Loving your puppy

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 2 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
7 Ways to Tell a Dog You Love Them
Video: 7 Ways to Tell a Dog You Love Them


Puppies are cute and easy to love. Loving your puppy is more than showing affection - that's the easy part! Showing your puppy that you love him includes providing basic needs (food, water, shelter) and helping him develop into a well-formed and well-mannered adult dog. Because you show your puppy your love, your puppy will love you too and become a great friend.

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Method 1 of 4: Make your puppy feel safe

  1. Train your dog to crate. Crating your puppy seems like a weird way to show your love to him. However, when done properly, crate training will help your puppy view his crate as a safe and comfortable place, not as a punishment. Additionally, crate training will teach your puppy not to urinate in the house as he will not want to urinate where he sleeps.
    • A good sized crate is not so small that your puppy feels trapped, and not so big that it is possible for him to soil one part and sleep in another. However, keep in mind that puppies grow quickly - if you have a large breed puppy, he can quickly grow out of his crate.
    • Do not keep your puppy in the crate for more than a few hours at a time, especially if your puppy is less than 6 months old, unless it is at night.
    • Make sure the crate is comfortable by adding blankets and a few toys.
    • Give your puppy a verbal command (In, Into the bench) to enter the crate. Immediately reward him with a treat whenever he does it. Eventually, he will learn to enter his crate just on your verbal command.
  2. Place his sleeping place near where you sleep. If you have just brought your puppy home, it will be very important to make him feel safe in his new environment. This will likely be the first time he has been away from his littermates and mother, so he may start to feel separation anxiety. To reduce this fear, you can place his sleeping place near or in your bedroom.
    • Place his dog bed, crate, or blanket on the floor near your bed.
    • It is your personal choice whether you want your puppy to sleep in your bed. However, keep in mind that you can create behavioral problems in the future if you decide you don't want the dog in your bed anymore.
    • You can also place his crate just outside the bedroom. Keep your bedroom door open.
  3. Give your puppy "creature comforts. Your puppy will feel safer in your home if you give him something that smells like his new family, such as a pillowcase or an old piece of clothing that smells like you or another family member. the more he becomes familiar with your scent, the calmer and safer he will feel in his new environment and his new ones pack.
    • Putting these things in your puppy's crate or basket can help him relax before going to sleep.
    • Consider giving your puppy one beating heart toy that mimics the sound of a dog's mother's heartbeat. It will make him more comfortable in his sleep if you put this toy in his sleeping place.
    • Be aware that puppies can be very destructive. Don't be surprised if he tears or gnaws items with your scent on them.
  4. Don't put your puppy in the basement or garage. Your puppy's separation anxiety can cause him to howl, wheeze, or bark. For a better night's sleep, you may be tempted to put your puppy in the basement or garage, where his whine will be stifled or even hidden at all. But it's not a good idea - this will only cause your dog's anxiety to enlarge, and with it the whining.
    • Placing your puppy in the basement or garage can also lead to behavioral problems when he gets older.
    • If your puppy howls at night and you want to check that he is okay, wait for a break between barks before doing so. Don't go up to him while he's barking or he'll think you came because he called.
    • Also, avoid yelling or punishing your dog for barking, as this gives attention and he thinks you are participating, which in turn encourages him to bark more.

Method 2 of 4: Playing with your puppy

  1. Take your puppy on walks. Playing with your puppy is a great way to show him that you love him. Keeping him active with games will keep him healthy both physically and mentally as he grows into an adult dog. A walk may not seem like a game at first glance, but you can turn it into it by letting your puppy explore its surroundings during the walk.
    • Have your puppy stop every now and then and smell the flowers during your walk.
    • Introduce your puppy to new people and dogs on the walk. Bring some treats with you - the people you introduce your puppy to can give your puppy treats to form a friendly relationship with him.
    • Encourage your puppy to walk on the curb. He may enjoy balancing on the curb instead of the sidewalk or street.
    • Practicing basic commands during your walk, such as sits and stay, can help reinforce his training.
  2. Play hide and seek with your puppy. Your puppy will love playing hide and seek. One way to play this is to hide yourself. Have a friend stay with your puppy while you hide, then shout your puppy's name every few seconds until he finds you. Reward your puppy with treats and verbal praise when he finds you.
    • If you have taught your puppy to come when you call, hiding is a good way to practice this command.
    • You can also hide his favorite toys.
    • Be aware that your puppy may become frustrated if he is unable to find his toy, which may cause him to dislike the game. Hide the toy in easy-to-find places (behind the sofa, under a chair) until your puppy gets better at using his nose to find items.
  3. Go fetch with your puppy. Fetching your puppy is a great way to exercise him, and it teaches him how to focus on you and follow your instructions. A small toy or soft doll are good items for retrieving as your puppy can easily grab and return them.
    • Don't fetch with sticks. Sticks can injure your puppy's mouth or cause digestive problems if he swallows pieces of the wood.
    • If your puppy doesn't immediately understand what you want him to do, show him how to pick up the toy and return it to your starting point. Fetching is an easy game, so it won't take your puppy long to learn.
  4. Let your puppy play in the water. If your puppy likes water, water games are a fun way to show him that you love him. Water activities have little impact and will not put stress on his joints.
    • Your puppy probably won't be a strong swimmer when he first jumps into the water. For safety, you can put on a pet-friendly life jacket with him until he improves his swimming skills. Life jackets can be purchased at your local pet store, but are probably easier to find online.
    • A pool or quiet lake are good places to help your puppy become a strong swimmer.
    • Go fetch with him in the water.
    • Playing in the water can be exhausting for your puppy. Rest him every 10 minutes to regain his energy.
    • Don't force your puppy to play in the water if he doesn't want to.
  5. Tug of war with your puppy. A tug of war with your puppy builds his physical strength and confidence. To start a tug of war, choose a small, soft toy that your puppy can easily hold in his mouth. While playing with him, make sure that his play does not become aggressive.
    • If your puppy starts to snarl, his play is probably getting aggressive.
  6. Teach your puppy tricks. Teaching him tricks will give your puppy a healthy mental and physical challenge. Start with simple commands, such as sits and stay. When he has mastered the basic commands, challenge him with more complicated commands and tricks, such as roll over and lie dead.
    • Teaching your puppy tricks will teach him discipline, which will help him become a well-behaved adult dog.
    • Reward your dog with instant positive reinforcement (treats, prizes, affection) when he does a trick well.
  7. Create physical obstacles for your puppy to walk around. Consider creating an obstacle course for your pup in your home. In a large room, you can put furniture and other objects (cardboard boxes, toys) that your pup has to move around to get to you. In addition to being a game, an obstacle course also improves your puppy's agility.
  8. Rest your puppy. As much as puppies love to run and play, they also need time to rest and recharge. Limit your playing and learning sessions to 10 minutes. In addition to resting between play times, your puppy also needs time for a nap.
    • Naps are an important part of your puppy growing up and maturing. If you let him play too much, without time to rest, he will get cranky. In addition, you can negatively influence her natural growth process.

Method 3 of 4: Understanding your puppy's body language

  1. Listen to your puppy. Understanding your puppy's body language will help you communicate with him and, as a result, love him more. Interpreting his sounds is one way to understand his body language. His whining and wheezing can indicate separation anxiety, especially during his first few days in your home.
    • Your puppy can have a grrr make noise in competition games such as frolicking and tug of war. This low, throaty sound is usually a sign of playfulness in puppies.
    • Puppy owners can use a grrr accidentally seen as an aggressive growl and punish the puppy, while just showing his playful side.
  2. Pay attention to how your puppy uses its mouth. Your puppy can show you his teeth - this can be either submissive or aggressive. If this is a submissive action, your puppy will pull his lips back horizontally and wrinkle the corners of his mouth. An aggressive showing of teeth is usually accompanied by a snarl and showing of the front teeth.
    • If your puppy is yawning, it could be because he is bored or sleepy. However, his yawning can also show you that he is anxious or upset. The context of the situation in which he yawns will help you interpret the yawning.
  3. Interpret rolling on your puppy's back. When your puppy rolls onto his back, he is showing that he is either relaxed or anxious and submissive. When he feels relaxed his body will be loose: mouth open, hind legs to one side and a slowly wagging tail. If he feels anxious or submissive, he can keep his head off the ground, with his mouth closed.
    • A retracted tail and one front and rear leg in the air are also signs that he is feeling anxious or submissive.
  4. Learn about a puppy's pounce behavior. It can be embarrassing if your puppy pounces on someone or another dog. But your puppy's intentions are probably harmless when he does this. For example, your puppy can pounce on another dog during play to announce that he is the winner of the game.
    • Pouncing on a person by your puppy usually indicates that he is feeling playful or excited about something.
    • Rather than punishing your puppy for pouncing, try diverting his attention to more desirable play behaviors, such as fetching.
  5. Learn why your puppy stops playing. As much as your puppy loves to play, you will be surprised when he suddenly stops playing. It could be because he has to relieve himself. If so, take him outside and see if he needs to urinate or defecate.
    • Your puppy may also stop playing when he gets tired. Puppies often have short bursts of energy, so they can tire quickly and need to rest.
    • Puppies that tire quickly may also have more serious medical problems such as hypoglycemia or heartworms. If your puppy gets tired quickly, take him to the vet.

Method 4 of 4: Feed your puppy a proper diet

  1. Choose some kind of high quality dry kibble for your puppy. Loving your puppy also includes feeding him a healthy and balanced diet. Vets and trainers recommend dry kibble for puppies. Canned food is 80 to 85% moisture and contains a lot of fat. Semi-wet food contains about 50% water, but usually contains sugar or salt as a preservative.
    • Keep in mind that not every dry kibble is made up the same way. Low quality dog ​​food will have inexpensive ingredients and will have a source of protein that is low in digestibility, which can cause digestive problems in your puppy.
    • High quality dog ​​food will have high quality ingredients and be more digestible. The easier your puppy can digest the food, the less it will have to eat and the less waste it will produce.
    • Every puppy is different, so talk to your vet about what kind of dry dog ​​food is best for your puppy.
  2. Slowly get your puppy used to his new diet. It can be difficult to love your puppy if he develops diarrhea shortly after you bring him home. To avoid this, keep him on the same food and schedule he is used to before purchasing. After several days of this, you can overwrite him to the new food over the course of seven to ten days.
    • During the first few days, the percentage of new food / old food should be 25% / 75%. Then, every time for a few days, increase the percentage to 50% / 50%, 75% / 25% and then 100% of the new feed.
    • Slow the transition speed if your puppy's digestive system becomes upset (vomiting, diarrhea, constipation).
  3. Don't feed your puppy table scraps. Feeding your puppy leftovers is one way to overfeed him - not a good way to show your love. You can inadvertently teach him to beg for food, which is a bad habit. Plus, table scraps have very little nutritional value for your puppy, and can even upset his digestive system.
    • Once your puppy has a taste for table scraps, he will probably always want them. As a result, it can be very difficult to stop feeding your puppy table scraps once you have started.
  4. Establish a feeding routine for your puppy. When your puppy has set feeding times, it will be easier to take him out at set times as well. This will make toilet training easier. Depending on the age of your puppy, he will need to eat several times a day (three times if he is under six months old, twice a day if he is over six months old).
    • Let your puppy rest for about an hour to an hour and a half after eating (excluding walking). This will help keep his digestive system from becoming upset with physical activity.
  5. Do not overfeed your puppy. You may think your puppy is not eating enough or needs to eat more to grow. But if you overfeed him (including forcing him to eat more) you can cause him to grow too fast and develop bone and joint problems. Talk to your vet if you think your puppy is not eating enough.
    • While the food bag can provide helpful feeding instructions, it is better to talk to your vet about how much to feed your puppy to ensure optimal health and growth.
  6. Give your puppy treats. Your puppy will love getting treats from you. Kibble is also very useful when you train your puppy. Except for training purposes, you should limit the amount of reward kibble to about 10% of his daily caloric intake.
    • Hard treats are good for puppies. They help satisfy his need to chew, keep his teeth clean, and keep him entertained in a good way.


  • Puppies can be easy to love at first, but it can take work and patience to make them more fun pets.
  • Loving your puppy means setting fair and consistent rules and boundaries on him.
  • Since dogs are social animals, you should bring your puppy with you when you go anywhere. You and your family members are his new pack, and he wants to spend as much time as he can with his pack.


  • Puppies can suffer from separation anxiety. If the separation anxiety is not completely resolved by letting him sleep nearby, ask for help from your veterinarian or an animal behavior specialist.
  • Overfeeding your puppy can lead to abnormal growth development and orthopedic problems.