How to get off to a good start in the morning

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 19 February 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
4 Minutes To Start Your Day Right! MORNING MOTIVATION and Positivity!
Video: 4 Minutes To Start Your Day Right! MORNING MOTIVATION and Positivity!


A good start in the morning doesn't come naturally. For a new day full of energy, you need to plan. To have a morning feeling ready for the day, you need to start the night before, wake up on time with a refreshing feeling and have breakfast ready. The morning is also an important time to take care of your body and mind to help prepare your mind and body for a new working day. In addition, you can be more productive in the morning by taking advantage of the early morning hours as an opportunity to kick-start a productive day.


Method 1 of 3: Get everything organized and ready to wake up

  1. Prepare for the morning the night before. Choose your clothes - including accessories and underwear before going to bed. After that, keep everything in the most convenient place so you can start your day without worrying about what to wear or finding missing earrings or socks.
    • If you bring lunch with you to school or work, prepare it before bed so you can use the morning for something else.
    • Make sure you do your laundry regularly so you have plenty of options for each day at school or the office.

  2. Open your curtains or blinds before going to bed. The natural light of the early morning can help prepare the body to wake up. If you close the curtains all night, you'll miss out on the good in the morning. When you catch the light tomorrow, you'll be ready to wake up energetically when the alarm goes off.

  3. Get enough sleep. On average, each person needs about 8 hours of sleep each day. Some people only need 6 hours and others take 9 hours. Take time to figure out how long you need to sleep to have a productive day and then schedule a time so you can get enough sleep.

  4. Wake up at the same time every day. Experts agree that waking up at the same time every day is important. It gives you enough rest as your body will know when to signal sleep. Psychologists say that some people can reduce anxiety and depression by waking up at the same time each day.
    • Even on weekends, you should wake up at the same time as your school or work day.
  5. Do not use the snooze button. We sometimes use the button, but getting 9 minutes of extra sleep doesn't really get you off to a good start in the morning. If you often press the snooze button when you're not awake yet, then use a phone app that requires you to complete complex puzzles or puzzles before you turn off your alarm or let you use the snooze button. This way, you'll be alert enough to make a decision. advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Focus on your physical and mental health

  1. Meditate for calm and concentration. Many successful people choose several mental activities to practice in the morning, including meditation or prayer. Take time for this type of meditation - it relaxes you into a busy new day and can calmly focus on what's most important.
    • There are many ways to meditate. Some people simply take a deep breath and focus on the breath. Others will watch guided meditation videos that you can easily buy or browse online. There are often relaxing music and voices in the meditation videos that help you breathe regularly, clear your mind, or focus on your thoughts.
  2. Do exercise. Morning exercise is the best way to energize mind and body for a great day. People who exercise in the morning tend to maintain their exercise routine more than people who exercise at other times of the day. In addition, morning exercise also helps reduce stress, anxiety and lower blood pressure.
    • Make time for muscle relaxation. Stretching can lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation in the body, and even help with weight loss. Get into a morning yoga routine or do some simple stretching exercises.
    • Have your clothes ready for practice the night before. Or, if you work out in comfortable casual clothes, you can wear them as your pajamas. Get up, get out of bed, and you can exercise this way right away.
    • Sign up for the gym with a friend to keep you accountable. If you sign up and pay upfront to train with a friend that will keep you present, you'll also get into a morning workout routine for a good start in the morning.
  3. Full breakfast. There are lots of tips on what to eat during the day.Some people think that green smoothies should be chosen (fruits and kale or spinach are usually a popular ingredient). Others will choose a high-protein breakfast. Find out what's best for you and remember that your body and mind need food in the morning to function effectively.
    • Have a healthy breakfast that includes whole grains, low-fat protein, low-fat dairy products, and fruits and vegetables.
  4. Spend time with loved ones. Morning is a great time to be with people you care about. If you live with family, devote yourself to spending time with loved ones before dealing with work and worries. If you live alone, you can use the mornings to call family or friends or just send a message to someone you care about.
    • Take advantage of your bus time to call or text with family and friends or while you walk to work.
  5. Show gratitude. Some of the world's most successful people use mornings as an opportunity to write down things for which they are grateful. You will be grateful for the person, place, or opportunity. Spend some time in the morning writing down 3 things that you are grateful for, so you will start your day with a positive thought.
    • Bring a small notebook to write down a list of things you are grateful for or keep on your phone. Reviewing things for which you are grateful can also be a positive experience; Therefore, keep a record of things that you are grateful for.

Method 3 of 3: Make mornings more productive

  1. Focus on important information. If foreign markets or international news are important to your work then focus on those news first thing in the morning. The same goes for email or social media activity. You can keep up with what happened last night and complete your news updates or get in touch with people to get ready for a productive day.
    • Instead of looking at multiple news sources, go to a website that aggregates the news that are important to you. You can save time and energy this way to stay informed at breakfast.
  2. Embarked on "favorite projects". If you have a favorite project or goal you want to achieve, do it in the morning. Favorite projects like learning about genealogy or writing novels - something you can't get done unless you put it on the list of priorities. Morning is the best time to work on these projects before getting caught up in activities and decisions for the rest of the day.
  3. Prioritize implementation of important projects. Morning gives you a great opportunity to spend all your time on the important thing on your to-do list. Taking the important things first is very helpful because it allows you to focus on one thing before confronting a busy day that takes up all of your time.
  4. Do things the same way every morning. Experts say that successful entrepreneurs follow a routine every morning. Psychologists advocate making morning activities a routine, which is very beneficial for a positive start every day.
    • Wake up at the same time, eat the same thing each morning, and practice the same hygiene routine every day. Some people even wear the same clothes to reduce the time it takes to decide what to wear.


  • Don't drink coffee or anything with caffeine before bed.