Hit on women

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 23 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Bill Burr - no reason to hit a woman - how women argue (FULL) from You People are all the Same
Video: Bill Burr - no reason to hit a woman - how women argue (FULL) from You People are all the Same


You know. You're in the bar or club, or you're walking down the street, and suddenly you see the most amazing woman you've ever seen. She can be incredibly attractive or have a smile that would make you want to get to know her better. But when you approach her you suddenly become very nervous. You forget what to say, start mumbling, and - in the worst case - even forget your own name!

To step

Part 1 of 3: Having a good rapprochement

  1. Know when to approach her. The first step in picking up a woman is to find the right time to approach her. You need to find a woman who looks like she's ready to start talking to someone she doesn't know yet. This could be because her company is boring her, or if she's out and wants something fun. Although you can never be sure if a woman wants to meet someone new, the chances of success are higher if she is open to it. There are a number of things that you can show that she is open to it:
    • Of course, if she's watching you. If she's looked at you more than once, and even smiled when the two of you looked each other in the eye, then she's checking you out. If her friends are all looking at you and giggling a bit, then she - or at least one of her friends - is checking you out. Are you going there already, or not ?!
    • If she looks bored or annoyed with her current company. Maybe she's yawning every time she's talking to a friend, or she keeps rolling her eyes at the group of noisy guys she's gone with. Come on, Prince Charming - it's your time to gallop and save her from her company. If you have read the situation carefully, she will appreciate the change in food.
    • Don't approach her when she's on a date unless things are obviously not going well. If she's kissing her boyfriend intensely, you should stay away. However, if she's on a first date and she looks terribly bored, or is checking her phone more often than not, you might want to come over if you have the balls. Only do it if her date isn't there.
    • Do not approach her if she is verbally catching up with her friend. If she's in a big group of friends, that's one thing. If it's just her and another girlfriend then it's something else. If they are talking to each other quickly and intensely without looking into space, then they probably have a lot to catch up with together. Then leave them alone.
  2. Approach her with confidence. Once you've found your target, show her how confident you are about yourself, that you love what you're doing, and that you'd like to get to know her. Don't make her feel like you couldn't live without her. Women usually know within 15 minutes if they want to come home with you, so spend your time wisely. That's how you do that:
    • Make eye contact. First do this from a distance. Maintain eye contact when you approach her. You don't have to act like a creep, just try to show that you are confident enough to look her in the eye. Look her in the eye, don't stare at your feet or the floor.
    • Smile. Smiling shows that you are comfortable and that you are not nervous. Remember: you are happy with who you are, so even if she rejects you outright, you will walk away with your head held high.
    • Don't get too lanky, and don't cross your arms. Keep an open body language - anything can happen.
    • Focus all your attention on her. Without getting too close, direct your body towards her. Avoid all distractions, such as checking your phone every five seconds.
    • Part of looking confident is dressing well. You don't necessarily have to wear something very expensive, just choose an outfit that shows off your body. Also, always try to look like you showered that day.
  3. Provide a good opening. Once you approach the girl, make sure you say and do the right things to get her interested. If you start wrong, it can be difficult to get it right. So try to make a good impression as quickly as possible. That's how you do that:
    • Relax. If you are not relaxed when you join her, she will sense it immediately and turn it off on you just as quickly. The worst thing that could happen is for her to reject you. Do you think you can survive that?
    • Relax. If you are not relaxed when you join her, she will sense this immediately and turn it off on you just as quickly. The worst thing that could happen is for her to reject you. Do you think you can survive that?
    • Make it clear that you are picking up on her. While you should also get her friends in on a bit, since their approval is important to her, make it clear that you want her attention. You don't want her to think you're the type to walk up to a group of girls in the hope that one of them likes it (even though this might be the case).
    • Be direct. Say something like, "Do you mind if I join you?" Or, if she's obviously bored and you're in a brave mood, say, "Why don't you sit with me? I'd be honored if I could offer you a drink."
    • Introduce yourself. Tell her your name. If you want to be cute and formal you can even shake her hand.

Part 2 of 3: Getting her interested

  1. Make her feel like the greatest woman in the world. Let's be honest. People just want to feel special. Don't feed her corny phrases about how hot she is. Instead, you better let her know that she is a unique chick. Do this in an original and authentic way. That's how you do that:
    • Ask questions about her. Do not search, and do not ask her questions that are too personal. Just ask her about herself, such as her hobbies, favorite football team, or favorite television show. Ask her if she likes her neighborhood to live in. You don't want the girl to think when you walk away, "Wow, he doesn't know anything about me! He clearly wanted to talk to me because he thought I was pretty."
    • Ask her opinion on things. Show her that her opinion matters. Ask her some lighthearted questions about the cocktails she's been drinking, or ask her what she thinks about your new shoes.
    • Don't be afraid to compliment her. Not even if you suspect she's already heard everything. If she's pretty, interesting, or has a great sense of humor, tell her. If you do this casually and sincerely, you won't overwhelm her.
  2. Fascinate her. Of great importance in picking up women is to make her think, "Hey, this is fat - I want more of this." Not only should she enjoy talking to you at the bar, but she'd like to see more of you out there too. That's how you do that:
    • Show her what makes you special. Without showing up, you can tell her two or three things about yourself that would make her want to get to know you better. Did you teach yourself Japanese, or did you travel through Brazil on a motorcycle for a year? Fat! Just don't tell her any fictions.
    • Find something that binds you. Discover something you have in common. Whether this is a preference for the main class Saturday, or Thai food, whatever. Don't make her think, "I like talking to this guy, but I guess it won't work because we don't have anything in common."
    • Tell her something interesting. Show her that you are the type who reads the newspaper and is up to date with current events. Without looking too boring, you can tell her something interesting that you recently read.
  3. Be yourself - up to a point. This means that you should show her who you are and not put on a fake mask; but you also need to keep some unique parts of your personality separate until she gets to know you better. If you share everything, she may lose interest. This is how you do it:
    • Don't be a poser. Don't pretend you're the Don Juan who gets all the women. Rather just be a nice guy who wants to get to know her. Don't talk about the other women in your life. If you do, she'll start to wonder why you're talking to her.
    • Show her who you are. Tell her about your interests, what you do on the weekend, or that fun city trip to Krakow with your friends. The girl should have a little bit of a sense of who you are in addition to being the guy trying to hook up on her.
    • Remember that you are not out with your friends. While she might actually get to know you later, you should refrain from overly rude, crude jokes. Also, don't tell her the stories that put you in a less than good light.
  4. Enchant her with your sense of humor. Women like men who can make them laugh, especially when they don't have to try too hard. Show her that you are funny and that you can keep up with her. Don't make her feel like you're trying too hard to make her laugh. She will only feel sorry for you. This is how you do it right:
    • Keep up with her with witty jokes. If she says something funny, don't answer, "That's so funny," or laugh without responding. Rather bounce the ball back with something just as funny. This way you show her that you can keep up with her.
    • Tease her gently. Women like it when you tease them in the right way. Poke fun at something she has said, or tease her with her unique smile. This will playfully further develop the relationship.
    • Make fun of yourself. Just don't take this too far. Show that you don't take yourself too seriously and that you can laugh at yourself too.

Part 3 of 3: Making a graceful retreat

  1. Know when you are not welcome. Part of making a graceful retreat consists of knowing when you are not wanted. This can be for a variety of reasons. Maybe the girl just doesn't like you that much. That is not bad at all. Maybe she has a boyfriend and doesn't want to waste your time. Maybe she just wants to spend some time with her friends. Whatever the reason, if you feel like you have to leave, then leave.
    • If the conversation bleeds to death, and the girl keeps checking her phone or staring away, it's time to go.
    • If her friends roll their eyes at you or ignore you, it's time to go.
    • When you know it's time to go, don't further embarrass yourself by saying something like, "Well, you don't seem interested" or "Sorry to bother you." Just say something like "I enjoyed talking to you. Maybe see you later."
    • Walk away with a smile on your face, even if you are disappointed.
    • But if she smiles a lot, maintains eye contact, plays with her hair a bit, or just looks like she's having a good time and wants more, then it's time to take the conversation to the next level.
  2. If things go well, take the conversation to the next level. If you really clicked, and the girl clearly likes you, then it's time to take it a step further. You're going to hit her up, right? What are you waiting for?
    • If you are in a bar or club you can say something like, "Shall we go to a quieter place?" or "What do you say if we go somewhere else?"
    • If you know that the girl wants to continue with you, but you don't want to blow her off by isolating her right away; then ask her if she and her friends would like to go to a quieter bar. Or invite her to an after party with friends. Remember, she just met you. And while she might like you very much, it doesn't mean she wants to go to bed with you right away.
    • If you're not ready to take her home just yet, ask her for her number. Do not be nervous. Make it clear that you are really asking her out. Say something like, "Hey, this was a really nice conversation. I'd love to see you again while enjoying a snack or a drink. Can I have your number to set it up?"


  • Every now and then you will be rejected. That's life. Get yourself together and try again.
  • You can also pick up women in places other than bars and clubs. You can also pick up a woman in the park or in a coffee house. This could be even better as she won't expect it there. Just try not to disturb her if she clearly wants to be left alone.
  • You should dress well and, most importantly, dress appropriately. Don't wear a tracksuit when you go out to dinner, and don't wear a three-piece suit when you go to the shack.
  • Do you feel like the fifth wheel in the bar? Do not worry. This is an excellent way to hook up with women, provided the girl you're with is willing to help you out. Girls hold each other's opinions high. It's easier for her to pick up your target than it is for you. However, some girls find this weak, and for sissies. So make sure during the first meeting that you get rid of these terms right away.
  • Consider going to the bar with a few friends. It is best if your group of friends also includes women. This adds a bit of mystery and competition ("I wonder if one of them is his girlfriend?"). Moreover, it shows that you are a social person.


  • If she's mega-drunk and can barely walk, get a taxi and send her home. Don't make love to someone who is too drunk to consent. That's creepy, wrong, and nasty.
  • Remember that no one owes you any time or attention. If she doesn't feel like it, or turns away from you, doesn't make eye contact, or whatever - it's time to leave.