How to improve your outlook on life

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 28 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Have a Better Outlook on LIfe
Video: How to Have a Better Outlook on LIfe


Life is full of challenges and challenges, and it can easily make you feel depressed. While you have no control over what happens to you each day, you can control how you react to them. Seeing life positively is something you can do! By self-recognition and cognitive reformulation, you will be able to learn to respond positively and improve your outlook on life.


Part 1 of 3: Change the way you talk to yourself

  1. Identify negative thoughts. Maybe you're destroying yourself with negative thoughts and not even realizing it. Start by being aware of your negative thoughts and how they affect you. Here are some common types of negative thoughts:
    • Filter or minimize the positive aspects and magnify the negative aspects.
    • The opposing point of view tends to look bad or good without neutral.
    • Just imagine the worst scenarios.

  2. Focus on positive thoughts. With a little practice, you will be able to learn how to transform your thoughts. Start by following a very simple rule: Don't talk about yourself anything that you would never say about a friend. Be gentle with yourself. Encourage yourself in a way that you use to motivate your friends.

  3. Practice optimism. The idea that optimism or pessimism is innate is a completely wrong concept. In fact, we need to practice to be optimistic. Try to find hope in extreme marbles. Instead of thinking “I've never done this before,” tell yourself, “This is an opportunity to try something new”.

  4. Try not to let the "critic in your mind" speak up. We all have an inner voice that criticizes or questions ourselves. This voice will say that we are not competent enough, talented enough or not worthy of the love of others. These thoughts are meant to protect you from failure or suffering, but in reality, they do not do anything but hinder you. When that critical voice comes up, ask yourself the following questions:
    • Are those thoughts really correct or not?
    • Is it possible that those thoughts it's not the truth? Can I admit they're not right?
    • Can I imagine the possibility that I'm truly talented, talented, and worthy of love?
  5. Don't live in the past. If your past guilt, pain, or regret makes you falter, you can work hard to release those feelings.
    • Actively take action to let things pass. You can write them down and / or speak out loud.
    • Express your pain and / or take responsibility. If there is something you need to say to someone, say it, even if the word you need to say is an "apology".
    • Forgive yourself and others. Try to remember that everyone makes mistakes. No one is perfect and everyone deserves another (including you) chance.

Part 2 of 3: Re-adjust your opinion

  1. Stop becoming a perfectionist. Life is not about eating, falling back to nothing. Expecting perfection means we will always fall behind. To transcend your perfectionism, start by adjusting your standards. Are your standards for yourself higher than those you set for others? If someone were in the same situation as you, what would you expect from them? If you are happy with the way the person is solving a problem, then you should also admit positively about yourself.
  2. Do something out of your comfort zone. You can choose something you're not good at, like dancing, playing ping-pong or drawing. Allowing yourself to not necessarily achieving good results in these activities. Try to find joy in an activity that you are not good at. This will open up opportunities for you, help you get rid of perfectionism, and most importantly improve your outlook on life.
  3. Calm down and pay more attention. Take a moment to breathe. Try not to overdo it. Less focus on what others think and more on what you are actually experiencing. Eat delicious food. Looking out the window. As we strive to live for the present, those moments will become so much more wonderful.
  4. Stop making rules. Maybe you are asking for too much "shoulds" and "shoulds" to do. These limitations can make you feel guilty, anxious, or self-critical. When you apply them to yourself, you lose your own happy opportunities.When you apply them to others, you can become bossy or silly. Ignore rules that don't do you any good.
  5. Allow yourself to laugh and have fun. When you are not too serious about things, you should know how to handle different types of situations. A lack of humor can make happy moments more wonderful or make sad or heavy moments more pleasant.
    • Tell funny stories.
    • Running around.
    • Find joy in everyday life.
  6. Focus on the great things in life. There are times when we spend our lives searching for what is right in front of us. We pursue a dream of money or power, when all we really need is comfort and recognition. Instead of focusing on what you think you want, take time to appreciate what you have. Like whether you have good health, a recent compliment you received, or simply that you were able to wake up this morning. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Adjusting relationships

  1. Build relationships with positive people. Make sure the people around you have a positive and supportive attitude. Build relationships with people you can rely on. If the people around you are constantly gossiping, complaining, or creating conflicts, you may want to distance yourself from them. Look for groups of positive friends, such as a yoga class or a martial arts club.
  2. Avoid rushing to conclusions. When you believe that you already know what is going to happen, you stop watching what is happening. You will react according to what you think instead of what actually happened in front of your eyes. When you believe you know what the person is thinking, you stop listening to them. This can cause a lot of discord and unnecessary harm. Instead of hastily judging, try to listen and watch.
  3. Don't avoid your own feelings. We often ignore our own feelings to avoid feeling sad. But sadness has its own benefits: Sadness makes us feel like we're truly alive. In fact, sadness can have a positive effect that increases your chances of happiness. When negative emotions arise, pay attention to them. Handle them by jotting down or chatting with someone.
  4. Do not interfere with other people's affairs. Poles say, "It's not my monkey, it's not my circus". This statement reminds us not to get involved in other people's stories. Such events and arguments can greatly affect your mood.
    • Try not to interfere with other people's conflicts.
    • Avoid gossip! Don't talk about other people behind them.
    • Don't let others drag you into arguments or force you to choose a side.
  5. Kind! Try to be respectful of those around you and interact with them in a gentle and positive manner. Not only does this make you feel better, but it also helps you attract other positive people. Scientists have shown that when we try to be positive (even if we don't feel happy), we quickly feel better. advertisement


  • Keep the body healthy and in balance. Having a healthy body will help you handle stress effectively. A healthy body will boost your spirits!
  • Join the community. Whether it's a religious group, a yoga club, or a sewing society. Look for opportunities at school or in the neighborhood of home and try to connect with people.
  • If you think you have depression, talk to your counselor or doctor for treatment


  • Suicide is never the solution.
  • Be careful not to argue with people who treat you badly. You can avoid contact with them or treat them in a calm and mature manner.
  • If the stress levels are beyond your control, seek help. There are many resources you can find through faith groups and communities.
  • If you are the victim of sexual abuse or domestic violence get help! No one has the right to abuse you but you are the only one who can speak up.