Remove bad odors from the bathroom

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
11 stinky bathroom solutions to keep your bathroom smelling amazing. | Hometalk
Video: 11 stinky bathroom solutions to keep your bathroom smelling amazing. | Hometalk


Many people are ashamed of bad smells in the bathroom. Maybe you want to get rid of bad smells after going to the bathroom, or your bathroom smells musty and dirty because you haven't cleaned it properly. In both cases, there are various options for making your bathroom smell fresh. You can use different methods to get rid of toilet odors, change your bathroom cleanliness, and make small changes to your bathroom habits.

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Method 1 of 3: Remove bad odors

  1. Ventilate your bathroom. Good ventilation is important if you want to get rid of embarrassing smells. A simple flow of air can help to get rid of bad smells. If your bathroom has a ceiling fan or some other form of ventilation, turn it on after you've been in the bathroom. If you don't have a fan, open the bathroom window to let in fresh air.
    • Do not only ventilate the bathroom after going to the toilet. Also turn on the fan or open the window after taking a shower. The humid air from a hot shower can cause mold growth, making your bathroom smell musty.
  2. Use odor removers instead of air fresheners. Many people have an atomizer in the toilet to freshen up the bathroom after use. If you choose to do this, buy products labeled as odor removers instead of regular air fresheners.
    • Air fresheners mask the smell. They do not remove the odor themselves and the odor will be smelling again when the fresh scent of the air freshener has faded. If it is a strong scent, you may still be able to smell the scent even if you used air freshener.
    • Odor removers neutralize bad odors. They remove odors faster and better. Look at the supermarket for remedies that state on the packaging that they remove odors. There are a lot of different odor removers on the market, so you may have to try several remedies before you find a product that works. You can read reviews on the internet to get an idea of ​​which products are best for removing odors.
  3. Research air purifiers. If your bathroom has very poor air circulation, an odor remover may not be enough to get rid of bad smells. Take a look at an air purifier or air purifier, a device that you plug in that improves air circulation and removes the bacteria responsible for the bad smells in your bathroom. You can buy an air purifier at department stores and on the internet. Prices for such a device vary. The best air purifiers can cost several hundred dollars, but you may not need to buy such an expensive device if you want to use it for a small bathroom. You can buy a smaller, cheaper air purifier for around 25 to 50 euros.
  4. Try drying agents. The problem may not be caused by toilet use alone. You may also have a problem with mold. In that case, buy desiccants. Desiccants are dry substances that can absorb water. Silica gel is a well-known desiccant that is usually sold in bags.
    • You can use a synthetic desiccant like silica gel, as long as you keep the powder out of the reach of children and pets. Desiccants can be toxic if swallowed. You can also put desiccants in small plastic containers and poke holes in the lids.
    • Plants are natural drying agents. Ferns and lilies can help remove unwanted odors from your bathroom and keep the room smelling fresh.
  5. Make your own air freshener. A homemade air freshener may work better than a store-bought one. If an odor remover isn't working well enough, try making your own air freshener.
    • You can make an air freshener using three parts water, one part vodka, and 10 to 20 drops of essential oils such as lavender and eucalyptus oils. You can buy essential oils at health food stores and on the internet. Put the mixture in a spray bottle and put it in the toilet. Spray when needed.
    • If the above mixture leaves an alcoholic odor, mix 500 ml of water with a tablespoon of white vinegar, a teaspoon of baking soda and 10 drops of essential oil. Put the mixture in a spray bottle and put it in the toilet. Spray when necessary.

Method 2 of 3: Cleaning the bathroom

  1. Use baking soda, lemon juice, and vinegar. Sometimes you need to clean the area around your toilet well. This can help remove any bad smells that have settled into the floor. A mixture of baking soda, lemon juice, and vinegar can work well. These remedies often work very well to remove bad smells.
    • Make a paste of equal parts lemon juice and baking soda. It is best to use fresh lemon juice. Mix the ingredients until the paste is about as thick as pancake batter.
    • Spread the paste with a damp cloth along the bottom of the toilet bowl and on the toilet seat. Leave the paste on for 10 to 15 minutes.
    • Pour a little vinegar into a spray bottle. After 10 to 15 minutes, spray vinegar on the areas of paste. Let everything fizz for a while and then wipe the spots with your cloth.
  2. Use essential oils when cleaning. Essential oils have a powerful and pleasant fragrance. If your bathroom stinks, consider adding a few drops of the essential oil to a spray bottle of rubbing alcohol. Use this mixture to clean areas like your sink and toilet bowl. Some essential oils, such as cedar oil, have anti-fungal properties and can help neutralize and remove unwanted odors.
  3. Clean the toilet bowl. A toilet bowl can continue to smell like urine if you don't clean it regularly. Many people forget to clean the toilet bowl when cleaning the bathroom. You can easily clean the toilet bowl with white vinegar.
    • Raise the lid of the toilet. Pour 120 ml of vinegar into the jar. Then put on rubber gloves.
    • Clean the sides of the pot with a scrub brush. Then flush the toilet. Add more vinegar and repeat the process a few times.
  4. Clean the bathroom regularly. Simply cleaning the bathroom regularly can help get rid of bad smells. Clean the entire bathroom once a week. Clean the toilet bowl, lid and outside of the bowl. Mop the floor. Clean the bathtub and shower, as well as the sink. You can use commercially available household cleaners or make your own mixture of baking soda, lemon juice, and vinegar. Regular cleaning prevents unpleasant smells that lead to problems.
    • Use quality cleaning products. Look for products specially formulated to tackle bad smells. It can help to know what materials your bathtub, sink and tiles are made of. Certain cleaning agents work better on certain surfaces.
  5. Clean drains. A clogged drain is a common cause of a smelly bathroom. Make sure to unclog your drains if you notice the water rising. Also take measures every month to prevent blocked drains.
    • Remove the plug from the drain and clean all hair and debris from the plug. You can use white vinegar and water to clean a drain plug.
    • Insert a straightened iron wire coat hanger down the drain to clear a blockage. You can push the blockage down the drain or pull it out with the clothes hanger. You can also grab a plopper and use it 5 to 6 times if a clothes hanger doesn't work to unclog the drain.
    • Flush the drain. Use hot water and run the tap for several minutes. This will help rinse away any dirt that makes your bathroom smelly.
    • Once a month, mix 1 cup of vinegar with 1 cup of baking soda. Pour this mixture down the drain. This will help to clean the drain, clear blockages and get rid of any bad smells coming from the drain.
  6. Watch for mold. Mold is a common cause of a smelly bathroom and can also be bad for your health. Get into the habit of checking your bathroom for mold on a regular basis.
    • You may think mold is easy to spot, but often the spots are very small. You can mistake mold for soot or dirt. You may see black specks on the ceiling of your bathroom. If these spots come back after cleaning and spread further, you have a problem with mold.
    • Look under the sink. Often mold starts to grow around the drain under the sink, especially if water sometimes leaks from it.
    • Recognize the symptoms of mold exposure. If you don't see mold but do have the following symptoms, consider getting your bathroom checked for mold by a professional. Symptoms include wheezing, rash, watery eyes, red eyes, itchy eyes, and a runny nose.

Method 3 of 3: Make changes

  1. Apply new sealant edges. You can find caulk edges between the bathroom tiles and can also run along the walls of your bathroom. They can cause bad smells in the bathroom. Sealants can become porous over time and absorb odors. If your bathroom still smells after a good cleaning, remove the old sealant edges with a utility knife. Apply new sealant. You can buy plumbing kit at the hardware store.
  2. Put the lid on the toilet bowl after you flush. Sometimes a small change helps a lot to get rid of bad smells in the bathroom. Don't forget to close the lid after going to the bathroom. This prevents unpleasant odors from entering the air.
  3. Empty the trash can regularly. If you have a trash can in your bathroom, empty it at least once a week. Any waste you leave in it can smell foul over time, making your bathroom smelly. Emptying the trash can regularly can work very well to get rid of odors in the bathroom.
  4. Wash all towels and washcloths. A bathroom often gets very damp and towels can quickly start to smell musty. If you have towels in your bathroom, wash them at least once a week. This will prevent them from smelling bad and prevent unpleasant smells in your bathroom.
    • To help remove odors, put 1 cup (120 ml) of white vinegar in the washing machine when you do the laundry.
    • Make sure your towels dry completely before putting them back in the bathroom.
  5. Consider switching to odor and water resistant materials. If you do a good job of cleaning your bathroom but still have problems with mold and odors, it may be time to give your bathroom a thorough overhaul. Consider choosing a bathtub, tile, sink, and other items made from odor and water resistant materials. This can be expensive, but it's worth the money if you can afford it and the smell is a real problem.


  • Make sure you ventilate the bathroom well during cleaning.
  • If the odor is caused by mold, you may need to take drastic measures. Sometimes mold can grow in drywall, for example. If you try the above methods and the odor doesn't go away, have your home examined for mold. Mold can be toxic and you may need to hire a cleaning company to address the problem.