How to take care of a lion dog

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Can You Have a Pet Lion?
Video: Can You Have a Pet Lion?


The lion dog belongs to the Chinese royal line and is raised to be a companion of humans. These dogs have a gentle and graceful appearance, but they are very active, energetic, and cheerful, making them suitable for pets. To raise a lion dog, you need to groom, pay attention to its behavior, and take care of its health regularly.


Method 1 of 3: Clean the lion dog

  1. Take a shower and brush the dog. You should bathe your pet once a week, brushing at least once a day so that the coat does not get tangled.
    • Lion dog fur has the same characteristics as human hair, so its hair does not fall out. So you need to take good care of the pet's coat as if you were taking care of your hair, or the coat will be ruffled and look ugly.
    • Pay special attention to the fur around the eyes. If the hair is naturally long, tie it up neatly. This helps the hairs not obstruct their vision and stick to their food or drink.

  2. Trim dog fur frequently. The lion dog's fur does not fall off, so it grows very long. Take the time to trim your pet's fur to avoid getting entangled, or cut it short like puppy hair instead of letting the long coat make cleaning easier.
    • Note the eye part of the pet but be careful while using scissors around this area! You need to trim the hair around your eyes to keep them clean and not obstruct your vision, but keeping them in love is not easy. Be patient and cautious, or ask someone to hold the dog firmly.

  3. Take the lion dog to a professional cleaning service if you cannot clean the pet on its own. Lion dogs need to be cleaned at least every two to three weeks to maintain good health. If you want to take care of your pet yourself but can't do it every two weeks, you can take them to cleaning in times when you don't have time. advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Train a lion dog

  1. Adapting the lion dog. Let them interact with other dogs from a young age. This allows the pet to be more social and have the opportunity to experience life outside.
    • Take your dog out on the street from time to time so he won't be frightened by traffic, light, noise, and strangers. You should also expose your pet to things that might upset the little dog, such as a skateboard or a bicycle. The more you experience, the more comfortable the lion dog becomes.
  2. Train basic lion dog submissive skills. This breed is often quite arrogant and difficult to train. You should be patient and be consistent.
    • Especially the lion dog is notorious for walking around in the house. You should reinforce positives, don't punish them, and stick to your pet at all times.
  3. Have your pet play plastic rings if they are young. This breed is very fond of chewing things as children, but with good training they can give up this habit.
    • Note that in all cases the lion dog will bite or snuggle early in life. This is okay, but don't let them form this habit!

Method 3 of 3: Health care for lion dog

  1. Give your pet as much exercise as possible. Lion dogs are small dogs, but they still need physical activity. This breed loves to run and jump, so you should buy (or make) toys, and take your dog to the park regularly.
    • Despite its gentle appearance, lion dogs are quite energetic and sometimes not afraid of stains.
    • Remember that dogs that tend to bite lightly and indoors require more outdoor practice! Physical activity not only maintains physique but also enhances mental health for pets.
  2. Feed the lion dog healthy food. Note that some children have allergies or a weak stomach. If certain foods are not suitable for your dog, switch to another brand. In case the problem is still not resolved, consult your veterinarian about what foods are suitable for your dog breed.
  3. Take the lion dog to see your doctor once a year to stay healthy. As with any pet, make sure your dog is happy and healthy and that your veterinarian is the right person to help you with your duties. Make sure to take regular care of your dog's health. Some of the important but not limited to veterinary practices include vaccination, killing internal and external parasites, sterilization, and microchip culture.
  4. Find out about the breed's health. This breed needs regular check-ups as they often experience many rare health problems. Some of the characteristic diseases include hip dysplasia, blood clotting disorders, and Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia.
    • Lion dogs also experience eye problems such as progressive retinal atrophy (PRA), a group that occurs in some breeds. The feature of this disease is impaired bilateral retinal function, progressive loss of basic vision leading to blindness. Be very careful when you see a dog moving, bumping into an object, unable to find a toy, or suddenly losing confidence that has never happened before.
    • Lion dogs are also susceptible to disc herniation and back pain. Back pain is an inherited condition, so they cannot be avoided. Therefore, you should take some steps to limit the risk of injury. The first and foremost is to minimize the risk of disc degradation by preventing them from jumping from above and maintaining a normal body weight. Also, if you notice that your dog is in pain, take him to the doctor. They will assess their health and treat their pain.
  5. Brush your dog's teeth. Lion dogs may experience dental problems, including losing or deviating teeth at birth. The ideal time to clean your dog's teeth is when you brush your teeth. Like humans, their teeth can get gums inflammation and plaque accumulation, causing inflammation or tooth loss. The worst case scenario is that the dog may lose its chewing function due to stomatitis.
  6. Be mindful of meeting your pet's other daily needs. Always provide clean water when they are thirsty. Take your dog to the toilet. Like humans, dogs need to deal with their sadness in order to stay healthy.
    • You should also trim your dog's nails once or twice a week.
  7. Take care of your pet often. Dogs need to be loved. You should always cuddle and praise them. Just letting them lie on their lap while reading a book or watching TV, you can also show that you care about the dog. advertisement


  • Bear in mind that the lion dog does not have fluff, the coat is like human hair and does not fall off. This breed is therefore the perfect choice for those who do not want to have to remove their pet's coat or are allergic to dogs.


  • Note that some dogs think humans are like them, and will make a fuss if you come into contact with another dog. Dogs are by nature to use their mouth to play, even with humans.
  • Most lion dogs love children, but each individual has a different temperament. You need to take great care when handling strange children.