Germinate seeds

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 21 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Germinate Seeds Fast | 3 Simple Steps
Video: How To Germinate Seeds Fast | 3 Simple Steps


If you love gardening, there is nothing better than seeing the first green shoots that emerge when you have planted seeds. To germinate seeds, you need to give them the right kind of soil, give them plenty of sun or shade, and regulate the temperature so it doesn't get too hot or cold. Read on to learn how to properly care for seeds to germinate and grow properly.

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Method 1 of 3: Preparing to plant the seeds

  1. Start with good seeds. They must be less than two years old, from a good source and suitable for growing in your garden. It works best with plants that originate in the Netherlands - they love this climate, this earth and other conditions that you can offer them. Buy your seeds from a local horticulturalist or garden center, farmers market, or order them online.
  2. Start at the right time. Some seeds need to germinate indoors for a few weeks before the weather is warm enough, while others are ready in a few days. The right timing is very important if you want your seeds to grow into healthy, strong plants.
    • Check the back of the seed pack for the correct time to sow them. There is often a lot of important information on such a bag.
    • You can also search the internet for information about the specific seeds.
    • If you still don't know exactly when to start sowing, plant them a few weeks before the last frost. You can germinate them indoors and when the seedlings are a few inches high, plant them outdoors. This is the best way for most plants.
  3. Provide the right growing medium. Seeds usually need to germinate in a growing medium other than potting soil or soil. They need a certain chemical composition to germinate, and that varies from seed to seed. Research the kind you have so you know what kind of growing medium to buy from the garden center.
    • You can buy a growing medium that has already been mixed and is suitable for most types of seeds.
    • It is cheaper to make your own growing medium by mixing equal parts vermiculite, perlite and ground peat moss. This is all available at the garden center.
    • Do not plant the seeds in regular soil. Seeds themselves already contain all the nutrients needed to germinate. The extra nutrients in potting soil can be harmful during the germination period.
  4. Choose your seed trays. You will need containers that are 5 to 7 inches deep with drainage holes in the bottom. It can be a large container or individual containers for different seeds. How wide your tray is depends on how many seeds you want to plant; make sure there is enough room for the seeds to germinate.
    • You can buy a seed tray or tray, or you can use an egg carton, wooden box, or anything else you already have around the house.
    • When the seeds have sprouted and are starting to grow, the seedlings should be transplanted into larger containers or open ground. It does not matter what your seed tray looks like.

Method 2 of 3: Plant the seeds

  1. Transplant the seedlings when the time is right. When the growing season starts, you can put the seedlings in larger containers or in the garden in the garden. Make sure you use the right soil for your plants and place them in a spot with the right amount of sunlight and drainage.


  • Place sticks with the names of the plant next to the seeds so that you know what it will be.
  • Some seeds can be kept longer than others. To see if they are still good, you can sprinkle about ten of them on a wet kitchen paper and cover it with plastic foil. In the following days, watch to see if the seeds germinate. When they germinate, you can plant the seedlings. If they don't germinate, dispose of the seeds and buy new ones.
  • Read the instructions on the pouch. There is a lot of information on the bags of the seeds, such as when to sow them, how much light and water they need, and so on. You can also find information on the internet about the plant in question.


  • Once the plants have germinated, make sure you keep snails and other bugs away, as they can eat your plants very quickly.


  • Seeds
  • Growing medium
  • Seed tray