How to have perfect skin

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024


Each person experiences several skin problems in their lifetime such as acne, dry skin, sensitive skin, oily skin, dull skin or wrinkles. Fortunately, however, these problems can be handled easily if you care about your facial skin. Read on to read the article below for some useful guidelines for proper facial care and healthy, youthful skin!


Part 1 of 3: Develop a skin care routine

  1. Determine your skin type. The first step to perfect skin is to develop the right skincare routine friend. Everyone's skin is different, so what works for this person may not work for you. Observe your skin closely for normal, sensitive, dry, combination, acne prone, or oily skin.
    • If you have normal skin so lucky! Your skin will not be oily, your pores are small, your skin is even and blemishes are rare.
    • Sensitive skin This is usually evident - like the skin becomes dry, itchy, or irritated depending on the weather, lifestyle, and products you use.
    • Dry skin Usually feel tight after washing your face and skin is rough or flaky, especially in cold weather or dry air.
    • Combination skin this means your skin is just dry and just poured oil. The skin will flake or dry at the edges but oil in the T-zone.
    • Skin is prone to breakouts often have blackheads, pimples, and oil. Even though you try to keep your skin clean, it still won't avoid acne.
    • Oily skin Can pour oil and become greasy within 1 hour of cleansing. Oil can seep in and wash off makeup.
    • Besides, your skin color like White skin, Tan skin or black skin It also makes it easier to identify problems skin has to consider when choosing skin care products.

  2. Wash your face twice a day - nothing more, nothing less. Facial washing is very important to remove dirt, oil, bacteria, and makeup from the skin.
    • However, many people think that washing your face as much as possible - but this is a misconception. Washing your face repeatedly will have the same consequences as not washing your face because your skin becomes dry, red and irritated.
    • You should practice the habit of washing your face twice a day - once in the morning to remove the grease formed the night before and once in the evening to remove dirt, makeup during the day.
    • Use a facial cleanser that is suitable for your skin (usually listed on the product). If possible, avoid cleansers that have smells, colors, or lots of chemicals, as these can irritate the skin or be ineffective. When choosing products for your face, choose something as mild as possible.
    • To wash your face, use warm water. Hot water is not good for the skin because it dries out the skin, but warm water helps open pores. Take a small amount of facial cleanser into your hands and use your fingers to gently apply a circular motion with your fingers.
    • Then, clean your face with cold water (to tighten pores), make sure to completely rinse the facial repair product on your skin. Use a clean towel to gently pat dry the water (scrubbing hard will damage the skin). Or better yet, dry the skin naturally.

  3. Use toner (firming water). Toner is a skin care product that gets a little attention and a lot of women skip this step. Although toners are not strictly necessary in skincare routines, toning has many benefits.
    • First, the toner removes dirt, makeup, or dead skin cells that the cleanser still leaves behind, making the skin completely clear. Second, the toner helps to balance skin's pH, with low acidity. Third, the toner makes the skin slightly moist to better absorb the cosmetics you put on right after (like moisturizers, serums and sunscreens).
    • Using toner is also one way to add active ingredients to your skin care routine. The active ingredients will depend on your skin type. People with acne prone skin will find it effective when using toners containing BHA (beta hydroxy acids) and AHA (alpha hydroxy acids) because of their ability to exfoliate dead skin cells, people with dry skin should choose moisturizing toner containing vitamin E and aloe vera and to fight aging, you should choose antioxidants (to nourish the skin) and retinoids (to fight wrinkles). However, be aware that people with dry or sensitive skin should avoid alcohol-based toners as these products are so hard on the skin that the skin is dry.
    • Most toners are in liquid form and are very easy to use. You just need to put a little toner on a cotton pad and then apply it lightly on face and neck. Then leave the toner on your skin, you don't need to wipe it off.

  4. Apply moisturizer. No matter what skin type you own, moisturizing your skin is one of the most important steps in skin care. Moisturizers hydrate the skin by holding water in the outer layer of the skin. In addition, it also protects and improves skin tone and texture. However, similar to other skin care products, the moisturizer you choose will be different depending on your skin type.
    • Persons normal skin Choose a water-based moisturizer so as not to affect the skin's balance. When applied to the skin, it will feel mild and not greasy. Skin moisturizers often contain mild oils such as cetyl alcohol and cyclomethicone.
    • Persons dry skin need a heavier moisturizer to provide deep moisture. Therefore, moisturizers for dry skin will have an oil-based base for better moisture retention. Choose a special moisturizing ingredient like grape seed oil and dimethicone (a silicone oil).
    • Oily and acne-prone skin Also need to be moisturized, especially if you use facial cleansers and toners to dry out your skin. Choose something that is water-based, gentle and has a label that says "non-comedogenic" which means it won't clog pores.
    • Sensitive skin Need a moisturizer with a simple formula that doesn't irritate the skin. Avoid moisturizers that have colors or odors and don't use any products that contain acids. Instead, choose products that are gentle on the skin like aloe, chamomile, and cucumber.
    • Aging skin Often it dries out easily, so choose a thick moisturizer with oils or greases. You should also choose products with additional benefits with antioxidants, retinoids, AHA to firm skin and reduce wrinkles.
  5. Regularly exfoliate. Exfoliation regularly cleans the dead skin cells, leaving the skin fresh, smooth and shiny. That's why it's so important to exfoliate at least once a week or more (depending on your skin type).
    • However - many people have a misconception about exfoliating, which means that it is important to exfoliate very close to the skin to be effective.This is not true, but it can also affect the skin because rubbing or using harsh scrubs can damage soft tissue under the skin.
    • The skin (especially facial skin) is very sensitive and needs more attention than we think. So if you want to buy an exfoliating product, choose a small round seed, not a seed with an angular texture.
    • Or you can buy a facial cleanser with an exfoliating ingredient like AHA that helps remove dead skin without scrubbing. You can also use a damp washcloth to gently scrub your face - it's just as effective as an exfoliating product and inexpensive!
    • Another option is to buy an exfoliator and scrub from Clarisonic, which has a rotating hair tip to clean the surface of the skin and pores. Many people believe in using this type of Clarisonic product, but with a high price of about 2-5 million VND, it is not suitable for everyone.
    • The last way to exfoliate is to make your own homemade exfoliating product. This is simple and works as well as commercially available products using only natural ingredients. Try a mix of brown sugar and olive oil, baking soda and water or home exfoliating ingredients!
  6. Always remove makeup. It sounds like an extremely simple task, but don't underestimate the importance of complete makeup removal every night. Sometimes this is hard work because there are nights when you no longer want to do anything after a tiring day but your skin will be grateful when you take the effort to remove your makeup!
    • If you leave makeup on overnight, it will clog pores and prevent your skin from recovering from a long, stressful day. This gives the opportunity to develop blackheads, acne, oily and other skin problems!
    • In addition, the makeup layer also stores free radicals on your skin when you're out and about throughout the day. If the skin is not cleaned properly at night, these free radicals will remain on the skin. This is very harmful because free radicals break the collagen structure on the skin, leading to the formation of wrinkles and folds.
    • Although the process of washing face, using toner, and moisturizing is necessary, in case of an emergency, you can have a makeup remover with a cotton eyeshadow on the nightstand. This way, you can quickly remove makeup from your skin before going to bed.
    • When it comes to makeup, if possible, it is advisable to rest your skin and leave it bare from time to time, especially if you often use a concentrated foundation. It sounds scary but the skin will get better. If leaving your bare face stressful, try a colored moisturizer - this is lighter than a foundation but still provides coverage.
    • Finally, you should check your cosmetic bag at least every 6 months and throw away any old products. Makeup is a bacterial paradise, so using clumpy foundation and sticky mascara can clog pores and cause breakouts.
  7. Don't forget the sunscreen! Last but not least, one thing that you should change in your skincare routine after reading this article is to apply sunscreen every day. You should not underestimate the importance of applying sunscreen.
    • Sunscreen protects skin from the negative effects of UVA and UVB rays, which are the cause of skin problems. Furthermore, sunscreen has also been shown to reduce the risk of developing skin cancer - that's reason enough to use sunscreen regularly.
    • Next, the sunscreen protects the skin from aging problems. In fact, the sun is the leading cause of skin problems such as wrinkles, wrinkles, brown spots, red blood vessels and dark spots. By applying sunscreen regularly, you can slow down signs of skin aging and keep skin youthful.
    • You should choose a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30, especially if you have fair skin and red or blond hair. Some moisturizers and foundation have SPF available, which makes the morning routine simpler.
    • Remember to wear sunscreen everyday, not only in the summer when it's sunny. UV rays are also very strong when it is cold, can penetrate clouds and rain. Besides, you can increase the sun protection by wearing trendy sunglasses and hats when needed.
    • Don't use sunscreen that is old or out of date. Since the protective effect of the product may be reduced, it does not protect the skin from sunburn and other skin problems. Furthermore, the formula of the sunscreen will change upon expiration causing the skin to become irritated and itchy.

Part 2 of 3: Dealing with skin problems

  1. Acne treatment. Acne is a skin problem that is difficult to handle and frustrating. Although acne only affects teenagers, it can last into adulthood and no one can avoid it. Since acne is such a common phenomenon, there are many ways to treat it, and you should try it to find one that works for you.
    • You still follow the skin care routine including washing your face, applying toner and moisturizer, but choose products specifically for acne skin. Use a facial cleanser that contains ingredients like triclosan, benzoyl peroxide, and salicylic acid. Use a lightweight, oil-free moisturizer to keep your skin from drying out.
    • In addition to your regular skin care routine, you can also add an acne medication that usually comes in the form of a cream or ointment. Some effective acne medications have ingredients like benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, sulfur, retinoids, and azelaic acid. Although these topical creams are available over the counter, some powerful medications must be prescribed by a doctor.
    • If the topical anti-acne medication doesn't work, you should see a dermatologist. They will prescribe a range of medications including topical and oral - depending on the condition and severity of the acne. Some people are allergic to antibiotics, but others feel effective and many need a powerful retinoid like the drug Accutane.
  2. Treat aging skin. Wrinkles, wrinkles, sagging skin, and brown spots are skin problems that everyone will experience at some point in their lives. However, proper skin care and protection will repel those problems and keep skin looking youthful.
    • First of all, it's important to follow a skincare routine with a product specifically for aging skin. These products are typically more concentrated and moisturizing, which is important because aging skin is often dry and wrinkled.
    • To combat wrinkles and sagging skin, choose a moisturizer that contains antioxidants. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals that damage skin cells and produce signs of aging. Some common antioxidant-containing ingredients include tea essence, retinol (a complex of vitamin A) and kinetin (a plant complex that is thought to increase collagen levels in the skin).
    • To deal with brown spots and sun damage, you should choose products containing BHA and AHAs because these two ingredients are capable of exfoliating, removing discolored dead skin and exposing the skin. fresh, smooth below.
    • However, if you choose a product that will miraculously treat all skin problems to fight wrinkles, there is only one product that does it - Retin A. Retin A is tretinoin or retinoic acid - an acid of vitamin A is extremely effective in repelling wrinkles, tightening sagging skin and lightening discolored skin by increasing cell renewal, stimulating collagen production and exfoliation. Retin-A has to be prescribed by a doctor, so talk to your dermatologist if you are interested in this therapy or want more information.
  3. Handling darkening skin. Darkening of the skin includes problems like brown spots, dark spots, and hyperpigmentation.
    • These problems are caused by an excess of melanin in the skin and manifest in sun exposure, pregnancy, menopause, oral contraceptives, other medications, and pimples. Although dull skin can sometimes fade on its own, there are many therapies and creams available to help speed the process.
    • The first step in anti-darkening therapy is to choose skin care products that contain retinoids and use them every day. Retinoids formed from vitamin A will exfoliate dead cells to remove dark skin and replace it with fresh skin. Skin condition should improve after a few months.If you want quick results, ask your doctor to prescribe retinoic acid creams or gels, which are just as effective as other products.
    • If you are looking for an effective whitening treatment (to lighten dark, dark skin), you should use hydroquinone. Hydroquinone brightens the skin by blocking melanin production. Products with the formula of 2% are available over-the-counter, but with 4% strength, they must be prescribed by a doctor. Before taking this therapy, you should know that hydroquinone has been widely banned in many parts of Asia and Europe because of its potential to cause cancer.
    • If cost is not an issue then you can have laser or ray treatments, chemical peels, or skin resurfacing. Talk to your dermatologist to find out which method is right for you.
    • Finally, the most important thing to remember when treating dark spots is Always wear sunscreen. Sunscreen prevents UV rays from producing melanin, which makes darkening of the skin worse.
  4. Handling sensitive skin. Having sensitive skin can be hard work because you need to pay attention to the products you use and how to take care of your skin so you don't get dry or red skin, itchy skin, acne or pustules.
    • Sensitive skin is also susceptible to a number of skin diseases such as eczema, redness, acne and contact dermatitis. However, if you are patient and knowledgeable about the skin care process, you can still control sensitive skin.
    • As stated above, when buying products for sensitive skin, it's important to remember to avoid cleansers, moisturizers and other products that have colors or smells as they are more likely to cause an allergic reaction. . When choosing a product, choose one with a simple ingredient - choose a cleanser and a cream that has only 10 ingredients or less.
    • You should also avoid products that contain certain ingredients like antibacterial, alcohol, retinoids, or AHAs. While these ingredients are beneficial for other skin types, sensitive skin causes redness and irritation.
    • Instead, choose products that contain soothing and anti-inflammatory ingredients like chamomile, white tea, aloe vera, chamomile calendula, oats, and marine plants.
    • If you want to use a particular product but are unsure of the skin response then it's best to try it on a small area of ​​skin. Take a little bit of product and apply it to the skin behind the ear. Do this for 5 consecutive nights and if there is no allergic reaction then apply a small amount of product to the skin next to the eye. Repeat this a few times and if there is no sign of allergy then you can apply the product all over your face.
    • For makeup products, choose a silicone-based foundation because it is hypoallergenic. Use eyeliner pencils and eyebrow pencil because liquid products often contain latex - a common allergen. Don't use waterproof mascara as you will need a special makeup remover that is very harmful to sensitive skin.

Part 3 of 3: Lifestyle changes

  1. Healthy eating. You should follow a healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals necessary for the skin. Vitamins B, C, E, A and K help keep skin young and full of vitality.
    • Vitamin B is the basic building blocks of skin, hair and nails. This vitamin is found in foods such as oats, eggs, rice, bananas and even Vegemite (a brown avocado, famous in Australia).
    • Vitamin C protects the skin from the effects of sunlight, and prevents skin cancer. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges, bell peppers, cranberries, grapefruit juice, cauliflower and green vegetables.
    • Vitamin E also helps to protect the skin from the effects of the sun and is found in olive oil, spinach, nuts, seeds and vegetable oils.
    • Vitamin A is needed to restore the skin epidermis. Without vitamin A, the skin will be dry and flaky. Vitamin A is found in fruits and vegetables, making it easy to supplement.
    • Vitamin K helps reduce dark circles under the eyes and bruises. Vitamin K is found in green vegetables, dairy products, pork and liver.
  2. Stay hydrated. As you know, drinking plenty of water is essential for healthy, smooth skin. Because in fact, the skin as well as other cells in the body are made up of water.
    • Without enough water, skin becomes dehydrated and becomes dry, tight, and flaky. Over time, this will lead to wrinkles.
    • Drinking water also helps to get rid of harmful substances in the body that are damaging to your skin and health.
    • Although there is no scientific information on the amount of water you should drink each day (as it varies from person to person, climate and physical activity), it is best to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water.
    • If you do not like drinking water, you can replace it with drinking a lot of green tea or herbal tea or coconut water (claimed to be good for the skin). Or you can add a slice of lemon to the drink for added flavor. Lemons are also great for the skin so you'll have a good job.
    • You should also eat plenty of water-rich fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers, watermelon, grapes, lettuce, celery and turnips.
  3. Get enough sleep. Sleep is essential for healthy, fresh skin - so it's not natural that people call good sleep. Because when you sleep, the skin will repair itself and regenerate, replacing old cells with new ones.
    • When you don't get a good night's sleep, your skin will look dull, pale, and sagging the next day. This is because blood doesn't circulate well when you're tired. Lack of sleep also causes blood vessels under the skin to expand, creating dark circles under the eyes.
    • For healthy, youthful skin, you should sleep 7 to 8 hours a night. You should also go to bed and wake up at the same time each day because your body likes moderation. Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol before bed as it affects the quality of sleep.
    • In addition to sleeping, you can also adjust beneficial sleep habits for your skin. For example, lying on your back instead of lying flat so that your face does not press hard against the pillow (leading to wrinkles).
    • You should also change your pillow bag at least once a week to prevent oil, dirt and bacteria from forming, and choose a white pillow bag instead of a color because the dye can irritate sensitive skin.
  4. Exercise regularly. Exercise not only keeps body shape, but also helps maintain healthy, youthful skin by regulating the amount of oxygen through the skin.
    • Do not wear makeup when exercising. Sweat and dirt get into your pores and cause breakouts.
    • Avoid getting sweat on your face after exercising. Take a shower or at least wash your face as soon as you finish exercising.
  5. Relieve tension. Any level of stress is not good for the skin as it produces a lot of oil, acne, redness, sensitivity and wrinkles. In addition, it also increases skin diseases such as blushing and eczema.
    • In relation to chemical reactions in the body, stress increases the levels of the hormone cortisol, which causes the skin to shed oil and lead to acne. In addition, blood vessels dilate, causing redness.
    • Physically, frowning and frowning frequently depletes collagen, creating wrinkles when you're not old.
    • So, by reducing your stress level, your skin condition improves. You can do this by taking time out for yourself and doing things you enjoy like taking a walk, taking a yoga class or simply spending time with your loved one.
  6. Give up smoking. Smoking is very harmful to the skin. If you want to improve your skin condition and prevent the signs of premature aging, then stopping smoking is the first thing you should do.
    • Smoking damages the skin in many ways. First, cigarettes contain carbon monoxide, which limits the amount of oxygen entering the skin and nicotine reduces blood circulation. These two factors can lead to dull, pale, and dry skin.
    • Second, smoking prevents the absorption of nutrients such as Vitamin C, which is necessary for the skin to repair and regenerate.
    • Smokers often have more wrinkles than their non-smokers because tobacco increases the aging process by reducing blood circulation on the skin.
    • Quitting smoking is not an easy task, but with determination and support from family and friends it is always possible.


  • Don't touch your face with your hands. You will often want to squeeze the pimple and peel off the crust on the skin, but the bacteria on your fingertips will easily get on your face, making the pimple worse or leading to an infection that will soon heal.
  • Instead of using a lot of foundation, you can combine it with a moisturizer.
  • Try switching from a concentrated foundation to a mineral makeup to avoid clogging your pores.
  • If a cream or moisturizer is causing your skin to get a red rash, stop using it and switch to another product. In addition, you should allow your skin to rest after the rash occurs by not wearing makeup for a few days.
  • Drink 3-4 cups of green tea a day to help you have clean, smooth skin.
  • You should wash your pillow regularly as it transfers dirt from your hair to your face. Sleeping hair ties are also beneficial for the skin.
  • Drinking water regularly will help you to have flawless skin. But don't drink a lot of water at once, drink lots of small sips throughout the day.
  • Drink water and stop the habit of drinking soft drinks, eating fruits, especially berries. This is good for all skin types.
  • Don't squeeze pimples because your nails contain bacteria.
  • Use 1 egg whites and tear off 2 paper towels, then blot the egg whites and place them on the face except for the eye or mouth area.
  • Use organic cosmetics or homemade masks made from lemon, honey, and herbs.
  • Apply hot water to your pores and blackheads. The steam will open the pores and clear the pimple.


  • The methods listed in this article are suitable for everyone.
  • If you experience severe acne that makes you feel inferior, you should see a dermatologist. There are many medications available to help reduce and reverse acne.
  • If you have dark skin and live in a place that doesn't get a lot of sun, then you should consider using sunscreen. Since the melanin on this skin type blocks UV rays, if you add sunscreen, you will experience a vitamin D deficiency.