How to get what you want

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 25 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Elise Trouw - How to Get What You Want (Official Music Video)
Video: Elise Trouw - How to Get What You Want (Official Music Video)


There are so many things in this world that we want. Some of them can be obtained or obtained by ourselves, sometimes we also need the help of others such as parents or colleagues. Knowing what you want and learning how to get what you want is the key to achieving your goals.


Part 1 of 3: Defining the Goals

  1. Understand the values ​​you value. You need to know what is essential to living the life you dream of. The things you want to have need to match those values. If they don't match, you may not get what you want or lose important things in the pursuit of your goal.
    • These inconsistencies are not always apparent from the start. For example, the goal of starting a business will take a lot of time, and if one of the values ​​you value is spending a lot of time with your family, this idea could create a conflict. .

  2. Set specific goals. General goals like "making more money" or "healthier" are a good start, but you need to be more detailed. Be clear about success, along with measurable signs of progress. This can help you know how well you are doing, and what the next steps to achieving your goal are.
    • For example, instead of setting a broad goal like "healthier", choose a more specific standard like "run 10 km" or "lose 10 kg".

  3. Write down what you want. Write down the reasons why you want it. This will make your wishes more specific, and it will remind you of what you want. That way, you can also clearly see if those are the things you really want, or if there is something else you've always wanted.

  4. Tell yourself that you deserve what you want. Many people, especially women, often ask nothing because they feel like they don't deserve it. Think about why you have such a thought. Examining and recognizing your fears can help you understand what you need to do to get what you want.
    • Never mind what others want and worry about. Your life, your limitations and your desires are not the same as everyone else's, and this is normal. Realizing what you want and how much it is worth to you is an important step towards getting to your destination.
  5. Try new things. Sometimes you don't know that there are things out there in your dreams. Get ready for new achievements, new jobs and new experiences, anything that can help widen your eyes and change your outlook on the world.
    • Hear people's suggestions for new things you can try, such as taking a class or exploring nature. You might find a new hobby or goal in your life that you've never thought of before.

Part 2 of 3: Getting into action

  1. Overcome your doubts.. Many people do not dare to pursue their desires just because they lack confidence in their own abilities. Recognize and question your doubts and don't let them get in your way.
  2. Save money. Many things you want, including new things to shop, learn skills, even a new job, require money. Calculate your expenses related to what you are trying to do and review your expenses.
    • If you are thinking about a big purchase or are planning to do something expensive, saving some money each month or taking out each check can help you achieve your goals. Moreover, if you do it regularly, you can practice saving and spending habits more appropriately.
    • Don't just look at the cost of what you want. You should include what you have spent. If something is blocking you from reaching your goal that can be cut, do it.
  3. Make a plan. Once you've determined what you want to have, set out the steps you need to take to get there.
    • Identify obstacles or potential problems and work out how to fix them. This is your chance to come face-to-face with doubts that you cannot ignore. These barriers can be related to your money, time, energy, or the help of others.
    • Set actionable milestones to achieve your goals. This can get you on the right track by completing small tasks in a reasonable amount of time instead of completing big goals all at once. For example, if you want to lose weight, aim to lose 2.5 kg in 2 weeks to start implementing the plan. This is better than fasting and trying to lose 10 kg in the same time frame.
    • Set a clear deadline in your plan. A specific deadline or time frame to get what you want can help you stay motivated and focused. It also keeps you on track on your journey to your destination.
    • Follow the plan. Many people fail because they give up too soon. There is no success without overcoming obstacles, so stick to your plan and persevere to the end, even if things don't always go as you like.
  4. Practice accepting defeat. There are times when you can't get what you were looking for. Instead of being discouraged and giving up, see it as an opportunity to try other things that could be better again.
    • For example, if you save money to buy something worthwhile, but until you have enough money, it runs out of stock. It's okay, maybe there's something else or better that you can buy. You can also choose to wait until the launch of a new, better item.

Part 3 of 3: Seeking support from others

  1. Call for help. People can't read your mind, and usually they won't ask if you don't say what you want.Often people want to be helpful people, especially to friends or family.
    • Meet the person directly. It is always better to ask someone for help by meeting than by calling or emailing. People will find it hard to flatly refuse in front of you.
    • Provide detailed information. When asking for something, you need to detail what you want and when you need it. Avoid using vague words like "early", but set a specific deadline. A specific request also shows the other person that you spend a lot of time pondering over what you want and letting them know how they can help you.
  2. Be excited. This is what you want, something that gets you excited. Let the person know what it means to you. The eagerness is very contagious, and it will be harder to refuse. If you find that you are excited about an idea, chances are they will be enthusiastic about helping you as well.
  3. Limit the other person's work. You cannot dump your entire project on others. This can make people hesitate and unwilling to help. You should only ask them for simple and easy to understand things, do not forget to emphasize that they do not have to do much.
    • Or, instead of asking someone else to do it, you just need to ask for the information to do it yourself. If your goal is to do better, the other person can help you by telling you where to find out about certain programs instead of teaching you.
  4. Offer to exchange. When others do for you, make a promise to do something in return, sometimes simply to thank them, or to return money if it involves money.
    • To a friend or colleague, sometimes the return is just offering them lunch or helping them with something. In the work environment, you can always offer to do something to help them.
    • Children do not think that they have nothing to repay their parents when asking for something. You can promise to help your parents with chores or get better grades at school.
  5. Be prepared to be rejected. Sometimes others may reject your offer or hesitate. Think about what the person might object to and prepare a few responses. Their doubts may be similar to some of the things that you have thought about and resolved, you should start from there.
    • If you are denied, don't be afraid to ask why. If their answers are vague or not specific, ask for more details. A question like "So what should I do?" is a great way to get more information and find a way to convince them to accept.
    • Avoid getting angry or blaming the person. They don't help you, but it's not that they're bad people. Reacting like this will only make the person less likely to help you in the future.
  6. Say Thank you. When you get help from someone, you need to be grateful to them. Be sincere and mention what the person specifically does for you. Also, showing gratitude is also a great way to encourage people to help you in the future.
    • A formal thank you note can work well, especially in a work environment. Remember that the message should be short and sincere.