Know when you are ready to use a tampon

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 22 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Use Tampons | Everything you Need To Know To Survive Your Period!
Video: How To Use Tampons | Everything you Need To Know To Survive Your Period!


Deciding to use a tampon is a big step, and it's okay if you're a bit overwhelmed. If you have only just started menstruating, it is normal to have many questions. Tampons are very safe when used correctly. You can start using tampons from your first period, but it is normal for you to be nervous about using a tampon for the first time. Learn a little about tampons to see if they are right for you. Remember that there is no right choice when it comes to protection during your period. Choose what works best for you.

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Method 1 of 4: Get information about tampons

  1. Know that you can start using tampons when you start your period. There is no age on the use of tampons. From the moment you start menstruating you can safely start using tampons and if you are old enough to menstruate then you are old enough to use tampons. There are no physical reasons for delaying the use of tampons. As long as you feel comfortable, you can use tampons regardless of your age. No one who menstruates is too young for tampons.
  2. Use a tampon even if you are a virgin. Many people think it is unsafe to use tampons as a virgin because they believe that they can break your hymen and cause you to lose your virginity. This is a myth that is often circulating. In fact, the hymen does not break during sex or other activities, but it is stretched and can tear. Even if you are still a virgin, you can use a tampon without any problems.
    • Some women are even born without a hymen at all. You can stretch or tear your hymen through non-sexual activities without even noticing!
  3. Do not worry about pain. If your reluctance to tampons is related to pain, then you need to understand that tampons are normally painless. Tampons are inserted past the vaginal muscle and once past that muscle you should not feel any pain.You can't push the tampon too deep - the cervix will hold it back and you won't be able to insert the tampon past the cervix. So you cannot lose them within you.
    • It may help to start using thin tampons.
    • If you do experience pain or discomfort, the tampon may not have been pushed deep enough or it may have been inserted at an angle.

Method 2 of 4: Decide if tampons are right for you

  1. Gather more information about tampons. You can find information about tampons online at sites such as Kids Health and the Planned Parenthood website, as well as online guides on sites such as YouTube. You can also see if your school doctor or your doctor's office is handing out pamphlets or information about tampons or protection during menstruation in general.
    • Reading about tampons and how they work can help you decide if they are right for you. Each box of tampons also contains information about it and how to insert a tampon.
    • You can also visit the sites of popular brands of tampons, such as Kotex or Tampax.
    • It may also help to look at schemas of the female reproductive system. This can help you see where to insert the tampon if you choose to use one.
  2. Try using a tampon during your period to see if you like it. If you are unsure whether you will be comfortable with tampons in the long term, then you should try them for a few days. Buy a small box of tampons or ask a friend or family member to give you some.
    • If you find yourself uncomfortable or uncomfortable using tampons, you can always go back to sanitary pads on a menstrual cup.
    • Some companies, such as Thinx, make "menstrual tights" that you can wear with or without a tampon or pads during your period.
  3. Use tampons when participating in high-intensity activities. Many women and girls prefer tampons because they allow them to participate in more activities. For example, if you are a swimmer, you can wear a tampon in a pool, but not a sanitary napkin. Activities that require a lot of exercise, such as dancing or exercising, can also be easier with a tampon.

Method 3 of 4: Seek advice from others

  1. Talk to your friends. If you have friends who use tampons, you can ask them for advice. Your friends can answer your questions about how to insert a tampon and how a tampon feels. This can help you decide if you are personally ready to use tampons.
    • Choose friends who are very helpful and not quick to judge. You don't want to talk to someone who might attack you because you are unsure about using tampons.
  2. Ask your parents for advice. It may seem strange to discuss the topic of menstruation with your parents. However, talking to your parents can be very helpful. Your mother, in particular, will remember what it was like when she started menstruating and she can help you put your feelings into place.
    • It also helps to have an open dialogue with your parents about puberty. It is normal to have many questions and your parents can help answer them.
  3. Seek advice from older relatives. If you have elderly relatives, such as an elderly niece or aunt, they can also advise on tampons. This can be a good alternative if you want advice from someone who is a little older and more experienced. If your friends have not started their periods yet, it may also help to seek advice from an adult.
    • If you don't have older female relatives, you can even talk to a friend's mother or a trusted school teacher or nurse.

Method 4 of 4: Using tampons safely

  1. Start with thin tampons. When you first use tampons, they may cause some mild discomfort. Although tampons are usually not painful, they do take some getting used to. Start with thin tampons until you get used to the feel of tampons.
    • It is a good idea to wear a sanitary napkin in addition to a tampon first, so that you are doubly protected.
  2. Wash your hands before inserting a tampon. Rub your hands with soap for about 20 seconds, making sure to wash under your fingernails and between your fingers. Once done, rinse your hands thoroughly and dry them with a clean towel.
  3. Insert the tampon carefully. With one hand, pull aside the labia (the skin around the opening of the vagina). Place the end of the tampon in the vaginal opening. Point the tampon back and gently push it into your vagina. When your fingers touch your body, the tampon is far enough.
    • If using an applicator, use your fingers to push the inner tube through the applicator and remove the applicator with your thumb and index finger.
  4. Replace your tampon regularly. Remove your tampon by pulling the string on the end of the tampon. To avoid complications such as toxic shock syndrome, tampons should be changed every 4 to 6 hours.


  • View a female anatomy diagram to know where to insert a tampon.
  • Before using a tampon, you should be able to insert your little finger into your vagina. Your finger is more flexible than the tampon applicator. If you are not menstruating, take the time to get used to your anatomy.