How to Prepare for In vitro fertilization

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 24 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How in vitro fertilization (IVF) works - Nassim Assefi and Brian A. Levine
Video: How in vitro fertilization (IVF) works - Nassim Assefi and Brian A. Levine


In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) includes a series of procedures used to treat infertility and other genetic problems to help you conceive. IVF is the most effective fertility technology available today, but your chances of getting pregnant with IVF depend on many factors, including your age and the reasons why you or your partner infertility. Here are some steps you can take to prepare yourself mentally and physically for in vitro fertilization for a higher success rate. A healthy, nutritious, protein-rich diet is key to boosting egg production in women, while mentally you need to be prepared for routine injections and screening tests. the ability to conceive.


Part 1 of 3: Understanding the whole process

  1. Understand the process of in vitro fertilization. Before starting your treatment, you should fully understand the IVF procedure, so that you and your partner will be prepared if you plan to have an IVF with their support. IVF has five main steps: ovulation stimulation, egg collection, sperm collection, fertilization, and embryo transfer. One IVF cycle takes about two weeks and you usually need to go through more than one cycle to conceive. In vitro fertilization consists of three phases:
    • Stage 1: Get an injection to increase follicle production and stop ovulation. You must see your doctor many times for blood tests and vaginal ultrasound.
    • Stage 2: After the eggs are ripe, a small surgery will be performed to remove the eggs. An embryologist prepares the eggs and places them in a Petri dish, then injects one sperm into each egg.
    • Stage 3: After the egg has been fertilized, the eggshell continues to divide until Day 3 or Day 5 when the embryo is transferred into the uterus. If desired, the doctor can examine the embryo for defects such as cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy and Down syndrome. You then have to decide how many embryos you want to transfer to the uterus, and decide whether to freeze the remaining embryos.
    • Remember, you cannot predict the likelihood of a successful pregnancy using IVF techniques, as each couple has a different probability of success, influenced by age and reproductive health. Your doctor can give you a glimpse of the likelihood of a successful pregnancy, based on your health background and medical history. However, IVF is the most viable treatment technique available today and has a high success rate.

  2. IVF awareness of risks. IVF is a time-consuming and expensive procedure, and it can also be stressful, especially if you are trying to have a baby, but have to go through several IVF cycles to achieve results. Stress and restlessness can become major risks during the IVF technique.The medical risks associated with in vitro fertilization are:
    • Multiple pregnancies: IVF increases your risk of having multiple pregnancies if more than one embryo is implanted in the uterus, and if you have multiple pregnancies, you're more likely to have a preterm birth.
    • Premature birth and low birth weight.
    • Ovarian Overstimulation Syndrome: This syndrome occurs when the ovaries are swollen and painful, caused by the use of ovarian stimulant injections. Common symptoms include abdominal pain, edema, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. If the conception is successful, you will see these symptoms for several weeks.
    • Miscarriage: Although the rate of miscarriage in women with in vitro fertilization is similar to that of women who conceive naturally, the rate increases with the age of the mother. Using frozen embryos during IVF has a slightly higher risk of miscarriage.
    • Complications that occur while removing the eggs: Your doctor must use a needle to remove the eggs and could cause bleeding, infection, or damage to your rectum, bladder or blood vessels.
    • An ectopic pregnancy: An ectopic pregnancy is when an embryo implants outside the uterus, usually in the fallopian tube. About 2-5% of women who undergo in vitro fertilization experience an ectopic pregnancy.
    • Defects in the fetus: there is evidence that the rate of fetal defect in IVF conception is slightly higher than spontaneous conception, but it is unclear how the mechanism occurs.

  3. Discuss financial obligations when performing IVF. IVF is one of the most expensive treatments for infertility today. The cost of implementing an IVF cycle in Vietnam is usually between 50-60 million VND. Most insurance companies will cover the cost of diagnostic tests such as an ultrasound or an x-ray of the uterus, but most do not cover the IVF cost. The cost also depends on your individual needs, as well as the standard fee at each hospital. The cost items for infertility treatment with IVF include:
    • Ovarian stimulant drugs
    • Test for initial fertility
    • Ultrasound and monitoring
    • Blood tests
    • You may need some additional treatments, such as an injection of sperm into the oocyte (ICSI), which costs about 10 million VND, meaning the doctor injects a sperm directly into the egg, or pre-embryo transfer (PGD). ) is a genetic analysis technique of an embryo and costs about 30 million VND. If you decide to freeze embryos you may have to spend a few million more for the initial freeze.
    • Your doctor will tell you the overall cost of IVF infertility treatments, and provide information on alternative funding sources if you don't have enough money. In the US some clinics have IVF reimbursement programs, which means you have to pay a fee upfront ($ 20,000-30,000) and the clinic will give you some refund if you are unable to conceive after 3-4 cycles period. However, you must be clear with the clinic about the good results, as the result of pregnancy after leaving the clinic does not guarantee you will be able to have a successful baby later. There is a chance you may have a miscarriage or complications, and then lose your chance to get a refund.
    • Some insurance companies also cover part of the cost of IVF treatment or fertility diagnostic procedures. You should talk to them about the policy for the cost of IVF infertility treatment. You may have to move to another clinic to get accepted by your insurance company.
  4. Ask for support from a partner and / or family member. The IVF technique requires you to have 8-10 injections a day, go through many tests, and see your doctor many times. During treatment you need help from a partner and / or a family member. You have to get someone to learn how to inject your fertility hormone several times a day, and you need their help in dealing with the side effects of the hormone doses.
    • Side effects of the IVF technique include skin irritation at the injection site, abdominal edema, chest pain to the touch, headache, and nausea. You should also see your doctor periodically during an IVF cycle to monitor progress. Don't be afraid to ask a partner and / or loved one for help while you are on IVF, especially if you are experiencing side effects from hormone injections.
  5. Join an IVF support group. Many couples who are going through IVF treatment find it helpful to join a support group. You can search online for an IVF support group in your local area. IVF is a stressful process and you will find it more relaxing to connect with others in similar situations, so your husband and wife will cope better with problems. advertisement

Part 2 of 3: Starting in vitro fertilization

  1. Get tested for fertility problems. Before the IVF technique, your doctor must do many tests for your husband and wife to confirm each person's fertility, in case your husband is a sperm donor.
    • Your doctor conducts ovarian reserve tests to determine the quantity and quality of your eggs. This can be done through a blood test done during the first few days of the menstrual cycle. The results of the test along with ultrasound images of the ovaries help doctors predict the reaction of the ovaries to fertility drugs.
    • They may also perform an ultrasound test of the uterus, which is an injection of fluid into the uterus through the cervix and an ultrasound image of the uterine cavity. In addition, the doctor has to endoscope with a flexible endoscope with a light, inserted through the vagina and cervix to go into the uterus, then they observe to determine the condition of the uterine cavity.
    • Another popular trick is HSG. They inject the dye through the cervix and have an X-ray looking at the shape of the uterine cavity, which is also a way to confirm that the fallopian tube is open.
  2. Test your partner's fertility. Men need to undergo semen analysis before starting IVF if they are donating sperm to you. Here's how to find their reproductive problems.
    • You and your partner need to be screened for infectious diseases, including HIV, before IVF starts.
  3. Join a fake IVF cycle. About a month before your first cycle of IVF, your doctor will ask you to take a fake IVF cycle. This is a way to see if you and / or the sperm donor respond well to hormone therapy.
    • During the fake cycle, your doctor will perform an ultrasound 10-12 days after you go through the estrogen booster cycle. Ultrasound helps them determine the uterine cavity depth and which technique is best suited to insert the embryo into the uterus. You also start taking birth control pills to regulate your menstrual cycle so that it is in sync with the donor cycle if you want to use donor sperm.
    • Your doctor may give you a hormone that stimulates the release of gonadotropin to inhibit the surge of LH, the goal is to ensure the uterine wall is ready before embryo implantation.

Part 3 of 3: Adjusting lifestyle habits and diet

  1. Take omega 3 fish oil supplements and folic acid supplements. Omega 3 fatty acids have been shown to improve embryonic morphology during IVF treatment. Pregnant women use folic acid to enhance the health of their fetuses, and supplementing with IVF in the pre-conception stage will help the body get ready.
    • Supplements are not regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), so choose brands that have been checked for cleanliness by third parties and recommended by your doctor. Your doctor will also tell you how much to take.
  2. Exercise mild to moderate. Women who are overweight or physically weak have a lower chance of conceiving during one IVF cycle. Light daily exercise such as walking or yoga can reduce stress while preparing for in vitro fertilization, and regulate blood circulation. Mild to moderate exercise has no adverse effects on IVF treatments.
    • However, you should avoid strenuous activity and activities that require a lot of cardiovascular work, such as jogging or aerobic exercise, as it can lead to the risk of miscarriage during treatment.
  3. Maintain a healthy sleep schedule. To increase fertility you should maintain good nutrition and healthy habits for at least 4-6 weeks before entering your first IVF cycle, including maintaining a consistent sleep time each night. at least 8-9 hours.
    • Try to sleep in complete darkness to boost melatonin production in your body. Melatonin is a hormone that helps in satisfactory follicle development. Creating conditions for the body to naturally produce melatonin is better than using melatonin supplements.
  4. Eat high-quality, low-fat foods. Follow your diet like you're preparing for pregnancy, and maintain healthy, low-fat eating habits with high-quality foods that include food sources of iron, potassium, and magnesium. Develop a diet rich in leafy vegetables, fruits, calcium, and protein.
    • Avoid a strict diet such as eating low calories or low in carbohydrates. Instead, you should eat in a way that maintains a healthy weight so that you don't risk your IVF treatment.
  5. Limit your intake of caffeine and alcohol. Just like when you are pregnant, you should limit your caffeine intake and avoid drinking alcohol or smoking, so your body will be in its best state before IVF. advertisement


  • When asking for advice from an IVF specialist, you need to know your ability to succeed.
  • There is evidence that using frozen embryos results in a higher conception rate than using fresh embryos.