Ways to Play UNO

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 7 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to play UNO
Video: How to play UNO


  • Each person draws one card to choose the dealer. The person with the largest card will be the dealer. In this case, the action card (including Change color and Change color Draw 4) counts as 0 points.
  • Divide each player 7 cards and place the remaining cards face down in the middle of the table. This stack of cards placed face down is called a stack of cards.

  • Turn the top card of the stack of cards and place it beside it to form a stack of cards.
  • Start the turn from the player sitting on the dealer's left hand and play in a clockwise turn.
  • When it is your turn, place a card from your dealt hand on the stack of cards. This card must have the same number, same color, or name as the card on top of the stack, unless you have a Change color card, then you can choose a color to play later.

  • Draw a card if there are no cards in your hand. If the card just drawn can be put down, you can play it, otherwise it will be the next person's turn.
  • When you play the Change Color card, be sure to state the color you choose for the next person. You can play the Change color card at any time, as long as it's your turn, and you can choose any color you want.
  • Similarly, when you play Draw 4 Change Color card, you must also remember to notify everyone of the color you choose for the next player.
    • When you play Draw 4, the next player is required to draw four cards from the stack of cards and lose their turn.

  • The Action cards have the following effects:
    • Turn Ban: Causes the next player to skip his turn (no need to draw more cards).
    • Change Leaf: Causes the attack to change (from counter-clockwise to counter-clockwise or vice versa).
    • Draw 2: Causes the next player to draw two cards and lose their turn.
  • When you have only one card left in your hand, remember to say "UNO". If you forgot to say UNO and found out by another player, you must draw two cards.
    • Before you play your last card, if no one finds out that you forgot to say "UNO" then you won't be penalized.
  • Count each player's score at the end of the game. When a player has finished playing all their cards, the game is over. The winner will get the full score.
  • The calculation of points in UNO is as follows:
    • Total the points of the cards in the loser's hand.
    • Number cards (0-9) are scored equal to the number shown on the card.
    • Draw 2, No Turn and Switch cards count 20 points.
    • Color Change and Change Color Cards Draw 4 count 50 points.
    • The total score of all losers is added to the winner of that round.
  • Continue to play a new game until one person has a total of 500 points. That person is the winner! advertisement
  • Note

    • Since the purpose of this game is to play cards, one trick is to play double in UNO. That is, when you have two cards of identical color and number, you can put both cards down at the same time. Remember to inform other players that you double.
    • Color Change Card Draw 4 is the most valuable card. You should use them from the very beginning.
    • Even though it's somewhat risky, you can play the last Change Color or Change Color Card 4 (since you win after saying "UNO", except when you draw more cards).
    • You can play Incremental Draw, which means instead of having to draw 2 (4) cards after the previous player plays Draw 2 (Change Draw 4), you can play that card. Then others have to do the same until someone can no longer fight. Then, that person will have to draw the number of cards equal to the total number of cards stacked.
    • Planning turn-by-turn is an important winning strategy in this game.
    • If you don't have a UNO deck, you can use a regular deck of cards and treat the cards with a human face as special cards, choosing which card corresponds to which Action.

    What you need

    • A basic UNO deck.
    • Players together.