How to cure pimples in the ear

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 4 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Ear Pimples: What They Are, How to Treat, and Prevent Them!
Video: Ear Pimples: What They Are, How to Treat, and Prevent Them!


Ear skin, like the skin of other parts of the body, also has pores and is in danger of clogging. Clogged pores in the ear will often swell, develop into painful pimples that are difficult to touch. Acne in the ear, although difficult to touch and difficult to see, there are a number of effective treatments.


Method 1 of 3: Treat pimples in the ear with medical therapy

  1. Wash your hands before touching pimples. Before you touch the pimple, make sure to wash your hands 1-2 times. Touching the pimple with dirty hands will make it worse because dirt and oil can cause more clogging of pores.

  2. Wipe off the pimple with alcohol. Start healing the pimple by wiping it off with an alcohol pad. This helps fight infection and prevents the infection from spreading.
  3. Clean your ears with witch hazel. Witch hazel has antiseptic properties, thereby helping to clean and prevent ear pimples. Soak a cotton ball or gauze pad in witch hazel water, then wipe the ear area.

  4. Wash out acne. Wash the affected area with lukewarm water. You can also use natural soaps or oil-free cleansers. Use a salicylic acid cleanser that helps clean pores and heal pimples. For the inner ear area, you can use a warm / hot towel or Q-tip to wash and massage the pimple. Do not rub the pimple to avoid further irritation.
    • Be careful when using a Q-tip. You should not put a cotton swab into the ear canal. Only use a cotton swab to clean the ear.

  5. Apply acne creams. Applying Benzoyl Peroxide 2-10% cream to the pimples will help reduce acne. Wait for the cream to dry after applying.
    • You can also apply 10% Glycolic Acid cream.
  6. Apply a gel ointment. Applying Neosporin or other gel / cream ointments to the pimple will help heal the pimple. Let the gel dry after applying.
  7. Use Peroxide. Soak a cotton ball in hydrogen peroxide solution and apply it to the pimple. If the pimple grows inside the ear canal, you can put the peroxide in the ear. Then tilt your head to let the peroxide drip onto a bowl or cotton swab.
  8. Let acne heal naturally. Acne that grows in the ear is like any other pimple. The cause of ear pimples is usually dust, shampoo or earwax build up. The pimple will heal if you don't touch it.
    • You usually treat pimples by squeezing them, but don't push pimples that grow in your ears. Ear pimples are not only painful to squeeze but can also bleed and lead to serious problems if the pimple grows in the lobe or inside the ear.

Method 2 of 3: Treat ear pimples with natural methods.

  1. Use a hot compress. Hot compresses will help acne heal faster. Wipe off the pimple with alcohol. Cover and protect acne with cellophane. If you do not want to use cellophane, you can soak the towel in hot water, squeeze it out, fold it in water, fold it in half, and then apply it to the pimple. Hold for 10 - 15 minutes. You can apply a heating pad 3-4 times a day.
    • You can do this in case of inflammation and pain.
  2. Use black tea. Dip a black tea bag in hot water. Place the tea bag on the pimple, then cover it with a wet, hot towel. Tannins in black tea combined with the heat will help reduce inflammation.
  3. Try milk. Milk contains alpha hydroxy acid which helps to clear pores and remove dead skin. Dip a cotton ball in the milk, then squeeze out the milk. Rub cotton dipped into the pimple. Leave it on for 10 minutes then wipe it off with lukewarm water. You can apply this method 3-4 times per day.
  4. Use tea tree oil. The antibacterial properties of tea tree oil help to kill the bacteria that cause acne. Besides, tea tree oil also helps acne to heal. You can use a cotton ball to apply the tea tree oil mixture to the pimple.
    • Should dilute tea tree oil before use. Mix tea tree oil with water in a ratio of 1: 9 (1 teaspoon of tea tree oil with 9 teaspoons of water).
  5. Apply aloe vera gel. Aloe vera's antibacterial properties also help treat acne and reduce swelling. You can use an aloe leaf gel or gel from the supermarket. Apply the gel to the pimple and let it sit for 20 minutes. Then, rinse with warm water. Use this method 2 times a day.
  6. Try apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar has antiseptic properties, which in turn helps prevent infection and bacterial growth. In addition, apple cider vinegar also helps minimize pores. Dip a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and apply it to the pimple. Leave on for about 1 minute before rinsing with water. Do this 3-4 times a day.
  7. Make a normal saline solution. A saline solution can also help with ear acne. Dissolve one teaspoon of Epsom salt in 1/2 cup of hot water. Wait for the solution to cool, then use a cotton ball to apply it to the pimple. Rinse off after the solution dries. Repeat this method 2-3 times per day. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Prevent ear pimples

  1. Hand washing. One of the most common reasons for ear acne is lack of hygiene. Touching your ears with dirty hands can transmit oil and bacteria to the skin of the ear, which in turn clog pores and lead to acne.
  2. Clean ears. You need to keep the ear cups, earlobes and behind the ears clean. Shampoos, gels, and other hair products can get into the ears and cause acne. Use soap and water to wash your ears when you shower, wash your face or wash your hair.
    • Clean the inside of the ear when needed. Do not use cotton swabs inside the ears with solutions.
  3. Clean your ears after showering. Wipe your ears after each shower. The pores will be slightly enlarged after bathing and this is a good opportunity for you to remove excess oil and reduce blackheads.
  4. Wipe the phone clean. Phone use is a common pathway to ear acne. Therefore, you should clean your mobile phone after using it. Besides, you should even clean your phone in case you share it with others.
  5. Cleaning the headphones. Because it is inserted directly into the ear, the headphones are often filled with oil, earwax and dirt. Earphones after being removed from the ear are often contaminated with dust and other dirt. When you use the headset again, dust and dirt will get back into your ears. Therefore, you should use alcohol to clean the headphones after each use.
    • If the pimple is growing out of the ear, don't use headphones until the pimple is gone. Using headphones will make acne worse. Clean the headphones with an antibacterial solution, as blemishes may return if they become dirty.
  6. Go to doctor. See your doctor if you frequently develop pimples, blackheads or blisters in your ears. You should also see your doctor if your ear blemishes are painful and last longer than a week. Your doctor will help you treat your ear pimples and determine if the cause of your ear pimples is an endocrine disorder. advertisement


  • Don't try to squeeze acne. Squeezing the ear pimples will damage and worsen the infection.
  • Wash your face and ears daily. This will help in the long run, as oily ears cause blemishes and other problems.