How to start chatting with your girlfriend

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 1 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
Things To Talk About With Your Girlfriend (With 15 tips)
Video: Things To Talk About With Your Girlfriend (With 15 tips)


Sometimes, opening up a conversation with your girlfriend can be embarrassing or awkward. However, there are many simple ways to make communication fresh and healthy. Try to show curiosity and excitement when you start talking to her. Choose a good time to talk each day without distraction or interruption. Asking her questions is not simply a yes or no answer. Show your interest by sharing relevant experiences, by repeatedly asking questions, and through body language. Begin a deep conversation by letting the short story evolve itself into more meaningful topics. Ask her about her dreams and future plans, and talk about their relationship. Avoid procrastinating on difficult topics, and initiate difficult conversations by affirming your feelings calmly, honestly, and clearly.


Method 1 of 3: Start a daily conversation

  1. Choose the right conversation time without distractions or interruptions. Take time every day to talk to her. Whether you talk to your girlfriend over the phone or in person, try to find the right time of day to be wholeheartedly with your partner.
    • Avoid watching the phone, surfing the web, or watching TV while you're talking to her.
    • Remember, tech aren't the only things distracting. For example, if either of you needs time to rest after studying or working, give the other person some amount of free space before starting a long conversation.

  2. Ask open-ended questions about the little details that revolve around her day. Avoid questions that require a yes or no answer. Ask her how her day is going, and try to show genuine interest in learning about some of the little things that surround her life.
    • Ask her something like, “What did you do at work (or school) today? How's my presentation going? Is there anything strange happening to you today? "
    • Learning small details about someone that are not even worthy of attention is fundamental to a closer relationship.

  3. Try not to lie or poke around. Let curiosity guide the story, instead of asking about what you already know. Furthermore, asking for details doesn't mean poking around. Don't ask her repeatedly or ask with suspicion.
    • Clarify your intentions if she bothers you or when she asks, "Why do you want to know that?" Say, “I didn't mean to interrogate or upset you. I just want to learn more about you. "
  4. Respond with explicit concern or support. Make eye contact with her and nod to show her that you are listening. When she talks about something or asks you a question, don't reply with words like "Yes," or "Well, whatever." Listen to what she has to say, ask questions and tell her that you support her decision, or share a few things about yourself that convey your relevance to her point of view.
    • Showing your care and support, or being “always oriented” towards your girlfriend, is very important in maintaining a good relationship.
  5. Share details about your experience. Balance the conversation by talking about yourself. Try not to intentionally change the subject when talking about yourself. Instead, show her that you feel the same way about her experience. Mentioning something you've shared before is a great way to reinforce a conversation.
    • For example, if she talks about an unpleasant experience, such as being splashed by a car while walking on a sidewalk, you could say, “Oh my God, I'm sorry honey. Do you remember the first time we got caught in the rain while walking in a park in your neighborhood? We are all wet like mice, but I always feel happy when I think of the two of us running hands together in the rain looking for shelter! ”
  6. Always encourage your girlfriend. If she talks about emotional topics, make sure you support her, as well as whatever difficulties she is addressing. For example, if she tells you about her conflict with her best friend, listen and show her that you are always there for her.
    • Try saying, "What a shock! I also sad to see you have to go through that. What can I do to help you now? "

Method 2 of 3: Deep conversation

  1. Start with a short story. It won't be easy to initiate a serious conversation with a forced opening and this can make her feel like you're putting her in a difficult position. Try to start with her with a short story, then let the conversation evolve itself into a deeper topic.
    • For example, you might start by talking about your day at school or work. Then, go deeper by asking her, "If you were allowed to change something in your day, what would you like to change?"
  2. Ask about her dreams and plans for the future. Finding out what your girlfriend is up to in the future will help you both feel the stability of this relationship.When you're in the midst of falling in love, understanding her hopes and dreams will help you get to know her better. When love is ripe, knowing your partner's future intentions will help you decide whether you two will be in the long term.
    • Ask her a few questions like, “Where do you see myself in the next 5 years? What is your favorite job? Do you dream of home one day? How many children do you want? "
    • Think about your own answers to those questions and share them with your girlfriend honestly and honestly.
    • Don't question her. Try to reconcile the conversation for both parties and be willing to share your own answers.
  3. Talk about your relationship. Talk regularly about your love and share your feelings about the state of your relationship. Begin the conversation by asking your girlfriend how your relationship will progress over time.
    • Ask your partner, “What's the first thing that makes you sure we should try out? What is the biggest change on my part since we fell in love? What are your strengths and weaknesses as my boyfriend? How should I improve? "
  4. Keep your tone soft when discussing your love. Try to keep your tone of voice clear and light when the story of your relationship is reaching its climax. If you find something that helps you both improve yourself, feel free to share with each other, don't be bothered about those things. Just focus on building stronger relationships, instead of criticizing each other.
    • If you want to talk to her about the troubles she has caused you, say, "Don't think I just matter. I really care about you and our love. I just want them. We build the most sustainable relationship possible. "
    • If she tells you something you can do, take responsibility for them. If necessary, ask for more information about how you should become a better partner.
  5. Use body language to convey your interest. Maintaining eye contact and nodding at the appropriate times is a basic and essential way to convey your interest and attention. Try to relax your body, but don't let it go so far as to look bored or indifferent. Relax your arms and legs, face her, then sit or stand flat so neither of you have to look down at your partner. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Initiate a difficult conversation

  1. Avoid procrastinating on difficult topics. It's simpler to let things go natural and avoid difficult conversations. However, avoiding difficult topics only made things worse.
    • Instead, ask her to take the time to discuss a problem together. Say, “Hey, I know you are very angry about what I did the day before. I would appreciate it if we could take the time to talk about it together. "
    • Remember that postponing any difficult issues only aggravates things over time and as a result slowly kills your love.
    • Tell her, "I want to have a calm and frank conversation about the problem we're having," or "I have something to tell you and I hope you'll be alert and clear. "
  2. Spend time sharing your feelings straightforwardly. Try to recognize when you want to delay the conversation, or when you refuse to open up to your girlfriend. Think about the reason and explain it to her.
    • Tell her, "I know I'm avoiding you. He contemplated the reason why and realized that it was a self-defense mechanism. I am defensive and I hope you will be patient every time I do. ”
  3. Avoid putting pressure when she doesn't want to share her feelings with you. If she hasn't opened her heart to you yet, don't fret about it. Be sympathetic, instead of neglecting or making it difficult for her.
    • Be carefree and understanding if she avoids you. Tell her, “I don't force you to talk about your feelings or put pressure on you. But I hope we can get straight to the point that you can count on me. I promise we can talk straightforwardly and peacefully about anything. "
  4. Share your intentions clearly and sincerely. When starting a difficult conversation, try not to avoid the topic. Whether you want to talk about being more intimate or work through a problem together, share your intentions clearly and confidently from the start.
    • For example, say “I want to tell you about our relationship going one step further. What do you think we are more intimate with? Do you have any expectations about time? "
    • Ask her, “Can we talk about the two of us hanging out with my friend last night? I really feel left out. I don't forbid you from diplomacy, but can you help me and my friend interact more when we hang out together? ”