How to get rid of red spiders

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
Get Rid of Spider Mites
Video: Get Rid of Spider Mites


The red spider (class Arachnida) is a tiny sap that absorbs the sap. They attack the underside of the leaves and suck the sap from the plant; When infected with red spiders in large numbers, plants can die. When red spiders are spotted, you need to take immediate action to eliminate them! You can use biological or chemical control methods to treat red spider infections.


Method 1 of 3: Distinguishing red spiders

  1. Observe the leaf surface. If the plant is infected with red spiders, the leaves may appear yellow spots. When the light shines on the leaves, you will see silver, even copper or silver streaks on the leaves.
    • Although red spiders often attack the undersides of leaves, they sometimes become so greedy that they eat both the upper surfaces of the leaves and flowers. Eventually the red spider will poke holes through the leaves of the plant - the most obvious evidence of red stinging.
    • Plants can still become infected with red spiders even if you can't find any holes in the leaves, so watch for other signs.
    • Other signs of damage include: deformed leaves, deformed leaves, wilting, spots, streaks or discoloration on the surface of leaves. If the infection is severe, the leaves of the plant may begin to fall off.

  2. Check if there are white nets on the tree. This is a sign of red spider appearance. Spider webs often gather around where they eat. Note that not all red spiders spread the web.
  3. Confirm presence of red spider. Red spiders are very small, so it is difficult to see. However, one method you can use to determine the appearance of a red spider is to take a white sheet of paper, place it underneath the tree you suspect has the red spider, and gently vibrate the stem.
    • Some red spiders will fall on paper. You can see them more clearly through a magnifying glass.
    • Red spider comes in many colors such as red, green, yellow and brown. They have eight legs and often move slowly.
    • Note the red spiders with spots on their backs - this is also known as the red double-spotted red spider, which is especially difficult to eradicate.

  4. You have to be very careful with certain plants. Some plants appear to be favored by red spiders over others.
    • Be wary of red spiders when growing sorghum, fruit trees, bananas, begonias, beans, mint, broadleaf, strawberries, porcelain and other indoor plants.
    • Note that double-spotted red spiders can attack more than 100 species of plants.

  5. Pay special attention in humid and dusty weather. Red spiders can do the most damage under these conditions because they will then thirst and seek moisture in the leaves. This also means that they are attracted to any plants grown inside windows, including indoor window sill plants. advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Use biological methods

  1. Quickly remove parts of plants heavily infected with red spiders. Pick up fallen leaves and remove any that have been badly damaged. This will prevent the red spider from spreading to nearby plants. Place damaged leaves in a sealed plastic bag and throw them in the trash or burn.
    • If the whole plant is infected with red spider, you should consider removing the whole plant. This will provide other plants with a chance of survival.
    • Water only from above on plants infected with red spiders and continue to remove infected plant parts as soon as detected.
  2. Clean indoor plants often. If the plants are easy to clean then this is an effective, non-toxic method for getting rid of red spiders.
    • You can use plain water or a cool solution of water and a mild dish soap. Use 3 tablespoons of dish soap for every 4 liters of water. Any soap can be used, but the best natural soap is made from olive oil. Or you can also use an antibacterial soap.
    • Use a sponge soaked in soapy water and wipe over each leaf or pour in a spray bottle to spray onto the underside of the leaves.
    • If there are still red spiders on the tree, 6 days later wash the leaves with soapy water again. Note that some plants are particularly sensitive to soap, so consider trying on a small portion of the plant before applying it to the whole plant.
  3. Use a plant-based spider repellent. There are a number of commercially available drugs that contain natural ingredients that work to kill red spiders without being toxic to plants and other insects. The three most commonly used drugs are:
    • Pyrethrum is a natural insecticide made from plants in the chrysanthemum family. This medicine is the best option when you start dealing with red spiders. However, some species of red spiders develop resistance, so you should watch them closely even after spraying.
    • Cinnamite is also a non-toxic pesticide, made from cinnamon essential oil. Although safe and effective against red spiders, it does not kill eggs. So, you will have to use it about every 3 days for 2 weeks to ensure that the newly hatched red spider eggs are destroyed.
    • Neem oil is a harmful spider insecticide made from the seeds of the neem tree. Neem oil is very effective in eradicating red spiders. In addition, it also works to prevent and treat white powder.
    • Rosemary essential oil is just as effective as an organic insecticide. Try spraying a solution of rosemary oil and water onto a plant contaminated with red spider. Rosemary essential oil will kill red spiders and will not harm other beneficial predatory spiders.
  4. Use an outdoor plant hose. Attach the sprayhead to a hose and spray on outdoor plants contaminated with red spiders. Turn on the water with high pressure and try to face the underside of the leaves to wash away the red spider.
  5. Use homemade herbal teas. If you want to make your own home-made insecticide, you can make herbal tea with 1 tablespoon of cinnamon powder, 1 tablespoon of clove powder, and 2 tablespoons of Italian spices mixed with 1 liter of water.
    • Boil water, then turn off the heat. When the water has cooled, add about 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of the freshly ground garlic. Wait for the water to cool, then filter through a cloth or coffee filter.
    • Add a little dish soap to the tea, then pour into a spray bottle. Spray on the underside of infected red spider leaves every 3 days for 2 weeks. This method will effectively destroy the red spider.
  6. Try organic salt. Fatty acids or potassium salts will rub against red spider's body. Use organic salt in the evening to make the most of the wet time when eliminating red spiders.
    • Mix with water and spray on plants susceptible to red spiders in the evening to create a cooler and humid environment. This method is highly effective against red double-spotted red spiders, as they prefer warm and dry environments.
  7. Control weeds around trees. Don't allow the red spiders to have more hiding places and serve as a launch pad for them to attack the plants you want to plant
    • In particular, you should remove all species of broadleaf grass.
    • Remove anything remaining after harvest, including stumps, fallen leaves and any plant parts.
  8. Create living conditions for ladybirds and red spider-hunting insects. Predatory insects such as lacewing larvae, predacious thrip and ladybug can help reduce red spider populations if encouraged to stay in the garden. However, one of the main reasons the red spiders increase in numbers in the first place is that the use of insecticides has killed their natural enemies. Avoid pesticides like carbaryl, malathion and imidacloprid.
    • You can buy these insects online, at a garden center or through advertising in magazines. Herbal plants like amaranth and lychees that can attract ladybugs to your garden are also an alternative.
    • Ask your supplier for information on how to best use predatory insects, note that this may be less effective if used in a garden with a variety of plants.
    • Catching spiders can also be used against red spiders. Look for the type Phytoseiulus persimilis or other hunting spiders at a gardening center (ask retailer for trade name, as they have different names from country to country), remember to follow the instructions.
    • Under the right conditions, bait spiders can reduce the number of red spiders. Interestingly, ladybugs won't touch the bait spiders, but will only attack the red spiders!

Method 3 of 3: Use chemicals

  1. Use rubbing alcohol. Isopropyl alcohol can kill red spiders very effectively. Just soak the alcohol on a clean cloth and wipe the underside of the plant infested with red spider.
  2. Buy products that are suitable for outdoor red spiders. There are sprays or towels available at the garden center and home store. You need to follow the manufacturer's instructions.
    • If you use certain chemicals (such as dienochlor, dicofol, azocyclotin, fenbutatin, bromopropylate, propagate), do not spray the same product more than 3 times per season. This is to help reduce the red spider's ability to become resistant to chemicals.
  3. Try eradicating red spiders with a sulfur solution. A sulfur spray is another option for getting rid of red spiders. Do not use sulfur powder, as sulfur powder can soar, and you can inhale. Make sure not to spray the sulfur solution for 30 days when using the essential oil for plants or when the temperature is over 32 degrees Celsius.


  • Some red spiders are visible to the naked eye, others are nearly microorganisms and cannot be seen. However, when they are concentrated in large numbers, you can see if you look closely. Use a magnifying glass if you want to see them up close!
  • There are many different species of red spiders. Because they belong to the same eight-legged arachnids, red spiders can weave silk around the shelter, both for ease of movement and defense. The spider family Tetranychidae is probably the deadliest to plants. The spider breaks down every single cell of the plant, causing the fluid inside the cells to flow out and air in. The two-speckled red spider seems to be the most common species in gardens, greenhouses and houses.
  • Red spider can be red or not. Gardeners lump together all types regardless of color, due to the same damage they cause.


  • The method of biological control is better than chemistry, because red spiders are often very resistant to pesticides.
  • Note that insecticides also attack other predatory insects that control red spider infections and restore balance in nature. You need to use caution.
  • Getting rid of red spiders can be very difficult. You have to be persistent, trying not to give the red spider proper conditions (warmth, hiding place and a bit of humidity for most species, completely dry with some others).
  • Some plant viruses are transmitted by red spiders. This is also a good reason to destroy them.