How to cook beef rump

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 24 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Beef Rump Roast! Tender and Delicious!
Video: Beef Rump Roast! Tender and Delicious!


  • You can mix seasonings for 24 hours before putting them in a bag to marinate with meat. The meat will absorb more seasoning, and the salt will accentuate the flavor of the meat.
  • Improvise with spices. For example, you can skip scallions and mustard, add other herbs and spices, or use balsamic vinegar.
  • Place the meat in the frying pan with the fat face up. Look for white fat on the surface of the meat. One side with grease will usually curl, while the other side is flatter and easier to place the bottom of the pan. Place the meat in the center of the pan.
    • You can also use a grill. Place the grill on the baking tray to catch any dripping juices. If you are using a stewing pot, you will not use the grill; Instead, cook in beef stock or other liquid of your choice.
    • Another option is to use a baking bag. Cover the meat in a baking bag and place in a pan. Cut some air vents above.

  • Use a thermometer to test if the meat has reached 54 degrees Celsius. Place the thermometer in the center of the meat when the cooking time is 30 minutes away. A temperature of 63 degrees Celsius indicates that the meat is medium-cooked, but you should remove it before it reaches this maturity.
    • Pre-roast beef is between 52 and 54 degrees Celsius when cooked.
    • Medium-cooked beef is 71 degrees Celsius, and well-done steaks 77 degrees Celsius.
  • Part 3 of 3: Serving

    1. Cover the steaks with foil and leave on the counter. Move the saucepan to a safe location such as a kitchen table or counter. Wrap a piece of aluminum foil over the top of the pan to cover the meat. The foil will hold the heat inside and help the meat reach the desired temperature. You do not need to remove the thermometer if it was previously used for meat temperature measurement.
      • If you roast meat on a grill in the oven, remove it from the oven and wrap it in foil. Be careful not to burn your hand!

    2. Cut the meat across the grain into thick slices. Remove the foil wrapping the barbecue and take a close look at the surface of the meat. You will see the fibers on the meat, which is the muscle fibers of the meat. Cut these fibers across instead of parallel. The size of the meat does not matter, but try slicing the beef thinly so that it has a rich flavor without chewing too much.
      • Use a meat nuance knife to make the meat neatly beautiful.
      • The sliced ​​meat will be softer, tastier and easier to chew.
    3. Store uncooked roast beef in sealed containers and store in the refrigerator or freezer. Wrap the meat in wrap or foil if the box isn't large enough. You can also cut the beef into chunks for easier storage. Store in the refrigerator if you plan to eat it right away, or keep it in the freezer for longer storage.
      • Beef can be stored for up to 4 days in the refrigerator. If the meat feels slimy or has an odor, throw it away.
      • Roast beef is stored in the freezer for up to 3 months. If necessary, you can thaw it before storing it in the refrigerator.


    • Consider making a meat gravy on a baking pan. Cut off the fat, then combine the rest with the milk and water mixture to boil over medium heat.
    • Increase the amount of olive oil rubbed onto the surface of the meat if the meat is too lean. The fat of the oil will help keep the meat moist during baking.
    • Beef rump can also be braised with a sauce in a slow cooker or cast iron pot, although baking is the most common cooking method with beef rump.

    What you need

    • Baking pan
    • Mixing bowl
    • Measuring spoon
    • Oven mitts
    • Meat thermometer
    • Silver paper
    • Sharp knife