How to show affection to someone you love

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 17 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
How to love and be loved | Billy Ward | TEDxFoggyBottom
Video: How to love and be loved | Billy Ward | TEDxFoggyBottom


When you are in a relationship with someone who truly holds your heart, you will always want that person to know the feelings that are in your heart. If you have a crush on someone, this will be more complicated. Expressing your feelings to someone at first can be difficult, but there are still many ways to express your feelings without having to say aloud "I love you" / "I love you" / "I love you". Dropping a balloon with big hearts into the sky is an ostentatious expression of affection, replacing it with simpler but more meaningful expressions in showing your sincere feelings.


Method 1 of 2: Show affection to your partner

  1. Say "I love you". Letting someone else know that you love them is the most obvious way to express your feelings and make them stronger. However, there are still other ways to say "I love you", by changing the way the word is used. For example, instead of saying those three words, you could say other equally meaningful words like "I'm really happy to have you in my life", "I feel lucky to have you", or " I love you because you are always yourself ".
    • Expressing love in a variety of ways allows you to specifically say why you're in love and create a new feeling instead of a familiar three-word confession.

  2. Let the person know how important they are. Letting your partner know their positive influence in your life is the most obvious way to show your affection and appreciation for them.For example, if your ex makes spending time with your family easier, let him or her know that thanks to them you have been more comfortable communicating with your loved one. If you have had a bad day at work, and seeing your ex makes you feel quick quickly, let him know that just seeing him or her will improve your mood.
    • If your ex makes your life better or more comfortable, tell them that your life is richer thanks to them, so that he or she feels expected, valued and loved.

  3. Open your heart to that person. Being open means showing your thoughts and feelings sincerely, not hiding anything. By sharing your feelings like this, you are likely to be criticized, hurt, rejected, etc. It is important to remember that if you love someone, that if you open your heart, share about yourself sincerely, and let them know who you really are, you can also feel hurt. It is you who decide to sacrifice your safety in exchange for a deep relationship.
    • Making sacrifices for anything is not easy, but opening up to the person you love is a way of showing your commitment to the relationship.
  4. Ask for his advice. Asking for their advice shows that you respect their opinion. This means that you see them as a guide and also help them understand more about your role in your life.which is a step in making your relationship stronger.
    • You don't have to ask for advice about the important thing, although you can always do so. Just let the person know that you care about their opinion, and want to know how they will handle it to show the respect you have for them.
  5. Release each other's feelings. If your ex is frightened, upset, worried, or confused about something, advise him or her to release and share his feelings with you. Let the person know that you want them to take off their protective covers and speak their thoughts. Sometimes we need a place to vent our upset. Let the person know that you are there to listen to what they have to say.
    • This shows your ex that they can express their feelings freely, and that you are there to listen to them vent.
    • When they open up to you, make sure your mind is in that moment. This means avoiding checking your phone or anything distracting and focusing on what the person is saying. Pay attention to how they express their emotions when they tell you their sadness and provide insightful feedback.
    • If you don't know what to say, a tight hug and affection show that you will always be there for your ex.
  6. Tell each other secrets. Sharing secrets is an ingenious way to let your ex know that you trust them. We usually do not disclose secrets to anyone; Therefore, trusting someone to share secret feelings and thoughts is a true manifestation of a loving and caring relationship.
    • Sharing secrets creates a private circle of two people, making the bond between you and that person even stronger.
  7. Always be honest. Showing your ex to your significant other can sometimes be difficult, especially when you try not to hurt their feelings. However, telling the truth, even if it hurts, increases your level of trust and creates connection with the person. This shows that you are honest, honest, not fake or coax just to please someone.
    • Honestly expressing your feelings is a show of respect for the person, but consider this carefully as this is not easy.
    • However, remember to tell the truth skillfully. The truth may be hard to hear, but you shouldn't talk like throwing a splash of cold water on someone else.
  8. Encourage the person. As your partner, it can be said that your responsibility - and the most important part of the relationship - is to show affection, motivate and help the person achieve his dreams and goals. living. With encouragement, you are encouraging the person to be the best version of yourself and follow their dreams.
    • You can encourage the person by saying "I believe you can do it", "You worked hard and your efforts will be recognized soon", or "Your whole effort will be You will be rewarded soon. "
    • Supporting the person and helping him or her succeed is a way to make him or her feel like there is a strong back.
  9. Write letter. Sometimes writing a "cheesy" love letter is a romantic way to express your feelings. Writing a letter can also help express the emotions and feelings you have by letting your thoughts "come to life". Think about your purpose in writing this letter. What do you want your ex to know? The first is to say why you wrote the letter. For example, you could say "I thought of you, and I'm happy to be with you ..." or "Being with you is always fun, and I want you to know that ..."
    • Mention stories and memories that bring good feelings. Just remember to write down what makes you love them, how they affect your feelings and why you are happy around them.
    • Writing a handwritten letter is the best way to show that what you say is meaningful; as this requires more concentration than when typing a note or message. In addition, using your handwriting is a lovely way of showing sincerity.
  10. Listen. Usually nothing can score as much as being able to focus, really listen to what others say, and then give feedback that is relevant to profound meaning. When you really listen to the other person, you focus only on that person, giving them full and complete attention.
    • Although it is a simple matter, listening is an act of great concern, showing that you are there to help your ex through any difficulties.
    • Listening to your ex also reinforces the idea that you are comrades, and that you are there when that person needs help.

  11. Show affection through small things. Anything you can do to reduce the person's work load will tell you how much you care for and love them.
    • Doing things like going out to buy food before they wake up, refueling their car, or washing dishes are clever ways to show your ex that you've always been thinking for them.

  12. Always attentive. Being thoughtful means always thinking about the person's feelings in anything. When you make a decision about something, think about the person.
    • For example, when going camping, bring some extra mattress for your ex, because you know they will find it difficult to sleep on hard surfaces. Or, if you go on a picnic, prepare some more of the person's favorite foods to surprise them.

  13. Spend time together. Everyone has their own busy life that sometimes there is no time left for other things, but trying to spend time with your ex is a simple way to heal and show what your priorities are. Use this time to share, go for a walk or have dinner together.
    • It is not the number of hours spent together, but the quality of that time. You don't have to be on a specific schedule, because it is the effort to spend time with them that says it all.
  14. Love your inner child. At times, adult life is boring and boring. To repel that feeling, you need to wake up the baby in you. Create surprises in your life, do some random things, and try new things.
    • This may not sound like a direct way of expressing love, but by making the relationship enjoyable, you show that you are striving to always have a memorable time with your ex. Going on an adventure together will leave many memories and stories to tell later.
  15. Have emotional body contact. Everyone loves a different degree of "touch", but light, emotional physical contact is a delicate physical expression of affection. Gestures such as holding hands, touching playfully on the arms, resting head on shoulders are skillful ways to show intimacy and love.
  16. Hug. Hugs create a sense of physical security, and can actually make someone feel wrapped in love. The hugging gesture is very simple and also suitable in public places, is an ideal way to show your crush in a crowded place.
    • Hugging with both hands and body pressed against each other is the most romantic. Other types of hugging (one-arm hug, shoulder-hug) are usually only at a social level and don't show much affection.
    • An emotional hug is usually longer than the social one. A 5 to 7 second hug is just enough to show your love.
  17. Cuddle. Needless to say, cuddling with your partner is always great, and like hugging, it's a way to relax you from the stresses of everyday life. In addition, it shows your affection through how you focus entirely on the person, and how you feel for them.
  18. Massage for the person. Massages can be as simple as rubbing the person's back while you watch a movie, stroking their hair, or letting the person lie on your head on your lap while you massage his or her shoulder and neck.
    • Don't be afraid to show affection through physical contact. This is also how we feel emotions.

Method 2 of 2: Show affection for the person you have a crush on

  1. Build confidence. Always be yourself when you want to be with the person you have a crush on. You don't want to build a relationship out of lies or pretend to be someone else; So let your personality shine. Occasionally, when you don't know what to say, ask the person about themselves or praise them. Like "What sport do you like to play?" or "You did a great job in your presentation today".
    • The topics that are easiest to talk about are the things you two have in common, such as a shared class, places you've been to, or your favorite restaurant. Talking about what you two have in common can relax your mood and help you relax.
  2. Expressed through body language. Touching someone is a sign of intimacy. Therefore, a delicate way to say that you like the other person is to let go of the embarrassment of touching each other. Using light touches is the best way to express your thoughts, but not too clearly.
    • For example, if you talk to the person or walk past the person, gently touch their arm. If you sit next to the person, you can sometimes accidentally touch them with your feet or knees and smile to show affection.
    • Just a little physical care can also show your feelings for them. Gently touching the person once or twice during the conversation should be enough to let them understand your feelings.
  3. Write letter. Sometimes it can be difficult to verbally express your feelings in front of someone you like, writing a letter is the simplest way to express your feelings without having to tell them directly. Similar to the method above, be clear about what drives you to write letters.
    • For example, you could start with "I'm glad to know more about you in the past few months ..." or "I just wanted to say that you've become one of my best friends all the time. last year ... "
    • Nowadays with the development of information technology, composing phone messages or Facebook messages is very simple. Writing a letter by hand is more sincere and takes more effort. Because of that added effort, your actions will attract the person more.
  4. Don't take content too seriously. You can comfortably open the letter with a joke you are familiar with or a good time you used to have. From there, you will move on to the main topic, and explain why you wrote this letter saying that you have feelings for them. You can say, "I just want to say that I like you, and love it when I hang out with you."
    • Short but lovely. It doesn't need to be clear how much you like the person or why, before you know exactly how they feel for you.

  5. Express your feelings directly to the person. Choose a stress-free place that is good for a private conversation, making eye contact and letting your crush know how you feel. You can have a casual conversation, after a while move to the main point and express your feelings. Then give them a compliment or two while expressing their feelings. Example: "I really like you. No one can make me laugh as much as you do."
    • After expressing your feelings, give them time to respond and think about what you have just said. Don't immediately ask how they feel or think.
    • You shouldn't be too stressed. Give the person time to accept and respond, and don't try to put pressure on them.

  6. React accordingly. When you've finished saying your feelings, your ex may express similar feelings or just want to maintain a friendship. If the other person expresses similar feelings, don't be afraid to show your excitement. After you and your significant other have made their feelings clear, feel free to express your joy, no matter how silly you may be. If the person just wants to maintain a friendship, act mature and say, "It's okay, I just want you to know my feelings." This is very painful, but you always need to leave a good impression. Even if you are sad, it's not a big deal to try to act like that, and only express your sadness in private.
    • Once you know that your crush likes you, make an appointment to go out like a movie, or a game. This will create conditions for the two of you to get to know each other better.
    • If your ex does not reciprocate your feelings, at least you can bravely seize the opportunity. There are still plenty of other opportunities for you to find the right person for you.


  • Take control of your emotions. Love is completely natural, and so is wanting to show your feelings to someone you love.
  • Don't say too much love. If you tell your ex that you love them 15 times a day, you will gradually lose its value. Cut back on winged words, and incorporate some more emotional action.
  • Don't lose yourself when you love someone. Continue to do the things you love, highlighting your own personality and unique character.
  • Try not to get angry when the person you have a crush on doesn't have feelings for you. Accept it politely, try to get over it, and continue to be a good friend. Maybe they will have feelings for you in the future.
  • Don't show your shyness in front of someone you have a crush on, lest she think you're a coward.