Ways to Read women's flirting gestures

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 7 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
Hidden Body Language Signs SHE LIKES You! | How to Read a Women’s Body Language
Video: Hidden Body Language Signs SHE LIKES You! | How to Read a Women’s Body Language


When your eyes meet a woman of the right type in a crowded room, you will want to know what she thinks of you first! Fortunately, often with a little attention you can guess if she likes you. Once the two of you start talking, there will be signals letting you know that she is "listening" and wants to get to know you better. However, it's equally important to be aware of the signs that she is not interested in you; And that's when you should retreat.


Part 1 of 3: Watch for signs that she likes you

  1. Notice if her gaze scans the room. You may notice her glancing around the room for a few seconds but not really looking for anyone's eyes, then she may glance quickly at you, sometimes just a sideways glance. This means that at least she is interested in you.
    • There are women who don't want to be seen looking at someone, but there are girls who deliberately daring to look for a few seconds. Either way, if you notice a woman seeing you that many times, she probably likes you.

  2. Notice if her gaze stops on you for a few seconds. If, while glancing around the room and meeting yours, she pauses for a moment, that means she still likes you. If you see her looking like this, smile to show that you care about her.

  3. Pay attention to the gesture of tilting your head and flicking your hair. If she notices you, she might tilt her head back a bit and raise her face. You may notice this gesture after she looks at you from across the room. Another sign is she flicked her hair or pulled her hair behind her back with one hand.
    • Women playing with their hair are usually a good sign.
    • Likewise, if she adjusts her clothes, such as smoothing her skirt, she may be sending you a signal that she wants to talk to you.

  4. Notice if she's exposing her neck. She may tilt her head to the side to show you her neck. This is how she shows her weakness and wants to get to know you better.
    • She can do this while away from you or while talking to you. During conversation, this gesture shows that she is listening to you while tilting her head to hear better.
  5. Recognizing a shy smile from across the room. If she keeps an eye on you and looks you a few times, glance at her from time to time. If she smiles at you, she has a green light for you to come talk.
    • She may smile at you sometimes. Maybe she is inviting you to get acquainted, although it may also be that smile just to comfort you.
  6. Observe positive body language as you approach and talk to her. As you approach her, watch how she reacts. It would be a good signal if she turned towards you and smiled. On the other hand, if she turns away, crosses her arms and crosses her legs or frowns then that's a bad sign you should probably give up on going. advertisement

Part 2 of 3: Recognize the signs of her flirting with you

  1. Focus on her cheerful expression. If she is always smiling when she hears you, chances are she is interested and wants to continue the conversation. Most women wouldn't hesitate without frowning or depressed if they didn't want to talk!
    • Laughter is also a good sign, especially if she laughs in response to all your jokes.
    • She might even wink at you.
    • If her cheeks blush, even better!
  2. Notice if she's imitating your gestures. Once you reach out and talk to her, see how she responds when you change positions. She may mimic your posture, such as cross-legged, a signal that she has a crush on you.
    • She doesn't even realize she's doing it!
  3. Pay attention to physical contact. No, the kiss is not here! Usually, when a woman touches your arm or shoulder to get attention or just want to tease you a little. Whenever she touches you, she is most likely flirting with you.
    • She can try to penetrate into your space. If she seems to be standing or sitting too close to you, she is probably "listening" to you. She may also lean toward you from time to time.
    • If you like her, you can do the same, such as gently touch her arm while talking.
  4. Note if he leaned forward before talking. The more interested she is in you and the story you are telling, the more likely she is to lean towards you. Usually, she will point her upper body a little forward, as if trying to hear you speak clearly.
    • If she leans forward, don't step back. She wants to come closer to you!
  5. See if she nods as you talk. If she is enjoying the conversation, she may nod her head from time to time to show that she is listening. This is not really a flirting gesture, but it is also a good sign.
  6. Notice her restless behavior. Moves like stroking the curls, playing with jewelry or running fingers around the mouth of a glass of water often have seduction implications. Slow and controlled movements are more likely to be flirting, while jerky or rhythmic gestures can indicate that she's bored or dislike.
    • For example, the gesture of caressing her lips, neck, or blue collar is probably a sign that she has a crush on you. She is subconsciously drawing your attention to those areas.
    • When a woman touches the foot of a wine glass or runs her finger over the mouth of a glass of water, she is probably trying to get your attention.
  7. Notice if she looks straight at you and then looks down or away. Usually a girl who is interested in you will occasionally stare at you and at you for a few seconds, but may then look down or look around the room.
    • Such quick glances reveal that she likes you but is a bit shy.
  8. Watch for gestures like shrugging and for signs that she is comfortable. Gestures of shrugging her shoulders or extending her palms indicated she was not hiding anything. She is open-minded and wants to get to know you better.
    • You may also notice her relaxed pose rather than stiffness.

Part 3 of 3: Watch for signs that she's not interested in you

  1. See if she looks everywhere but isn't looking at you. A woman who has a crush on you can look around the room, but she will also peek at you and try not to be caught. If she always looks away, she probably won't keep an eye on you.
    • See if her eyes are wide open. If not, she probably doesn't like you.
  2. Pay attention to rigid body language. If she sits upright in a chair and crosses her arms, she probably isn't interested. Likewise, if she puts one hand on her chin and appears depressed, chances are she is politely trying to retreat.
    • Crossing her arms and turning her body in the other direction are also signs that she is not interested.
  3. Notice if she frowned or suddenly stopped smiling. A smile is a sign of flirting, and vice versa: If she frowns or even just looks around the room with blank eyes, she probably doesn't like you. Leave if she doesn't smile back at you.
  4. Notice if she refuses physical contact. If she pulls back when you touch her arm, she is probably not wanting to be more intimate with you. Likewise, if you lean over to kiss your cheek but she reaches out her hand, this gesture indicates that she just wants to be friends with you, or she doesn't like physical contact.
    • You need to respect her boundaries. If she doesn't seem interested, withdraw. Better yet, you should always ask before you want to hug someone. A simple sentence "Can I hug you?" or "Do you mind if I kiss you?" will take you further.
  5. Believe it when a woman says "no". If she says "no", don't assume she's doing it tall. Believe that she doesn't want to get to know you and leave. If you cross the line, you'll only make her angry, you won't be able to conquer her.
    • Maybe she didn't say "no" but used another to say no. For example, she might say "Thank you, but I'm waiting for a friend", or "I don't want to talk now", or "I have a boyfriend".
  6. Withdraw politely. If you feel that you are not welcome, find a way to leave as soon as possible. Don't be rude; She isn't getting your attention anyway, and maybe she just wants not to be disturbed.
    • For example, you could say “Well then, I see you are busy. Hello. Wish you fun evening."


  • If a woman in the business is smiling and welcoming at you where she works, don't assume she likes you. That's just her job!


  • Not all women use the same art of flirting.