How to Make Dreams come true

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 6 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Make Your Impossible Dreams Come True! | Ms. Nivedha RM | TEDxRTU
Video: Make Your Impossible Dreams Come True! | Ms. Nivedha RM | TEDxRTU


There is no better time than now to start fulfilling your dreams. You can make your dreams come true if you try and have a good plan. All you need to do is know what you want and start with small steps on the path to success. There will be many obstacles along the way, but if you learn from your failures, you will be more likely to get what you always wanted. Want to know how to make your dreams come true? See Step 1 below to get started.


Part 1 of 2: Planning

  1. Be specific about your dream. The first thing you need to do is to define your dream specifically so that you can find a way to make it come true. A very specific way to define your dreams is to write them in a journal or notebook. If you don't know what you really want then you can't get there, right? However, you can still get started on your way before you know with 100% certainty what will happen. You just need to have an idea of ​​what you want to happen and then find a way to narrow them down as you get closer to your dream.
    • For example, let's say you've always liked to write and want to become a true writer one day. You may not be sure if you will be writing a novel, being a journalist, or a blogger writing inspirational articles, but you will have a clearer sense of what you want so you can find the right direction.
    • Don't worry if you haven't found your dream yet. Maybe your dream is just to find a job that makes you feel like you're making a difference in the world. There are many ways to make this happen, and having a clear plan will help you do it.

  2. Turn your dream into a burning desire. You will need to turn your dream into a burning desire in your heart. A strong determination to fulfill your dream will increase your confidence and help you through the worst stages of your life. The way to turn your dream into a burning one is to believe that it can be achieved and that you are the one to do it. If you just treat it as a general wish, such as losing 3 kg this year, or traveling somewhere without doing anything practical, then you won't be able to take the dream seriously. .
    • Once it becomes a burning desire you won't be able to see it as a dream anymore, because the word "dream" gives us the feeling that it is something not real. You have to start seeing it as something more specific.

  3. Turn your burning desire into a goal. The next thing is to turn that burning desire into a goal. Before that you turned your dream into a burning desire because you believe it can be done and you can do it. But to really make it a goal, you need to believe that you will, and if you can do it, you will now. One thing about that goal is that they have to be done in a time frame, so you have to create a timeframe to help you accept the fact that you are committed to doing it.
    • Once you have turned that burning desire into your goal, you will no longer call it a "burning wish" or "dream". Now that is a goal in your life, a goal that must be achieved by yourself.

  4. Create a strategic plan for the next action. You will need to create a strategy for the accomplishment of your goals. This strategy is often referred to as a plan or action plan. There is no universal plan of action that applies to everyone; each plan has to depend on who does it and the goals they want to achieve; Therefore, the key to creating the plan is in you and you need to figure it out.
    • Write down each step of the plan. Writing it down will help you feel more specific. Remember that the situation is always changing, not so that you can follow each step in the plan, and so you may have to change some of the steps needed to achieve your dream or include a child. Another way in the process of achieving your goals.
  5. Take action now. Once you have transformed your goal into the right action plan, you need to take action and take advantage of every opportunity that comes to you. This is the time for you to stop giving excuses for procrastinating, and leave today for tomorrow. Surely there are always great reasons you come up with to prevent the fulfillment of your dreams. For example, getting ready for your wedding, busy work, or getting into a complicated relationship, and so on, but if you keep this attitude, you will just make it up. by the defense forever, and in the end, nothing could be done.
    • This universe has its way: it is attracted to desires, and where people need it, it seems to find a way to meet with that person through so-called "opportunities. ”You need to be prepared to catch them as you begin to plan to realize your burning desire and make your dreams come true.
  6. Set short-term goals. Divide your goals into sub-goals, and set a time frame for each of them to be met. All you need to do is take short steps. For example, if your dream is to write a novel, you can start by participating in literature seminars near you, or even test your skills by writing short stories. several pages. If you start out right away with novel writing, it will be more difficult to get the job done without building a solid foundation in advance, giving you the skills you really need to achieve your dreams. me.
    • Whether you are setting up short-term goals to make your dreams come true or thinking of long-term goals, it can be helpful to get advice from someone who already has experience, whether it's a close friend or a friend. people you just know, to see how they do. This will give you a clearer view of your goals, and see if they are realistic.
  7. Review your progress regularly. As you begin on the path of making your dream come true, it's important to be conscious of what you're doing. A citadel cannot be built in a day and you may not be as fast as you want it to be, but it's important to have a feeling that you are moving forward. Here are a few things you should consider when making your personal progress report:
    • Have you accomplished your goal in that time.
    • Do you still want to follow your dreams?
    • Do you deviate from the path toward accomplishing your goals.
  8. Enjoy the journey. The most important thing is that you must not think that your life is too horrible and that you will only be able to find happiness once you have fulfilled your dreams. In fact, once you have fulfilled your dream and the excitement generated by it is lost, you will find that you will return to the natural state of life and continue to search for dreams. new dream. This kind of longing and thinking about the future is perfectly normal, so you should enjoy each step on the path instead of thinking that you'll just be happy / proud of yourself or feel life. make sense after goal is achieved. Don't be like that, enjoy every step on the path of your dream and feel proud of yourself throughout the process. advertisement

Part 2 of 2: Staying Motivated

  1. Visualize success. Close your eyes for a moment and visualize what your life will be like after you've achieved your goals. Tell yourself that you did it, and imagine what your thoughts, feelings, family, relationships would be like when you got what you wanted most. This is a great kind of motivation, especially if you are feeling down and think you can't make your dreams come true. Visualizing the excitement and joy that pervades your life as you achieve your goals will make them seem more possible.
  2. Maintain confidence. If you want to succeed in making your dreams come true, then you cannot become a negative every time something goes wrong or encounters seemingly insurmountable obstacles. You must always hold your head high, believe in yourself and step forward. It is natural that you have doubts or questions about yourself in the process of achieving your goals, but nevertheless, you must have faith in your abilities, because if you don't believe in yourself then No one will believe you anymore.
    • Maintaining a positive attitude will help you a lot in maintaining your confidence. If you just imagine the worst that can happen in any situation, they are more likely to happen.
  3. Don't forget to make time for relaxation. While it's important to persistently follow your dreams and accomplish your goals, remember to rest and allow yourself to relax and calm down. You don't want to be filled with anxiety, lack of sleep, or forget about hanging out with your friends. In fact, slowing down and relaxing for a while in the midst of stressful times will make you more eager to reach your goal after getting back to work.
    • Meditation can help you stay calm, feel at ease, and able to visualize your goals.
    • Yoga is also great for connecting your mind and body, and helps you get rid of the annoyance that is nibbling you and preventing you from reaching your full potential.
    • It is important to live a happy and healthy life throughout and never forget to take care of yourself, no matter how hard you work. Make sure you eat 3 meals and sleep 7-8 hours a day, and don't drink too much alcohol. This will put you in a stable mentality and will make it easier for you to get what you have always wanted.
  4. Learn from failure. If you want to make your dreams come true, you must learn from your mistakes and failures, and use them to push you forward. If you failed something, you have to sit back and ask yourself why it happened, and what else you could have done. Of course, sometimes it can happen because of the misfortune and all you can do to continue what you're doing, but in most cases you'll find that you can do it differently. Regardless, madness is defined as believing that you do the same thing over and over and get different results, and you don't want to be in that situation.
    • Instead of letting your failures take you down, use them to become more eager to accomplish your goals.
  5. Accept constructive criticism on your dream path. While it is important to focus on your goal and not let others get in your way, it is equally important to listen to those who are genuinely trying to help you. You will certainly try to get rid of all those who oppose you - people who just try to play badly and harm you, but if a friend you trust or someone knowledgeable about if you are doing telling you that you can do it differently, then take the time to consider whether these tips are useful to you.
    • Of course, not everyone who cares about you and knows your goals will always know how to act best. It depends on your consideration of whether to follow those advice or forget about them.
  6. Make sacrifices if necessary. You may have to give up many of the things you care about to make your dreams come true. You will have to work harder, and definitely have to give up some of the things that you love, which could be eating out with friends, spending time with family. You may have to give up your training goal for the city's next marathon race to give you enough time to study for a certification exam. Make a list of all the things that take up your time and see which jobs to cut out to make time for your main goal.
    • No one says it's an easy process, some things you cut out like spending time with family can be annoying, but you need to consider yourself that you can get back on balance. after the other has finished.
  7. Eliminate any obstacles that appear on your way. Think about it: What is stopping you from realizing your dream right now? Is that a bad friend who seeks to downplay and make you feel worthless? Having a deadlocked relationship feels drained of energy whenever you need to focus on your work? Is it a job you don't love at all? Or is it the drinking habit that keeps you intoxicated and unable to do anything? Whatever obstacles are blocking your way, it's time to have a systematic plan to eliminate them.
    • Make a list of the things that are holding you back. Ask a friend to help you with this.You may not realize that simple things like TV addiction prevent you from reaching your full potential.
  8. Leave excuses. One of the most important traits of goal-oriented and successful people is that they can ignore excuses and move forward, with no obstacles blocking their way. Of course, maybe you feel like your parents didn't treat you well and made you feel less confident, that you're unlucky in life, that people don't stop treating you badly, all of them. These may be real, but you should use adversity to get ahead, instead of seeing it as an excuse that you can't get what you want.
    • It is true that not everyone is born with tons of luck. You can stop feeling sorry for yourself and solve the problems you have to deal with, and you can't live your whole life feeling a victim if you want to succeed.
  9. Reconsider your dream if you cannot achieve it. This is not necessarily sad. Of course, if you've worked hard and implemented the right plans, you will be more likely to achieve your dreams. But the essence of the matter is, not every dream is possible by anyone, especially if your dream is something like being a famous actor or writing a famous novel. Even the most talented and the most successful have a lot of luck. And after looking at it all, you might have all the talent and tools you need, but maybe you're not lucky enough to make it happen. If you are in the situation of having tried again and again and still do not succeed, there will come a point when you realize that you need to revise your goals or create new ones in order to live a happy life. happiness and contentment.
    • You can't trade everything for each of your dreams, or you'll get stuck in a feeling of complete failure if you don't make it. Instead, you must find a way to live a full life and have a lot to look forward to instead of putting all your eggs in one basket (i.e. dividing the risks equally to reduce the risks). This will require you to adjust to your expectations, for sure, but in the end, you'll feel satisfied and proud of yourself.


  • The attitude required for a dream pursuer is to KNOW that nothing is impossible for those who believe.
  • A dream is a dream. If you want to make your dream come true then you have to work hard; that is the key to success. Be positive; don't let the negative words of others let you down; believe in yourself.
  • Have a good attitude towards everything you do and remember that there is only one limit to the limit you create for yourself.
  • You should not decide for yourself that your dream will turn into a burning desire; rather, when you meditate and think about your dream, it grows in you, producing seeds for the birth of burning desires. Those burning desires again automatically grow and create new seeds, giving birth to goals. That goal will create the seeds, which are the plan of the actions you need to take to achieve greatness in life.
  • From the very first step to the act of making your dream come true, there is a misunderstood word - MEDITATION - it plays a big role in turning your dream into a burning desire, wanting to be a goal, a goal becomes a plan of action, and an entity that lives in the reality of all that you wish for. You cannot imitate anybody's methods because their methods are unique to them. You have to find a way for yourself. Meditation is a great way to do this. Meditation means trying to think deeply about something. When you think deeply about something it is like connecting with a greater mind; you are just searching deeper into your consciousness for the answer. The answer lies in you because we all have connections to the source of power in this world.


  • Most importantly, you need to believe in yourself and in your skills.
  • If you really try to strive for your dreams, they will be easier to come true.

What you need

  • Discipline
  • Patience
  • Consistency
  • Stay committed