How Your Children Stop Masturbating In Public

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 6 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Masturbation and Young Children
Video: Masturbation and Young Children


Masturbation is a very common practice among children. While many people view masturbation as a natural and harmless way for children to explore their hidden gender, too much and / or improper masturbation can be a big problem, especially when This happens in a public place. Children of all ages masturbate, and for children under the age of 5 they may not know how to find a private place to do this. Stay calm and avoid rushing to conclude that your child has a mental problem. Instead of punishing or taking your child for treatment, when you notice your baby's behavior, gently set limits for him, talk openly and encourage more appropriate behavior.


Part 1 of 3: Setting limits and controlling behavior

  1. Give your child some private space at home. Everyone needs private time, so do teens and children, which is often the right time to commit masturbation. However, if your baby decides to masturbate in front of you or someone else, then you need to correct this behavior. As children have more private time, inappropriate behavior is likely to decrease.
    • Allow masturbation at bedtime. If you find your baby masturbate at bedtime or alone in the bathroom, you shouldn't be punished, but leave it alone.
    • Remember that masturbating does not mean your baby will start having sexual activity with others. It is just the self-discovery behavior of each person.
    • After you've addressed your child's inappropriate behavior in front of others, give your baby a little bit of privacy at home, but continue to supervise while the baby is with other children.

  2. Distracting. When you are in public, you don't want to deal with this behavior directly because it gets other people to notice. However, you can distract your child to stop the behavior and help him focus on something more appropriate. If your child is a child, you can use video games to distract you. If your child is older, you should ask him something or ask to do something for you.
    • You can say, "Can I get you some napkins?" or "I took some chewing gum for you from my wallet!"

  3. Have your baby hold a reassuring object when in public. Giving your young child a blanket or stuffed animal can be a great way to keep their hands busy and have no time to think about masturbation. This is also a reassuring way to children who are often afraid of being in public, or have a physical disability.
  4. Take them home. If you are near home, take your baby back to his room so he can be alone in a private space. For example, if you are at a neighbor's house with your baby and the baby is old enough to be able to go home by himself. If this is the case, ask them to go home and talk to them later.
    • If your child is too young, take it home and explain to them.
  5. Update information from teachers. Children can masturbate in public when you are or are not around, for example, when they are at school. If your kids masturbate at school, find ways to let them forget that urge and wait until they get home. Contact your teacher to find out about their studies, and find out what their problem is.
    • Don't ask about masturbation straight away because you shouldn't embarrass your child or put the teacher on alert.
    • You might say something like, “I want to know how Cuong's studying are these days. Is there any information about her grades or behavior that I should be aware of? ”
    • If the teacher says that your child often masturbate in class, thank them and let them know you are working with your child on this issue, and ask them to call to tell you if this continues.
  6. Talk to your caregiver. If your child has a caregiver, including before or after school tutoring, babysitter, nanny, or any other form of support, talk to them about it. Ask them for information about your child's actions, and tell them how you would like them to respond to these dilemmas.
    • It takes consistency so that all caregivers of your baby handle the same way of their masturbation.
  7. Raise confidence. Masturbation is more likely to occur in children seeking comfort. To control this behavior, you must create lots of healthy activities for your children to have work when they need fun, and help increase their confidence so they can find relaxation from other activities.
    • Allow your child to engage in a variety of hobbies and activities. Find activities that are really fun to engage them and boost your confidence.
    • Let your children know they are competent and respected by everyone in the family. Build a warm environment to motivate and enhance children's confidence.

Part 2 of 3: Communication with children

  1. Pay attention to the voice. Do not face them harshly or in a way that makes them withdrawn or embarrassed. If your baby is too young, they may not realize what they are doing or the sexual significance of the behavior, so a compassionate and gentle attitude is key to influencing their perception of gender. Future. It also increases the likelihood that they will be more willing to talk to you about future sex, rather than finding someone else or keeping it a secret.
    • Remember: don't make them feel ashamed or guilty about masturbation; Simply explain that masturbation in public is unacceptable.
  2. Choose the right time. You will want to deal with this behavior immediately when you encounter it, but you should not be strict with your child in public. Simply ask your baby to "stop" or distract him from the behavior. When you get home, talk to them privately about what you did and explain why the behavior wasn't appropriate.
    • You could say something like, “You know, my body is mine and I can touch it if I want to, but there are places where I shouldn't be unless I'm alone in the room. Don't do this when your child is out of the house. Do you understand? "
    • Don't talk about it in front of other people. You shouldn't let your child feel offended in public.
  3. Explain that there is nothing wrong with discovering private parts of your body. What they're doing isn't really the problem, it's just the wrong location. It is inappropriate to show them or touch private parts in public or in the presence of others.
    • Compare masturbation to other things that should be done in private, like bathing or going to the toilet.
  4. Outline your options. Instead of focusing on what your child shouldn't be doing, turn the discussion over to what your child should may do. Explain that if she wants to masturbate, she can do it in a private place like the bedroom or bathroom.
  5. Show understanding and try to be your child's friend. For older children, this conversation can lead to many questions about gender, so be open to listening to questions and answer honestly about family actions and values ​​in your life. them. With young children, you should talk more about the private parts of the body and their functions.
    • As a young child, you should not talk too deeply about issues that they are not ready to take over; honestly but simple For example, just say, "It's okay to touch, but you can't do that in class or in the presence of other people. Would you like to go into the break room for a while to do it?"
    • Think about who you like to listen to most. Some children like to listen to their parents of the same gender, or take the trouble to listen to the people who are often closer to them.
  6. Watch for signs of abuse. If you find your child masturbate so repeatedly that it hurts himself, try to persuade other children to masturbate, or if you suspect someone teaches your child to masturbate, call the doctor. pediatrician or therapist.Sexual abuse could have happened and that is the root of the problem.
    • Note that recurrent urinary tract infections can also be a sign of excessive masturbation, or ongoing abuse.
  7. Revoke privileges if they don't follow rules. Once you know when it's right and not for masturbation, your child can still act beyond these boundaries, in which case you have to take away some of their perks. That action will reassure them that masturbation in public is unacceptable and will control this bad behavior.
    • Consider confiscating your phone or the right to watch TV.
    • Say “Cuong, I talked about your masturbation. You can do it in your room, but you can't do it at school. Since you did that today, I will confiscate the phone for a few days as punishment. ”

Part 3 of 3: Generating positive motivation

  1. Increase expression of love for children. Some children masturbate because they like the feeling of physical touch, a desire not necessarily related to sex. Cuddle your baby more, sit next to him on the couch while watching TV, and generally act more cuddly. If they start fumbling with you while sitting next to you, ask them to go to their room or go to the bathroom.
  2. Do not enter your room without knocking. While setting limits with your children, you also need to set limits with yourself, and allow them to have some private space. After explaining to them the right places to masturbate, you must not enter their private space without knocking.
  3. Be optimistic and supportive. This process can be new to both you and your child. Be tough on them, but be gentle and supportive. Remind them that it's okay to masturbate in private, and tell them that you are willing to listen if they have questions.
  4. Teach your child coping skills. Some children use this pleasant feeling as a way of coping with or releasing stress. Teach your child how to verbally express feelings like "sad" or "angry", and let them know that there's nothing wrong with feeling bored, but should be verbal.
    • Practice appropriate behaviors in everyday life, especially in your child's presence, to help them better understand how to properly respond to stress.


  • Don't be too hard, angry or hard on this. You will only scare your child and make things worse.
  • It was found that even the fetus also masturbated. At that point the baby had no way of making a conscious decision to masturbate, but it still happened.
  • Remind your child that you are here to help.
  • Show love but be tough when dealing with this.