How to kill pinworm eggs

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 4 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Pinworms | How To Get Rid of Pinworms | Threadworms Treatment (2019)
Video: Pinworms | How To Get Rid of Pinworms | Threadworms Treatment (2019)


Pinworms are a type of parasite that can infect the body and live in the intestinal tract. Pinworms are a real problem in children. Find out how to get rid of pinworms so you can treat them if your child or family member has pinworms.


Method 1 of 4: Pinworm treatment

  1. Diagnosis of pinworms. One of the easiest ways to diagnose a pinworm infection is to try it with tape. Wrap the inner tape around your finger (the sticky side on the outside). In the morning when your baby wakes up, press the bandage against the skin around the child's anus. Pinworm eggs will stick to the tape.
    • Store the tape immediately in a sealed plastic bag. Don't forget that tapes contaminated with worm eggs can be spread to others.
    • Be sure to have the test done with tape before going to the toilet or bathing. Some doctors recommend doing this test for 3 consecutive mornings, but it may be enough to try it once.

  2. See a doctor. Even if the worm eggs are only visible on the tape, you should seek medical attention for the infected child. The doctor can confirm that the child has a pinworm infection and not anything else. Be sure to bring the tape to the doctor as well.
    • Your doctor can look at the adhesive tape under a microscope to determine if there are worm eggs on it.
  3. Take a pinworm treatment. Pinworm infection can be treated with 2 doses of the drug. The first dose used when detecting worm eggs. The second dose is used 2 weeks later. This is to kill all adult worms that hatch after using the first dose, since the drug has no effect on killing pinworm eggs.
    • Everyone in the home must be treated at the same time.
    • Commonly used anti-pinworms are mebendazole, pyrantel pamoate and albendazole. Pyrantel pamoate is available without a prescription. Other drugs sold by prescription. Talk with your doctor about which medications are appropriate.

Method 2 of 4: Use unproven alternative methods

  1. Understand the limitations of naturopaths. It is important to remember that there is no scientific evidence to support these alternative therapies - their effectiveness is anecdotal or based on personal experience of oral tradition, and there is no way to know whether Whether or not alternatives are effective in pinworm treatment.
    • Ask your doctor first if you want to try alternative therapies. These methods should still be used in combination with medications prescribed by your doctor and should not be considered the only treatment.

  2. Use garlic. Garlic is believed to be an effective home remedy for pinworms. The first thing is to eat lots of fresh garlic. Garlic can help reduce and kill pinworms when an infected person defecates. You can also use a mixture of garlic and oil around the anal area. Garlic can kill worm eggs, and the oil will help relieve itching.
    • How to make the garlic mixture: Crush 2-3 fresh garlic cloves, then add a few teaspoons of castor oil or mineral oil to the garlic. Be sure to use enough oil to create a paste-like texture. You can also make a paste by mixing garlic with oil wax (Vaseline cream).
    • Be sure to talk to your doctor about home remedies before use.
  3. Try turmeric. Laboratory studies have proven turmeric to kill parasites, although researchers are unsure if turmeric can kill human parasites. However, spicy foods like turmeric are believed to be effective in treating pinworms. You can take 300 mg of turmeric in capsules 3 times per day.
    • You might consider drinking tea with turmeric. Soak one teaspoon of turmeric in a cup of hot water for 5 minutes. Drink 2-4 cups.
    • Do not take turmeric if you are taking blood thinners, as turmeric increases the risk of bleeding.
  4. Drink wormwood tea. Wormwood has long been used to remove worms from the digestive tract. You can mix 3 to 4 drops of tincture wormwood in a glass of warm water and give your child 1 cup a day. Adults can drink 2 cups per day.
    • Consult your doctor before using wormwood tea.
    • Do not take this herb if you are taking anticonvulsants. If you are allergic to rosemary, you may also be allergic to wormwood.

Method 3 of 4: Prevent reinfection

  1. Hand washing. Everyone in the house must wash their hands often. You should pay attention to wash your hands after testing pinworms with a tape for the child or after having contact with children infected with worms. Wash hands before eating or when putting hands in mouth. Remember to wash it thoroughly with soap.
    • Start by getting your hands wet. Rub the soap thoroughly. Be sure to rub soap between your fingers and around the nail.
    • Use a soft toothbrush to scrub underneath the fingernail - worm eggs can get stuck under the fingernail, especially if someone with the worm has scratched.
    • After soaping, rinse thoroughly with warm water and dry hands thoroughly.
    • Keep nails short and cut nails to prevent irritation and reduce the risk of spreading.
  2. Shower in the morning. People infected with pinworms should bathe immediately after waking up. Pinworms lay eggs at night, so the anal area will have thousands of worm eggs. These eggs can spread to others or hatch into worms. As soon as you wake up, the infected person should take off the worm-infected clothing and take a shower.
    • Take a shower instead of a bath. The water in the bath will contaminate the worm eggs and enter the body or mouth, leading to reinfection of the worms.
  3. Keep underwear and bedding clean. Because pinworms lay eggs in the anus, people infected with the worms must change their underwear every day. Do not put dirty underwear in the laundry basket with other clothes. Keep the underwear of an infected person separate to reduce the risk of spreading the worms or eggs.
    • Wash all clothes, bedding, and towels in the hottest water possible. If you do not want to wash every day, you can store in a sealed plastic bag before washing. Rinse clothes at least twice.
    • Make sure no one reuses a towel during this time to reduce the risk of spreading the worm eggs.
    • Consider using a disposable glove when handling potentially worm-contaminated items.
    • Do not wash the worm-contaminated clothing or bedding before they are properly washed. This can cause the worm eggs to spread and lead to reinfection.

Method 4 of 4: Understanding pinworms

  1. Learn about pinworm infections. You can get pinworms by eating, touching anything contaminated with worms, and putting your hands in your mouth. Once in the intestine, the worm eggs will ripen and hatch into worms in the intestine. The female worm can burrow out of the intestine through the anus and lay eggs in nearby skin.
    • Adult pinworms are white and less than 2.5 cm long or about the length of a paperclip. At night they move to the anus to lay eggs. They can lay up to 10,000 eggs. The worm eggs hatch and can be contagious in just a few hours.
    • Pinworm eggs can live up to 2 weeks on clothing, bedding, food and other surfaces.They can also live up to 2 weeks on pet hair, but only humans are infected.
  2. Recognize your risk factors. Children under 18 years old are most at risk of pinworm infection. It is estimated that 10-40% of all children are infected with pinworms in some time period. Young children are most at risk, accompanied by family members and caregivers.
    • Children can inadvertently spread pinworms in the home. If your child is infected with pinworms, you must treat the whole family due to the risk of accidentally infecting everyone.
    • Children can also spread pinworms in schools and kindergartens.
  3. Know the symptoms of pinworm infection. Unfortunately, most pinworm infections have no symptoms, so people infected with pinworms don't know they are infected. If there are symptoms, then the main sign is the itching around the anus. This usually occurs at night, when the female worms lay eggs and eggs hatch. The itch can be very severe, and the baby will be very upset. Other symptoms may include a urinary tract infection and insomnia.
    • Infection can occur when the patient scratches too hard and tears the skin.
    • Pinworm infections can be diagnosed by testing the tape, but it's still a good idea to see your baby.