiest. Anyone who uses a duck blanket knows that the task of caging duck feathers is extremely strenuous. However, there is one tip that can make the process simpler:
      • Roll the covers from the inside out, then put your hands inside the blanket, each hand grabbing a corner of the blanket (like a puppet made of socks). Next is to grab the upper corners of the blankets tucked into the covers - grab each hand at a corner.
      • Holding the corners tightly, shake the blanket until the cover automatically locks into place. Then you just need to thread the other two corners of the blanket into the blanket and button or zipped the cover.
      • Also, the best advice is simply to be patient and mobilize support from a relative or friend!
    4. Use a mattress pad. Buying mattress pads is also a good idea if you haven't already. Remember that the size of the mattress pad must be appropriate for the bed.
      • The mattress pad is placed on top of the mattress and under the mattress cover. This cushion will help keep the mattress from getting dirty, and at the same time create an extra soft cushion on the bed.


    • Wash sheets, blankets, and pillows every Sunday. This will make your bed fragrant, clean and sleep on it is also healthier.
    • Make sure each side of the bed is spread evenly.
    • Swipe the blanket over the top of the blanket when you are done with the bed, as straight as possible.
    • Make sure the corners are stretched.
    • Make your bed every day, or strip your sheets off to expose the mattress to fresh air, no matter how you "feel" when you wake up. It would be great if you included adding bed cleaning to your morning routine, which will help you wake up quickly.
    • Finally, just put the pillows on the headboard!
    • Check if bed sheets need to be changed before you start making your bed.
    • Change your pillowcase every 2 days as bacteria can build up. This may prevent the bacteria from coming into contact with the skin that causes breakouts in some people.
    • If you are a large double bed, you can place a pillow in the corner to make the room appear larger.
    • For added comfort, use an active foam mattress cover.
    • Style your bed.
    • If your budget allows, you should buy a satin pillow case. Satin material is not only cool but also soft for hair and skin.


    • If it's summer, don't leave a lot of blankets or thick blankets on your bed. Depending on the temperature in your bedroom, you may only need one or two thin blankets, or even just one sheet is enough.