How to Cure Blistering Sunburns

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 28 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Treat a Blistering Sunburn | First Aid Training
Video: How to Treat a Blistering Sunburn | First Aid Training


Almost all of us get sunburned once. Sunburn is unpleasant: skin is irritated, red, and may be slightly flaky. Toxic agents of sunburns are ultraviolet (UV rays) from sun exposure, the use of tanning beds or the like. UV rays can directly destroy DNA, causing inflammation and the death of skin cells. While moderate sun exposure for a short period of time can give you great tanned skin (the increase in pigmentation helps protect the body from UV rays), all forms of UV exposure. is harmful to all skin types, and you should avoid overexposure to prevent serious damage, including skin cancer. Swollen sunburn is a sign of skin damage. With blistering sunburn skin, it's crucial to have the right treatment.


Method 1 of 5: Treating Sunburns

  1. Avoid the sun. You don't want to damage your already fragile skin any more. If you must go out in the sun, apply it all over with a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. UV rays can still penetrate clothing to some degree.
    • Continue to apply sunscreen after the blisters have healed.
    • Don't let the clouds and cold weather fool you. UV rays are still active even when it's cloudy, and snow can reflect 80% of the sun's rays. When the sun rises, UV rays are also present.

  2. Keep the affected skin intact.are not crush the blister. It is possible that the blisters rupture on their own, but you need to do your best to protect them from infection and damage to the more fragile layers below. If the blister breaks, apply a gauze layer over it to prevent infection. If your skin appears to be infected, you need to see a dermatologist immediately. Some signs that the skin may be infected are redness, swelling, pain, and heat.
    • Likewise, do not peel off the skin. The sunburned area may peel off, but don't peel it off. Remember that this area is very sensitive and is susceptible to further infection and damage. Leave it alone.

  3. Use aloe. Aloe vera can be an effective natural remedy for mild burns such as blistering sunburns. Aloe vera is the best choice because it cools burns. Aloe vera is also believed to help relieve pain, rehydrate damaged skin and aid in the healing process. In fact, research has shown that aloe helps to heal burns faster (more than 9 days) than without aloe.
    • Best all natural products are free of additives. Aloe vera gel without preservatives can be found at most pharmacies. If you already have the aloe plant, you can split a branch off of the aloe vera and apply the insides directly to the skin. Let the aloe vera gel penetrate the skin. Repeat as many times as you want.
    • Try using aloe ice cubes. The pebble stone can be soothing and skin care.
    • Aloe vera should never be applied to open wounds.
  4. Try other emollients. Emollients such as moisturizers are safe to apply on blisters. It will make flaky skin harder to see, while helping to soothe the skin. Avoid using thicker moisturizers or petroleum jelly because they will not let your skin "breathe" and release heat.
    • One of the best options is a soy-based moisturizer. Look for natural and organic ingredients on the label. Soybeans are a plant that has natural moisturizing abilities, helping damaged skin maintain moisture and heal.
    • Again, do not apply anything to an open wound or broken blister.
    • You can place a compress on the blister until it heals if you want.
  5. Ask your doctor to prescribe a 1% sulfadiazine silver cream. Ask your doctor about 1% sulfadiazine silver cream, a powerful antibacterial chemical used to treat second and third degree burns. Generally, this cream can be applied twice a day. Do not stop using until your doctor tells you to stop.
    • This cream has serious, though rare, side effects. Side effects may include pain, itching, or burning in the area being treated. The skin and mucous membranes (such as gums) may also leave marks or discoloration. Ask your doctor about possible side effects, discontinue use and call your doctor if side effects occur.
  6. Avoid anesthetic creams and sprays. This is because anesthetic products applied to the skin can cause infection.
    • In particular, avoid lotions and creams that contain benzocaine or lidocaine. Although once widely used, these products can cause allergic reactions and irritation.
    • Avoid using petroleum jelly (known under the brand name Vaseline). Mineral oil can clog pores and retain heat inside the skin, preventing the natural healing process of the skin.
  7. Drink water. Sunburns attract fluid to the skin's surface from other parts of the body. Try to drink plenty of fluids (at least 8 cups (8 oz each) per day). You can also drink juices or sports drinks. Watch for signs of dehydration such as dry mouth, thirst, less urination, headache, and dizziness.
  8. Maintain good nutrition to help skin heal. Burns like blistering sunburns can be cured and healed more quickly with good nutrition, especially with increasing protein-rich foods. The extra protein works to build masses for tissue healing, needed for skin healing and inflammation, and reduces scarring.
    • Foods like chicken, turkey, fish, dairy products and eggs are good sources of protein.
    • The ideal daily protein intake is 1.6 to 3 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.

Method 2 of 5: Using Home Treatments

  1. Use apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar can help heal sunburns by absorbing heat from the skin and reducing the pain and burning sensation. The acetic acid and malic acid in the vinegar help neutralize sunburns and reset the damaged skin's pH level. This prevents infection by creating an environment that is not suitable for the microorganisms on the skin.
    • To use apple cider vinegar, mix the vinegar with cold water and dip it in the solution with a soft cloth, then rub or apply it to the affected area. Vinegar can also be sprayed directly onto the skin.
    • Use vinegar only if your skin is not scratched, cracked, or torn, as vinegar applied to open wounds can cause burning and irritation.
  2. Make a turmeric powder. Turmeric has antiseptic and antibacterial properties that can help reduce the pain and inflammation caused by sunburns and blistering. Here are a few tips for using turmeric powder:
    • Mix turmeric powder with water or milk to make a paste. Then place it on the blister for about 10 minutes before gently rinsing it off.
    • Mix turmeric, barley flour, and yogurt to make a thick paste and apply it to the affected skin. Let it sit for about half an hour, then rinse it off with cold water.
  3. Consider using tomatoes. Tomato juice can help reduce the burning sensation, reduce redness on the damaged skin and improve the healing process.
    • Mix 1/4 cup (60 ml) ground tomato or tomato juice in 1/2 cup (120 ml) skim milk. Apply the mixture to the sunburned area for about half an hour, then rinse gently with cold water.
    • Alternatively, add 2 cups (480 ml) of tomato juice to the bath water and soak in the bath for 10-15 minutes.
    • For quick pain relief, you can apply crushed fresh tomatoes mixed with ground ice to the affected area.
    • You can also eat more tomatoes. One study found that people who ate 5 tablespoons of lycopene-rich ground tomatoes for three months were 25% more resistant to sunburn.
  4. Use potatoes to cool sunburned areas. Fresh potatoes can help heat get rid of the sunburned area, cool skin, relieve pain and heal faster.
    • Fresh potatoes are washed, sliced ​​and ground to a paste. Apply it directly to the blister. Leave on skin until dry, then gently rinse with cold water.
    • This therapy can be done every day until the blister is gone and heals.
  5. Try a milk compress. Milk creates a protein layer, soothes the burning sensation on the skin, helps the skin cool and comfortable.
    • Soak a soft cloth in cool water mixed with skim milk and apply to sunburned areas for a few minutes.
    • Make sure the milk is cool but not cold. Take the milk out of the refrigerator 10 minutes before serving.

Method 3 of 5: Pain Relief

  1. Understand that treatment is primarily symptomatic. Skin care is meant to prevent further damage and relieve pain, but there is not much we can do to speed up the healing process.
  2. Use a cold compress to cool. The use of cold water and compresses can reduce inflammation by constricting blood vessels and reducing blood circulation to the affected area.
    • The cool temperature numbs the nerve endings, quickly reducing the pain sensation in the blistering sunburned areas.
    • You can also use gauze dipped in a burrow solution (a solution of water and aluminum acetate). Burrow solution is usually sold in pharmacies.
  3. Shower. Soak in a tub of cool water and relax for 10 - 20 minutes; This can help relieve the pain of the sunburn. Repeat as many times as you want over several days.
    • You can dip a washcloth in cold water and apply it to the affected area.
    • Do not soak in warm water and soaps or bath oils, as these can irritate your skin and make you more uncomfortable.
  4. Take a lukewarm steam bath under a shower. Make sure the water temperature is below warm. Pay attention to the flow of the water so that it is gentle so that it does not cause additional pain.
    • In general, if you can avoid showering, you should. The pressure from the shower can break the blisters, causing pain, inflammation, and scarring.
    • Gently pat your skin dry after bathing. Do not scrub or wipe with a washcloth as this can cause irritation.
  5. Take a pain reliever. If the pain of the sunburn is bothersome, you can take an anti-inflammatory pain reliever like ibuprofen, naproxen, or aspirin.
    • Ibuprofen (Advil) is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). This medication works to reduce the amount of pain and inflammation hormones in the body, while also reducing the hormones that cause fever.
    • Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) is a medicine that relieves pain by blocking signals sent to the brain. Aspirin also has antipyretic effects.
    • Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is safer than aspirin when given to children who have sunburn. Acetaminophen has many effects like aspirin.
    • Consult your doctor if you are uncertain about how to use it and do not know which medicine is right for you.
  6. Use cortisone cream to reduce inflammation. Cortisone cream contains a minimal amount of steroids, which helps to reduce inflammation on damaged skin by suppressing the activity of the immune system.
    • Cortisone cream is not recommended for children, so check with your doctor for other options.

Method 4 of 5: Understanding the Risks and Symptoms of Sunburns

  1. Understand how UV rays work. UV rays can be divided into three categories: UVA, UVB and UVC. UVA and UVB are two types that can damage the skin. UVA includes 95% of all UV rays, making it the culprit of sunburns and blistering. However, UVB rays cause more erythema, or redness, caused by swollen blood vessels. Erythema includes redness from sunburn, infection, inflammation, or even a blush from shyness.
  2. Understand how blisters develop. Blisters do not appear as soon as they are exposed to the sun, but only develop over the next few days. Sunburn blisters form when blood vessels are damaged, plasma and other fluids seep between layers of skin, forming a fluid sac. Don't assume that the blisters are unrelated to the sunburn just because they appear later. Light skin is more affected by harmful UV rays than darker skin, so whether you are more susceptible to sunburn than others is depending on your skin type.
    • First degree burns cause erythema, which dilates blood vessels, causing the skin to swell and red. In the case of a first degree burn, only the outermost layer of skin is burned. However, damaged cells can secrete chemical mediators that can further irritate the skin and destroy other damaged cells.
    • In the case of second-degree burns, the inner skin and blood vessels are also damaged. Thus, blisters are a sign of second-degree burns. That's why blisters are considered much more serious than a common sunburn.
  3. Go to the emergency room immediately if certain symptoms develop. The body is at risk of serious harm from too long sun exposure, dehydration or heat exhaustion. Watch for the following symptoms and call for help right away:
    • Dizziness or lightheadedness
    • Rapid pulse or rapid breathing
    • Nausea, chills, or fever
    • Thirsty dry neck
    • Sensitive to light
    • Blisters take up 20% or more of the body area.
  4. Note if you have a pre-existing condition. Consult your doctor if you have chronic photodermatitis, lupus erythematosus, herpes monotype, or eczema. Sun damage can make these illnesses worse. Sunburn can also cause keratitis.
  5. Watch for symptoms when they first appear. When you notice the first symptoms of sunburn, stay out of the sun right away to prevent blistering. These symptoms include:
    • The skin is red, soft and warm to the touch. The sun's ultraviolet rays kill epidermal cells (the outermost layer of the skin). When the body detects dead cells, the immune system begins to respond by increasing blood flow to the damaged area and opening the capillary walls, allowing white blood cells to enter and remove the cells. get hurt. Increased blood flow causes warm, red skin.
    • Pain like a needle in the affected area. Destroyed cells in the damaged skin stimulate pain receptors by secreting chemicals and sending signals to your brain that make you feel pain.
  6. Watch for itchy blisters. These blisters may appear hours or days after sun exposure. The epidermis has special nerve fibers that transmit the sensation of itching. When the epidermis is damaged by exposure to the sun for too long, these nerve fibers stimulate an itchy sensation in the damaged area.
    • In addition, the body also brings fluid to fill the gaps and lacerations in the damaged skin to protect the skin, creating blisters.
  7. Check for fever. When the immune system detects dead cells and other foreign bodies, pyrogen (fever-causing substance) is secreted and travels to the hypothalamus, the part of the brain that controls body temperature. The pyrogen substance binds to pain receptors in the hypothalamus and the body temperature begins to rise.
    • You can measure your temperature with a common thermometer available at drugstores.
  8. Watch for peeling skin. Dead cells in the sunburned area will peel off to replace them with new skin cells. advertisement

Method 5 of 5: Prevent Sunburns

  1. Avoid the sun. Prevention is always better than cure, and of course avoiding sunburn in the first place is the best way to maintain healthy skin.
    • Avoid exposure to direct sunlight for too long. Try to stay in a shade place, such as under a balcony roof, umbrella, or tree canopy.
  2. Apply sunscreen. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher with a broad spectrum sunscreen that protects against UVA and UVB rays. Both types of ultraviolet radiation can cause cancer. Many doctors recommend these guidelines to their patients. Note that young children have very fragile skin and need to wear full body sunscreen (only for children over 6 months old). You can buy both baby sunscreens or the ones that are safe for children.
    • It's important to apply sunscreen 30 minutes before going outside. Pay attention to reapply sunscreen regularly. The best rule of thumb is to apply 30 ml of sunscreen to your whole body every three hours, or after any activity that causes your skin to get wet (for example, after swimming).
    • Don't let the cold weather fool you. UV rays can still penetrate clouds, and snow reflects 80% of it.
    • Be especially careful if you live in the equatorial region or in high altitudes. UV rays are much more active in those places due to ozone depletion.
  3. Be careful when in the water. Not only does water reduce the effectiveness of sunscreen, but generally wet skin is also more susceptible to UV damage than dry skin. Use waterproof sunscreen when going to the beach or swimming, or when exercising heavily outdoors.
    • When swimming or sweating heavily, you need to apply sunscreen more often.
  4. Wear protective clothing. Wear a hat, cap, sunglasses, and anything else you can think of to block the sun. You can also buy UV-resistant clothing.
  5. Avoid going out in the sun at certain times of the day. Try to stay out of the sun between 10am and 4pm when the sun is at its highest. During this time the sun shines the most directly, and therefore the most harmful UV rays.
    • If you cannot completely avoid the sun, limit yourself whenever possible.
  6. Drink water. Drinking water is a key factor to replenish fluids and fight dehydration, a serious consequence of long exposure to the sun.
    • Make sure to stay hydrated and drink water regularly when outdoors in intense heat.
    • Don't just drink water when you're thirsty. You need to provide all the nutrients needed to keep your body healthy before any health problems arise.


  • If you are uncertain about how to prevent and treat sunburn, consult your doctor. Always remember the phrase "mindless care", and your doctor can help you avoid the consequences of dangerous conditions like heat exhaustion.