Ways to Act Confidently

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 1 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Be Confident In Any Situation
Video: How To Be Confident In Any Situation


Most people feel confident in some situations, but shy away from others. Maybe you feel confident going to school because you always get good grades. However, when attending a certain party, you feel like "fish are stranded" and become embarrassed and lack of confidence. Or perhaps you feel confident about interacting with your friends, but less confident in a work situation.Whatever the reason, there are many situations where you feel like you need to improve your confidence. Conducting confidence is part of building confidence. You can achieve this by making changes in the way you think about yourself and in the way you act.


Method 1 of 4: Imitate a Confident Person

  1. Find a few examples of confident people. Think about people that you think are pretty confident about. They can serve as role models for you to model confident behavior. You can also imitate your parent, teacher, or even a celebrity. Observe the person's actions, speech, and body language. Imitate their behavior until they become part of who you are.

  2. Regularly smile and behave friendly. Being friendly with others and smiling can help you look more confident. This will also make others believe that you are kind and cheerful and that you enjoy being around people. On the contrary, they will also want to be with you.
    • Participating in a variety of activities will give you the opportunity to be friendly and show your confidence.
    • Introduce your name to others. Doing this will give them the impression that you respect yourself and that you deserve them to listen.

  3. Talk and listen appropriately. Confident people don't talk, chatter, or talk too much. They talk appropriately and listen to others, and engage in conversation appropriately.
    • For example, don't talk about yourself too much. When you constantly talk about your accomplishments, others will think that you are looking for approval and consent. Confident people don't try to seek outside approval. Instead, try to learn about the other person's achievements and life!
    • Graciously accept the compliment. When others give you positive compliments, thank them and accept the compliment. Confident people know they deserve praise and respect. Don't show your low self-esteem by saying that you're not good at something, or acting as though your success was just out of luck.
  4. Have confident body language. Confident people often don't appear worried or confused. Making small adjustments to your body language can help convey confidence, no matter how you really feel.
    • Stand up straight and shoulder straight.
    • Make eye contact when chatting with others.
    • Don't be constantly fidgeting.
    • Relax muscles that are being tightened.
  5. Shake hands tightly. When meeting a new person, make eye contact with the person and shake their hand tightly. Doing this will show that you are confident and that you care about them.
  6. Speak carefully and clearly. Use a clear and confident tone when you talk. When you speak in a nervous and shaky tone, you cannot express your confidence. If you flip through words too quickly, you may be conveying the message that you don't expect other people to listen to you.
    • Try to limit your use of words such as "um" and "erm".
  7. Dress confidently and appropriately. People often judge others hastily based on their appearance. Sometimes, acting confident means you need to dress in a style that shows your confidence. If your clothes look like you've just gotten out of bed, the other person may not take you seriously. Also, if you look like you're always ready to get the job done, people will think you're pretty confident and will respect you more.
    • Making an effort to improve your appearance will make you look more serious about your needs.
  8. Give your own voice. Don't let other people speak for you because they can take advantage of this. If you speak up for yourself and let others know that you won't accept the disrespectful treatment, they will gain confidence and treat you with the respect you deserve. .
    • For example, if you are trying to express an opinion and someone interrupts you, you could say, "Sorry, I want to complete my sentence".
  9. Don't criticize yourself in front of other people. People tend to treat you in the same way you treat yourself. If you have a low self-esteem, other people will start to treat you that way. By possessing self-esteem, you can show that you won't accept any actions that are disproportionate to you on the part of others.
    • For example, don't tell other people that you don't love your hair. Find something you like about your appearance and focus on it. Or, you can get a new hairstyle and change the negative image to positive.
  10. Imagine you are in a different situation. If you have trouble acting confidently in a situation, imagine that you are in a situation where you feel more confident. For example, you might not have trouble talking to your classmates, but you curl up before parties. At this point, just imagine that you are just chatting with someone in class.
    • Challenge the negative thoughts you are forming in a situation where you are at a party by reassuring yourself that you have social skills and that you can talk easily. with people in different situations.
  11. Praise others. Confident people don't just see themselves positively; they also perceive positive traits in others. If your colleague did a good job or won a reward for something, congratulate him or her with a smile. Praise others from small things to big things. This technique can help you look more confident in the eyes of others.
  12. Deep breath. Activate the body's calm response by overpowering your own "fight or surrender" response. Even if you don't feel confident right now, taking deep breaths will help relax your body.
    • For example, if you feel anxious about a job interview, you can inhale for 4 counts, hold for 4 beats, and exhale for 4 counts. Your body will become more relaxed, and this will help you look more confident in the eyes of others.
  13. Also, never say bad things about someone else's back. Someone might advise you that in order to become famous, you need to be mean to others. However, this is not true. Self-confidence never includes defaming others. advertisement

Method 2 of 4: Practice Behavior with Confidence

  1. Communicate assertively. Communicating with an honest, straightforward attitude will help your confidence in any given situation. Communicating with affirmations helps to secure the interests of anyone (speaker and listener). It also helps to commit that people will talk to each other in cooperation. This approach also means that everyone's opinion will be taken into account in resolving the situation.
    • For example, if you want to have a confident attitude during an interview, you can view this process as an opportunity for you to find out if your work experience and knowledge will be able to contribute like that. any company needs. You could say, “As you said, one of the skills you are looking for is helping the company to expand its access to rail transit. In my previous position at ABC Transport, I helped the three major domestic clients expand their access to rail transport, bringing in an additional $ 1 million to the company.If it is not possible to increase this number, I really want to be able to bring the same benefits to XYZ Multimodal Transport Company ”.
    • You will look more confident in the eyes of your future boss because you have communicated with them about your past accomplishments in a way that is more genuine than boasting. In addition, you are conveying your enthusiasm for becoming a member of the company.
  2. Make decisions with attitude decisive. When you need to make a decision, don't go overboard with options. Show your assertiveness and steadiness, and stick to your decisions.
    • This can be through small factors, such as deciding which restaurant you'll go to for dinner. Don't overthink this issue. Just select the restaurant you want to go to and enjoy the time.
    • If it's a big decision, like accepting a new job, you can spend a little more time assessing the pros and cons of the outcome of your decision. Just remember that you shouldn't "hum" too much.
  3. Work hard. Redirect your anxiety into something more productive. Focus your attention on hard work. Confident people are not afraid to improve because what they do does not affect their opinion. They know they will always do their best in any given situation, so they will be confident even if they make a mistake.
  4. Don't give up easily. Confident people don't give up in situations easily. Instead, they will keep trying until they find a solution or a way to succeed. If you want to act with confidence, don't give in when faced with a challenge. advertisement

Method 3 of 4: Build Confidence Inside Out

  1. Believe in yourself. The best way to have that self-confidence is to feel confident. There are many things you can do to improve your confidence and self-esteem, and in turn help you feel better in a variety of situations. Believing in yourself is the secret of success. Although you can show a confident attitude, you will look more convincing if you believe in your confidence. Take a deep look at your soul and see your best traits. You may not think you are special, but you are. The confidence in your soul will make you feel and look great.
    • Set realistic goals and try to accomplish them. Be confident that you can accomplish your goals.
    • Love your true nature. Accept yourself with all the positive and negative traits. Allow yourself to make mistakes and reward yourself for success.
    • Chat with your loved one. Someone who loves you can help you feel positive about yourself. They love you for a specific reason, and their influence will have a positive effect on your self-esteem.
  2. Make a list of your positive traits. In order to act with confidence, shift your focus to what gives you confidence. You can think about your own positives. Consider what you did well and did successfully (big or small). Make a list of all the positive things you can do about yourself. Some examples include:
    • I am a great friend.
    • I am a hard worker.
    • I excel in math, science, spelling, grammar, etc.
    • I won the trophy in chess competition.
  3. Remember the positive things others have said about you. Remember other compliments. Doing this will help you think more positively about yourself, and in turn will help you act with confidence.
  4. Identify what gives you your confidence. Once you understand a situation that makes you feel confident in yourself, you can transfer the skill to other situations.
    • Write down a list of situations in which you feel confident. For each situation, write down what makes you feel confident in the situation. For example: “I feel confident when I'm with my friends. Reason: I have known them for a long time. I know they don't judge me. They accept their true nature ”.
    • Write about situations in which you don't feel confident. For each situation, write down what is preventing you from becoming confident. For example: “I don't feel confident when I go to work. Why: This is a new job and I'm not sure what I'm doing. My boss is a bit difficult and she blamed me for the work I did ”.
  5. Focus on self-improvement. Another skill that you should strive for is striving to be successful at work, in school, and even in relationships. Concentration is the key. Confident people focus on improving what they do until they succeed. People with lack of confidence will focus only on how they perform, worry about the deficiencies they perceive (and this is often not true), and worry about failure rather than trying to find ways to achieve results. fruit.
    • Reflect on the current situation you are facing, such as speaking in public or interviewing for a job. Thinking about at least three factors worked quite well in the situation. This will help you let go of negative thoughts.
  6. Minimize inward criticism. Negative thinking can make many people miserable. They are often based on personal beliefs that are not true. This type of thinking might include "I'm not good enough", "I'm not lucky," or "I always screw things up."
    • Acknowledge these thoughts as they appear. You simply have developed a few bad habits along the way. Changing them is entirely within your control.
    • Reverse thinking. Form a positive thought and test which one is true. For example, if you say, "I'm unlucky," reverse that thinking with the things you have in life that make you feel lucky. For example, you could remind yourself, “I have a house to live in, food to eat, and a shirt to wear. I have friends and relatives who always love me. Last year, I won the lottery prize of 1 million dong ”.
    • Be clear that your inner critique will not be true. Minimizing it can help you act with confidence because you will feel more confident without anyone else who can upset you.
  7. Believe in your ability to cope with challenges. You can use your list of positives to increase your confidence in the fact that you will face the challenge and do your best in any given situation.
    • If you think about your mistakes all the time, you will feel less "confident in yourself" (the belief that you can actually achieve big and small accomplishments). And this will erode your confidence and make you behave less confident. Instead, you should be confident that you can overcome the challenge.

Method 4 of 4: Take care of yourself

  1. Appreciate your personality. There are many things that you will want to change about yourself. Basically, however, you still need to accept yourself before you can make a change. Don't worry too much about what others think of you. You should go your own way and do what you want.
  2. Do something that makes you feel strong. You should try to get something done in your life that you've always wanted to do. You can join classes, clubs, or do something that makes you feel stronger and improves your confidence.
  3. Write diary. Every day, write down what you are proud of, whether it's acting kind toward someone else or a positive trait you've just discovered about yourself. Whenever you need to increase your self-confidence, you can review your diary and remind yourself that you are amazing in many different ways.
  4. Maintain a close relationship with your loved one. Spend time with the person who loves you and the person you love. Having the support of everyone in your life will help you build your confidence in a variety of situations. They can be your family, friends, and lover / partner.
  5. Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Take care of your body so that you feel better about yourself. Exercise regularly and eat healthy foods. When you feel good about yourself and your body, you will be more confident. This will also help you act more confidently.
    • You should try to exercise for about 30 minutes a day.


  • The only person you need to make that impression is yourself. Seek a happy life instead of a life where you feel like you need to live up to other people's expectations, and never be able to do what you enjoy.


  • Trying too hard to be confident around others will make them think you are unsteady, arrogant, and want to be noticed by others.