How to cut down a girl who has a bear

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
A Grizzly Bear Ripped My Face Off and Now I’m Regrowing My Nose on My Arm | This Morning
Video: A Grizzly Bear Ripped My Face Off and Now I’m Regrowing My Nose on My Arm | This Morning


Have you ever secretly missed someone dating someone else? It's not your fault to fall in love with a girl you already have a lover. Just make sure to respect her condition and avoid malicious tactics aimed at undermining her current relationship.


Method 1 of 3: Become close

  1. Learn about her. If you don't know her very well, ask a few of her friends to tell you about her interests. If the two of you have mutual friends, finding this out is quite simple. Getting to know her interests can help you focus on what you both have in common.
    • For example, you find she loves the kinds of movies you're crazy about. Try going to the movies at the same time as her so that you two have the opportunity to meet and discuss with each other.

  2. Spend a lot of time with her when you're in the same group. Some people can become friends quickly while others need some time getting to know each other. Create an emotional bond by hanging out, having fun together, and being comfortable with each other. If you're hanging out in a group, try to find her to talk to. She may be happy or at least willing to talk to you out of concern for her.
    • Understand that this doesn't happen overnight. You will probably need to spend a lot of time together.

  3. Show concern for her. Let her know that you will always be there for her when she needs someone to talk to. If she needs your help, listen and be with her. You don't have to express your love or gossip about her current lover. Instead, just have a casual chat, ask her opinion about something, or talk about the things going on in her life.
    • Your attention to her will let her know that you care about her. She will feel more intimate with you, even if she's in a romantic relationship.

  4. Patience. Building a friendship can take time. Don't pressure her into establishing a relationship. Instead, just learn to enjoy being with her. The two will be good friends for a while or she might leave her partner and decide to begin building a relationship with you.
    • Remind herself that being a helpful friend can really encourage her to reconsider her current relationship. She will recognize you as a more ideal partner.
  5. Be yourself. When you like a girl, it's easy to think that you need to be the type she likes. For example, if she competes in some sports but you don't like sports at all, don't pretend to respond or play sports for her. Be honest with her so she will get interested in starting a relationship with who you really are.
    • If you are not being honest with her, the relationship you are building with her will weaken. Later, you will also disappoint yourself when you can't pretend to be happy forever.

Method 2 of 3: Embrace her feelings for you

  1. Make time for her alone. Do not ask her out for a private meeting. She'll feel less pressured if you just ask her to do something together and don't label the outings like dating. If she always agrees to spend time alone with you, she may be interested in you too.
    • For example, you can go out for coffee, buy music, visit a farmer's market or go shopping together.
  2. For romantic gestures. Remember the things she likes and try to do something special for her. Typically giving flowers or something romantic like a poem.However, depending on what she likes, you can do something unique but no less romantic. For example, if she really loves unique works of art, draw for her.
    • Don't worry about the quality or price of the gifts you give her. Romantic gestures are your emotional messages for her.
  3. Implying that you like her more than an ordinary friend. When you are having some private time, tell her how much you like being with her. Let her know it's fun to hang out with a group, but emphasize your private time. You can also mention how important she is to you or how important you are to her.
    • If you're worried about talking to her directly, consider texting or calling her. You may find that you will be more courageous about using electronic means of communication. This will also give her time to process her emotions and respond.
  4. See how she responds to the flirting. Flirt randomly and see how she reacts. If she agrees, she may laugh, flirt back, tease you or laugh. These may be signs that she is interested in starting a romantic relationship with you. If she becomes cold, tell you to stop it, or seems uncomfortable, give her some space.
    • You can continue to spend time with her, but if she doesn't respond to your flirting, consider giving up. If she likes to flirt, continue to be considerate and work hard to spend more time together.

Method 3 of 3: Date her

  1. Think about your personal needs. Before you get close to or bond with her in a relationship, ask yourself what you want. Do you just want to be good friends because you think the two of you have a lot in common? Or are you looking for a romantic relationship? Since she already has a bear, you need to find out:
    • Would you be willing to wait for her current relationship to end?
    • Is it okay for you to let go of the feelings if she maintains her current relationship
    • Are you okay with finding another girl willing to date you?
  2. Decide if you should invite her out. If the two of you have become good friends, you will wonder if you should take the relationship further. If she is still in love with her current boyfriend, don't invite her out. When she falls in love with someone, it means she has made her choice. If she broke up with her lover, get ready to date her or see if she asks you out.
    • If you decide to invite her out, plan how to do it. Find out in advance what you want to say and how you will ask her.

    Connell Barrett

    Marriage and Love Specialist Connell Barrett is a love advisor, founder and executive coach of Dating Transformation, an emotional consulting firm he founded in 2017 and headquartered. New York city. Connell advises clients on the X.R.B Dating System: Authentication, Clarity, and Expression. He is also a dating coach with the dating app The League. His work has been featured in Cosmopolitan, The Oprah Magazine, and Today.

    Connell Barrett
    Specialist in Marriage and Love

    Expert opinion: If the girl you like has a boyfriend, respect the relationship and look for girls who are single and not yet in a relationship. You can be friends with her, you can even flirt with her and let her know she's attractive, but don't date her. She might even be your matchmaker and matchmaker with one of her friends!

  3. Please go out. Don't pressure her and invite her out. Avoid jumping straight in asking a girl to be your lover. If she just broke up, maybe the main reason was too much pressure. Be very confident and full of hope when you invite her. You should also come up with a few options for her.
    • For example, you could say, "I know you like Thai food. Would you like to try the new Thai restaurant in town with me tomorrow? Or can we go to the concert this weekend? you? "
  4. Respect her decision. If she doesn't agree, don't get upset, argue or keep offering. She may not be ready or interested in starting a relationship with you yet. Be mature and calm if she refuses you. Chances are, she is also very sad when she refuses you, so you don't have to be harsh or offend her.
    • If you don't know what to say, say "Okay, another time, I completely respect your decision." This shows her that you like her and understand how she feels.
  5. Be honest with yourself. If she's still in love with your current boyfriend, don't cheat on yourself about her feelings for you. You two might be good friends, but if she is still involved with the other person, that's because she wants to. Don't tell yourself that she is secretly in love with you or is just waiting for you to flirt.
    • Part of being honest with yourself is knowing when to stop. If you think the two of you want to go further but she doesn't want to leave her boyfriend, consider meeting someone else.