Know if a girl you've never talked to likes you

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 8 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
15 Powerful Signs Of Female Attraction (Girls Will Do This When They Like A Guy)
Video: 15 Powerful Signs Of Female Attraction (Girls Will Do This When They Like A Guy)


Sometimes it's hard to know if a girl you've never talked to before likes you. You may have an idea that she's interested, but if you want to be sure, keep an eye out for some clear signs. Then, when the time comes, you can start a conversation with her to get to know her better!

To step

Part 1 of 3: Pay attention to her body language

  1. Watch when she's around. If you haven't been introduced yet and this girl likes you, she may keep staring at you and smiling to get your attention. Make sure to smile back and watch her reaction. Shy girls can blush and outgoing girls can smile back. You're basically flirting a bit.
  2. Notice if she giggles a lot with her friends. If she notices that you are around and likes you, she may want to appear more interested in her friends, so she will laugh. She can also become nervous about your presence, and many people giggle or laugh when they are nervous.
  3. Watch her body language. Does her face turn red when she sees you? She can stare at you for a long time and smile when you look. She might look away quickly when you look at her. These signals could mean she likes you. She may also seem nervous because she has butterflies in her stomach, which means she likes you.
  4. Notice if she gets clumsy around you. If you find her dropping things when you're around, it could be a sign that she likes you. It could indicate that you are making her nervous, making her drop things or become a bit clumsy.

Part 2 of 3: Look for other clues that she likes you

  1. Ask your friends what they think. Your friends may have heard if she likes you. Even if they haven't heard this, they are probably better at guessing this than you are. That's only because when you're part of the situation, it's harder to look at it from a distance and analyze it, and you can get a little insecure thinking about whether a girl likes you. So ask a good friend to help you analyze the situation.
  2. Watch for signs on social media. Another way to tell if a girl likes you is to see how she interacts with it on social media. Of course you have to mark her as a friend first. Once you've done that, watch her interact with you. If she seems to be paying extra attention to you, she may like you. For example, she will mark anything you post as "I like" or "tag" you in some of her posts.
    • For example, if she posts "Cute!" To a selfie you posted, she may be flirting with you.
  3. Notice how often she is around you. When a girl likes you, she'll find reasons to be around you. Even if you've never talked to her, you might look up to find her sitting at the next table in the library, or a few benches away during a basketball game. It's not like she's stalking you. On the contrary, she probably hopes you see her.
    • This could include things like walking in your field of vision or talking to people close to you.
  4. Pay attention to what your instinct tells you. If it's necessary to analyze everything she does to find out if she likes you, she's less likely to like you. When someone likes you, you generally feel it in your gut, with the exception of very shy people.
    • However, if you're not sure, it's always better to take a chance by talking to her. The worst she can say is "No!"
  5. Notice when she gets shy. If you find that she seems to want to talk to everyone but not you, she may just be nervous about talking to you. In other words, she's not talking to you because she likes you and that fact scares her.
  6. Use her friends to your advantage. Another step you can take is to talk to one of her friends, especially if you are taking the same classes as one of them. Say something like, "Hey, you're a friend of Susan's, or you're not. May I ask you something? Do you think she likes me? "This is really all you have to ask.
    • You can also pay attention to how her friends react when you are together as a group, including the girl you have a crush on. For example, they may whisper to each other, tease the girl, or even push her in your direction.

Part 3 of 3: Get her attention and talk to her

  1. Make eye contact. Notice if she wants to keep your attention or if her eyes move away from you. If she consistently makes eye contact with you and sometimes blushes all the while, chances are she's interested in you. She may also try to take a quick look at you if she doesn't think you are seeing it.
    • Of course, you shouldn't just stare at her, because that will come across as creepy. Just glance in her direction or try to hold her eyes for a few seconds.
    • However, some girls are just shy, and they may not want to make eye contact with you. Try to encourage her with other steps.
  2. Smile at her. Laughing shows your interest and makes it easy for her to smile back. Sometimes it takes a while for both of you to make eye contact and smile before you are ready to actually talk to each other. Even if you're nervous, smiling is a good way to connect because a smile actually serves as a reward for other people. In other words, if you smile at her, her brain sees it as a reward, making her more enjoyable to be with you.
  3. Create opportunities for her to talk to you. Don't just hang out with the same group of friends. It's much easier to approach someone who is alone rather than with a large group, so if you make sure you are alone when she's around, she may come over to talk to you. You can also go alone to a place that you know will be there to make yourself a little more available. You never know what could happen.
    • For example, you may see her spending a lot of time in the library after school. Then do your best to be there too. Sit at a table near her where she can see you.
  4. Say hello.It's a simple first step and a way to acknowledge that you've noticed her. You don't have to do anything else at first if you're shy. If she doesn't reply, she may not be interested. Try it a few times, but if she never responds, leave her alone.
    • You may be nervous about approaching her, but the only way to really test your theory if she likes you is to start talking to her.
  5. Think about starting a conversation. Once she has responded to your greeting, you can take a step forward and actually start talking to her. Think about what you know about her as it can lead to conversation. Is she part of the drama club, or does she play sports? Talking to her about school activities is a great first way to start a conversation. You could even try to be funny, but it's not always easy.
    • You might ask, "Is your running training tough?" Or "What did you think about the race?"
    • You could also say something like, "Did you love the food in the cafeteria today? Do you think they should call something like food? "Or" Don't you agree that [teacher] looks and sounds like Yoda? "
  6. Start a conversation with her. Now that you have some possible questions, find a good time to talk to her. It must be a time when neither of you is in a hurry to get to class or other activities, and hopefully both of you are alone. It can feel really awkward such a first conversation, but it gets easier. If she really responds and starts asking you questions, then chances are she's interested in you too. If she's really not responding, then it's likely she's not going to like you.
    • For example, if you asked her if her run was tough, she might say, "Yes, but I love it!" In that case, you could say, "Cool! What do you like most about it? I've always thought about going for a run, but it seems hard to keep up. "


  • Always be respectful. If she appears uninterested or says she's not interested, leave her alone. You will find someone else!