How to conquer an ex-boyfriend

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 15 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Re-Attract Your Ex-Boyfriend (Ft. Coach Amy North)
Video: How To Re-Attract Your Ex-Boyfriend (Ft. Coach Amy North)


To be honest, conquering the old people is much more difficult than seducing a new guy. But if you're determined to get him back, he is the man he deserves. For him to come back, you have to think about something wrong happened, then try to perfect yourself and move on at the right time. If you want to know how to win his heart back and avoid suffering again, follow these steps.


Method 1 of 4: Thinking about relationships

  1. Keep some distance from him. If you always hang around the old people, you will not have the opportunity to step back and look objectively about the mistakes that have happened. While there's no need to ignore him, you shouldn't call, take the initiative to talk, or even contact him on Facebook as soon as you break up. This is when you need to spend time alone, even if that means not going to parties where you know he is there.
    • When you are not around, you will have a more objective view of your true feelings and what you have longed for in the relationship.
    • When you are isolated from him, you will make him start wondering where you are. You will attract him just by staying away.

  2. Think about what went wrong. Before you try to fix things up, you need to be honest about your relationship's mistakes. Reflect on yourself and ask yourself what caused the breakdown. Is your mood erratic, you are cold, or are you flirting with other guys? Think about what you can do about it.
    • You should only try to win him over if you think you can make things different this time. If your relationship broke down because of two people who were conflicted and unable to get along, it will be harder for him to return than if you didn't spend enough time with him before.
    • Write a checklist of the mistakes that happened, highlighting the things you can control.
    • Ask yourself if it's because of that time you're going through some tough times in your life, or you're dealing with a big change.You will be ready for a relationship if you feel more stable and optimistic.

  3. Change behavior. Once you find your shortcomings, don't indulge in the feelings of calling the ex to say you've found yourself. Actions are always more persuasive than words. You just need to live with your new self, and everyone will see it.
    • If it was just because you were too clingy that the two of you had to break up before, then don't hang around with him from now on. Take it easy, and he will realize that you have become a new person.
    • If your relationship broke down in the past because you cared little for him, start making him feel special. Say he looks great, and you're happy to see him again.
    • If he left because you were joking around with other guys, then don't let him see that you spend too much time with them, otherwise he will remember what caused you two. farewell.

Method 2 of 4: Perfect yourself

  1. Take care of beauty and love yourself. Hair and manicure. Soak in a comfortable warm bath and choose to wear a nice outfit. When you look fresh, you will feel comfortable and healthy. You don't have to change completely, you just need to pay attention to keep it clean and prepare a little bit, and then all the rest will come naturally.
    • Take 10-15 minutes of pampering every morning, and you will begin to feel more beautiful. You may have been too busy and stressed before to pay attention to your appearance.
    • Choose a new hairstyle. Nothing makes you feel more of a fresh start than a new hairstyle.
  2. Be less attentive to what others think of you. If you are so anxious that you are wondering what everyone else is about you all day, you will not be able to focus on yourself to seduce the old person again. The important thing is not whether people think you are cute, funny, or attractive - what you think about yourself.
    • If you no longer fret about what others think, you will appear confident, and your ex will find that you finally know how to focus on your work.
    • Don't worry about his friends. Maybe his friends don't think you deserve him or they don't get along with you. Be cute and be kind to them, but don't try to seduce them or you will lose your goal.
  3. Keep busy with work that you enjoy. When you are busy with studies, friends, and pursuits of interests, you will grow more mature and continue to improve yourself instead of waiting for your ex. Furthermore, if he sees you living a busy life instead of just sitting and thinking, he will realize that you have a lot to contribute, that you are an active girl and have an enjoyable life. .
    • Show your ex that you are doing the work you love, whether it's researching hard or going out and running.
    • Spend time with friends. They can help you stay optimistic and give you a fresh look.
    • Don't be busy all day thinking about how to reunite. That will only distract and distract you.
  4. Develop and express yourself. As you continue to pursue your interests and distance yourself from your ex, you will begin to feel more satisfied with yourself as an independent person than just a suffering ex-girlfriend. Take advantage of this time to live with who you are and show the world who you are.
    • Dress so impressive. Costumes have to make you stand out. There's no need to look gorgeous to get attention - just be brave and choose a unique, fun outfit you wouldn't have dared to wear before.
    • Express yourself with creativity. Write a story, take a drama class, or go on stage to sing a song. Show your ex that you are comfortable expressing yourself.

Method 3 of 4: Make the guy want to get back to you

  1. Cultivate confidence. Assertiveness and confidence naturally attracts people. Show that you can live a happy life, and that will make you more attractive to him. If he sees you as happy with himself and what he is doing, he desires you even more. Here are some tips to help you develop your confidence:
    • Optimistic thinking. If you learn to see the good in the world instead of just seeing the bad things, you will be fed with an extremely attractive positive energy, and your guy will want to return to you.
    • Satisfied with her appearance. Come up with at least three things you like about yourself and dress to highlight your best charms. Remember to exercise regularly to maintain a healthy body and mind.
    • Show assertiveness. Communicate clearly and effectively instead of mumbling in your mouth or talking too softly. Speak so that people have to listen to you, and you will show a sense of confidence in what you say.
  2. Keep in an elegant manner. It's fun to dance tiring at parties, but it's not always admirable. If you are at a party, a great style is to communicate widely with people but be humble, not monopolizing the attention. You can also be a little more generous, but don't overdo it, and he will find you more attractive. Nobody liked a girl collapsed on the floor from getting drunk or a girl who was always trying to get attention.
    • An elegant demeanor is also an expression of maturity. Every guy is attracted to a mature and emotional girl instead of girls who make a lot of noise in public.
    • Dress up elegantly. You must have a beautiful appearance in addition to elegant demeanor. You can show off a little cleavage, but don't wear clothes that are too provocative or so tight that you look like you're too desperate or of the kind. If you look beautiful but elegant, your ex will naturally notice you.
  3. Show him how happy you are. Always keep a bright smile on your lips and show him that you are enjoying a moment of joy and joy in this world. You don't have to try to pretend. If you want him back, you have to really Cheerful and happy without him.
    • Laugh - and laugh more! Let him hear you chuckling and chattering with your friends, showing that you are truly enjoying life.
    • Concentrate. You have to be mindful when talking to people. Show him how lively, lively, and pleasant you are talking about.
    • Let him see you participating in interesting activities. If he sees you laughing happily on a quiz night, excitedly jogging with a girlfriend, or passionately dancing on the dance floor, he will want to be with you even more.
  4. Avoid annoying hopeless behaviors. If you want his attention, you need to show him how happy you are or how charming you are, and then he will quickly be conquered by you. You just have to show your best and hope that will surprise him. Don't overdo it, or you will only make the situation worse.
    • Don't try to be happy when he's around. Let everything go naturally.
    • Don't be too groomed around him either. Dress up to suit the situation and do not stand out or wear towering shoes just to attract him. He will notice you, but not in a good sense.
    • Don't follow him. Let him come to you. If you are at a party, let him greet you first.

Method 4 of 4: Go Forward

  1. Tell him how you feel. When you have considered your past mistakes, perfected yourself, and caught his attention, now's the time to tell him how you feel. This will be the difficult part, but you have to overcome dignity and anxiety in order to succeed. Open your heart and let him know that you want to try love again, that you know it's not as easy as it deserves. You can follow these suggested steps as follows:
    • Choose the right time and place. Try to find a time when he's alone and happy, when his friends don't have a chance to look behind him.
    • You have to put your pride aside.If you ever made a mistake, apologize, being as specific as possible to show you know the mistake.
    • Be honest. Say you miss him so much, that you made a big mistake and now want him back.
    • Say that you want to make up with him and want to show him how you've changed.
  2. This time you hold him. If your guy accepts, you need to spend more time with him, whether he invites you out on a date or when he hangs out with friends. Make use of your time with him so you don't lose him again. Here's what you should do:
    • Don't make mistakes again. Remind yourself of past mistakes and resolve not to repeat them. Don't forget how hard you worked to improve yourself.
    • Don't put too much pressure on yourself. If you always worry about things going wrong again, you won't be able to focus on the present.
    • A fresh start. Look like you are starting a whole new relationship, only you have a lot of information on hand. Don't dwell on the past or rekindle old quarrels.
    • Be yourself. You have changed for the better, but in the end you are still friends, so be the girl who made him fall in love in the beginning. If you try too hard to show how different you are, you will lose your own image.
  3. Know when to let go. If you have tried everything and your guy still does not care, then you will hurt a lot if you continue to pursue this love. If he ignores you, rejects you, or acts maliciously towards you, then it's time to turn away before you get hurt more.
    • Don't forget that not all relationships can be saved. You did your best and you can praise yourself for it.
    • Head high and turn heels. You don't have to be ashamed for opening up and sharing your true feelings.


  • People who are jealous will try to bring you down with them. Don't let that happen. Remember that you have a lot on hand.
  • If someone asks you why he / she treated you like this, honestly say you don't know. Don't gossip or gossip about the person with anyone. That way, the other person will appear like a madman (and perhaps it is), and you will be innocent and hurt.
  • Keep a positive attitude in all things; That way you won't seem interested in the whole thing. Don't make negative comments about what the person has to say, as that will accuse you that you really care.
  • If you notice him nearby, don't sit there and think about what to say. Talk to the people around you and he will naturally be attracted to the conversation with you.
  • Remember that happiness is of the essence. Enjoy life when you can and do your best in all situations. The pursuit of happiness is the explanation for success in life.
  • Anything he does towards you is to get your attention. So, smile and act like you're not upset if you see him cuddling with another girl.
  • If you find it difficult to ignore your emotions, imagine yourself sitting on a plane taking off, watching the buildings and cars get smaller and smaller. You are as small as that. You are actually younger. Your problem is only in your head. Imagine how small your head is compared to those other cars.
  • No matter what he says, he will never be able to change you, so don't try too hard to conquer him that way. If he doesn't respect you, find someone who loves you for who you really are.
  • If your ex has a new girlfriend, make an effort to be friendly with them. Don't be jealous, as that will ruin your relationship with him.


  • Don't retaliate by deceiving too.
  • Never tell your friends you're having a problem with your partner, so they'll get in the way!
  • Do not respond to their comments. The less you talk, the less you will get caught up in the quarrel.