How to Read Pointing

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 10 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Pointing at Words While Reading
Video: Pointing at Words While Reading


Palm reading is a method used by many pagans and those who adhere to Contemporaryism as a form of divination or understanding other people's personalities. Decoding the meaning hidden behind the lines in the palm of your hand is an important part of palm reading. Reading only requires you to understand both the main and the side roads. This article will explain you how to evaluate different palm lines.


Method 1 of 3: Learn about Main Street

  1. Hand selection for palm reading. In palmistry, there are general rules for the use of the dominant and the non-dominant hand. Your dominant hand will be the dominant hand in your life, while the non-dominant hand comes with only a few extra points.
    • Your non-dominant hand will indicate your genetic trait. They can be seen as basic contours.
    • The dominant hand will let you know of any impacted changes in life events, etc.
    • If the lines between the hands are significantly different, this means that you have tried your best to develop yourself.

  2. Identify four main roads. They are the spiritual path, the spiritual path, the path of life, and the path of destiny (not everyone possesses this path).
    • The center line runs across the top of the palm of the hand. This line reflects the state of your heart both physically and emotionally.
    • The path of wisdom is the horizontal line between the palm of the hand. It reflects your mental state and brain.
    • The pathway curves in an arc below the thumb, starting between the index and thumb. Contrary to popular belief, this sugar does not really show your longevity but it only helps you learn more about aspects of your life such as your health, vitality, and well-being.
    • The fate line is a line that extends from the end of the palm to the middle of the palm (not everyone has it). It indicates success, career path, and talent.

  3. Decoding the spiritual path. You can read this line in any direction (from little finger to index finger or vice versa), depending on your habits. People often believe that spirituality will reveal emotional stability, predestined relationships, depression, and heart health. The way to read these lines and their specific meaning is presented as follows:
    • If the spirituality begins underneath your index finger, this means that you are quite an emotional picky person. The spiritual path that begins under your middle finger shows that you are emotionally selfish. If it starts from the palm of your hand, you're a person who is prone to vibrations.
    • If you do not have a spiritual path, this shows that you follow logical thinking rather than emotion. A fuzzy line shows that you are lukewarm and don't take your emotions seriously.
    • A straight line and short means you don't care about romance. A long, curved line is a sign that you are often free to express your feelings. A wavy line shows that you have quite a few relationships and / or a lover, but have not found a truly serious relationship.
    • If the path of mind is a straight line and parallel to the path of the path, this means that you have the ability to control your emotions. The path of the spiritual path touching the path means that their hearts are easily broken.
    • A broken or broken spiritual path can be an indication of emotional trauma. One line with many small links may be associated with depression.

  4. Consider the way of spirituality. This line represents learning style, communication style, intellect and desire for knowledge. The specific meaning of this line is as follows:
    • The absence of the spiritual path means that you are quite slow. A faint line is a sign that you have a poor memory and trouble concentrating and often enjoy daydreaming. A bold line indicates that your memory is quite good, has a high level of concentration, and is a sharp person.
    • A short line is a sign that you are realistic and don't like pointless things. Long lines indicate that you are focused and very successful and have a tendency to be selfish.
    • The long path of wisdom shows you to think realistically, to think logically, to be organized, and to pay attention to detail. Wavy lines mean you can't rest and have low concentration. Curves and slopes show your creativity.
    • If the path of wisdom begins from the path of the path, this means that you have a strong will. The separation of the mind path from the pathway is a sign that you are adventurous and quite enthusiastic about life.
    • The broken spiritual path shows contradiction in thinking. Having so many small lines across can mean that important decisions will have a huge effect on your destiny. The spiritual path has many small links is a sign that you have emotional conflict or difficulty.
  5. Evaluate the pathway. This line reflects physical health, overall well-being, and major changes in life (for example, major life events, physical accident, and change of residence). The specific meaning of this line is presented as follows:
    • If you do not have a pathway, this means that you are easily emotional, anxious, and restless. A blurred line shows you don't have a lot of energy and your life is not adventurous. A bold line shows that your life is quite peaceful.
    • A long and deep line showing good stamina and vitality. The short, deep lines show you easily overcome physical problems.
    • Curves are a sign that you have ample energy. A straight line near the edge of the palm means you are quite careful.
    • The pathway close to your thumb shows that you are prone to feeling tired. If this curve curves into a semicircle, it shows strength and enthusiasm. The straight line and close to the palm edge shows that you are quite careful.
    • See if you have multiple pathways. Many of the pathways are manifestations of strength and vitality.
    • A broken line means that you will have an unexpected change in your lifestyle or a disruption in your life. If the line is both fractured on both hands, it could be a sign of a serious illness or injury. The pathway has many circles or links which indicate that you are more likely to encounter many health problems and that your life can turn in many other directions.
  6. Study of fate. This line is also known as the line of destiny, and it is the line that shows how influences the external influences affect your life with absolutely no control over them. This line starts at the end of the palm. The meanings of this line include:
    • A bold line means your life is completely controlled by fate. Remember, this sugar is not owned by everyone.
    • If the path of destiny begins with the path of the pathway, this is a sign that you are independent and develop aspirations from a young age. If it comes into contact with the pathway from some point in the middle, this is a sign that at some point in your life you will have to sacrifice your benefits for others. If the line of fate begins at the end of your thumb, it means that you are very attached to family and friends.
    • A broken fate line or a change of direction can be a sign of many changes in life due to external influences.

Method 2 of 3: Understanding Other Important Routes

  1. Search for other important lines on the palm of the hand. In addition to the four main roads (especially around the spiritual path), there are many other roads that are worth your attention and study. They are the health line, the career path, the marriage line, the fortune line, and the travel route.
    • The health line usually starts below the little finger, extends over the palm of the hand and ends at the end of the thumb.
    • The karmic line, if present, begins at the end of the palm of the hand, and extends down to below the ring finger, parallel to the line of destiny.
    • The marriage line is a small line (or lines) underneath the little finger.
    • The money line goes in many directions and the meaning of it can only be explained based on its position.
    • The travel path usually starts at the palm edge at a position close to the "bottom" of the palm, facing the thumb, and is horizontal.
  2. Learn health lines. Health sugars are related to physical well-being as well as physical well-being. When the path of the path is difficult to see or lack, if you also have a rather fuzzy path of fate, fame, or success, the health line will play an important part in the development of material wealth. The health line starts below the little finger, extends over the palm of the hand, and ends below the thumb. Occasionally, it can come into contact with the pathways. Some of the meanings of this line include:
    • If you do not have health sugars, this means you will experience less, or probably not, many health problems. A bold and distinctive line shows that you have an entrepreneurial mind as well as the ability to work hard and make money.
    • A wavy line can be an indication of the likelihood of having health problems as a result of anxiety and restlessness.
    • A broken line means your poor health will cause business problems. The many small lines that cross the health line mean you are prone to an accident. The health line with many more small lanes is a sign of a life-threatening situation as you get older. A square around this line represents protection, whether it's from good medical treatment, or getting assistance in solving business problems. The line is broken and forms a small "link" indicating that you will need to be hospitalized.
    • The path, path, and health form a triangle commonly known as the "Triangle of Luck". The bigger the triangle, the better luck.
  3. Learn the road name. The photo attack line is geared towards the social rewards you get from your success. This line, if present, begins at the bottom of the palm of the hand, and extends up to below the ring finger, parallel to the pathway. The road of fame contains the following qualities.
    • If you do not have a charter line then your future reputation needs to be looked at through the other areas of your hand. You can still be successful, but you don't want to be praised by people. The bold and clear line of fame proves the excellence and fulfillment of the career.
    • This broken line is a sign of the ups and downs in trying to be recognized by society.
    • The line of kudos running straight to the pinky finger shows that you can gain a reputation in the arts. If it starts with the spiritual path and cuts through the spiritual path shows that you are very diligent and may have success later. A split of the reputation line at the tail (becoming two smaller lines) proves your success has no apparent value.
    • The line of honor ending below the pinky finger forming a star or triangle is a sign of spectacular achievements waiting for you in the arts (acting, singing, dancing). If it ends up underneath your ring finger and forms a square then you are a pretty nice owner.
  4. Marriage line assessment. Relationships in your life are indicated by a small line (or lines) under your little finger. The closer they are to the little finger, the longer they will last. The meanings of this line include:
    • Faint little lines prove you have a lot of love relationships. Bold and clear lines are the hallmark of a marriage. Many overlapping lines represent adultery. The lines that touch each other but do not intersect mean you will have children.
    • These lines form a fork and extend to the back of the hand demonstrating a lasting commitment. The fork ends in the palm of the hand as a sign of separation (may include divorce or not).
    • A marriage line has a small line cut through the end of a relationship due to mourning or divorce. However, breaking and then continuing with a line overlapping that line is a sign of future reunion.
  5. Consider the money line. This sugar is not a sign directly related to the material possessions you possess. It represents your skill at getting rich, as well as how you can do it. The characteristics of the money line include:
    • The money line starts below your thumb and extends to a position below your index finger and forms a star that shows you are gifted with making money.
    • A line stretching from underneath your thumb to your little finger shows that you will inherit wealth from an inheritance or a family subsidy. A small line that runs from under your index finger to under your middle finger means your money comes from business. The line of money stretching to the ring finger, cutting through the line of fame can prove that money comes from luck and from surprises.
  6. Travel research. Travel path is the main sign that travel in your life has or will have a strong impact on your life. They can also indicate your desire to travel. Some of the meanings of this line include:
    • A tourist track that intersects the pathway means that you are traveling to treat health problems, or your health will be affected by a trip.Travel roads intersecting with fateful paths mean that trips will provide you with life-changing experiences.
    • If the travel line is cut off this represents a danger, or a problem in travel. A square around these lines is a sign of protection. Fractures can indicate a delay in your trip.

Method 3 of 3: Learn Auxiliary Lines

  1. Consider the side lines. People's palms usually have quite a few side lines.
    • These include lines of resistance, intuition, escape, and influence.
    • They can be quite faint on some people's hands.
  2. Find a way to protest. This line can be located outside the palm edge, between the path of the mind and the path.
    • They illustrate the forces you must deal with in life.
  3. Intuitive road search. This line is on the outside of the palm of the hand (at the bottom of the palm, below the little finger).
    • It shows you possesses insight. If you have this sugar, you are extremely sensitive, intuitively inclined and may have ESP (sixth sense).
    • This line can be curved inward or outward at the edge of the palm. Either way, their meaning remains the same.
  4. Evaluate your escape route. This line usually points towards the bottom of the palm.
    • It often crosses the pathway, and this means that at some point in life, the following may appear.
    • The escape route symbolizes the escape from life's problems by immersing in your imagination. If it's linked to the line of fame, you'll free yourself by focusing on artistic creation.
    • If this line crosses the health line, you will often smoke and drink alcohol. This is also the harbinger of suicide.
  5. Consider the way of influence. They are usually located below the thumb, and directed in the palm of the hand.
    • If one line intersects the other lines, this is a sign of an important event.
    • Influencer has many small lines that will show how and when you will get money, if it crosses the money line.