How the Essay looks longer than it really is

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 7 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Make An Essay Longer with these easy Tips and Tricks (Without adjusting Margins)
Video: How To Make An Essay Longer with these easy Tips and Tricks (Without adjusting Margins)


You're writing your essay and the deadline is close, but you still have to write a lot to meet your page count requirement. Many students fall into this situation. Luckily, you can extend the article with a few tips. Increasing the font size, stretching the header headers, and overusing line spacing are some of the tactics for making your essay look longer. However, keep in mind that not following your teacher's instructions can lead to low scores.


Method 1 of 4: Play with fonts

  1. Choose a slightly larger font. If your teacher does not specify the type of font to be used, you should choose a large font like Arial, Courier New, Bangla Sangam MN or Cambria. If your teacher is only giving Times New Roman a font, try a similar font with a larger size like Bookman Old Style.
    • Don't choose too large fonts like Arial Black or Lucida Handwriting. Your teacher will find out that you are trying to make your essay look longer if you choose a font that is too large.

  2. Adjust the font size. Usually the teacher will ask for a 12pt font size. To make your essay look longer you should increase the font size to 12.1, 12.3, or 12.5. Evaluate for yourself which size will make the biggest difference, but it's hard to spot.

  3. Increase the size of dots and commas. Press and hold Ctrl + F on the keyboard. This is a combination of keys that perform the find / replace function. Select all 12pt dots and commas. Replaced with 14pt dot and comma. advertisement

Method 2 of 4: Change the spacing between lines and page margins

  1. Increase the spacing between lines. If the teacher asks for a single or double space, you increase it by 0.1. Click on "Format" and then select "Paragraph". Choose "Multiple" under "Line Spacing". Enter the value 2.1 or 1.1 in the box below the word "At".
  2. Reduce the right margin by 1/4. If your teacher asks for 1 inch margin, reduce the right margin to 0.75 inches. Click on "Format" then select "Document". In the box next to the word "Right" enter 0.75. A 1/4 (or less) right margin adjustment usually doesn't make a big difference.
    • If this reduction makes a big difference then you should choose 0.85 or 0.9 inch.
    • Because all text is justified, avoid reducing the left margin. Adjusting the left margin will make a clear difference that is easy to spot by a teacher.
  3. Increase the bottom margin by 1/4. Click on “Format” then select “Document”. In the box next to the word "Bottom" enter 1.25. If this increase makes a big difference then you should choose 1.15 or 1.2 inches. Altering the bottom margin is an effective strategy to keep your essay looking longer without being detected by your teacher.
  4. Increase the space between characters. Increasing the spacing between words is another way to increase essay length. Select the piece of text you want to stretch. Click on "Fonts" then select "Advanced". Select "Expanded" next to "Spacing". Then enter 1.5 in the box next to the word "By". advertisement

Method 3 of 4: adjust Header and Footer (page header / footer)

  1. Extend the header content. Increase the header content by writing your name, date, subject name and number, teacher name, email address or student number. Add any additional information to make the header take up a lot of space. You should also double the spacing between the header lines.
  2. Write your essay's title sentence on a separate line below the header. Align your headline sentence in bold, and increase the font size to 14. Make sure to double the space between your headline sentence and your header, and the space between your headline sentence and the introduction.
  3. Numbered in footer. Click "Insert" then select "Page Numbers". Select “Bottom of Page” below “Position”. This will number the pages at the end of the pages, so the essay length increases. advertisement

Method 4 of 4: Stretch the essay content

  1. Write in letters the numbers less than 10. For example, you should write one or two instead of numbers. Not only will your essay look longer, but also more professional, as that is a requirement in formal writing.
  2. Do not write in abbreviated form (for English). Instead of writing "it is", you write "it is". Instead of writing "can to", you write "cannot". Write in full form whenever possible to increase the length of your essay. Your essay also looks more professional.
  3. Reduce your use of pronouns. If possible, use a proper name instead of the pronoun. Instead of writing "last name" you write "Tuan, Lan and Dung". However, you should use pronouns if the full namesake is too long. Lengthy writing makes the article difficult to read and reduces overall quality.
  4. Additional evidence information. Adding citations, personal experience, and interpreting studies are strategies for lengthening essay. However, the facts must be relevant and support your point.
    • In addition, if you want to cite or interpret studies or documents, you must quote them correctly. Quotes can make your post longer.
  5. Make sure each paragraph has a topic sentence and a conclusion sentence. Start your paragraph with a topic sentence, which should state your argument. Provide evidence to support your point. Then you end the paragraph by summarizing the points outlined, or repeating your point.
  6. Describe as detailed as possible. Instead of saying "Red picture", you should say "A wonderful work of art in a full range of vivid and warm colors such as red, brown and mahogany". Not only does it increase the length of the essay, but it also leaves the impression that you really like the essay topic.
    • However, try to avoid overly detailed descriptions when you don't need them, as this can make the essay too cumbersome or overly cumbersome.
  7. Extend your conclusion. The conclusion of the article does not have to be wrapped in a paragraph. Begin your conclusion with a paragraph summarizing the full text. Write a second paragraph to show the final idea of ​​the topic, and how to apply it in real context outside of the essay content. advertisement


  • Copy and paste your essay into a new document, and make these changes to the new document. Then compare and contrast the essay on the new text with the previous text. Eliminate easily detected changes.
  • Use longer synonyms instead of short words.
  • Not abbreviated. For example, write the Socialist Republic of Vietnam instead of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.


  • Be aware that not following a teacher's instructions can be considered cheating, and that you must receive a low score or even a zero.