How to feel better after you get better

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 25 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 ways to feel better both mentally & physically!
Video: 5 ways to feel better both mentally & physically!


When you are sick, you will feel like you are a different person. You are depressed and weak, and sometimes, you still feel sick even when most of the symptoms go away. It can be difficult to get out of bed and get active again, and cleaning the house can become difficult. To help yourself get rid of the suffering of being sick, it is important that you take care of yourself and your home after you get well so you can continue to feel better and avoid getting sick again.


Method 1 of 2: Take care of yourself

  1. Take your time. One of the quickest ways to end up getting back to your hospital bed is to force yourself to become active too soon. Of course, there may be a lot more work to be done and you may have to quit school or work, but it is important to allow yourself time to recover from illness. Don't try to be too active until all the symptoms have subsided. Relaxation and getting enough sleep should be the number 1 priority on your list until you feel 100% healthy.
    • Healthy adults need between 7.5 and 9 hours of sleep each night, and a sick person needs more sleep than this. Make sure you allow yourself a good rest, even if this will mean taking a few days off work or school, canceling your plans, and / or going to bed early.

  2. Stay hydrated. Being sick will cause the body to lose many things; and you often feel physically and mentally exhausted. You can help your body recover from one another by drinking plenty of fluids. You should make sure you drink about 200 ml of water every few hours during the course of an active day to replace lost fluids when you are sick. You should also drink a nutritious drink such as orange juice or soup a few times a day even if you feel better.

  3. Healthy eating. Going back to a regular diet after an illness may not be attractive. However, you need to revive your body with a variety of nutrients and nutrients to get better and healthier. Perhaps you've only eaten crackers, toast, or soup within a few days or weeks, you should start adding healthy, nutrient-dense foods to your diet. Some tips for you include:
    • Avoid foods high in calories and fat.
    • Regularly eat several small meals a day instead of three main meals.
    • Try to drink a fruit smoothie once a day. It will provide many important nutrients for you to recover.
    • Soups, especially chicken, tom yum, pho, and miso soups, are a great way to get protein and vegetables back into your diet.

  4. Soothe muscle pain. Part of getting better after getting sick is dealing with related symptoms such as muscle aches. You no longer cough every 5 minutes, but your back still feels pain when coping with this symptom. The best way to ease the aches and pains when you start to feel better is with heat treatment. For example:
    • Soak in the bath. You can add a cup of Epsom salt or a few drops of a relaxing and anti-inflammatory essential oil such as eucalyptus, peppermint, or lavender to promote healing and relaxation.
    • Use a hot pack to relieve pain in a specific location. For example, if you have a lower stomach ache after you have a stomach flu, you can warm the compress and hold it on your stomach to ease the pain.
    • Carefully massage an pain reliever such as Tiger Balm whenever you feel pain. Similar to a warm pack, you can use this topical medication to treat headaches at specific locations, such as rubbing oil on your temples for a headache. Just remember to wash your hands after use, as this topical is very effective and will heat any area of ​​the skin they come into contact with!
  5. Exercise with a moderate intensity. Getting out of bed and moving after you are sick will improve blood circulation and help eliminate toxins. But wait until you fully recover before you start exercising, and you should avoid vigorous exercise for at least 2-3 weeks after you get sick. Return to exercising slowly, allowing yourself to rest for 1 week after getting sick before starting a moderate intensity exercise such as walking or jogging. You can also get back into your exercise routine by taking a hot yoga class as it can help you get rid of any remaining stuffy nose. However, don't forget to stay hydrated!
  6. Moisturizes the skin. Being sick will really damage your appearance. Sneezing, coughing, and wiping your nose can leave your skin dry and red.Once you start taking care of your body from the inside, you should turn attention to your skin. Buy a moisturizer that contains lanolin and apply it to damaged skin areas such as your nose to immediately relieve painful, dry, dry skin. You might also consider looking for lip balms that contain ingredients such as coconut oil and argan oil, as they are very effective in treating chapped lips. advertisement

Method 2 of 2: Take care of Your Home

  1. Change bed sheets. When you're sick, you spend most of your time in bed, so it's important to change your sheets first. You sweat more when you are sick and your sheets will be filled with germs, so it's very important to kill germs on your bed. Change entire beds, including pillows, and wash them with warm water and fabric safe bleach. You should treat any stain with bleach before washing. Allow your mattress to "breathe" for a few hours before covering it with new sheets.
  2. Clean the toilet. No matter what illness you have, you probably spend a lot of time in the bathroom dealing with your flu symptoms. Whether you just walk in there to get some extra tissue or "pay the dollar" in it for two nights of vomiting, cleaning the toilet is another top priority after getting sick. Some tips for disinfecting a toilet include:
    • Wash any towel you use, face towel, doormat, bathrobe, or any other fabric in warm water and fabric safe bleach.
    • Disinfect all surfaces of utensils, focusing mainly on the countertops and toilets. You can use a supermarkets cleaner or you can make your own with 1 part water and 1 part rubbing alcohol or pure vinegar.
    • Get rid of the garbage, and then disinfect the trash.
    • Replace your toothbrush or soak the tip of the brush in hydrogen peroxide for 30 minutes to kill bacteria.
    • If you use a sponge for cleaning, you should throw it away after the cleaning is done. If you use a wiper, you can wash it with your other towels when finished.
  3. Kitchen disinfection. You probably won't use the kitchen too much when you're sick, but even making the tea can leave traces of germs that can infect others. Disinfect the kitchen with an antibacterial wiper, cleaning product, or home-made disinfectant with 1 part water and 1 part rubbing alcohol or pure vinegar. Areas that you need to focus on cleaning in the kitchen include:
    • Table surface
    • Refrigerator handle
    • The handle to turn the faucet
    • Dish cupboards, cupboards, and drawer handles
    • Any type of dish you have used
  4. Disinfect any other touch points. It can be difficult to remember every item in your home that you touched when you were sick, but you need to disinfect any items you may have come into contact with. This will help you stay healthy and minimize the chance of spreading the disease to others. Be sure to use a disinfectant that is safe to use on a variety of surfaces, such as electronics. In addition to the areas where you have finished cleaning so far, other common indoor touch points include:
    • Thermometer
    • Bathroom cabinets and drawer handles
    • Door knob
    • Light switch, including switch face
    • Electronic devices such as laptops, cell phones, desk phones, TVs, remote controls, and keyboards and mice.
  5. Wash all clothes you use when you are sick. Now that your bed, bathroom, kitchen, and any other touch points have been cleaned, you need to eliminate the last place where germs hide: the clothes you wore. Wash any pajamas, sweaters, and comfort clothing you have worn for days or weeks in warm water and a fabric safe detergent. This will help ensure that you have killed all types of bacteria and keep you clean and healthy.
  6. Air in the house. After you've gotten sick and locked yourself in the house and closed all the windows and curtains, letting in air is a great idea. Open the windows wide and allow gentle breezes to bring fresh air into your home for a few minutes. Replacing sick indoor air with fresh air will help you remove any disease-causing molecules and bring you a feeling of freshness and energy. If it is quite cold outside, just open the door for 1 or 2 minutes; otherwise you can open the window for as long as you want! advertisement


  • Don't get too active for a few weeks after you get better, and watch your body's response so you can tell when you need to slow down. Just because you feel better doesn't mean you're 100% cured!
  • Drinking plenty of water and eating lots of vitamins and nutrients is one of the best ways you can overcome your illness and prevent future illness.