Ways to Quit Watch Sex Addiction

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 4 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Overcome Sex Addiction
Video: How to Overcome Sex Addiction


If you are looking for a way to stop watching porn on your computer, you may be struggling with porn addiction, which is damaging to both your mental and physical health, as well as time consuming. space. If you want to learn how to enjoy life and stop obsessing over porn, read on for a few tips on recovery.


Part 1 of 3: Admit the Problem

  1. Admit that you're spending too much time watching porn. Before you can stop watching porn on your computer, you must be able to admit that it is consuming time and has a negative impact on your emotional and physical state.
    • Brainbuddy is a free app that can help you determine if your porn viewing is out of control.
    • Only you will know what is too much, since there is no objective number of hours or times per week that signal "Addiction". Learning to recognize warning signals and use your own judgment ability is essential.

  2. Realize that you cannot stop. Most people are almost impossible to stop watching porn right at the hottest scene, but if you wake up in the morning determined not to watch and absolutely cannot, or even for a few hours. If you don't watch it, you may be addicted. The desire to stop and not be able to stop is the problem.

  3. Keep the plan in mind. If you find yourself thinking about porn whether in class, at work or even hanging out with friends, and you plan to watch it, then the situation is pretty dire. It's okay to think of high school movies from time to time, but if you feel like you're always thinking about it when you're not around the computer, then you're having a real problem.
    • If you watch porn every time you turn on your personal computer, or if you feel compelled to watch it while on a public computer at the library, or on a friend's computer, then you equate it. with porn. That means you will need to learn to distinguish these two things as you learn to recover.

  4. Evaluate your relationship. Is your personal relationship having problems because of you watching porn? If you have trouble in bed because you can only get irritated when watching movies, or if you prefer to watch rather than hang out with someone you recently liked, then you probably have a problem.
    • Remember that porn addiction can be a sign of bigger life problems, like sex addiction or depression.
  5. Write down all the reasons why you want to give up. Instead of just trying to quit watching porn because you think it's embarrassing or socially hard to accept, dig deeper to find out why watching porn has a negative impact on your life, And thinking about the method of cessation also helps to improve your situation. Here are a few reasons to stop watching porn:
    • Because you want to return to a life of healthy, emotional relationships with friends, other important people and family.
    • Because you want to be able to live in the moment instead of in front of the computer screen.
    • Because you don't want to be a slave to your addiction.
    • Because you are restless, forget to eat, and feel sick of your problem.
    • Because you feel that you have lost your self-esteem, dignity, and control of your own life.

Part 2 of 3: Steps to Give Up

  1. Make it difficult to watch movies. Although a lot of people spend most of their time sitting in front of a computer, there are many ways to make it harder for themselves to access porn. When you only watch two to three times a day, install a program that blocks porn sites on your computer, such as K9, so that you can block all porn. This way, you will have to go through a longer process to turn off the blocking program. Then you will feel less excited to watch.
    • Avoid surfing the web as much as possible and use the computer in the presence of others. Avoid private spaces and spend time alone with the computer.
    • If you can, turn off wireless, unless absolutely necessary. Create some kind of complicated obstacle that makes it difficult to turn on the Internet, such as a really long and complicated password, or force yourself to wash the dishes every time you want to turn on the Internet.
    • The porn addiction develops in part because it's so easy to access, if you make it harder for yourself, you may not want to watch it as often.
  2. Practice every day. If watching a movie is consuming a lot of time in your day, then giving up is completely impossible. Instead of quitting suddenly, create a slow-down plan. Here's how to do it:
    • First, find a way to limit the time you spend watching porn by masturbating quickly. Turn the movie on, get yourself excited, then turn it off.
    • Next, limit the number of times you watch per day. If you look five times a day, try to hit your goal until the end of the week you won't be watching more than once a day. But be careful not to turn it into another form of addiction.
    • Reward yourself for good behavior. If you have a day without watching a movie, you can eat your favorite dessert or give yourself a small gift, like a pair of shoes that you are eyeing.
  3. Keep busy. Your addiction may start because you feel lonely, bored and can't think of better things to do. Now is the time to take your life in hand by creating meaningful habits that can minimize the time spent watching porn. Here's how for you:
    • Do exercise. Choose a sport you enjoy like brisk walking, hiking or team sport. Being physically active will not only keep you away from the computer, but will also feel better about yourself while trying.
    • Develop hobbies that keep you away from the computer. Draw outdoors, take pictures or spend time reading in the park. Do whatever you can to make life more meaningful away from the computer.
  4. Maintain meaningful relationships. Spending time with close friends or other important people will give you more confidence, and keep you away from the computer screen. Knowing and liking someone on a level of intimacy can make you less tempted by pornography.
    • Make a plan for yourself. Always give yourself something to do by trying to plan as much work to do in as possible. Make the plan as soon as you wake up, so that you know you won't have time to spend on porn.

Part 3 of 3: Consistency

  1. Set a time limit. As you begin to get rid of your addiction to watching porn, be very careful not to slip back in there again. If you've reduced your views to just once a day, don't celebrate too much. Need to decide what your ultimate goal is. Do you want to completely break the habit of watching porn?
    • Once you begin to change your relationship with it, set the ideal foundation rules for your new life. Write them down. You should consider sharing with a close and understanding friend to hold yourself accountable.
  2. Seeing masturbation is also very normal. You enjoy watching porn as a means of masturbation, and you may feel embarrassed taking a selfie. However, masturbation is completely natural, while watching porn is an addiction but can be cured.
    • Don't be ashamed of masturbation. If you are a young man and are exploring masturbation for the first time, you will be no exception to being curious about taking a selfie - and that's fine. Masturbating once or twice a day is a healthy way to reduce stress and bond with your body.
  3. Talk to your best friend about this. Even if your best friend can't help you come up with an action plan, just having someone talk to you can make you feel less lonely.
  4. Need to know when to ask for help. If you have tried to stop watching porn on your own and are then unable to do so, you may need to seek outside help. While it may feel embarrassing to discuss the situation with someone else, in the long run you won't regret seeking help. Here are some places where you can find help:
    • Get help online. Study this topic and find out what advice others who have also encountered similar problems offer. But if spending time online triggers the urge to watch porn, then limit your time online or research with a friend.
    • Join the 12-step program. Seek support through programs where you live that can help resolve your problem. You will gain invaluable knowledge and will feel comfortable seeing the fact that there are many people having problems just like you.
    • It should be understood that many rehabilitation programs are of a religious nature. It can be an effective way to change the direction of your life, but find out what you are involved in.


  • Place family photos on or around a computer area. Smiling pictures of loved ones can keep you from looking at things you know they'll be uncomfortable with.
  • If you have another friend who watches porn, ask them to take the challenge with you.
  • Try to write a list of the good and bad reasons for watching porn. Review something more convincing.
  • Spend time in public where you can't watch porn.
  • Start exercising regularly, walking, reading. Try not to think about sex.
  • Think of all your family members and how embarrassing they would be if they saw you watching it.
  • If you have a girlfriend, share it with her, you may feel embarrassed, but it works and she will appear on your mind instead of porn.
  • Go to limited-set-general websites. List all the websites related to pornography. Ask a friend to set a password that only they know. This way, even if you want to watch, you can't.
  • When you start thinking about porn, stop and think: "I'm much better!".


  • Distinguish between porn addiction and sex addiction. If you're sexually addicted, you can be in a dangerous situation where your impulses are difficult to control. If this is the case, get help right away.