How to know if your boyfriend is cheating (for girls)

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 25 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
13 Signs Your Partner Is Cheating On You | How To Know If Your Partner Is Cheating On You
Video: 13 Signs Your Partner Is Cheating On You | How To Know If Your Partner Is Cheating On You


Whether you are just beginning to fall in love or in a serious relationship, there's always a chance that your man will cheat on you. If you have reason to suspect he is cheating, or if you are just wondering if you are thinking too much, you can easily follow the steps below to see if he is faithful.


Method 1 of 4: Notice His Appearance

  1. See if his appearance changes. Appearance can reveal a lot about whether or not your guy cheats. If he didn't care much about looks before and now spends more time brushing his hair than you do, then that's fine. Maybe he is trying to improve or change his appearance to please the other woman. Here are a few signs that indicate he is grooming for someone else:
    • If he was a mess before, but now he's always "smooth beard".
    • If he regularly cuts his hair now, but before he had left it with messy hair.
    • If his clothes are to be fully adjusted.
    • If you come across him looking in the mirror.
    • If he always looks cool, even while studying or working overtime.
    • The most alarming is "when he smells strange". Regardless of whether his body odor had changed slightly from being with another woman, or he clearly smelled like perfume, this was a blatant sign that he was with someone else.
    • If there are hairs on his body and his clothes that aren't yours.

  2. Notice how he takes care of his body. If your guy suddenly cares more about his body than he used to, then maybe he's not just doing it for you. Unless he suddenly decides to run a marathon, he is more likely to put on his body because of another girl:
    • If suddenly he would train all day and spend a lot of time taking care of his appearance. Remember that going to the gym can be just an excuse to meet that girl.
    • If he completely changed his diet to be healthier. Maybe he did that to impress someone.
    • If he feels strangely embarrassed about his body around you and doesn't want you to see him naked, or just want to "love" in the dark. This may be because he feels he is betraying the other woman.

  3. Pay attention to his body language. Body language reveals a lot about how he feels about you, and shows if he is thinking of someone else. Here are a few signs that he may be cheating on you:
    • If he avoids eye contact when you talk. If he always made eye contact before, but now he always looks away or looks at the ground as you talk, then he's probably feeling guilty.
    • If he doesn't cuddle you anymore. If he used to petting you in the past, but now rarely touches you, this is a red alert.
    • If he cuddles you in private, but not in public. Although many guys are shy about expressing their feelings in public, if he pats you while at home and when hanging out with a few friends, he will stand a bit away from you when you're at home. Perhaps he is worried that the other girl catches you and him together.

Method 2 of 4: Notice The Things He Does

  1. Watch for any changes in your sex routine. If he has another girl, he may not spend much time in bed with you, but he may also want to have more sex. Here are a few suggestions for you:
    • If for a long time, you two are not "in love". If he doesn't want to have sex with you anymore, he might have done it somewhere else.
    • If suddenly he has an intense sexual desire. If he demands constantly and suddenly, then maybe his sexual inspiration comes from sleeping with another girl.
    • If he tried a lot of new moves in bed. Maybe he learned those moves from another girl.
  2. Notice if the guy is gentler or is unusually helpful to you. Your boyfriend may feel really guilty about cheating on you, and this will make him kinder to you. If all of a sudden he works hard at home or treats you better, maybe he does it to make up for it.
    • If he cleans your house, fixes your car, or buys you food, something he hasn't done before, then there must be a reason.
    • If he keeps asking if you need his help.
    • If he suddenly becomes romantic, give you flowers and candy, especially after a long time he is cold to you.
  3. If suddenly he washed everything. If your boyfriend did not care much about the condition of his vehicle or home, but now he spends a few hours cleaning, then he may be doing it for a girl. other, or to erase all of her tracks.
    • If his car used to be dirty and is now clean, maybe he beautified it for another girl.
    • If his apartment was a lot cleaner than before, and he kept saying that something needs to be cleaned up, maybe he cleaned it up to erase the other girl's trace. If you really want to know if he's cheating on you, let him know he's “cleaning the house” and see what he's up to.
    • If he uses car perfumes or home deodorant. Maybe he used these fragrances to drown out the scent of his mistress.
  4. Notice if he changes his personality. Whether he's always cheerful or moody instead of calm as usual, then there's something strange. Please pay attention to his mood to see if it is different:
    • If he gets oddly happy from time to time, for example, go for a walk in the sun for unknown reasons. If he suddenly grins and looks away as if he is remembering moments of intimacy with another girl, then it is very likely that his good mood has nothing to do with you.
    • If suddenly he falls into a bad mood. If things seem normal and he suddenly gets angry or gets very confused, especially after listening to the phone or reading text messages, then this may have something to do with a girl.
  5. Watch for any shady behavior he does. The sneaky act is easy to spot, and if he does at least some of these actions, then it could only be that he is quietly spending time with another girl. Here are a few signs:
    • If he texts all day long on the phone. If he suddenly stopped texting or hung up when you showed up.
    • If suddenly he spends a lot of time online. This could be a sign that he is chatting with another girl. If he closes his laptop immediately when you enter the room, that could be a bad sign.
    • If he's gone anywhere for hours, or hasn't been in touch for a day, night or even a week. If he doesn't have time to answer your phone or doesn't even send you a quick text message, then he's probably with another girl.
    • If he turns off the phone for many hours. Why did he do that?

Method 3 of 4: Notice What He Say

  1. Pay attention to his reasons. He seemed always ready to hang out before, but now he has tons of reasons not to see you. At first you believe he has a stomach ache or is too tired to go out, but then you start wondering, is he implying that he doesn't want to go with you because he's busy. go with another girl. Here are a few signs that he is cheating:
    • If he used to spend all his free time with you, but now he always hangs out with "boys". This is especially suspicious if the guy has few male friends, or has never shown an interest in hanging out with "brothers" before.
    • If suddenly he always worked overtime. Although he sometimes worked overtime from time to time, suddenly the job becomes "really" busy, and it seems like he is always there instead of hanging out with you. Of course many jobs also have busy seasons, and he has to work overtime to finish the project, but more likely, when he says he's working overtime, it means “now with another girlfriend. mine".
    • If he "always" complains of fatigue and can't stay up later or hang out with friends that he has never been so "tired" before. This could be a sign that he has given energy to another girl.
    • If you have a habit of eating lunch or dinner together and now he is not interested, or you are not feeling well or hungry.
    • If there is only one sign above, it does not mean that your boyfriend is cheating on you. But if all of these signs appear and repeat themselves over and over again, then either he is spending a lot of time with someone else, or he doesn't want to be with you anymore. If he keeps making excuses not to go with you, then ask yourself why you still want to stay in this relationship.
  2. Pay attention to what he says. Even without excuses, your boyfriend might say things that sound like someone else is talking to him. If a guy suddenly changes in the way he talks to you or the way he talks to people in general, he's probably thinking of a different girl. Here are a few things that might suggest he is cheating on you:
    • If he no longer compliments you. Did he flatter you all the time and now suddenly no longer praise you? If he never says you're beautiful, or mentions your best, doesn't say you are amazing, then he may have saved those flattering words for one. others.
    • If he compliments you more. He is not a flattering person, but suddenly he constantly compliments that you are wonderful, so maybe he did it out of guilt.If he changes after a long unexplained absence, it is especially suspicious.
    • If what he said sounds strange. If he says things he never said before, uses never used words, or even laughs with a different kind of laugh, then maybe he learns those words from another girl.
    • If he does not reply to you while texting and chatting for hours. If you and him are talking via text and he suddenly "goes missing on duty", then maybe another girl has appeared.

Method 4 of 4: Investigation

  1. Ask if he's cheating. Once you have shown a lot of signs and you feel you are almost certain he is cheating, now is the time to make him confess. The easiest way is to have a conversation about it. That way you won't have to snoop on his work, suffer from seeing things you don't want to see. Plus you can protect yourself from injury and from further offending. Here's how to do it:
    • Choose a moment when he was not alert. You still need to choose the right time and place to do this, but you should ask him when he is most unexpected so that he will not be able to come up with the perfect lie.
    • Tell him you prefer honesty over lies. How do you sound like you're saying, he confesses he is helping you - and he will.
    • Say, "I think we both will feel better when things are clear." Make your man think he's relieved to stop lying to you. Perhaps he will. Living a double life is not tiring.
    • Look him in the eye. Be really sincere. Show that he is hurting you.
    • If you are afraid to ask him yourself but don't want to take the extreme way of spying on him, ask a friend of yours, or even his friend, someone you really like. That friend will probably disagree when he learns of his indecent behavior.
  2. Follow him. If you are afraid to speak or feel insufficient proof, go along to see what he really does. You need to be secret, otherwise he will know, won't trust you anymore and won't reveal clues. Please do as follows:
    • Use a friend's car and follow him. If your guy says hanging out with boyfriends and you really want to know what he's doing, use your friend's car to follow him, he won't recognize you.
    • "Raid" when he didn't expect it. You should come at random times, like when he says he's quitting smoking for you, or isn't feeling well. If he is not feeling well, come and bring some soup and pretend you are trying to be gentle with him. Whether he has another girl or not, watch his attitude. Is he happy to see you, or is he angry again that you came without notice?
    • Find out if he really does overtime. This is easy. Visit his workplace to bring him a cup of coffee or some snacks to see if he's really there. Or just drive over to see if his car is available.
  3. Watch for what he does. Watching what your man is up to will quickly lose trust between the two of you and put your relationship on the brink, but if he is almost certain he is cheating and wants to be over. then you just do it. Please do as follows:
    • Check his phone. If he's a seasoned cheater, he won't let you see his phone, but he should try it anyway. Check when he is sleeping, or notice if he dropped his phone when he got out of the car and pick it up.
    • Check out his computer. If the guy is foolish enough to leave his computer open, check his email or Facebook messages. This will quickly let you know if he cheated. Also pay attention to see if he carefully deletes all emails. This is also a rather shady sign.
    • Find his belongings. If your guy is sleeping or not at home, rummage through his desk, bag, or even wallet to see if there is any sign of another girl falling in love.
    • Check his bank account. Do you not remember that he paid 4 million VND for a romantic Italian restaurant because of you, right? So he spent a lot of money on another girl.
  4. Consider hiring a private detective. Sometimes, you cannot be 100% sure whether your boyfriend is betraying, or you cannot find evidence. If so, you should hire a private detective to find out the truth.
    • Hiring a private detective costs a lot of money, so you should consider it before doing it.


  • If you think your boyfriend is willing to cheat without any hesitation, then let him go. There are many other guys out there who know how to cherish a good girl. Don't waste time trying to fix the damaged guys, let them destroy them, because that's inevitable. Good luck.
  • If your boyfriend tells you one thing at first, but when you're not there he does the other way around, this could be a bad sign.
  • You can confirm that your boyfriend is cheating if he doesn't have time to spend with you. This almost implies that he has plans that don't have friends in it.
  • You cannot get him. There are times when you can't do anything but give up. You cannot deny this, otherwise you will waste the public in vain.
  • If he talks (textes) another girl more than you, or when you two are out doing something, this is most likely a clear sign that he is cheating.
  • If he is on the phone all the time, or you often hear a busy phone signal when you call him, this could be a sign of deception.
  • If he can't look you in the face while you're talking, then he might be cheating on you.
  • If he does not want to tell you about his associations or groups, please see his email or phone.
  • If your boyfriend usually comes home very late after a long absence, this could be a sign that he is having an 'out-of-flow' affair.
  • Don't ask casually like, "Hey, won't you intentionally deceive me?" Anyway, he will say no and will know that you do not believe him.
  • Talk to girls who have found their boyfriends cheating to see if they have any advice.
  • If your boyfriend has a sweeter attitude towards you this could be a sign of bad as well.


  • Think carefully before rummaging through your boyfriend's belongings. This is a huge breach of trust, and if you've come to this country then maybe now is the time to give up a relationship.
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