Ways to Sell Hair

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 14 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
Top 10 Ways To Get Your First Hair Sale
Video: Top 10 Ways To Get Your First Hair Sale


If you have very long hair and plan to cut it, there are many hair buyers all over the world who can pay high prices for using it as wigs, hair extensions, makeup and other products. Buyers are always looking for healthy or unprocessed hair. The longer and stronger the hair, the higher the price.


Part 1 of 3: Preparing Hair for Sale

  1. Keeps hair natural. Natural (unprocessed) hair called "original" hair will sell for much more than weak, straight or chemically curled hair. Since these processes damage hair, buyers will not like that hair with natural hair. If your hair has been treated, you can still sell it, but it won't be as expensive as natural hair.

  2. Do not use heat to style hair. If you decide to sell your hair, stop using a dryer, curly, straightener or any other hot air styling tool. Heat damages and brittle hair and does not equal the cost of healthy hair. Keep your hair completely natural for a few months before selling your hair.
    • You also need to avoid sun damage by your hair. Wear a hat when you are in the sun.
    • Note Chlorine is also harmful to dry hair.

  3. Wash your hair with a sulfate-free shampoo two to three times a week. Sulfates make hair dry, brittle and break easily. Washing your hair every day also dries out your hair because by doing so you remove the natural oils that keep your hair shiny and healthy. Washing your hair with all-natural shampoo two or three times a week will help maintain healthy hair.
  4. Maintain a healthy body. A healthy body nourishes a healthy, vibrant hair. If your body is not healthy, as a result your hair will be frayed and lack of vitality. During the months when you prepare to sell hair, you should do the following to keep your hair healthy:
    • Eating plenty of protein and healthy omega-3 fats will help hair look healthy and shiny.
    • Steam your hair to keep it from drying out and frizz.
    • Avoid smoking as smoking can make your hair smell bad, it will get in your hair and make it look frizzy.

  5. Long hair. You need to grow hair to at least 25 cm long; The longer the better, because the longer the hair, the higher the price. You should avoid trimming hair chases at the salon as most buyers want hair with an equal length of hair. You can also trim split ends regularly, but don't overcut them as this will cost you money.
  6. Don't cut your hair until you find someone to buy it. You will make more money if your hair is just cut. Buyers often look for hair that still has natural oils. Hair cut from a long time ago will be dry and not shiny. advertisement

Part 2 of 3: Finding a Buyer

  1. Consider selling hair through a third-party website. The prices sold through third-party websites are usually the highest. You need to post a photo of your hair with a detailed description that will appear in a list that potential buyers can access. If someone wants to buy your hair, they will contact you via the website and if you agree to a price, you will receive a payment before cutting and sending your hair.
    • If your hair is long, well cared for, has a unique color, texture or origin, you will get the best price. "Virgin" hair, red and wavy, about 60 cm long can sell for up to $ 1,000. Blond hair, straight, about 30 cm long can sell for $ 300 or more. A third party website has a hair price calculator that can help you decide on a fair selling price.
    • If you already have an account, follow the instructions to upload photos, prices and details, then wait for buyers to contact.
    • If sold this way, do not cut and send your hair away before receiving payment. Take a photo of the hair when you haven't cut it, get the payment, later cut and send the hair. Doing so will help you avoid being cheated.
  2. Consider selling directly to a wig company. If you want to sell faster and easier, consider selling your hair to wig companies willing to buy your hair. You will make less money, but this ensures you will sell. Search online for these companies and call reputable companies to discuss terms of purchase. In most cases, you'll get a quote to see how much they can pay. Then you cut and send the hair to them and receive final payment.
    • The wig company has clear requirements for how to care for and pack the hair before sending it out.
    • In many cases they can pay a price according to the length and weight of the hair. Because they will be cutting off a few centimeters to get rid of split ends, they only pay for the usable portion.
  3. Take care to avoid being fooled. Hair is a valuable commodity and many people are willing to take advantage of women who need to sell hair to make money. Check it out thoroughly before you sell hair. Ask many people about the price of your hair before you get a haircut for sale. Most importantly, if you've never worked with a reputable wig company, don't cut your hair until you've got the buyer's payment in your bank account.
    • Fraud is a frightening problem for both sellers and buyers. The buyer may want to do a haircut or go through a reputable hair salon to make sure it is actually human hair, not animal hair or hair cut from the wig.
    • Paypal is usually a better option than mailing or transferring money via Western Union because it is less controversial about the "confirmed" payment being sent.It is also highly recommended to send hair and order tracking code so that buyers can track their packages.
  4. Consider donating hair if you don't sell it. Unfortunately, not all hair can be sold. Some hair structures and colors are not favored by those who want to make expensive wigs and hair extensions. Even so, there are many companies willing to accept your hair if you've cut it and want to donate it.
    • Wigs for Kids, Children With Hair Loss, Pantene Beautiful Length and Locks of Love are reputable organizations that use donated hair to make wigs for those in need.

Part 3 of 3: Hair Cutting and Packaging

  1. If possible, have a professional barber cut you. Tell the mechanic that you want to use the cut hair and want to cut it with. Give specific instructions, don't let the barber layered or cut in style.
    • Your hair needs to be completely dry, so don't wash it before cutting it.
    • Do not use hot cosmetics or tools before cutting.
  2. Tie your hair with a hair tie. Do not use metal or rubber hair ties because they will break your hair. Tie your hair close to the back of the neck, it will help you cut as short as possible while still keeping your hair flat. The worker should cut just below the hair tie.
    • Use a few clips to fix the hair string or tie at a few points down the length of the hair to hold the bun.
    • Put the hair directly into a zippered hard plastic bag to protect the hair before sending.
  3. Send hair according to the signed contract. Pack the hair in containers and seal it so it doesn't get wet or dirty and send it to the buyer. Make sure to include your hair with the order tracking code so the buyer can track the shipment. advertisement


  • If you keep your hair for sale, avoid damaging it, avoid dyeing, curling or drying it. If you sell virgin hair, you will get more money.
  • Hair that is about 50 cm shorter is the cheapest because wigs and extensions are usually longer that. Hair longer than 70 cm will cost more. The price is based on the length and thickness of the hair measured by the weight of the hair after cutting. A long haircut or hairline cut with a cut will be the most preferred by buyers as the length of the hair will remain the same if the ends are not trimmed.
  • Try not to use tobacco and drugs. Buyers want hair with the best quality.
  • When photographing hair, it is recommended to take photos outside in the sun. Sunlight will bring out the natural look of the hair much more than the room light. Place the photo of hair next to a ruler so that the viewer can see the hair's current length. Make sure you mark the spot where you will cut with a hair tie so that buyers know how long they'll get.
  • You can also donate hair to hair donation programs.
  • Natural hair color, first Yellow is the most sought-after, followed by Dark color, followed by Red and Brisk Black, which are the most popular hair colors.


  • Beware of scams, they use a few methods to trick you. You should only accept Paypal payment method.
  • Make sure you do not add outer hair to the cut bun. Use only hair tied in a string.
  • Adults undergoing cancer treatment also need wigs. If you donate your hair, you make the world a different one in a baby's eyes.