Prevent premature ejaculation

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 10 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Exercises To Prevent Premature Ejaculation | Premature Ejaculation Prevention
Video: 5 Exercises To Prevent Premature Ejaculation | Premature Ejaculation Prevention


Because premature ejaculation in men is still somewhat taboo, few people come out with it. Help is not often sought for. Such a problem can have a significant negative impact on the sex life of a man and his partner. In many cases this can be prevented or improved. What can you do against premature ejaculation? Opinions are divided on the causes. It has biological or psychological causes. In the end you will have to feel for yourself what works best, because this can be different for each individual. There are a number of methods that may help.

To step

  1. Image titled 2Artboard_1.png’ src=Apply the squeeze technique. The so-called squeeze technique is easy to explain and apply. From the moment you feel the urge to ejaculate, you squeeze the penis to drain the blood. You do this at the top, where the skin flows into the glans, using your index and middle fingers and your thumb on the other side. This makes the penis weaker, which means that the urge to cum is also much less. By repeating this a few times you immediately practice delaying the orgasm.
  2. Image titled 2Artboard_2.png’ src=Think about something else. This one may be obvious, but it can certainly help. A study has shown that when you, as a man, think about things that you find anything but arousing, such as algebra, it can help delay orgasm. So think carefully about what you really don't want to think about, you can use it later.
  3. Image titled 2Artboard_5.png’ src=Press the perineum. The perineum is the place between the balls and the anus. Pressing this or having it done by the partner takes off the pressure to cum. You can do this with a single finger.
  4. Image titled 2Artboard_6.png’ src=Extend the duration of foreplay. By focusing more on foreplay, the final penetration may not take less time. But it does allow you to be intimate for a much longer period of time. In addition, most partners like that foreplay is not skipped and enough attention is paid to it.
  5. Image titled 2Artboard_7.png’ src=Use multiple condoms. It may sound strange, but it can certainly help. By putting a number of condoms on top of each other you ensure that you can wait longer before coming. This is quite easy to explain. It makes the penis less sensitive and as a result you will ejaculate less quickly. It is best to determine how many condoms you should use for this method.
  6. Image titled 2Artboard_8.png’ src=Use a cock ring. In addition to firmer and longer lasting erections, a cock ring can also help to delay orgasms in some cases. However, the experiences here differ considerably. For some men, wearing a penis ring makes the penis more sensitive and thus increases the chance of premature ejaculation. Other men, on the other hand, find that intercourse lasts longer. The penis ring can be placed on the shaft of the penis, among other things. If you have an adjustable and stretchable ring, you can place it if you do not yet have a full erection or if you do. It is useful to put a little lubricant on the inside so that you can use the cock ring more easily.
  7. Image titled 2Artboard_4.png’ src=Ejaculate once beforehand. Another solution that is quite obvious but can certainly help you. After an orgasm, the second time often takes a lot longer. This can be done a few hours in advance, but also earlier or later, whatever helps you best. Although it must be said that this can become more difficult as you get older.


  • Concentrate on your breathing. By keeping it calm you can focus better and delay an orgasm more easily.
  • Don't just focus on the sensitive areas on the body. Choose to pay more attention to other parts of your body and that of your partner. You can, for example, tighten this to shift attention.
  • Many men find oral sex less exciting than regular penetration. By spending more time on this, the orgasm can also be delayed.
  • Watch your diet and see which types of food have a negative and positive influence on your sex life.
  • In the beginning, don't rush things and build things up slowly. By taking enough time you can delay the moment of orgasm many times longer.
  • Don't worry about social expectations. You determine the ideal penetration time yourself. It's a myth that it should take at least 15 minutes. Sexologists only speak of premature ejaculation when it occurs within 30 seconds to a minute each attempt.
  • Do not forget to communicate openly with the partner. Perhaps the duration of penetration feels too short for you, but this is more than sufficient for the partner. Sometimes a "quickie" is nice too.
  • In addition to the methods described above, there are also other options. For example, agents such as delay spray and delay gel can be a solution.


  • If you want to use medicines for premature ejaculation, so-called SSRIs (serotonergic antidepressants) can help you. However, these are drugs with an antidepressant effect that also have other (unwanted) effects. In addition, it should be taken daily. When this is stopped, the premature ejaculation problems will also return.